Wow................ this is what everyone has done that is gone.......... you just happen to be able to fess up to it. Running from loves obligation, not caring about God's will, thinking we can escape. The Lord showed me if I didn't deal with my own heart, I would be a Judizer.......... and when you don't deal with your own problems ALL YOU CAN DO, is blame others. We are either FOR the right cause OR AGAINST it! We either examine ourselves, and see if we are in the REAL FAITH and love spirit, or slay our brother Able. I was tempted also........... I knew I couldn't live with myself if I did it, I would do what Judas did to himself. I knew too much, to not face my own fears and my own unbeleif. Do you mind if I share these 2 letters you sent????? Love, Ceci
Subject: RE: just read this one, and delete others...... FW: Thanks for your thoughts Linda....RE: Are you bearing a grudge against your OWN HUSBAND?
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 05:22:38 +0000
Hi Ceci, The letter starts out with.. Thou shalt not bear a grudge against the children of my people. That is why I would go to Joe with my complaints in the first place. I was already holding a grudge against someone. I didn't have enough love to go to that person, so I went to Joe to complain. This happened about twice before he caught on to what I was doing. It came back to bite me in the butt also.
Joe, not being one to sit on things would try and take care of the problem, assuming that I had already talked to the person. When he found out that I hadn't he then came back to me. So, I stopped doing that, and handled things my own loveless way. I stopped talking to anyone and just held on to my opinions about people. It is very shameful, but that is what I did.
So, Satan always had a "door" into my thoughts because of these offenses. The end of the story is this...I started believing that I was the victim and the lies that I heard from Satan became my truths, and, well, we all know the rest of the story. It seemed easier to be offended than face my fears and talk to someone. Boy, was that a lie!! it was not easier. It was hell on earth. Love, Debbie
Hi Gene, THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! I just watched the TBN video with my grandma. It may be the only thing that she will ever watch of Jesus. She has wanted nothing to do with anything that I have tried to give her. But, she watched this and payed attention. She always works a puzzle book while watching anything on TV. But, she actually stopped working her book and paid attention. You don't know what a miracle that is!!!
So, I just wanted to send you a thank you and this little song that came to my mind as I was watching the TBN video. The simplicity and sincerity (and sanity) that you showed forth in the video is SO moving. I pray something in it will stick with Grandma. As for me, I have been crying since I watched it. Oh, that I might have such a heart as you. Thank you again, and my love to you. Debbie
You talked to me so many times about integrity. When I think back to how I lived with Joe and who I let myself become it turns my stomach. I feel really ashamed that Joe had to see me that way. The begging for attention through despair and self pity that I did is really shameful. Joe thought he was marrying a woman of integrity. But, I was a thief and I would take on any spirit to try and get what I needed from him. IT NEVER WORKED!!!
I remember Lincoln telling me once after he had grown up that when he would beg me for something until I gave in he never enjoyed the thing that he begged for after he go it because he knew that he got it through begging. That is how begging for attention feels. Even when I had Joes' attention I wasn't fulfilled because I knew that I was a beggar. I knew that I didn't have Joes' best because of being a beggar. It left me feeling even more lonely. We spent time together but we couldn't really enjoy each other because we were not of the same spirit. Oil and vinegar do not mix. They can be shaken up and come together, but it doesn't last, they sepearte again. They are not made of the same substance.
Yesterday when I talked to Joe on the phone I didn't hang up feeling like I had just sold myslef by begging. I kept my integrity. In fact, when I went to bed I was thinking about how I would have responded back when we were first dating. Had we talked on the phone for the first time in a long time back then I would be floating in the clouds. Yesterday, I was still grounded, even after a long conversation with him. I realized that the Lord had helped me to change some. I don't have to beg anymore. Because I have chosen to believe that my times are in His hands. It may not always be easy to stand back and let Him have His way. In fact, it has been very hard for me here. But, one thing I have learned to do is look to the Lord everyday. Somehow He has helped me through this tme. JESUS has!!! No man has been there to help me for the first time in my life!!
I have always been afraid to let the Lord have my life fully. But, I threw my life in the trash and I know that He can ressurect anything He wants to. I have learned that to have any kind of minnistry I have to be able to lay down my life and my constant schemeing and begging to get my needs met. I look over my life and I see a big selfish wasteland. Sad to say I can only count one year of my life that I was trying somewhat to look to the Lord and that was the year that I lived in your house, and for a short time after I married Joe. The rest of my life I have only cared about begging, lying and stealing to get what I want from men. That is one year out of 50. That is not a very good ratio.
I have come to realize that the reason that I was such a beggar was because I had never really thrown my life in the trash and looked to the Lord to build it. Well, my life ended up in the trash anyway by ME trying to build it. It would probably have been much easier to let it go in the first place. It was a slow, painful death doing it my way.
Gene told me one time not too long ago in Jackson Hole that I needed to get saved. What is salvation? But, to know Him and the power of His resurection. I have trusted in the power of my own hand and and its ability to resurect my life and I have done nothing but hurt people and shipwreck my own faith.
I was given a husband by God in the VERY SHORT time that I was trusting in Him and I single handedly destroyed my relationship with him through my own POWER of hopelessness, no vision, no unction to read the bible, no purpose. Just like the woman on the phone. But, I was making deals with the devil to try and resurect my life. Please ask her for me to stop now before she loses what she has. Linda warned me many times that I could lose what I had. Now I am warning her.
Her husband may still stay with her. But, what a miserable existence to live knowing that your husbands heart is far from you. The REALLY SCARY thing is that I became blind to the fact that my husbands responses to me were because of me. It was SO easy to excuse myself and to blame him. This gave me another reason to pity myself and satan saw to it that I found reasons to blame. It really doesn't take long to become blind. I could've turned things around sooner if only I would've had a desire for salvation, which is, again, to know Him and the power of His resurection. But, I had a desire for me and the furtherence of my kingdom. So, please tell her to get off that viscous ride now before it costs her more than she wants to pay. My love to you, Debbie
No, I do not mind if you share them. You want to know something crazy? Sometimes when I write stuff down I think that for sure it sounds dumb and will not be recieved very well. I get shocked when I get a WOW! back. This was one of those letters. Anyway, feel free to share them.
I am thanking God every day that I am able to take a look at these things. I am thanking HIm every day that it all still means something to me. I am thanking Him every day that I didn't come here and get lost in building a life. I thank Him every day that minnistry still meant something to me. I wasn't sure what I was going to find in my own heart when I got here. I wasn't sure myself if I was twice dead. The scripture rings true...,train a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. Thanks for the training.
When I first got here Linda gave me the scripture in Deuteronomy about the Lord leading us through the wilderness to try us and to see what is in our hearts. I am SO thankful to find that there is love for Him in there. I was a little afraid of what I was going to find when I got here, but I knew that I had to take a look. So, every day I am thanking Him. I feel like I missed the boat to hell by the skin of my teeth. I have become thankful. What a miracle, huh?
Subject: thinking about familiars today............
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 2009 21:03:08 -0700
There is a woman who has been coming to our meetings who last week interrupted several people with questions, and I'm sure she didn't intend to have an anti Christ spirit, that is truly what it is. A spirit that goes against the anointing.
I was talking to some of the girls about divining, and how it relates to pity. The woman who cried out when Paul was preaching, really drew attention to herself. That's what pity is. I'll bow down at your thrown and stroke you, so you need me, and I become the divine one in your life, and I expect you to pity me back and I'll make you the divine one. Rebellion, Control, witchcraft.............. putting a spell on others, diving. All the spirits at work in the sons of disobedience.
Then another woman on the phone called and talked about being hopeless, no vision, no unction to read the bible, no purpose. What came to me is she is giving voice to a diving spirit, that is dying to have it's way.
I told her we have to shut up the voice of Satan, that little girl voice, that comes to steal, kill and destroy. The devils all about stealing God's glory, getting us to look to the hill of man for our help, wanting others to put us on a pedestal. "My sheep hear My voice, the voice a stranger they won't follow." It's all a strange voice. And we can listen to God the still small voice of integrity, or the voice that comes to steal life, God's Glory and keep us demanding little babies. Our choice who we will give honor and glory to.
Love, Ceci
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Friday, October 9, 2009
another good one on Lying
The Sin of Lying
L. R. Shelton, Jr.
THERE is a sin that has brought our nation to the brink of judgment and damnation: The Sin of
Lying. I am deeply impressed to lay before our hearts the words of the 9th commandment: “Thou
shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.” I know that the sins condemned in this
commandment do not seem as gross or as carnal as the ones forbidden in the 6th commandment:
“Thou shalt not kill,” nor the ones forbidden in the 7th commandment: “Thou shalt not commit
adultery,” nor those forbidden by the 8th commandment: “Thou shalt not steal;” but dear friend, a
man can go to hell for lying just as sure as he can go to hell for murdering, stealing or committing
adultery! In fact, the Word of God tells us in Rev. 21:8 that the one who violates this 9th
commandment shall have his place in the lake of fire—which is the second death—along with the
murderer and the whoremonger. Listen to Rev. 21:8! “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the
abominable, and murderers and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars shall have
their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”
All we have to do is see with whom this sin is associated to know something of how vile and
abominable it is in the sight of God. You see, it is a sin that makes a person more like the devil
seemingly than any other sin. For the devil is a spirit, and therefore gross, carnal sins do not so
much correspond to his nature. His sins are more refined and intellectual, such as pride and malice,
deception and falsehood. Therefore we read in John 8:44: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the
lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth,
because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and
the father of it.” The more malice that enters into the composition of any lie, the more nearly it
resembles the devil: so lying then is associated as never before with the devil.
Lying is a sin most contrary to the nature and character of God, for He is the Lord God of truth
according to Psalm 31:5; therefore we are told that lying lips are an abomination unto the Lord. As
Satan is a liar and the father of lies, and as God is the Lord God of truth; so God’s children
resemble Him therein: “Surely they are my people, children that will not lie” as He tells us in Isa.
But according to Isa. 59:l4, “Judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for
truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.” The breaking of this 9th commandment is a sin
that is committed 10,000 times a day from the seat of government to the hovel along the road. It is a
sin that God hates!
I understand that preaching on the commandments is not popular; it never has been and never will
be. But this is God’s Word, and my Bible tells me that it is by the knowledge of the law that a man
comes to acknowledge he is a sinner before God; and unless the law is preached, and the law in the
hands of the Holy Spirit is used as a schoolmaster to bring you to Christ, you will never know Him!
Each one of us has sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23) and by the law is the
knowledge of sin (Rom. 3:20). We need to know this!
There is no sin today that is committed so much and thought so little of as this sin of the tongue,
this sin of the heart, this sin of lying, this sin of bearing false witness against our neighbor. Surely
Prov. l8:21 describes fully this little member of our body, the tongue, that brings so much sin, grief
and sorrow into the world. It says: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” What a word!
Death and life are in the power of the tongue! It can kill and make alive! Then our Lord says in
Matt. l2:37: “For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.”
Listen to how it is described in James 3:5-8: “Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth
great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! And the tongue is a fire, a world of
iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body and setteth on fire the
course of nature, and it is set on fire of hell. For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents,
and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind: but the tongue can no man
tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.”
By this little member of our body—the tongue—this commandment, “Thou shalt not bear false
witness against thy neighbour,” is broken, as this sin proceeds from an evil heart. By it more lives
have been wrecked, more souls damned, more families set at variance against each other, more
friendships have been broken, more churches torn asunder and more discord sown than by any
other sin! This sin of lying is committed by this little member of our body, the tongue, because that
tongue is like a fire which spreads and burns away everything before it. You and I know this to be
Let us bring this matter down to a practical understanding of all its ramifications—its depths, its
cruelty, its damning effect, its hellishness—by laying out before you the sins of the tongue which
cause a man to break this commandment. May the Lord take this home to our hearts!
First, there is the SLANDEROUS TONGUE, and what a tongue this is! A slanderer wounds
another’s name, character and reputation in such a way that no physician can heal them. These
wounds lie deep, and sometimes are never healed in a lifetime. God’s Word says in Prov. 10:18:
“He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool!“ Listen: “Whoso
privily slandereth his neighbour, him will I cut off!“ (Psalm 101:5). O Lord, how we all stand guilty
before Thy face and before Thy throne today of breaking this commandment by slandering friend
and foe! There’s not one of us under the sound of my voice, including your speaker, who is not
guilty of breaking this 9th commandment, especially that aspect of slandering with our tongues.
Also under this heading comes backbiting—speaking evil of another behind his back, defaming
one’s good name by absolute or implied censure. Secret whisperings and all other ways by which
the tongue wounds and injures the name and reputation of another are included. As surely as the
devil is the father of lies, everyone who gives his tongue to slander and belies his neighbor or utters
words of falsehood comes under the group of false accusers, and stands guilty before God of
breaking this 9th commandment. And if we have broken this one, surely we know that according to
James 2, we have broken them all!
Second, there is the CENSORIOUS TONGUE. This is a cruel tongue which, as a fire, destroys
everyone and everything that comes under its lashings. It is a sin of which we are all guilty. How
my heart has been smitten as I have studied and prepared for this message! I have been made to cry:
“O Lord, I stand guilty; I am guilty, O Lord, of breaking this commandment. Will you have mercy
upon my soul?” I don’t know about you, but I have had to cry out over this sin more than any
other— the censuring or judging of other people before I have all the facts in the case. Listen to
what Rom. 14:4 says: “Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant? to his own master he
standeth or falleth.” And dear friend, I ask the question: “Do we keep ourselves from the things for
which we judge others?”
Listen to Rom. 2:1-3: “Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for
wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same
things...And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same,
that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?” No! We shall not, unless there is repentance and a
broken heart! Then listen! “Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself? thou
that preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal? Thou that sayest a man should not commit
adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege?” (v.
21,22). Here in Rom. 2 God is speaking to every witness, every teacher and every preacher, asking
us: “Do we do the same things that we preach against or condemn in others?” “Guilty Lord,” we
must cry, “have mercy upon us!” And my friend, this censorious tongue which breaks this 9th
commandment is an abomination in the sight of God!
Third , there is the LYING TONGUE. We are told in Prov. 6:16: “These six things doth the LORD
hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed
innocent blood, an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to
mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.” Because
God hates lying, He will show it by punishing every liar in hell unless this sin is repented of and
washed in the blood of Christ. Dear friend, there is nothing that is more contrary to God than a lie,
for you see, God is truth; all lying is of the devil and flows from a wicked heart.
To me, there is no sin as prominent today as lying. A man’s word is no longer his bond. Honesty is
a blessed virtue that has been trampled in the streets. There is lying among nations; treaties mean
nothing! There is lying among our elected officials: the truth seems to be something hard to come
by because the natural heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. All my life I’ve
said that a man would rather climb a pine tree and tell a lie than to stand on the ground and tell the
truth. And you and I know how hard it is to climb a pine tree!
Men are liars by nature; they lie everyday and think it a light thing, but God hates it! Listen to what
Psa. 58:3 says: “The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born,
speaking lies.” You and I both know that we don’t have to teach a child to lie. It is in his nature to
lie. But God hates this sin because it is against His law and His holy nature; unless it is repented of
and washed by faith in the blood of Christ, it will be punished in hell as Rev. 21:8 declares: “All
liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second
Fourth, there is the SWEARING TONGUE that breaks this 9th commandment. Some think it the
way of life to swear and curse, seemingly with every breath, but God thinks differently. If they only
knew that every idle word shall be brought into judgment (Matt.12:36), and how much more
punishment awaits them for the sin of sinful oaths! Oh, the judgment that awaits the swearing,
cursing tongue! “For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be
condemned” (v.37).
Fifth, there is the CRUEL TONGUE. This tongue speaks to the wounding of the hearts of others.
Healing words are the best for a broken heart, but the cruel tongue unmercifully speaks such words
to the afflicted as to cut them to the heart. The Bible says that a soft answer turns away wrath, but
grievous words stir up anger (Prov. 15:1). You see, dear friend, one with a cruel tongue must give
forth all his venom and hatred; he must get it off his chest; he must pour it all out unto friend and
foe. He must tell it all, no matter who it hurts. He knows nothing about II Timothy 2:25 which says,
“In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them
repentance to the acknowledging of the truth.” A vicious-tongued individual doesn’t possess the
Balm of Gilead to pour into wounded hearts and spirits. All he knows is cruelty, beating down his
helpless victim a little further. This cruel tongue breaks the 9th commandment and comes under the
judgment of God unless it is repented of, confessed and turned from. May God give you a new
heart to love instead of hate!
Sixth , there is the MURMURING TONGUE. This is a tongue that breaks the 9th commandment,
for when we murmur and complain about our lot in life, we are definitely bearing false witness
against God! We are in effect saying that God is not treating us right by allowing these things to
come into our lives.
Dear friend, God does not look lightly upon this sin; He leaves us many examples of His dealings
with men in judgment who brought railing accusations against Him. We read in 1 Cor. 10:10 these
words: “Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer.”
You see, the children of Israel had murmured and complained over and over again about their lot in
the wilderness, and finally God brought judgment down upon them. Therefore the apostle used this
to warn us in I Cor. 10:11—“Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are
written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.” We had better look well
to our souls before we accuse God of dealing unjustly with us!
Murmuring is discontent: the breaking out at the lips that which comes from a rebellious heart
against God. Why should anyone murmur or be discontented with his condition? Does God owe us
anything? Do we deserve anything at the hands of God? No! A thousand times No We deserve only
justice in hell! Dear friend, do you not know that all we receive from God is out of free and pure
grace? Therefore, let us give thanks in all things, and having food and clothing, let us be content (I
Tim. 6:8).
Oh how sinful it is to murmur and complain at God’s providence! This indeed is a breaking of this
9th commandment, which brings those guilty of it under God’s wrath and judgment. Are you
listening? I cannot speak too hard against this sin of murmuring which is breaking out everywhere
you turn today! Seemingly it is in every heart, and therefore is a sin that we need to fight against,
cry out against and turn from with all of our might because it is such a vile sin against God’s
goodness, God’s mercy and God’s grace.
My dear friend, don’t you know that God has been good to us as a nation? He has been good to us
as individuals. His mercies are new every morning, great is His faithfulness! (Lam. 3:23). How we
need to repent of this sin that charges God with cruelty, harshness, unkindness, and a lack of love
and understanding! This sin that’s laid at God’s door should be laid at our door! This is a grave sin.
It is our prayerlessness, our unbelief, our laziness, our selfishness, our lack of compassion, our
discontent that is to blame for our state of things today! For you see, we have taken God’s money
and used it on ourselves; we have taken God’s day and spent it as we pleased; we have taken God’s
Word and used only its promises, having nothing to do with its precepts and commandments. We
have turned the truth of God into a lie and have worshipped the creature more than the Creator. We
have worshipped the gods of pleasure, of sports, of science, of education; we have worshipped the
gods of gold and silver, yea, the god of self more than the true and living God as He is revealed
unto us in the Lord Jesus Christ.
As a nation we have bowed down to the gods of meat and drink, and have made our bellies our
gods. And on top of that, we have made our government our god by appealing to Washington to
take care of all our needs; instead of depending upon the true and living God, and pouring out our
hearts before Him. We get mad at our little god in Washington, don’t we? We whip him, we curse
him, we get mad at him, we write articles against him in the newspapers and magazines, we call
him all kinds of names. But then we want him to bail us out of all our difficulties—after every
disaster, after every crop failure—don’t we?
Isn’t this nation guilty of this today? Of course we are! But God tells us that these things have been
brought on us because of our sins. And yet we go on in our blind unbelief, murmuring against the
living God and saying, “A loving God would not treat us like this!” And all the time the blame lies
at our door because we have turned from the River of Living Water, God Himself, and have put our
faith in broken cisterns, in the little god in Washington!
It is amazing to me that God has not already dumped us all into hell. And dear friend, it is only
because of His great grace and longsuffering that He still bears with us today. “It is of the LORD’s
mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not” (Lam. 3:22). And because He
is still holding out the sceptre of grace and mercy, I call upon each one of us to fall at His feet
saying: “Lord, I have sinned against Thee and against Thy throne; I have broken this 9th
commandment. I come in repentance, I come in confession, and I cry unto Thee for mercy on the
basis of the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Mercy is welcome news indeed
To those that guilty stand;
Wretches that feel what help they need
Will bless the helping hand.
Who rightly would his alms dispose
Must give them to the poor.
None but the wounded patient knows
The comforts of his cure.
We all have sinned against our God;
Exception none can boast;
But he that feels the heaviest load
Will prize forgiveness most.
No reckoning can we rightly keep,
For who the sum can know?
Some souls are fifty pieces deep,
And some five hundred owe.
But let our debts be what they may,
However great or small,
As soon as we have nought to pay,
Our Lord forgives us all.
‘Tis perfect poverty alone
That sets the soul at large;
While we can call one mite our own
We have no full discharge. —Hart
L. R. Shelton, Jr.
THERE is a sin that has brought our nation to the brink of judgment and damnation: The Sin of
Lying. I am deeply impressed to lay before our hearts the words of the 9th commandment: “Thou
shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.” I know that the sins condemned in this
commandment do not seem as gross or as carnal as the ones forbidden in the 6th commandment:
“Thou shalt not kill,” nor the ones forbidden in the 7th commandment: “Thou shalt not commit
adultery,” nor those forbidden by the 8th commandment: “Thou shalt not steal;” but dear friend, a
man can go to hell for lying just as sure as he can go to hell for murdering, stealing or committing
adultery! In fact, the Word of God tells us in Rev. 21:8 that the one who violates this 9th
commandment shall have his place in the lake of fire—which is the second death—along with the
murderer and the whoremonger. Listen to Rev. 21:8! “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the
abominable, and murderers and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars shall have
their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”
All we have to do is see with whom this sin is associated to know something of how vile and
abominable it is in the sight of God. You see, it is a sin that makes a person more like the devil
seemingly than any other sin. For the devil is a spirit, and therefore gross, carnal sins do not so
much correspond to his nature. His sins are more refined and intellectual, such as pride and malice,
deception and falsehood. Therefore we read in John 8:44: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the
lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth,
because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and
the father of it.” The more malice that enters into the composition of any lie, the more nearly it
resembles the devil: so lying then is associated as never before with the devil.
Lying is a sin most contrary to the nature and character of God, for He is the Lord God of truth
according to Psalm 31:5; therefore we are told that lying lips are an abomination unto the Lord. As
Satan is a liar and the father of lies, and as God is the Lord God of truth; so God’s children
resemble Him therein: “Surely they are my people, children that will not lie” as He tells us in Isa.
But according to Isa. 59:l4, “Judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for
truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.” The breaking of this 9th commandment is a sin
that is committed 10,000 times a day from the seat of government to the hovel along the road. It is a
sin that God hates!
I understand that preaching on the commandments is not popular; it never has been and never will
be. But this is God’s Word, and my Bible tells me that it is by the knowledge of the law that a man
comes to acknowledge he is a sinner before God; and unless the law is preached, and the law in the
hands of the Holy Spirit is used as a schoolmaster to bring you to Christ, you will never know Him!
Each one of us has sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23) and by the law is the
knowledge of sin (Rom. 3:20). We need to know this!
There is no sin today that is committed so much and thought so little of as this sin of the tongue,
this sin of the heart, this sin of lying, this sin of bearing false witness against our neighbor. Surely
Prov. l8:21 describes fully this little member of our body, the tongue, that brings so much sin, grief
and sorrow into the world. It says: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” What a word!
Death and life are in the power of the tongue! It can kill and make alive! Then our Lord says in
Matt. l2:37: “For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.”
Listen to how it is described in James 3:5-8: “Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth
great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! And the tongue is a fire, a world of
iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body and setteth on fire the
course of nature, and it is set on fire of hell. For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents,
and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind: but the tongue can no man
tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.”
By this little member of our body—the tongue—this commandment, “Thou shalt not bear false
witness against thy neighbour,” is broken, as this sin proceeds from an evil heart. By it more lives
have been wrecked, more souls damned, more families set at variance against each other, more
friendships have been broken, more churches torn asunder and more discord sown than by any
other sin! This sin of lying is committed by this little member of our body, the tongue, because that
tongue is like a fire which spreads and burns away everything before it. You and I know this to be
Let us bring this matter down to a practical understanding of all its ramifications—its depths, its
cruelty, its damning effect, its hellishness—by laying out before you the sins of the tongue which
cause a man to break this commandment. May the Lord take this home to our hearts!
First, there is the SLANDEROUS TONGUE, and what a tongue this is! A slanderer wounds
another’s name, character and reputation in such a way that no physician can heal them. These
wounds lie deep, and sometimes are never healed in a lifetime. God’s Word says in Prov. 10:18:
“He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool!“ Listen: “Whoso
privily slandereth his neighbour, him will I cut off!“ (Psalm 101:5). O Lord, how we all stand guilty
before Thy face and before Thy throne today of breaking this commandment by slandering friend
and foe! There’s not one of us under the sound of my voice, including your speaker, who is not
guilty of breaking this 9th commandment, especially that aspect of slandering with our tongues.
Also under this heading comes backbiting—speaking evil of another behind his back, defaming
one’s good name by absolute or implied censure. Secret whisperings and all other ways by which
the tongue wounds and injures the name and reputation of another are included. As surely as the
devil is the father of lies, everyone who gives his tongue to slander and belies his neighbor or utters
words of falsehood comes under the group of false accusers, and stands guilty before God of
breaking this 9th commandment. And if we have broken this one, surely we know that according to
James 2, we have broken them all!
Second, there is the CENSORIOUS TONGUE. This is a cruel tongue which, as a fire, destroys
everyone and everything that comes under its lashings. It is a sin of which we are all guilty. How
my heart has been smitten as I have studied and prepared for this message! I have been made to cry:
“O Lord, I stand guilty; I am guilty, O Lord, of breaking this commandment. Will you have mercy
upon my soul?” I don’t know about you, but I have had to cry out over this sin more than any
other— the censuring or judging of other people before I have all the facts in the case. Listen to
what Rom. 14:4 says: “Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant? to his own master he
standeth or falleth.” And dear friend, I ask the question: “Do we keep ourselves from the things for
which we judge others?”
Listen to Rom. 2:1-3: “Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for
wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same
things...And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same,
that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?” No! We shall not, unless there is repentance and a
broken heart! Then listen! “Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself? thou
that preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal? Thou that sayest a man should not commit
adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege?” (v.
21,22). Here in Rom. 2 God is speaking to every witness, every teacher and every preacher, asking
us: “Do we do the same things that we preach against or condemn in others?” “Guilty Lord,” we
must cry, “have mercy upon us!” And my friend, this censorious tongue which breaks this 9th
commandment is an abomination in the sight of God!
Third , there is the LYING TONGUE. We are told in Prov. 6:16: “These six things doth the LORD
hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed
innocent blood, an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to
mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.” Because
God hates lying, He will show it by punishing every liar in hell unless this sin is repented of and
washed in the blood of Christ. Dear friend, there is nothing that is more contrary to God than a lie,
for you see, God is truth; all lying is of the devil and flows from a wicked heart.
To me, there is no sin as prominent today as lying. A man’s word is no longer his bond. Honesty is
a blessed virtue that has been trampled in the streets. There is lying among nations; treaties mean
nothing! There is lying among our elected officials: the truth seems to be something hard to come
by because the natural heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. All my life I’ve
said that a man would rather climb a pine tree and tell a lie than to stand on the ground and tell the
truth. And you and I know how hard it is to climb a pine tree!
Men are liars by nature; they lie everyday and think it a light thing, but God hates it! Listen to what
Psa. 58:3 says: “The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born,
speaking lies.” You and I both know that we don’t have to teach a child to lie. It is in his nature to
lie. But God hates this sin because it is against His law and His holy nature; unless it is repented of
and washed by faith in the blood of Christ, it will be punished in hell as Rev. 21:8 declares: “All
liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second
Fourth, there is the SWEARING TONGUE that breaks this 9th commandment. Some think it the
way of life to swear and curse, seemingly with every breath, but God thinks differently. If they only
knew that every idle word shall be brought into judgment (Matt.12:36), and how much more
punishment awaits them for the sin of sinful oaths! Oh, the judgment that awaits the swearing,
cursing tongue! “For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be
condemned” (v.37).
Fifth, there is the CRUEL TONGUE. This tongue speaks to the wounding of the hearts of others.
Healing words are the best for a broken heart, but the cruel tongue unmercifully speaks such words
to the afflicted as to cut them to the heart. The Bible says that a soft answer turns away wrath, but
grievous words stir up anger (Prov. 15:1). You see, dear friend, one with a cruel tongue must give
forth all his venom and hatred; he must get it off his chest; he must pour it all out unto friend and
foe. He must tell it all, no matter who it hurts. He knows nothing about II Timothy 2:25 which says,
“In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them
repentance to the acknowledging of the truth.” A vicious-tongued individual doesn’t possess the
Balm of Gilead to pour into wounded hearts and spirits. All he knows is cruelty, beating down his
helpless victim a little further. This cruel tongue breaks the 9th commandment and comes under the
judgment of God unless it is repented of, confessed and turned from. May God give you a new
heart to love instead of hate!
Sixth , there is the MURMURING TONGUE. This is a tongue that breaks the 9th commandment,
for when we murmur and complain about our lot in life, we are definitely bearing false witness
against God! We are in effect saying that God is not treating us right by allowing these things to
come into our lives.
Dear friend, God does not look lightly upon this sin; He leaves us many examples of His dealings
with men in judgment who brought railing accusations against Him. We read in 1 Cor. 10:10 these
words: “Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer.”
You see, the children of Israel had murmured and complained over and over again about their lot in
the wilderness, and finally God brought judgment down upon them. Therefore the apostle used this
to warn us in I Cor. 10:11—“Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are
written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.” We had better look well
to our souls before we accuse God of dealing unjustly with us!
Murmuring is discontent: the breaking out at the lips that which comes from a rebellious heart
against God. Why should anyone murmur or be discontented with his condition? Does God owe us
anything? Do we deserve anything at the hands of God? No! A thousand times No We deserve only
justice in hell! Dear friend, do you not know that all we receive from God is out of free and pure
grace? Therefore, let us give thanks in all things, and having food and clothing, let us be content (I
Tim. 6:8).
Oh how sinful it is to murmur and complain at God’s providence! This indeed is a breaking of this
9th commandment, which brings those guilty of it under God’s wrath and judgment. Are you
listening? I cannot speak too hard against this sin of murmuring which is breaking out everywhere
you turn today! Seemingly it is in every heart, and therefore is a sin that we need to fight against,
cry out against and turn from with all of our might because it is such a vile sin against God’s
goodness, God’s mercy and God’s grace.
My dear friend, don’t you know that God has been good to us as a nation? He has been good to us
as individuals. His mercies are new every morning, great is His faithfulness! (Lam. 3:23). How we
need to repent of this sin that charges God with cruelty, harshness, unkindness, and a lack of love
and understanding! This sin that’s laid at God’s door should be laid at our door! This is a grave sin.
It is our prayerlessness, our unbelief, our laziness, our selfishness, our lack of compassion, our
discontent that is to blame for our state of things today! For you see, we have taken God’s money
and used it on ourselves; we have taken God’s day and spent it as we pleased; we have taken God’s
Word and used only its promises, having nothing to do with its precepts and commandments. We
have turned the truth of God into a lie and have worshipped the creature more than the Creator. We
have worshipped the gods of pleasure, of sports, of science, of education; we have worshipped the
gods of gold and silver, yea, the god of self more than the true and living God as He is revealed
unto us in the Lord Jesus Christ.
As a nation we have bowed down to the gods of meat and drink, and have made our bellies our
gods. And on top of that, we have made our government our god by appealing to Washington to
take care of all our needs; instead of depending upon the true and living God, and pouring out our
hearts before Him. We get mad at our little god in Washington, don’t we? We whip him, we curse
him, we get mad at him, we write articles against him in the newspapers and magazines, we call
him all kinds of names. But then we want him to bail us out of all our difficulties—after every
disaster, after every crop failure—don’t we?
Isn’t this nation guilty of this today? Of course we are! But God tells us that these things have been
brought on us because of our sins. And yet we go on in our blind unbelief, murmuring against the
living God and saying, “A loving God would not treat us like this!” And all the time the blame lies
at our door because we have turned from the River of Living Water, God Himself, and have put our
faith in broken cisterns, in the little god in Washington!
It is amazing to me that God has not already dumped us all into hell. And dear friend, it is only
because of His great grace and longsuffering that He still bears with us today. “It is of the LORD’s
mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not” (Lam. 3:22). And because He
is still holding out the sceptre of grace and mercy, I call upon each one of us to fall at His feet
saying: “Lord, I have sinned against Thee and against Thy throne; I have broken this 9th
commandment. I come in repentance, I come in confession, and I cry unto Thee for mercy on the
basis of the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Mercy is welcome news indeed
To those that guilty stand;
Wretches that feel what help they need
Will bless the helping hand.
Who rightly would his alms dispose
Must give them to the poor.
None but the wounded patient knows
The comforts of his cure.
We all have sinned against our God;
Exception none can boast;
But he that feels the heaviest load
Will prize forgiveness most.
No reckoning can we rightly keep,
For who the sum can know?
Some souls are fifty pieces deep,
And some five hundred owe.
But let our debts be what they may,
However great or small,
As soon as we have nought to pay,
Our Lord forgives us all.
‘Tis perfect poverty alone
That sets the soul at large;
While we can call one mite our own
We have no full discharge. —Hart
Are you bearing a grudge against your neighbor? Husband?
Thou shall not bear a grudge against the Children of My People", are you looking down on your husband and seeing him as THE LEAST? This is out of Lev. 19:16You shall not go up and down as a dispenser of gossip and scandal among your people, nor shall you [secure yourself by false testimony or by silence and] endanger the life of your neighbor. I am the Lord.
17You shall not hate your brother in your heart;(look down on him and talk to others about him, and not because you have the counsel of God and are looking to establish it to him.")... but you shall surely rebuke your neighbor, lest you incur sin because of him.
If you dump your burden about your husband onto others due to YOUR FEAR, you are an idolater. Turning to other Gods to solve your problems. Putting them in the position of playing God because you aren’t looking to Jesus. And you who have ears to hear women turn to you other than God, is that because you still do that too? Turn to others rather than the Lord?
I remember years ago, I was really stirred up in my soul with a particular man we knew, and I was in Fear trying to war against the enemies of his soul. THE LORD SHOWED ME IT WASN'T MY BATTLE. That I needed to first of all PRAY. Get a word from THE WORD to solve my problem, THEN GO TO MY OWN HUSBAND, and if he got involved or didn't, THE BATTLE BELONGED TO THE LORD.
I have had so many women "dump" their burdens on me. I was thinking of a scripture today while talking to a friend, "out of the mouth of 2-3 witnesses THE WORD OF THE LORD IS ESTABLISHED. This tells me if I have a problem with my husband I need to a.) Ask myself if I really love his soul or am I just afraid. Then pray and ask me to love instead of fear. b.) GET FOOD FROM AFAR TO GIVE HIM, like any wise woman should do. Feed her husband, establish the word to him.
Then if he repeatedly won't hear me, I have 2 options. The first is a good one. Tell him I don't want to be divided against him, and I don't want to have a wall, or be insane due to a lack of being able to have just judgment about whatever the problem is. And I want to get someone involved for my own sanity. I'm willing to be wrong, but this is the word I have been getting from the Lord, and I understand the twig in your eye, let me tell you about the log in mine. As a matter of fact let me tell you about the revelation I'm getting and am thankful for.
Or b.) If he refuses the gift in you know that God won't hear Him when He prays. And that in refusing you, He is refusing the Lord AND THE LORD IS BIG ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH HIM, You don't have to spend your time MAKING HIM PAY OR SPANKING OR ABUSING him for not hearing you!!!! HOW ABOUT HAVING FAITH AND LOVE..........
BECUASE IF YOU DON'T SEE THE LORD COME THROUGH FOR YOU IN YOUR MARRIAGE PROBLEMS, how will your children believe the Lord will come through for them?????
YOU PLAY YOUR PART, THE LORD WILL PLAY HIS PART, and stop dumping your burdens on others, love your husband, pray for Him, go to the word about your problems with him. Take a look at the log in your eye, so you can tell him about the twig in him when you are giving him a scripture or 2. Then have faith the Lord will bring it up again, or ask him to love you enough to get someone involved if you have a good spirit and after time goes by there is still a wall in your relationship. Tell him you don't want to be divided in judgment and for loves sake to help you resolve the judgment, and maybe you are the one in the wrong who isn't hearing what the Spirit is trying to say.
"Hide not yourself from your own flesh." We all had parents THAT HID FROM US, GOD AND EACH OTHER, and we had no clue if the Lord even did help them with their problems. How much better if WE HAVE A TESTIMONY for our children of how the Lord helps Godly marriages last!!!
And how the Lord and His body helps us work through our problems, LEST OUR CHILDREN ARE INDEPENDENT.........
Don't let slothful women who don't have a REAL GODLY BURDEN for their husband’s souls, dump their problems on YOU..... Don't be their idol, turn them to the Lord and tell them you won't listen unless a.) They have prayed and have the counsel of God, and 2.) They want to get those who oversee their husbands souls involved.
Would love to hear back from all of you about this........
Think about what your friends are going to think and feel like when you work things out with your husband, and they are carrying around the burden of your slander and having a problem still WITH WHAT YOU DUMPED ON THEM..... That you decided to get right about with your husband, and they are still left to carry your burden. That's why you need to stop the mouth of the woman who speaks out of fear, TRYING TO SEDUCE YOU INTO TAKING CARE OF HER PROBLEMS. Women can be thoughtless, and even though they might not intend to do this consciously, it's still the Spirit at work in the daughter of fear and control.
Love, Ceci
17You shall not hate your brother in your heart;(look down on him and talk to others about him, and not because you have the counsel of God and are looking to establish it to him.")... but you shall surely rebuke your neighbor, lest you incur sin because of him.
If you dump your burden about your husband onto others due to YOUR FEAR, you are an idolater. Turning to other Gods to solve your problems. Putting them in the position of playing God because you aren’t looking to Jesus. And you who have ears to hear women turn to you other than God, is that because you still do that too? Turn to others rather than the Lord?
I remember years ago, I was really stirred up in my soul with a particular man we knew, and I was in Fear trying to war against the enemies of his soul. THE LORD SHOWED ME IT WASN'T MY BATTLE. That I needed to first of all PRAY. Get a word from THE WORD to solve my problem, THEN GO TO MY OWN HUSBAND, and if he got involved or didn't, THE BATTLE BELONGED TO THE LORD.
I have had so many women "dump" their burdens on me. I was thinking of a scripture today while talking to a friend, "out of the mouth of 2-3 witnesses THE WORD OF THE LORD IS ESTABLISHED. This tells me if I have a problem with my husband I need to a.) Ask myself if I really love his soul or am I just afraid. Then pray and ask me to love instead of fear. b.) GET FOOD FROM AFAR TO GIVE HIM, like any wise woman should do. Feed her husband, establish the word to him.
Then if he repeatedly won't hear me, I have 2 options. The first is a good one. Tell him I don't want to be divided against him, and I don't want to have a wall, or be insane due to a lack of being able to have just judgment about whatever the problem is. And I want to get someone involved for my own sanity. I'm willing to be wrong, but this is the word I have been getting from the Lord, and I understand the twig in your eye, let me tell you about the log in mine. As a matter of fact let me tell you about the revelation I'm getting and am thankful for.
Or b.) If he refuses the gift in you know that God won't hear Him when He prays. And that in refusing you, He is refusing the Lord AND THE LORD IS BIG ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH HIM, You don't have to spend your time MAKING HIM PAY OR SPANKING OR ABUSING him for not hearing you!!!! HOW ABOUT HAVING FAITH AND LOVE..........
BECUASE IF YOU DON'T SEE THE LORD COME THROUGH FOR YOU IN YOUR MARRIAGE PROBLEMS, how will your children believe the Lord will come through for them?????
YOU PLAY YOUR PART, THE LORD WILL PLAY HIS PART, and stop dumping your burdens on others, love your husband, pray for Him, go to the word about your problems with him. Take a look at the log in your eye, so you can tell him about the twig in him when you are giving him a scripture or 2. Then have faith the Lord will bring it up again, or ask him to love you enough to get someone involved if you have a good spirit and after time goes by there is still a wall in your relationship. Tell him you don't want to be divided in judgment and for loves sake to help you resolve the judgment, and maybe you are the one in the wrong who isn't hearing what the Spirit is trying to say.
"Hide not yourself from your own flesh." We all had parents THAT HID FROM US, GOD AND EACH OTHER, and we had no clue if the Lord even did help them with their problems. How much better if WE HAVE A TESTIMONY for our children of how the Lord helps Godly marriages last!!!
And how the Lord and His body helps us work through our problems, LEST OUR CHILDREN ARE INDEPENDENT.........
Don't let slothful women who don't have a REAL GODLY BURDEN for their husband’s souls, dump their problems on YOU..... Don't be their idol, turn them to the Lord and tell them you won't listen unless a.) They have prayed and have the counsel of God, and 2.) They want to get those who oversee their husbands souls involved.
Would love to hear back from all of you about this........
Think about what your friends are going to think and feel like when you work things out with your husband, and they are carrying around the burden of your slander and having a problem still WITH WHAT YOU DUMPED ON THEM..... That you decided to get right about with your husband, and they are still left to carry your burden. That's why you need to stop the mouth of the woman who speaks out of fear, TRYING TO SEDUCE YOU INTO TAKING CARE OF HER PROBLEMS. Women can be thoughtless, and even though they might not intend to do this consciously, it's still the Spirit at work in the daughter of fear and control.
Love, Ceci
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