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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What the Bible Says About ... Keeping a Good Conscience

by Betty Miller

Song of Solomon 2:15 says, "Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes."

Foxes sometimes in search of food would enter into the grape orchards and devour the grapes and spoil the crop. However, the little foxes were too small to reach the grape bunches so they would chew on the vines and it would kill the whole vine. Instead of the farmer just losing his crop, he would lose his vine which was more disastrous. Spiritually some things we do or allow that we might think are little or insignificant can also be disastrous for us.

Every man is born with a conscience. It is a gift of God to mankind. However, man can quench his conscience by continually ignoring its voice over a period of time. The result is that his heart becomes hardened and seared so that it no longer speaks to him. How does this happen? Little by little. Just as the "little foxes" spoil the vines, so it happens with men ignoring the voice of their consciences over little things, then bigger things, then nothing evil bothers them at all.

Webster's New World Dictionary defines the conscience as: "a knowledge or sense of right and wrong, with a compulsion to do right; moral judgement that opposes the violation of a previously recognized ethical principle and that leads to feelings of guilt."

God provided a conscience even in unregenerate men to point them toward His principles and ways. All of us, before we are saved would be totally depraved if it were not for this provision of God by His grace. However, the longer people live in sin and carnality, the less the true inward conscience has any authority in their lives. Most of the time, particularly in today's culture, we have developed "false" consciences. These are "programs" in our minds, not our spirits, as to what is right and wrong, and these things (evolution, secularism, humanism, situational ethics, and traditions and doctrines of religious thinking) control what we think is moral and ethical. The world's thinking overrides and drowns out the inner voice of the true conscience that God put within us.

Hebrews 10:22 "Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.
23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)
24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works."

Because of the world's ungodly influences, it is very important for a Christian to allow His conscience to be "healed," or renewed, to reflect God's standards which we find in the Bible. That is why Christians cannot be guided by their consciences in most cases. It is much safer to be guided by the Word of God and by witnesses and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

Today we are shocked by the evil acts of men who perform ghastly deeds and show no remorse whatsoever. We ask, "How can they do such things?" When the conscience is seared -- burned out by constantly going against its nudgings -- then men become like animals in their behavior. The Bible speaks of this in the following verses.

1 Timothy 4:1-2: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron."

This also happened in ancient times, according to Paul's letter to the church at Rome (Romans 1). After a certain period of time, God will give someone with a seared or evil conscience "over to a reprobate mind." That means the mind cannot be renewed, because the person has for so long chosen self-ways (which really are Satan's ways) over God's that it is not possible for them to change. This should be a warning for all who persist in sin.

Romans 1:28-32: "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them."

When we give our lives to the Lord, He begins a work in our hearts and minds and brings healing and enlightenment to the conscience.When a Christian's conscience is renewed, it will not condemn them. When a Christian's mind is renewed, it will not think carnal, self-centered thoughts. When a Christian's emotions are renewed, they will no longer be negative. When a Christian's will is renewed and submitted to God, he will no longer choose against God's ways.

This happens on the positive just the way it does on the negative side. Our little choices to obey God and live by His Word day by day will eventually bring the changes in our lives that will cause us to be more like our Lord. While on the other side, those choices to ignore the conscience and go ahead and disobey God will bring about a hardened and unrepentant heart. We are warned against allowing this to happen. Do not allow this "little fox" of small disobedience choices to gradually harden your heart.

Hebrews 3:13-17: "But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
14 For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;
15 While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.
16 For some, when they had heard, did provoke: howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses.
17 But with whom was he grieved forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness?"


To Be Without A Conscience and conscience of God, "retaining" HIM

Some people "retain" strife, fear, unbelief, lying, pride, jealousy, envy....
..They are well "habited" in their sin...... "retaining" the wrong spirit. Thier conscience allows and affords them their strife and self will, BUT THE KINGDOM OF GOD TOTALLY REVOLVES AROUND keeping our hearts free of offense towards God and man.

God made everyone with a conscience. Everyone's conscience has God's standards of what is good and what is bad (Romans 2:14-15, "For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which show the work of the law written in their hearts,
their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;"). If this is so, how can anyone be without conscience? This can be answered by Romans 1:28. People without conscience choose not to retain God in their knowledge. In turn, God turns them over to a reprobate mind. A path of sin, destruction, and eventually death (Romans 1:28, "And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;").

You Can Say You Know God But Be Without Conscience

Many people profess to know God, but they are without conscience. They push away God's leading in the little things. They grieve, deny and resist the Holy Ghost in the everyday small things. Many people may really believe they know God, but in
their works they deny Him. Many people may talk about their love of God and profess His word, but their action show they are without conscience (Titus 1:15-16, "Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. [16] They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.").

Separated From God Is To Be Without Conscience

God does not desire for us to be separated from him. It is our choice to not be with Him. Many of us do not desire to retain God in our conscience because it is
not convenient to our fleshly desires (Romans 1:28, "And even as
they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;"). Rather than being filled with God's knowledge, we default and are filled with unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness,envy, deceit, and unmerciful. Romans 1:29-31 goes on listing
all the things we would rather do than retain God in our conscience. This is being without conscience.

Scriptures Related To Without A Conscience

Romans 1:28-31, "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, [30] Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God,that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them."

s 2:14-15, "For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;"

Titus 1:15-16, "Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate."

So the key is to wake up in our conscience and yeild to the Holy Spirit rather than the flesh, and defile our conscience by doing that. God is not mocked what we sow we reap. We can turn a deaf ear in our heart to His voice, but we will have to suffer consciquences if we do.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

THE FROGS ARE GETTING HOTTER by Gene, edited by Carlos


When writing the tille, I would not use “”.

We have all heard the analogy

I would not begin the text with this sentence because it’s not true that we have all heard. See the suggested replacement:

Scientists discovered that frogs placed into a pot of lukewarm water slowly brought to a boil will peacefully remain in it without feeling any discomfort as long as the heating process is done slowly. Eventually, the frogs will be cooked without realizing what is happening. It’s further stated that if one initially puts the frogs into boiling or hot water instead of lukewarm, they will immediately reacted and jump out of the pot.

Scientific experiences also determined that at several stages during the heating process as the water becomes somewhat hot, at the introduction of another frog into the pot, the new frog will immediately “ball out”, even though the first frogs are physically unaffected or uninjured, and will remain comfortably in the pot until their death.

The two paragraphs above were completely re-written in a way that made the idea more clear to me. It is important to remember though that I am not a native English speaker. But I bought the St. Martin’s Handbook on academic and professional writing and am reading it.

After telling the reader about the scientific discoveries about boiling frogs to death, I would tell them about the analogy.

Is and when we think about the behavior of the frogs that allow themselves to be cooked to death, described above, and look at the behavior of contemporary Christians, we can find many similarities on which a comparison may be based: the analogy between the cooked frogs and today’s church member Christians.

In the paragraph above, the text points to the similarity between the cooked frogs and the Christian church members. This similarity will be the basis for the comparison.

The paragraph below was also altered. New words were added to it, the order of the adjectives was modified.

The paragraph was divided in three:

First, the so called denominational system is described and characterized as humanist or secular. The word humanist fits better the description than the word humanistically.

Second, the purposes of the denominational system were stated. I took the liberty of adding to the characteristics of the system that it wants to increase the flow of offerings and tiles and therefore increase the church income. I also enumerated some pieces of Scripture.

Third, the citation that describes the leaders of the Christian denominational system was isolated in one new paragraph which contains the transcription of ten different Bible translations. Of course the letter will not be issued with all the transcriptions, but I though it would be fun to show them in the draft.

This analogy compares the frogs placed in a pot of lukewarm water that is brought to boiling, without any reaction whatsoever until they pass from life to death, to the vast majority of the Christian church growing population placed in the Christian church denominational system characterized by professionalism, organization, politically correct philosophies, attitudes and messages, as well as a humanist and/or secular order.

The abovementioned Christian denominational system is designed to attract, entice and entertain a large number of people, increase the flow of offerings and tiles and therefore increase the church income. There is no intention to comply with the standards set in the New Testament as blueprint for the Christian ministry such as for example the ones found in 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4:11, 1 Timothy 3, and 1 Thessalonians 2. Even if there was such such intention, it would be impossible due to the size of the churches. Unfortunately, its members are enticed because they are attracted by promises that will never come true and subjected to sales gimmicks that continually promote the growth of the Christian denomination, enriches and empowers its leaders.

The New Testament describes today’s Christian denominational system and their leaders in 2 Peter 2:18-19, transcribed below in ten different translations:

KJV: For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.

NASB: For speaking out arrogant words of vanity they entice by fleshly desires, by sensuality, those who barely escape from the ones who live in error, promising them freedom while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved.(NASB ©1995)

GWT: They arrogantly use nonsense to seduce people by appealing to their sexual desires, especially to sexual freedom. They seduce people who have just escaped from those who live in error. They promise these people freedom, but they themselves are slaves to corruption. A person is a slave to whatever he gives in to.(GOD'S WORD®)

ASV: For, uttering great swelling words of vanity, they entice in the lusts of the flesh, by lasciviousness, those who are just escaping from them that live in error; promising them liberty, while they themselves are bondservants of corruption; for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he also brought into bondage.

BBE: For with high-sounding false words, making use of the attraction of unclean desires of the flesh, they get into their power those newly made free from those who are living in error; Saying that they will be free, while they themselves are the servants of destruction; because whatever gets the better of a man makes a servant of him.

DBY: For while speaking great highflown words of vanity, they allure with the lusts of the flesh, by dissoluteness, those who have just fled those who walk in error, promising them liberty, while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a man is subdued, by him is he also brought into slavery.

WEY: For, while they pour out their frivolous and arrogant talk, they use earthly cravings--every kind of immorality--as a bait to entrap men who are just escaping from the influence of those who live in error. And they promise them freedom, although they are themselves the slaves of what is corrupt. For a man is the slave of any one by whom he has been worsted in fight.

WBS: For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that had quite escaped from them who live in error. While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for by whom a man is overcome, by the same is he brought into bondage.

WEB: For, uttering great swelling words of emptiness, they entice in the lusts of the flesh, by licentiousness, those who are indeed escaping from those who live in error; promising them liberty, while they themselves are bondservants of corruption; for a man is brought into bondage by whoever overcomes him.

YLT: for overswellings of vanity speaking, they do entice in desires of the flesh -- lasciviousnesses, those who had truly escaped from those conducting themselves in error, liberty to them promising, themselves being servants of the corruption, for by whom any one hath been overcome, to this one also he hath been brought to servitude,

The leaders of today’s Christian denominational system also teach that financial gain is godliness and that faith will appropriate all your desires. They teach people to remind God of His Word and the promises made to His children. A Christian that prays this way, they say, will get all that’s asked (demanded) for. And on it goes, having a “form of Godliness in some cases but overall without Scriptural Authority or Holiness.

According to 1 Timothy 6:15, these leaders have gone astray from the faith:

KJV: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.

NASB: which some have professed and thus gone astray from the faith. Grace be with you.(NASB ©1995)

GWT: Although some claim to have knowledge, they have abandoned the faith. God's good will be with all of you.(GOD'S WORD®)

ASV: which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with you.

BBE: Through which some, who gave their minds to it, have been turned away from the faith. Grace be with you.

DBY: of which some having made profession, have missed the faith. Grace be with thee.

WEY: of which some have spoken boastfully in connexion with the true faith, and have erred. Grace be with you all.

WBS: Which some professing, have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.

WEB: which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with you. Amen.

YLT: which certain professing -- concerning the faith did swerve; the grace is with you. Amen.

The so called leaders of today’s Christian denominational system disregarded the Scriptures only source of wisdom that leads men to salvation. See 2 Timothy 3:15 transcribed below in ten different translations:

KJV: And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

NASB: and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.(NASB ©1995)

GWT: From infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures. They have the power to give you wisdom so that you can be saved through faith in Christ Jesus.(GOD'S WORD®)

ASV: And that from a babe thou hast known the sacred writings which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

BBE: And that from the time when you were a child, you have had knowledge of the holy Writings, which are able to make you wise to salvation, through faith in Christ Jesus.

DBY: and that from a child thou hast known the sacred letters, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

WEY: and that from infancy you have known the sacred writings which are able to make you wise to obtain salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

WBS: And that from a child thou hast known the sacred scriptures, which are able to make thee wise to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

WEB: From infancy, you have known the holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus.

YLT: and because from a babe the Holy Writings thou hast known, which are able to make thee wise -- to salvation, through faith that is in Christ Jesus;

The paragraph below was also amended. I understand it to be necessary to indicate the name of the article, its author and magazine which published it. If the information is not available in the document, it can be retrieved through the internet or using other resources.

Recently, when going through my files, I found one article about THE SHEPHERDING AND DISCIPLESHIP MOVEMENT that took place in the early 70’s. For over four years I lived in the city of Ft Lauderdale, State of Florida and was actively involved with this movement by being a disciple of one of its leaders.

I got to read an article entitled ______________ , written by ___________ , published within that time period about what both a disciple and a believer could expect from their pastors and spiritual authorities. In its introduction, the article stated a few commonly known and held truths at that time such as:

I could not fully understand the truth number one. However, I tried to edit to express what I understood. I had to eliminate the quotes.

When the flock (the congregation) experience a spiritual awakening, it becomes knowledgeable in the scriptures. As a consequence, it becomes able to judge the pastors and leaders and demand from them what it’s entitled to.

Although I understood the idea contained in the paragraph below, I felt the same necessity to express it more clearly. I made some changes added the preposition “of” after the word “aware”, eliminated the quotes, etc.

Bible reading and Spirit filled believers become more and more aware of and able to recognize the true shepherds of the flock. Therefore, they will identify those who they can and cannot trust. [“Nervously, they will flee from the Pastor (leader) who lacks truth, personal involvement, and spiritual revelation with their lives.] The so called Bible reading and Spirit filled believers put their pastors are “on the spot” and “under glass”. There are gifted with discernment and revelation from the Scriptures concerning the ministry of the “True Shepherd” and start to question whether or not they are under a true pastor. They become able to compare the order and the ministry they belong, to the New Testament pattern.

More changes and suggestions below. I eliminated the second reference to Ft. Lauderdale because it was already made before.

This article was published simultaneously by the major Christian Evangelical and Charismatic renewal magazines within a period of three or four years into THE SHEPHERDING AND DISCIPLESHIP MOVEMENT. At that time, there was a great revival within the Pastoral ministry nationwide. Pastors and leaders were getting together and participating in interdenominational conferences centered around the “Shepherds Ministry”. Fortunately, I was directly involved and had the opportunity to participate and learn.

I remember one particular conference held in Kansas City in which I served as head usher and saw over five thousand American and foreign Pastors and leaders, from Pentecostal, and charismatic denominations, go the their knees and some fall prostrate as the Holy Spirit led them through repentance as the “Word” from the speakers dealt with what a “Good Shepherd” is and isn’t”.

The above was brought up in order to help you understand the Articles statement of: “a few commonly known and held truths at that time”. A large segment of “cutting edge” Christian Leadership were seeing and being instructed and convicted of our Lord’s requirement for what He looks for in the Pastorate. There was a distinct and defined move of God going on in the Pastoral Ministry bringing it back to it’s roots. Restoring the speaking of truth, real shepherding care (laying hands on the sick and afflicted, expelling demons) and being relationally and personally involved in the believers family and life: Imparting the ministry of Jesus to them.

The Shepherding Movement became a world wide movement because God’s people was responding to the need for sincere anointed spiritual ministry that could take them from a state culture of “church religion” into “The Kingdom of God” and being under the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. Living in close submitted, truthful, open and transparent relationships. Being personally involved in the congregation’s lives, and family. Being “family” by loving one another (speaking truth and confronting sin and compromise in one another’s burdens. This movement was tearing down the religious walls and replacing the “church pew” with adjustable seating, so people could “face” one another and begin to have relationships “in spirit and truth.”

I didn’t edit the three paragraphs above. However, could not resist editing the ones below.

Well, as I was reading this 1974 article on how believers were instinctively beginning to know who they could trust in Pastoral ministry, on how they would “nervously” withdraw from those who didn’t have truth, or who were more professional than personal, and who didn’t speak from a true revelation of the word, I realized that today’s contemporary Christianity is experience is exactly the opposite!

Today’s church people is “NERVOUSLY” withdrawing and fleeing from the shepherds or leaders who speaks the truth, who brings that truth to the church members in a personal way, who are willing to be personally involved with their lives and families, and who are preaching from a spiritual revelation based in the Word of God and applicable to specific areas of their lives.

That which “WAS” seen as something to be sought after and prayed for, has “NOW” become “cultish” and something to flee from, something to fear, and to speak against.

To a large extent, today’s Christianity and pastorate are dedicated to create a spiritual environment that allures and comforts with no threat of personal involvement or requirements. The Pastor’s whole agenda is to make the audience feel good about themselves and about their future.

Nothing will be said to disturb or make you feel uncomfortable.

You will never be embarrassed to made to feel ashamed.

You will be assured of God’s love and acceptence no matter what you’ve done or are currently doing.

You will always be reminded that there is nothing you can do to gain God’s favor. And, of course, it includes (a) confession, (b) repentance, (c) commitment, (d) conviction, (e) sorrow, (f) brokenness, etc.

Nobody would want you to feel bad or ashamed.

This is not only a “feel good Christianity wave”. No! It is the lukewarm water caldron in which satan placed today’s Christians. They are confortably seating in it not being able to perceive that the water’s temperature is being increased and that they will boil to death.

If you’re a Pastor within this system, you have absolutely no scriptural position for it. If you’re a believer within the system, you need to ask Jesus for revelation and faith to leave it. I say it because if you understand the New Testament and have true communion with the Holy Spirit you already know that this system and the professional pastors are the ones that scriptures directs us away from (1 Tim 6:3-5, Rev. 3”16-17).

Jeremiah 23 tells us what the standard of ministry is and should be, as follows:

The Righteous Branch

    1 "Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture!" declares the LORD. 2 Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says to the shepherds who tend my people: "Because you have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not bestowed care on them, I will bestow punishment on you for the evil you have done," declares the LORD. 3 "I myself will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and will bring them back to their pasture, where they will be fruitful and increase in number. 4 I will place shepherds over them who will tend them, and they will no longer be afraid or terrified, nor will any be missing," declares the LORD.

    5 "The days are coming," declares the LORD,
       "when I will raise up to David [a] a righteous Branch,
       a King who will reign wisely
       and do what is just and right in the land.

    6 In his days Judah will be saved
       and Israel will live in safety.
       This is the name by which he will be called:
       The LORD Our Righteousness.

    7 "So then, the days are coming," declares the LORD, "when people will no longer say, 'As surely as the LORD lives, who brought the Israelites up out of Egypt,' 8 but they will say, 'As surely as the LORD lives, who brought the descendants of Israel up out of the land of the north and out of all the countries where he had banished them.' Then they will live in their own land."

Lying Prophets

    9 Concerning the prophets:
       My heart is broken within me;
       all my bones tremble.
       I am like a drunken man,
       like a man overcome by wine,
       because of the LORD
       and his holy words.

    10 The land is full of adulterers;
       because of the curse [b] the land lies parched [c]
       and the pastures in the desert are withered.
       The prophets follow an evil course
       and use their power unjustly.

    11 "Both prophet and priest are godless;
       even in my temple I find their wickedness,"
       declares the LORD.

    12 "Therefore their path will become slippery;
       they will be banished to darkness
       and there they will fall.
       I will bring disaster on them
       in the year they are punished,"
       declares the LORD.

    13 "Among the prophets of Samaria
       I saw this repulsive thing:
       They prophesied by Baal
       and led my people Israel astray.

    14 And among the prophets of Jerusalem
       I have seen something horrible:
       They commit adultery and live a lie.
       They strengthen the hands of evildoers,
       so that no one turns from his wickedness.
       They are all like Sodom to me;
       the people of Jerusalem are like Gomorrah."

    15 Therefore, this is what the LORD Almighty says concerning the prophets:
       "I will make them eat bitter food
       and drink poisoned water,
       because from the prophets of Jerusalem
       ungodliness has spread throughout the land."

    16 This is what the LORD Almighty says:
       "Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you;
       they fill you with false hopes.
       They speak visions from their own minds,
       not from the mouth of the LORD.

    17 They keep saying to those who despise me,
       'The LORD says: You will have peace.'
       And to all who follow the stubbornness of their hearts
       they say, 'No harm will come to you.'

    18 But which of them has stood in the council of the LORD
       to see or to hear his word?
       Who has listened and heard his word?

    19 See, the storm of the LORD
       will burst out in wrath,
       a whirlwind swirling down
       on the heads of the wicked.

    20 The anger of the LORD will not turn back
       until he fully accomplishes
       the purposes of his heart.
       In days to come
       you will understand it clearly.

    21 I did not send these prophets,
       yet they have run with their message;
       I did not speak to them,
       yet they have prophesied.

    22 But if they had stood in my council,
       they would have proclaimed my words to my people
       and would have turned them from their evil ways
       and from their evil deeds.

    23 "Am I only a God nearby,"
       declares the LORD,
       "and not a God far away?

    24 Can anyone hide in secret places
       so that I cannot see him?"
       declares the LORD.
       "Do not I fill heaven and earth?"
       declares the LORD.

    25 "I have heard what the prophets say who prophesy lies in my name. They say, 'I had a dream! I had a dream!' 26 How long will this continue in the hearts of these lying prophets, who prophesy the delusions of their own minds? 27 They think the dreams they tell one another will make my people forget my name, just as their fathers forgot my name through Baal worship. 28 Let the prophet who has a dream tell his dream, but let the one who has my word speak it faithfully. For what has straw to do with grain?" declares the LORD. 29 "Is not my word like fire," declares the LORD, "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?

    30 "Therefore," declares the LORD, "I am against the prophets who steal from one another words supposedly from me. 31 Yes," declares the LORD, "I am against the prophets who wag their own tongues and yet declare, 'The LORD declares.' 32 Indeed, I am against those who prophesy false dreams," declares the LORD. "They tell them and lead my people astray with their reckless lies, yet I did not send or appoint them. They do not benefit these people in the least," declares the LORD.

False Oracles and False Prophets

    33 "When these people, or a prophet or a priest, ask you, 'What is the oracle [d] of the LORD ' say to them, 'What oracle? [e] I will forsake you, declares the LORD.' 34 If a prophet or a priest or anyone else claims, 'This is the oracle of the LORD,' I will punish that man and his household. 35 This is what each of you keeps on saying to his friend or relative: 'What is the LORD's answer?' or 'What has the LORD spoken?' 36 But you must not mention 'the oracle of the LORD ' again, because every man's own word becomes his oracle and so you distort the words of the living God, the LORD Almighty, our God. 37 This is what you keep saying to a prophet: 'What is the LORD's answer to you?' or 'What has the LORD spoken?' 38 Although you claim, 'This is the oracle of the LORD,' this is what the LORD says: You used the words, 'This is the oracle of the LORD,' even though I told you that you must not claim, 'This is the oracle of the LORD.' 39 Therefore, I will surely forget you and cast you out of my presence along with the city I gave to you and your fathers. 40 I will bring upon you everlasting disgrace—everlasting shame that will not be forgotten."."

So we get our title “THE FROGS ARE GETTING HOTTER.” Unfortunately, the frogs in this case are the multitudes within the formalities, political, humanistic order church caldron called the church, who have been diluted and duped by the worldly accepted and inspired religion of our days. Those who are in the system are, with great emulation and worldly faith, following millionaire pastors who, while making merchandise of their own congregations, promise them prosperity and a life free of debt and financial worries (2 Pet. 2).

The “shepherding movement” was killed by the powerful and growing millionaire church movement whose agenda is “growth, numbers, and power.” Not care, personal involvement, and New Testament (theocratic) order.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Revelation 18:7

Revelation 18:7
(7) In the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, 'I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.'
First, she glorifies herself. This implies pride, even to the point of arrogance. Jeremiah 51:41 is used in relation to ancient Babylon, but it applies to modern Babylon as God uses it here in Revelation 18. Jeremiah writes:

How is Sheshach [a biblical code name for Babylon] taken! And how is the praise of the whole earth surprised! How is Babylon become an astonishment among the nations!

This refers to the fall of Babylon. When Jeremiah wrote this, they were so powerful as a nation that nobody wanted to deal with Babylon as an enemy. He calls her "the praise of the nations." This means, essentially, "the greatest of the nations." Everybody praises Babylon as the greatest of the nations on earth. God applies this to Babylon in Revelation 18. It is something implied, not directly stated. However, even Babylon "has glorified herself."

Second, "she has lived deliciously" or "she has lived luxuriously, extravagantly, lustfully, unrestrainedly." The woman is the very apex of luxury on earth. This phrase indicates satiety, that is, over-indulgence, super-abundance, the state of having too much.

Third, she says, to magnify these, "I sit as a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow." "Nobody's going to bother with me. I'll never know any sorrow." Taken together, there is in her an avoidance of suffering, an unwillingness to sacrifice, and it indicates a rather "in your face," cocky superiority. Interestingly, an avoidance of suffering, the unwillingness to sacrifice, inevitably produces compromise with law and conscience.

In this one verse, a nation is portrayed as proud to the point of arrogance, self-confident in its security, thinking that it has produced its power by its own means, and living extravagantly relative to the rest of the world, as it seeks immediate gratification while failing to discipline itself to conform to a set standard.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

we create by what we speak........ just like God

Subject: God created with THE SPIRIT OF HIS MOUTH.......... SO DO WE!!!

AS WE THINK......So WE ARE! God created with the spirit of His mouth! So do we! We defile ourselves by what comes out of our mouth!
Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee. We are all being influenced by God or the devil in “the spirit of our mind.” The more one speaks defiling things, the more one attracts demonic activity into his life. That’s why we have to cast down principalities, powers, rulers of darkness in high places, imaginations that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. This is OUR RESPONSIBILITY not God’s. We choose who we submit to in our thoughts.

And the reason things come out of our mouth that shouldn't is because we are not obeying Jesus' command to "take our thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ."

On that day when God, by Jesus Christ will judge men in regard to the things which they conceal (their hidden thoughts). Romans 2:16 amp. Vs.22 (Are you unchaste in your thoughts)? Looking at the word chaste, we should ask ourselves, “am I celibate, clean, immaculate, innocent, proper, pure, unblemished, unsullied, virtuous, virginal, in my thoughts?” Am I ordering my thoughts aright?? Do we really believe the Lord knows our works and our thoughts? (Ps.94:11 139:2'Isa.66:18 I Cor.3:20 Ps.139:3

“You understand my thought afar off. But Jesus knowing (seeing) their thoughts, said, "Why do you think evil and harbor malice in your hearts?" Curse not the King, not even in your thoughts (Ecc.10:20) For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, (secret thoughts) whether it be good or evil. Let the
wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts.-and let him return to the Lord ... My thoughts are not your thoughts ... My thoughts are
higher than your thoughts (Is.55:7-9)

Are we sinning against God, or against our brother in our thoughts? 0 Jerusalem, wash your heart from wickedness, that you may be saved! How long shall your iniquitous and grossly offensive thoughts lodge within you? Jer-4:141

Deliver those who are led away to death, and spare not to redeem those who are held to be slain. If you say "behold I did not know it, then know it is God who searches the thought of the heart, and He who keeps your soul knows it, and shall render to every man
according to his works? (Prv. 24:11-12) This states clearly God is going to reward us one day for what we do about what we think about others, this should change your life!

For the tree is known and recognized and judged by its fruit, For out of the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks. The good man from his inner good
treasure flings forth good things, and the evil man out of his inner evil storehouse flings forth evil things, but I tell you on the day of judgment,
men will have to give account for every idle (inoperative, non-working) word they speak. For by your words you will be justified and acquitted, and by
your words you will be condemned and sentenced. (Matt.12:36). Do you even realize how many Christians don’t believe this?? Not really??? What I have

come to learn about myself is: whatever thoughts I allow or disallow, go, into the treasure chest of my heart, and it is from this treasure chest that
I speak! Jesus said it and it’s true! Ps.7:9 (amp.) For you, who try the hearts and emotions, and thinking powers, are a righteous God. Rev.2:23 amp ... I am He who searches minds, (the thoughts, feelings, and purposes, and the inmost hearts, and I will give to each of you the reward for what you have done, as your work
deserves! Jer-17:9-10 “The heart is deceitful above all things, and it is exceedingly perverse and corrupt and severely, mortally sick! Who can know it
(perceive, understand, be acquainted with his own heart and mind? I the Lord search the mind, I try the heart, even to give to every man according to his
ways and according to the fruit of his doings”. I have to ask my- self sincerely, Am I really living to lay down my life for my brother? Do I
guard and protect myself through not Loving my brother with all my heart, all my mind, and, all my strength, because of how it might affect me? Am I
really allowing God to speak to me about my private thoughts towards my brother so I and do what is right on his behalf?

Jesus said ... if we love him, we will keep His commandments! “I give you a new commandment that you should love one another! Whoever says he is in the light and yet lightly esteems his brother is in darkness until now. Whoever loves his brother-abides and lives in the light, there is no occasion for stumbling or cause for err or sin”. We know we have passed from death unto life, because- we-love our brother! Philp.2:2-5 complete my joy by being in one accord and one love and one soul and one mind. Do nothing through strife or vainglory, but in humility let every one regard his neighbor better than himself! Let no one be mindful only of his
own things, but let everyone be mindful of the things of his neighbor also! Let this same attitude and purpose and humble mind be in you who are in
Christ Jesus: (let him be your example in humility)! ....

For what man knows the mind (thoughts) of man, except the spirit of man which is in him? Even so, no one knows the mind (thoughts) of God, except the
spirit of God. I Cor. 2- 11 vs-14 ... but the natural, non-spiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts, teachings and
revelations of the spirit of God, for they are meaningless nonsense to him: he is incapable of knowing them, because they are spiritually discerned and
estimated and appreciated! But the spiritual man tries, examines, investigates, inquires into, questions, and discerns all things.

For who has known or understood the mind, the counsels and purposes of the Lord, so as to guide and instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ and do hold the
thoughts, feelings and purposes of his heart! He lived a life of constantly laying down his life for his brother, the greater purpose, and for the
benefit of God and His Kingdom .... as the perfect example ... that we would be in the world as He was in the world! Do not worry over things, but always
by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, shall
garrison and mount guard over your hearts and kinds in Christ Jesus! Whatever is true, whatever is honest, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is
lovely, whatever is worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of the things (fix your minds on them)! Philp.4:6-8 amp.

Heb.5:11-14 Since you have become dull in your spiritual hearing and sluggish even slothful in achieving spiritual insight! For even though by this time
you ought to be teaching others, you actually need someone to teach you over again the very first principles of God's word. You have come to need milk,
not solid food. For everyone who continues to feed on milk is obviously inexperienced and un- skilled in the doctrine of righteousness (of conformity
to the divine will in purpose, thought, and action), for he is a mere infant (not able to talk-yet)l but solid food. Full grown men, for those whose senses and mental faculties are trained by practice to discriminate and distinguish between good and evil (the law of the Spirit) of God and love ... or the mind of the flesh, which leads to death! God does not want us to be wimps in the spirit of our minds. We need to exercise our senses, develop our mental faculties, practice and train them
to resist the devil. Submit to God .... not the father of lies. We need to be as professionally trained athletes, being renewed in the spirit of our mind!
Eph. .4:23 be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind (having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude). Put on the new nature, created in God's
image, in true righteousness and holiness. Therefore, rejecting all falsity let everyone express the truth with his neighbor, for we are all parts of one
body-and member’s one of another!

We are the ones who must choose which cup we will drink from, which table we will partake of! Lies and accusations, or truth and love. If we in our mind are accusing others and excusing ourselves, we are headed for trouble. Unless we pray, getting revelation and instruction for how we may love and help one another, in the invisible kingdom, we are getting the one we are accusing stuck between our teeth. “They eat up my children as one eats bread and call not upon the Lord.” The bible talks several times about cannibalism. I have to wonder if it’s exposing a spiritual truth more than an actual truth.

People are accusing, “eating” each other rather than speaking to the dead bones so they can live!

Are our thoughts patterned after defending ourselves, or are we allowing the spirit of God (love) to teach us how to wash one another's feet and serve one another? The mind set on the flesh is death; the mind set on the Spirit (of benevolent love and truth) is life and peace!

Let us be careful not to faint in our minds! Heb-12-3 Think of him who endured from sinners such grievous opposition and bitter hostility against
himself, so that you may not grow weary or exhausted, losing heart and relaxing and fainting -in your minds; for if we suffer with Him, so shall we reign
with Him! For to us it has been granted the privilege, for Christ's sake not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for his sake. You will guard him
and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he commits himself, leans on, and confidently hopes in You! Is.26-3
For God did not give us (but the devil would like to give us) a spirit of fear (timidity, cowardice, craven, cringing, panic), but He has given us a
spirit of power and of love and of calm and well balanced mind and discipline and self-control. 2tim-1:7.' 2 Cor.10:5 For the weapons of our warfare are
not physical, but are mighty before god for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds. Inasmuch as we refute: contradict, disagree, deny, negate,
rebuff, reject, veto, renounce, disagree, object, opposes protest, refuse, scorn, shunt arguments and theories and reasoning’s and every proud and lofty
thing, that sets itself up against the true knowledge of God; and we lead every thought captive to the obedience of Christ! 2cor-10:4-5. 11:3

But now I am fearful, lest that even as the serpent beguiled Eve by his cunning, so your minds may be corrupted and seduced from whole-hearted and sincere and
pure devotion to Christ! So brace up your minds: be sober, circumspect, morally alert set your hope wholly and unchangeably on the grace that is
coming when Jesus is revealed. Live as children of obedience. Pet.1:13 The battlefield is in the mind! You’re called to be a soldier,
its fight or be overcome! Allow the Holy Spirit to direct and control you, for the mind of the flesh with its carnal thoughts and purposes is hostile to
God. Don't cater to the appetites and impulses of the carnal nature. Live according to the Spirit, controlled by the desires of the Spirit, set your
mind and seek those things which gratify the Holy Spirit! Rm-8:5-9 Forsake all human reasoning and thought. Let God’s thoughts become your thoughts.
Hide His word in your heart that you won't be found sinning against Him! Is. 58:13 If you turn away from doing your own pleasure on My Holy day ,not
going your own way or seeking or finding your own pleasure or speaking your own idle words (which we will if we are thinking our own thoughts)! It is
said of the children of Israel that God was not in all their thoughts! Not everyone who says to Him Lord, Lord, will enter into the Kingdom of
Heaven, but those who do the will of God!

As we obey in thought, word, and deed, we can lead others in obedience to God in thought, word and deed! We can speak life with our mouth, not death! The spirit of our mouth can cause the dead bones in others to live! If we lift Jesus up with the spirit of our mouth, we will draw others unto Him. May we not give into obeying lies & lying spirits. Nor use our mouths to speak death! ~Let us become the children of OBEDIENCE~ that we may bear fruit after our own kind (Gen. 1:11-12) The devil wants us to use our mouths to glorify the devil and ourselves…. If we take our thoughts captive we can loose God’s Kingdom on the earth and Glorify Our Father in Heaven!

watch your mouth

Hi Ginger....... Hey I will see Rochelle in a day or two, and I can give her the book that can answer your questions to Wil. I also thought you might like this, it will give you and idea of what we try and teach the couples we counsel. How to get God's bread, and feed each other regenerative spiritual food, rather than hearing from the devil and speaking his destructive words.

How to ruin a marriage in a few easy steps............. Your marriage to Jesus or your spouse!

When God OPENS OUR EYES to our spouse's sin, or our fellow believers sin, what we do from that point on will either SAVE OUR SOUL, or condemn our soul. Ez. 3 :18

I have seen the ruination of marriages, and families by Christians who are snacking on the children of God, eating up His children as one eats bread, and they don't realize the "food" they are eating is killing them!!! Jeremiah called these people naughty figs, so naughty they couldn't be eaten.

How many people are "pigging out," biting into the backs of others? If we don't do God's will in what we think and say, we will inherit the wind. Is. 58 talks about the blessing to those who don't speak their own words and don't think their own thoughts. A proverb says "a man shall be satisfied by the fruit of his mouth". So the question is, Do I feel satisfied after I get done talking to someone? Do I rebuke my brother out of love for his soul and so I won't look down on him? Lev. 19:17

There is a lot of biting into the backs of others going on in the church today, as in the days of old! Evil imaginations, taking up reproaches in our thoughts, whisperings towards others. We should be looking to speak the truth in love, BELIEVING WE ARE MEMBERS ONE OF ANOTHER! Speaking to edify, rebuke, reprove, with all long-suffering The bible says for good reason that we should TAKE HEED that we not bite, devour, and consume each other. How many times does someone "feed" a fellow believer to us, with no intention of going to him for loves sake, for unity's sake and we listen to them poison themselves with their words! Ez. 3 talks about the Lord setting watchmen on the wall, and I realized one day if the Lord is opening my eyes to someone's sin that I'm in relationship with and I fail to do what's right, they won't get delivered and I won't get delivered either. We all have cancer, what if the parts of our body that fight cancer decide to be indifferent to the cancer? That's how it takes over the whole body!

Jeremiah 24:2 "The Lord showed Jeremiah two baskets of figs, one very good, and one very Naughty!....That could not be eaten, because they were so evil! The meditation of our heart, the imaginations of our heart, become the ESSENCE of what we feed each other. We become either the SMELL of death, or the SMELL of life, depending on what we let go on in the meditation of our heart and with the words of our mouth. Cor.10 Paul says that we can't eat with "diabolical spirits" in the Amp, we can't eat at the devils table and at the Lords table. The devil speaks to our mind to slander and accuse God and His people. If we spend time communing with devils, drinking from their cup, eating what the devil dishes out to us in the form of accusing our brother, our "scent" won't be the "scent" of the life of Jesus! Our spirit will end up smelling like DUNG, biblically speaking! Our pretense and hypocrisy will show in our countenance. We can paint it, spray it with perfume, put all kinds of cosmetics over it, but we'll still end up with the "accuser of the brethren's" aroma and be like Cain with a fallen countenance.

How many people live with their evil imaginations against God, and against his anointed, and are unwilling to help? The Amp. version of Proverbs 24:11 says something like this, "if you see you brother ready to fall, ready to be slain, and say in your heart, I don't see this, I don't know.... God who knows what your thinking about others, and what you are doing about your thoughts, will REWARD YOU ONE DAY for WHAT YOU DID ABOUT WHAT YOU THOUGHT ABOUT OTHERS! The opposite of love is hate, (to lightly esteem), and the fruit of hatred is APATHY. It's to be totally indifferent to the other members of your body! Maybe that's why so many people think God is indifferent to them for they are indifferent to His children. How we treat and try and help the "least" in our lives, is how we really are to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Can you tell what the spirit of your words are, and how they operate in the hearts of those you speak to? Jesus said every idle word a man speaks will be held against him on the day of judgment. Our words "operate" on others and we will be rewarded one day for what we have done with our mouth, and the "spirit" we anointed other with. Jesus is coming back to deal with the world by THE SPIRIT OF HIS MOUTH. Do you even know what the spirit of your mouth is? Paul talks about the "bread" of sincerity and truth, is that what YOU feed others?

If we Love Jesus, we will feed His sheep good food, good words. A proverb says,
The lips of the righteous feed many." Your always feeding those you speak to something! Is it lies in hypocrisy, or truth in love? Many today are offended, betraying one another, lightly esteeming one another, EATING EACH OTHER FOR LUNCH! And serving God's people for lunch to others.

Ps. 14:3 says, "They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy, there is none that doeth good, no not one. Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge, Who eat up my people as one eats bread, and call not upon the Lord."...There they were in Great Fear...have you been tormented by fear lately? The "sinners in Zion are afraid." Fear and torment are the fruit of pride, lying, hands that shed innocent blood, those that devise evil imaginations, and who cause division.

I have seen so many marriages where the couples slander, gossip, judge to condemn rather than save others, with no intention to go to those who have offended them. They practice all the things God says He hates in Proverbs 6 with people outside their home. THEN THEY DO IT TO EACH OTHER, and what they have allowed themselves to do together towards God's children comes back to bite them, they end up secretly slandering each other in their hearts. Snacking on each other, looking down on each other and not practicing LEV.19:11-18 This is from the Aramaic version of Lev. 19, it says not to deal falsely, or to lie to each other, doing injustice in judgment, but in RIGHTEOUSNESS we should be judging our brother. We shouldn't look down on each other, but be wise and REBUKE our brother LEST WE INCUR SIN BECAUSE OF HIM!!! Same thing Ez.3 says........ we save our own soul when we love our brother enough to talk to him about his sin and not be indifferent. THIS TAKES REAL FAITH.

Are you one who has little faith in letting the Lord use you to wash the feet of others? Is your heart set in exhorting, telling the truth, admonishing, rebuking your brother? The bible says "we are the children of the light, and light exposes darkness." Or will you be among one of the many that Jesus said would be offended...and would betray their brother, and lookdown, (lightly esteem) others? Are you "feeding on ashes" in your heart towards your neighbor? Can you tell your heart is set in Self, doing your own will, rather than looking to build up your brother or sister in their most Holy faith? Can you tell the kind of apple your friend is giving you to eat? If it's poisoning them and you?

Heb 12 says the bitter only defile others. If you eat the bread of someone's bitterness, it will defile You. Are you being defiled and you don't even realize it? We need to be honest if we are "snacking on someone's back in our thoughts. "Jesus is coming back to wage war against THE ACCUSER of the brethren. I don't want to be found accusing God's people, but I will expose works of darkness, to help others out of the dark!

I want to be a Proverbs 31 woman who gets her bread from afar.... (God's words), that can be God's goodness to lead others to repentance! I have had bitter mother's and daughters slander each other to me, and I had to turn them towards the Word, and help them repent and hear from God for each other rather than the devil who was stealing, killing and destroying their relationship. He's a divide and conquer kind of devil, and that's what he'll do if we hear his voice. Jesus' sheep hear His voice to "reconcile".

We have faith for everything under the sun today, but how about having faith to speak the truth to one another in love for we are members of each other. The physical body gets cancer when the cells communicate improperly to each other. If you brother doesn't receive you, how about getting someone else involved to help? Jesus said this is how we should ESTABLISH the word of God, it's His order in relationships. We will all be rewarded one day according to what we DID about What we THOUGHT! Do we love Jesus enough to FEED His sheep? Do your hands shed innocent blood against those who are living to serve The Lord? Eps. 4 talks about speaking the truth in love so we can GROW UP, and be the BRIDE READY FOR THE BRIDE GROOM!

Are you grieving the Holy Ghost by what you say, or fail to say regarding your neighbor? Are you too PRIDEFUL to admit you don't love your brother enough to go to him, or look to establish God's word to him with 2-3 witnesses? Are you an evil whisperer because you don't pray for your brother? Are you a worker of division among Gods people, guilty of doing one of the things God hates most.........causing division? If you ask Jesus for bread, will He give you a stone? No....but the accuser will hand you stones, to stone your neighbor to death with your words! Don't be found causing division among the brethren. Fight the good fight, for unity among the brethren.....great will Jesus reward you if you have enough faith to speak the truth in love, and not hide from your own flesh!

One of the things it says in the Amp. bible about the Proverbs 31 woman is "she doesn't eat the bread of self pity." That bread was killing me, it was my steady diet from childhood. I quit eating it, and God sent several women into my life who LOVED it, they wanted to feed it to me and wanted me to feed it to them. I think I offended all my friends for refusing to eat their bread and refusing to give it to them to eat, but I knew how destructive it was, and love demanded of me that I DIDN'T EAT IT, and HELP THEM TO TURN FROM IT. I realized when I ate it, I was accusing God that My times weren't in His hands, and I didn't believe He watched over my life. I decided to take the cup of salvation can call upon the name of the Lord. I realized that the deceived women he brought into my life were nothing to fret over, but His way of carving His word in my heart that I might not sin against Him. I talked to Him about my thoughts about the women in my life. He gave me His thoughts and His words for them. It was my privilege, to feed the sheep of God HIS FOOD, and help them stop eating at the devils table, and stop drinking the devils cup.

And when we don't examine ourselves to see if we are really "in" the faith when we have communion, fellowship, we end up damning ourselves. Not discerning the Lord's body. Who is His Body but His people? And when I'm partaking of defiling demonic spirits having communion with devils in the spirit of my mind, for the devil is a liar, he doesn't abide in truth, I ended up defiling others. (I wrote another whole 4 pages about that). But this is why many are sick, weak and go to sleep! This is why relationships fail. 3/4 th's of the new testament is ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS. I think it's important to the Lord to do what Jesus said and judge righteous judgment. To save, not condemn, to wash, not to despise. It will all be revealed one day..... What did we feed the sheep? How did we wash their feet? I have seen so many "religious" families that Titus 1 talks about destroy their whole lives and families for they don't really love and they don't teach their children to love. They end up like the Creatians, liars, hurtful beasts, sowing to the wind and inheriting the whirlwind. And HE REALLY IS COMING BACK TO REWARD US ACCORDING TO WHAT WE HAVE DONE!



Our mouths only produce the fruit of our thoughts.
I've been having a lot of fellowship about making
God's thoughts our thoughts, and being renewed in the
spirit of our mind. The devil surely speaks to us in
our thoughts. It's his way of trying to get us to have
communion with him. That's why it's so crucial to take
our thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ. "You
can't drink from the cup of devils and the cup of God.
You can't partake of the devils table and Gods. We
need to be very careful about who's talking to us,
who's cup we are drinking. If Jesus' sheep hear His
voice, who's voice are we listening to. Who's words
are we speaking to others? God's words are Spirit and
Life? Are ours The wrong Spirit, that produce
spiritual death? We have been talking about these
things lately. We do become what we
eat....spiritually! If we take heed to the devils
voice, surely our countenance will reveal it! Jesus
said, "every inoperative word a man speaks will be
held against Him in the judgment." Our words are
operating on those around us. Just like Jesus sends
His word and heals us, the devil sends his words, in
our thoughts to destroy us and bring destruction to
those who hear us. The Lord wants us to recevie His
words (eat them) so we'll have LIFE, His life, in the
words we speak to others. Life and death are truly in
the power of the tongue. I am learning not to be a
glutton, or have an appetite for the devils danties.
i.e. fearful, unbelieving, despairing, hopeless
thoughts etc. The devil is constantly trying to wine
and dine us, to get us drunk on his cup. All our ways
will be confusing and destructive, because he speaks
to us in our mind, to kill, steal, and destroy us. I
pray we all learn to REJECT DECEPTIVE MEAT!

Monday, November 10, 2008


I think God gives us others to watch and learn from, SO WE WILL DESPISE OUR SIN, rather than despising others. We either become better lovers due to others sins, or we become harder in our hearts, and find more excuses to abandon loves obligations.

I think it's crucial to keep our hearts free of OFFENSE TOWARDS GOD AND MAN. We ALL..... not just them, grew up with people who didn't do that EXERCISE!

We can all get rocks for each other but the key is getting bread. We talked about a lot of things, familiar spirits etc. I really see how crucial it is to have a map o
thers can follow, our kids can follow so they won't just be wise in their own conceit. I also talked about "feeding people with understanding instead of just judging them." If you have all wisdom, understanding, all judgment, but don't have love you have nothing. If we don't spend time in the Word, (all Gods ways are reproof and instruction), we won't be able to tell others WHERE TO TURN!

Living in the kingdom of accusing others and excusing ourselves. TO ME THAT'S THE KINGDOM WE ALL NEED TO ESCAPE FROM.

I thought of 2 scriptures today. "he dealeth foolishly that dealeth in proud wrath." And "I will weep bitterly in secret due to your pride". I found my self a little teary eyed today thinking about several people with this scripture. I think these are demons everyone has to deal with, everyone grows up somehow under the spirits of the things God hates. With all our getting we need to get understanding. That's what I thought was so powerful about that Fiji tape, how they aggressively went after familiar spirits.

The fires of life should press us into the Word. We will either find Jesus in the fire, or satan will try and consume us.
I talked about God judging us according to what we do about what we think about other people, but I think it might take some growing up for them to really understand this. Overcoming Satan by the word of our own testimony. Not incuring sin ourselves due to our indifference in love towards others, with 50 reasons why we shouldn't speak the truth in love.

What comes to me is what the disciples cried out to Jesus for........ to help them not get offended with each other. Father in heaven, Holy is your name, may your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our trespasses AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US, LEAD US NOT INTO THE GREAT TEMPTATION OF BEING UNFORGIVING TOWARDS OTHERS, OF WHAT WE OURSELVES WANT TO BE FORGIVEN FOR. FOR THIS IS THE GREAT EVIL ON THE EARTH! Jesus is the only way we can be bound together with cords of love that can't be broken. The old testament and under the law there was just judgment. Jesus is love,and if we love HIM WHO BEGETS, we will love the begotten. God save us all from the thing God hates THE MOST......... PRIDE!

Love, Ceci

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The True way of life brings discipline

1 Corinthians 9:27 but I chastise my body, and bring 'it' into servitude, lest by any means, having preached to others -- I myself may become disapproved. (See NAS)

2 Corinthians 6:9 as obscure persons, and yet are well known; as on the point of death, and yet, strange to tell, we live; as under God's discipline, and yet we are not deprived of life; (WEY DBY)

Ephesians 6:4 You fathers, don't provoke your children to wrath, but nurture them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. (WEB DBY NAS RSV)

Colossians 2:5 For although, as you say, I am absent from you in body, yet in spirit I am present with you and am delighted to witness your good discipline and the solid front presented by your faith in Christ. (WEY NAS)

1 Timothy 1:20 of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have delivered to Satan, that they may be taught by discipline not to blaspheme. (DBY)

1 Timothy 4:7 But refuse profane and old wives' fables. Exercise yourself toward godliness. (See NAS)

1 Timothy 4:8 For bodily exercise has some value, but godliness has value in all things, having the promise of the life which is now, and of that which is to come. (See NAS)

2 Timothy 1:7 For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and discipline. (ASV NAS NIV)

Hebrews 12:5 and you have quite forgotten the encouraging words which are addressed to you as sons, and which say, "My son, do not think lightly of the Lord's discipline, and do not faint when He corrects you; (WEY NAS RSV NIV)

Hebrews 12:7 It is for discipline that you endure. God deals with you as with children, for what son is there whom his father doesn't discipline? (WEB WEY NAS RSV NIV)

Hebrews 12:8 But if you are without discipline, of which all have been made partakers, then are you illegitimate, and not children. (WEB WEY NAS RSV NIV)

Hebrews 12:9 Besides this, our earthly fathers used to discipline us and we treated them with respect, and shall we not be still more submissive to the Father of our spirits, and live? (WEY NAS RSV NIV)

Revelation 3:19 I rebuke and discipline as many as I love; be zealous therefore and repent. (DBY NAS NIV)

Leviticus 26:23 And if ye will not be disciplined by me through these, but walk contrary unto me, (Root in DBY RSV)

Deuteronomy 4:36 Out of heaven he made you to hear his voice, that he might instruct you: and on earth he made you to see his great fire; and you heard his words out of the midst of the fire. (See NAS RSV NIV)

Deuteronomy 11:2 Know this day: for I don't speak with your children who have not known, and who have not seen the chastisement of Yahweh your God, his greatness, his mighty hand, and his outstretched arm, (See NAS RSV NIV)

Deuteronomy 21:18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, who will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and, though they chasten him, will not listen to them; (See NIV)

1 Kings 12:11 Now whereas my father burdened you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.'" (See NAS)

1 Kings 12:14 and spoke to them according to the counsel of the young men, saying, "My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add to your yoke. My father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions." (See NAS)

2 Chronicles 10:11 Now whereas my father burdened you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. (See NAS)

2 Chronicles 10:14 and spoke to them after the counsel of the young men, saying, My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add thereto: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. (See NAS)

Job 5:17 "Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects. Therefore do not despise the chastening of the Almighty. (See NAS NIV)

Job 36:10 He openeth also their ear to discipline, and commandeth that they return from iniquity. (KJV JPS DBY WBS)

Psalms 6:1 For the Chief Musician; on stringed instruments, upon the eight-stringed lyre. A Psalm by David. Yahweh, don't rebuke me in your anger, neither discipline me in your wrath. (WEB NIV)

Psalms 38:1 A Psalm by David, for a memorial. Yahweh, don't rebuke me in your wrath, neither chasten me in your hot displeasure. (See NIV)

Psalms 39:11 When you rebuke and correct man for iniquity, You consume his wealth like a moth. Surely every man is but a breath." Selah. (See NIV)

Psalms 50:17 seeing you hate instruction, and throw my words behind you? (See NAS RSV)

Psalms 94:12 Blessed is the man whom you discipline, Yah, and teach out of your law; (WEB NIV)

Psalms 105:22 to discipline his princes at his pleasure, and to teach his elders wisdom. (WEB)

Proverbs 1:2 To have knowledge of wise teaching; to be clear about the words of reason: (See NIV)

Proverbs 1:3 To receive the discipline of wisdom, justice, and right, and equity; (JPS NIV)

Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; but the foolish despise wisdom and discipline. (JPS NIV)

Proverbs 3:11 My son, don't despise Yahweh's discipline, neither be weary of his reproof: (WEB NAS RSV NIV)

Proverbs 5:12 And you will say, How was teaching hated by me, and my heart put no value on training; (See RSV NIV)

Proverbs 5:23 He shall die for want of discipline; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray. (DBY RSV NIV)

Proverbs 6:23 For the rule is a light, and the teaching a shining light; and the guiding words of training are the way of life. (See NAS RSV NIV)

Proverbs 7:22 The simple man goes after her, like an ox going to its death, like a roe pulled by a cord; (See NAS)

Proverbs 10:17 He who takes note of teaching is a way of life, but he who gives up training is a cause of error. (See NIV)

Proverbs 12:1 Whoso loveth discipline loveth knowledge, but he that hateth reproof is brutish. (DBY NAS RSV NIV)

Proverbs 13:1 A wise son is a lover of teaching, but the ears of the haters of authority are shut to sharp words. (See NAS)

Proverbs 13:18 Poverty and shame come to him who refuses discipline, but he who heeds correction shall be honored. (WEB NAS NIV)

Proverbs 13:24 One who spares the rod hates his son, but one who loves him is careful to discipline him. (WEB NAS RSV NIV)

Proverbs 15:5 A foolish man puts no value on his father's training; but he who has respect for teaching has good sense. (See NAS NIV)

Proverbs 15:10 There is stern discipline for one who forsakes the way: whoever hates reproof shall die. (WEB RSV NIV)

Proverbs 15:32 He who will not be controlled by training has no respect for his soul, but he who gives ear to teaching will get wisdom. (See NAS NIV)

Proverbs 15:33 The fear of Jehovah is the discipline of wisdom, and before honour goeth humility. (DBY)

Proverbs 16:22 Wisdom is a fountain of life to him who has it; but the punishment of the foolish is their foolish behaviour. (See NAS)

Proverbs 19:18 Discipline your son, for there is hope; don't be a willing party to his death. (WEB NAS RSV NIV)

Proverbs 19:20 Let your ear be open to suggestion and take teaching, so that at the end you may be wise. (See NAS)

Proverbs 19:27 A son who no longer gives attention to teaching is turned away from the words of knowledge. (See NAS)

Proverbs 22:15 Folly is bound up in the heart of a child: the rod of discipline drives it far from him. (WEB NAS RSV NIV)

Proverbs 23:12 Give your heart to teaching, and your ears to the words of knowledge. (See NAS)

Proverbs 23:13 Do not keep back training from the child: for even if you give him blows with the rod, it will not be death to him. (See NAS RSV NIV)

Proverbs 23:23 Buy the truth, and don't sell it. Get wisdom, discipline, and understanding. (WEB NIV)

Proverbs 29:17 Give your son training, and he will give you rest; he will give delight to your soul. (See RSV NIV)

Jeremiah 7:28 And you are to say to them, This is the nation which has not given ear to the voice of their God, or taken his teaching to heart: good faith is dead and is cut off from their mouths. (See RSV)

Jeremiah 10:8 But they are together brutish and foolish: the instruction of idols! it is but a stock. (See NAS)

Jeremiah 17:23 But they didn't listen, neither turn their ear, but made their neck stiff, that they might not hear, and might not receive instruction. (See NIV)

Jeremiah 30:11 For I am with you, says Yahweh, to save you: for I will make a full end of all the nations where I have scattered you, but I will not make a full end of you; but I will correct you in measure, and will in no way leave you unpunished. (See NIV)

Jeremiah 32:33 They have turned to me the back, and not the face: and though I taught them, rising up early and teaching them, yet they have not listened to receive instruction. (See NIV)

Jeremiah 46:28 Don't you be afraid, O Jacob my servant, says Yahweh; for I am with you: for I will make a full end of all the nations where I have driven you; but I will not make a full end of you, but I will correct you in measure, and will in no way leave you unpunished. (See NIV)

Hosea 5:2 The rebels are deep in slaughter; but I discipline all of them. (WEB NIV)

Habakkuk 3:9 Thy bow was made naked, The rods of discipline sworn according to thy word. Selah. Thou didst cleave the earth with rivers. (DBY)
Corinthians 11:32 But being judged, we are disciplined of the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world. (DBY NAS NIV)

2 Corinthians 6:9 as unknown, and well known; as dying, and behold, we live; as disciplined, and not put to death; (DBY)

Titus 1:8 but given to hospitality, as a lover of good, sober minded, fair, holy, self-controlled; (See NIV)

Hebrews 12:7 The sufferings that you are enduring are for your discipline. God is dealing with you as sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? (See NIV)

Hebrews 12:8 And if you are left without discipline, of which every true son has had a share, that shows that you are bastards, and not true sons. (See NIV)

Hebrews 12:9 Besides this, our earthly fathers used to discipline us and we treated them with respect, and shall we not be still more submissive to the Father of our spirits, and live? (See NIV)

Hebrews 12:10 It is true that they disciplined us for a few years according as they thought fit; but He does it for our certain good, in order that we may become sharers in His own holy character. (WEY NAS RSV NIV)

Leviticus 26:23 And if ye will not be disciplined by me through these, but walk contrary unto me, (DBY)

Judges 8:16 He took the elders of the city, and thorns of the wilderness and briers, and with them he taught the men of Succoth. (See NAS)

1 Kings 12:11 Now whereas my father burdened you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.'" (See NAS)

1 Kings 12:14 and spoke to them according to the counsel of the young men, saying, "My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add to your yoke. My father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions." (See NAS)

2 Chronicles 10:11 Now whereas my father burdened you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. (See NAS)

2 Chronicles 10:14 and spoke to them after the counsel of the young men, saying, My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add thereto: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. (See NAS)

Psalms 118:18 Yah has punished me severely, but he has not given me over to death. (See NAS)

Proverbs 1:3 To receive the discipline of wisdom, justice, and right, and equity; (See NIV)

Proverbs 29:19 A servant will not be trained by words; for though the sense of the words is clear to him, he will not give attention. (See RSV)

Isaiah 26:16 O Jehovah, in distress they missed Thee, They have poured out a whisper, Thy chastisement 'is' on them. (See NIV)

Jeremiah 31:18 I have surely heard Ephraim bemoaning himself thus, You have chastised me, and I was chastised, as a calf unaccustomed to the yoke : turn me, and I shall be turned; for you are Yahweh my God. (See NIV)

Liar, Liar.......... the group of people God can't help

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (II Timothy 2:15).

1 JOHN 2:21
Lying is a wicked sin full of pride. It is evil and rebellious against God. It is a non-profit action that will bring shame to whomever commits this abomination. It is abhorred, hated, and loathed by an Almighty God.

A. Devil (John 8:44 - murderer and father of lies), (Acts 5:3 - Peter asked Ananias why Satan filled his heart to lie.)

B. Not God (Titus 1:2 - God cannot lie), (Heb 6:18 - It is impossible for God to lie.)

C. The Spirit within a Christian is the Spirit of Truth, a person who habitually lies

Does not know the Spirit of God. Col 3:9 - Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; (10) And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.


A. Rev 21:8 - But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and the murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death

B. Rev 21:27 - And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lambs book of life.

C. Rev 22:14-15 - Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they many have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates in to the city. (15) For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

D. You will get caught up with. (illustration) Prov 19:5&9 - A false witness shall not be un-punished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape. (9) - A false witness shall not be un-punished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.

III. OWNER - Those who.

A. Deny the Savior (1 John 2:22, 5:10)

B. Delight in Sin (1 John 1:6, 2:4, 4:20) - Lasciviousness (Jude 4)

Ez 13:6-7 - Lying is compared with witchcraft. Dan 2:9 - Lying is corrupt.

Hos 4:2 - Lying is compared to swearing, killing, stealing, and committing adultery.

C. Destroy the Scripture (Pr 30:6 - Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. Rom 1:25 - Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worship-ped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Revelation 22:18-19

IV. OVERCOME- conclusion

A. Ps 31:18 - Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak grievious things prudly and contemptuously against the righteous. 119:29 - Remove from me the way of lying: and grant me thy law graciously. Eph 4:25 - Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another. James 3:14 - But if ye have bitter envying and strife in you hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.

B. Stay away from liars. Ps 120:2 Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips, and from deceitful tongue.

C. Just don't do it. Col 3:9 - Lie not one to another...


Ps 31:6 - I have hated them that regard lying vanities: but I trust in the Lord.

Ps 52:3 - Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness.

Ps 59:12 - For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride: and for cursing and lying which they speak.

Ps 109:2 - For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me: they have spoken against me with a lying tongue.

Ps 119:163 - I hate and abhor lying: but thy law do I love.

Pr 6:16-17 - These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: (17) A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

Pr 12:22 - Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are his delight.

Pr 13:5 - A righteous man hateth lying: but a wicked man is loathsome, and cometh to shame.

Pr 17:4 - A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to naughty tongue.

Pr 19:22 - The desire of a man is his kindness: and a poor man is better than a liar.

Pr 26:28 - A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth worketh ruin.

Is 30:9 - That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord.

Is 59:13 - In transgressing and lying against the Lord, and departing away from our God, speaking

oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood.

Jer 7:4 - Trust ye not in lying words,..

Jer 7:8 - Behold, ye trust in lying words, that cannot profit

covenant of conscience

"The covenant of conscience".

I was also thinking about how children are born into the world. They are totally self seeking. Toddlers pretty much just care about getting their own needs met. But older people if they press on to know the Lord, in the last years, months, weeks of their life, their only concern is that those they love have their needs met.

I was thinking about the job a parent has to carve their children's conscience. The truth is children know when they are doing wrong. But if the parent is checked out in his or her conscience, they will deal with their children in a way that does not prosper their children. Getting their children to read their own mail, discern their own conscience is what parenting is
all about. If you are brutish in your own conscience, you won't even see where your children are at to help them. And if you don't wake up your children's conscience to God's voice inside
them you have failed as a parent, and passed on all your familiars to them.

When I was 5 years old, my older brother took me into a store and taught me how to steal. (The adrenaline rush from that is similar to the feeling you get when you are about to wreck your
car.) I'm sure it's similar to heroine too.) So here I am as a 5 year old, totally vexed my soul,
having a demon, evil energy come on me, and no one to read my mail. No one to help me wake up to the kingdom of God in my own soul. They didn't hear God's voice and do it so they could not take me somewhere they did not go. "the would not enter in and kept those who would from entering in." I needed someone to help me know my own soul. The difference between God's voice and the devil and someone to help me count the cost. But the adults, grieved, denied, resisted the Holy Ghost and were brutish.

We are conduit's for familiar spirits, when we don't understand the kingdom of God in our conscience, vs the kingdom of Satan. When we are conscience vexers we CANNOT HELP OUR
CHILDREN, HUSBAND, ANYONE, enter in. For we are not entering in.

1 Timothy 3:9 (Whole Chapter)
They must possess the mysterious secret of the faith [Christian truth as hidden from ungodly men] with a clear conscience.
Keeping our conscience clean, clear has everything to do with GUARDING YOUR HEART........ GUARD YOUR CONSCIENCE WITH ALL DILIGENCE FOR OUT OF IT ARE THE ISSUES

1 Timothy 4:2 (Whole Chapter)
Through the hypocrisy and pretensions of liars whose consciences are seared (cauterized), when we go against our God conscience, we become hypocrites.

2 Timothy 1:3 (Whole Chapter)
I thank God Whom I worship with a pure conscience, WE CAN ONLY REALLY WORSHIP GOD WITH A CLEAN CONSCIENCE, having a defiled conscience keeps us from real worship

Titus 1:15 (Whole Chapter)
To the pure [in heart and conscience] all things are pure, but to the defiled and corrupt and unbelieving nothing is pure; their very minds and consciences are defiled and polluted.

Hebrews 9:9 (Whole Chapter)
Seeing that that first [outer portion of the] tabernacle was a parable (a visible symbol or type or picture of the present age). In it gifts and sacrifices are offered, and yet are incapable of perfecting the conscience or of cleansing and renewing the inner man of the worshiper. We need Jesus' forgiveness when we vex our conscience.....

Hebrews 9:14 (Whole Chapter)
How much more surely shall the blood of Christ, Who [Marvin Vincent, Word Studies.] by virtue of [His] eternal Spirit [His own preexistent [Henry Alford, cited by Kenneth Wuest, Word Studies.] divine personality] has offered Himself as an unblemished sacrifice to God, purify our consciences from dead works and lifeless observances to serve the [ever] living God?

Hebrews 10:22 (Whole Chapter)
Let us all come forward and draw near with true (honest and sincere) hearts in unqualified assurance and absolute conviction engendered by faith that leaning of the entire human personality on God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness), having our hearts sprinkled and purified from a guilty (evil) conscience and our bodies cleansed with pure water.

Hebrews 13:18 (Whole Chapter)
Keep praying for us, for we are convinced that we have a good (clear) conscience, that we want to walk uprightly and live a noble life, acting honorably and in complete honesty in all things.

1 Peter 3:16 (Whole Chapter)
[And see to it that] your conscience is entirely clear unimpaired), so that, when you are falsely accused as evildoers, those who threaten you abusively and revile your right behavior in Christ may come to be ashamed [of slandering your good lives].

1 Peter 3:21 (Whole Chapter)
And baptism, which is a figure [of their deliverance], does now also save you [from inward questionings and fears], not by the removing of outward body filth [bathing], but by [providing you with] the answer of a good and clear conscience (inward cleanness and peace) before God [because you are demonstrating what you believe to be yours] through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

1 John 3:20 (Whole Chapter)
Whenever our hearts in [ [Marvin Vincent, Word Studies.] tormenting] self-accusation make us feel guilty and condemn us. [For [Marvin Vincent, Word Studies.] we are in God's hands.] For He is above and greater than our consciences (our hearts), and He knows (perceives and understands) everything [nothing is hidden from Him]. We need to be personal, abiding in Jesus vine, listening for The Holy Spirit's voice in our conscience, to lead us and guide us. If we don't keep our conscience clear, it pollutes everything we do

1 John 3:21 (Whole Chapter)
And, beloved, if our consciences (our hearts) do not accuse us [if they do not make us feel guilty and condemn us], we have confidence (complete assurance and boldness) before God, There is no confidence before God when we stand guilty with unconfused sin. Grieving, denying, resisting the Holy Ghost, leads to no confidence in God

Proverbs 7:21 (Whole Chapter)
With much justifying and enticing argument she persuades him, with the allurements of her lips she leads him [to overcome his conscience and his fears] and forces him along. The devil is always trying to get us to overthrow the voice of God in our conscience. Just like he did with Eve in the beginning

Matthew 6:23 (Whole Chapter)
But if your eye is unsound, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the very light in you [your conscience] is darkened, how dense is that darkness!

Luke 11:34 (Whole Chapter)
Your eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye your conscience) is sound and fulfilling its office, your whole body is full of light; but when it is not sound and is not fulfilling its office, your body is full of darkness.

John 8:9 (Whole Chapter)
They listened to Him, and then they began going out, conscience-stricken, one by one, from the oldest down to the last one of them, till Jesus was left alone, with the woman standing there before Him in the center of the court.

Acts 23:1 (Whole Chapter)
THEN PAUL, gazing earnestly at the council (Sanhedrin), said, Brethren, I have lived before God, doing my duty with a perfectly good conscience until this very day [ [Marvin Vincent, Word Studies.] as a citizen, a true and loyal Jew].

Acts 24:16 (Whole Chapter)
Therefore I always exercise and discipline myself [mortifying my body, deadening my carnal affections, bodily appetites, and worldly desires, endeavoring in all respects] to have a clear (unshaken, blameless) conscience, void of offense toward God and toward men.

Romans 1:31 (Whole Chapter)
[They were] without understanding, conscienceless and faithless, heartless and loveless [and] merciless.

Romans 2:15 (Whole Chapter)
They show that the essential requirements of the Law are written in their hearts and are operating there, with which their consciences (sense of right and wrong) also bear witness; and their [moral] decisions (their arguments of reason, their condemning or approving thoughts) will accuse or perhaps defend and excuse [them]

Romans 9:1 (Whole Chapter)
I AM speaking the truth in Christ. I am not lying; my conscience [enlightened and prompted] by the Holy Spirit bearing witness with me

Romans 13:5 (Whole Chapter)
Therefore one must be subject, not only to avoid God's wrath and escape punishment, but also as a matter of principle and for the sake of conscience.

Romans 14:20 (Whole Chapter)
You must not, for the sake of food, undo and break down and destroy the work of God! Everything is indeed [ceremonially] clean and pure, but it is wrong for anyone to hurt the conscience of others or to make them fall by what he eats.

Romans 14:21 (Whole Chapter)
The right thing is to eat no meat or drink no wine [at all], or [do anything else] if it makes your brother stumble or hurts his conscience or offends or weakens him.

Romans 14:23 (Whole Chapter)
But the man who has doubts (misgivings, an uneasy conscience) about eating, and then eats [perhaps because of you], stands condemned [before God], because he is not true to his convictions and he does not act from faith. For whatever does not originate and proceed from faith is sin [whatever is done without a conviction of its approval by God is sinful].

1 Corinthians 8:7 (Whole Chapter)
Nevertheless, not all [believers] possess this knowledge. But some, through being all their lives until now accustomed to [thinking of] idols [as real and living], still consider the food [offered to an idol] as that sacrificed to an [actual] god; and their weak consciences become defiled and injured if they eat [it].

1 Corinthians 8:12 (Whole Chapter)
And when you sin against your brethren in this way, wounding and damaging their weak conscience, you sin against Christ.

1 Corinthians 10:28 (Whole Chapter)
But if someone tells you, This has been offered in sacrifice to an idol, do not eat it, out of consideration for the person who informed you, and for conscience's sake--

1 Corinthians 10:29 (Whole Chapter)
I mean for the sake of his conscience, not yours, [do not eat it]. For why should another man's scruples apply to me and my liberty of action be determined by his conscience?

2 Corinthians 1:12 (Whole Chapter)
It is a reason for pride and exultation to which our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world [generally] and especially toward you, with devout and pure motives and godly sincerity, not in fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God (the unmerited favor and [Joseph Thayer, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament.] merciful kindness by which God, exerting His holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, and keeps, strengthens, and increases them in Christian virtues).

2 Corinthians 4:2 (Whole Chapter)
We have renounced disgraceful ways (secret thoughts, feelings, desires and underhandedness, the methods and arts that men hide through shame); we refuse to deal craftily (to practice trickery and cunning) or to adulterate or handle dishonestly the Word of God, but we state the truth openly (clearly and candidly). And so we commend ourselves in the sight and presence of God to every man's conscience.

2 Corinthians 5:11 (Whole Chapter)
Therefore, being conscious of fearing the Lord with respect and reverence, we seek to win people over [to persuade them]. But what sort of persons we are is plainly recognized and thoroughly understood by God, and I hope that it is plainly recognized and thoroughly understood also by your consciences (your inborn discernment).

Philippians 2:12 (Whole Chapter)
Therefore, my dear ones, as you have always obeyed [my suggestions], so now, not only [with the enthusiasm you would show] in my presence but much more because I am absent, work out (cultivate, carry out to the goal, and fully complete) your own salvation with reverence and awe and trembling (self-distrust, [Marvin Vincent, Word Studies.] with serious caution, tenderness of conscience, watchfulness against temptation, timidly shrinking from whatever might offend God and discredit the name of Christ).

1 Timothy 1:5 (Whole Chapter)
Whereas the object and purpose of our instruction and charge is love, which springs from a pure heart and a good (clear) conscience and sincere (unfeigned) faith.

1 Timothy 1:19 (Whole Chapter)
Holding fast to faith ( [Alexander Souter, Pocket Lexicon.] that leaning of the entire human personality on God in absolute trust and confidence) and having a good (clear) conscience. By rejecting and thrusting from them [their conscience], some individuals have made shipwreck of their faith.