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Saturday, January 30, 2010

beautiful sound....... song of the spirit

Listen to Dan and Nathan and Rach here or

Stirring in the Spirit by Don Potter

watch the interview here

to do good and communicate

Hello everyone,
I got your email addresses from Ceci...FYI...I have a new
address, it's
I'm getting more vision for keeping in communication (so that we can
have communion) with one another more often than we do.
I realize that I have alot more going on with me throughout the week
than I can even remember to share when we meet on Wed. nights.
Little things, scriptures, prayers answered, thankfulness, etc. I
thought if we all took a few minutes to write these things down, not
only could it be a personal journal and testimony for ourselves, but
for others to glean from as well.
Yesterday I felt life in going over to Lynette's to visit her
(this is something the Spirit has been speaking to me about in
itself...moving when I get inspired, being a doer, not a hearer only)
I prayed before I went over, asked the Lord to give me something to
give...I found "home" in the thompson chain 1626 is where I started
and saw that the chain goes deep as we dare to go.
Although I started reading "duty of husbands" then "duty of
wives" I was examining my love in regards to "making up the
difference" vs. living in a spirit of selfishness that demands. I
used to think Rick owed me...I would perform my "duty" and EXPECTED
him to perform his. I grew up watching marriages operate with selfish
expectations, and all of them failed because of a lack of true love. I
was self-righteous and prideful...treated him like a "bad boy" when he
didn't do what I expected him to do.
As our children grew, I started to dwell with my husband
according to knowledge and understanding. When he came through the
door after a long day of work, or even after dealing with a situation,
it wasn't wise for me to dump all my cares upon him...I started to
pray, be sensitive to his needs (as our husbands have needs, too) and
let him know that I wanted to talk. If he was too tired to look after
the children, I changed my plans, made new ones, asked for help from
others. I needed to be moveable, flexible, (those who are born of the
Spirit are like the wind - John 3:8) It became my joy, and an
exciting time to see "what God had in store for me that day" that
wasn't in MY calendar. Surely, if it came down to it, I didn't
absolutely need to make a trip to the grocery store...yes, we were low
on TP, but I still had 3 boxes of Kleenex laying around the house till
I could go shopping the next day! Things like this...I still judge.
Loving my husband, loving my children, preferring others above
myself....I really have found the Joy of the Lord in serving, and it
has become my salvation! I was rotting in my selfishness...lifeless
and hopeless...just an empty.
Well, I've been interupted a few times while writing this, I
think I'll end here and leave with the scripture I read this am in
Psalm 107
"O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth
forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed
from the hand of the enemy: and gathered them out of the lands...from
east, west, north, south. We wandered in the wilderness in a solitary
way.....then we cried unto the Lord in our trouble, and he delivered
us out of our distresses."
That just makes me thankful! May we all be filled with His Holy
Spirit today! Love you all, Janel

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Happy is the woman who does not condemn herself in what she allow

Can we even be honest with ourselves when we are condemning ourselves in what we are allowing? That's what I have needed a Savior FOR! To SAVE ME FROM MYSELF!

"happy is the woman who doesn't condemn herself in what she allows." I think if you really were in touch with the prison you have been content to live in and realized how good you could feel, you would get mad as _________ and not take it anymore! (We need to get mad and not sin, at the deceiver who lies to us and calls good evil and evil good.) I think we have to angry about how the devil has stolen, tried to kill, steal and destroy our health.

I was talking to a morbidly obese young guy last night about this. Talked to him about Ps.88:16..... "if you hold the love of sin in your heart, God won't hear you when you pray." I HAD TO CRY OUT TO GOD TO HELP ME HATE WHAT HE HATES AND LOVE WHAT HE LOVES. "Their god is their belly"..... I had to ask God to deliver me from this "familiar", food has been my "familiar" comforter....... and savior....... BUT WHAT A FOUL SAVIOR. The devil's salvation is a band, trap and snare..... and can you tell "the kingdom of God has suffered violence in me" due to all the times I was drunk on food?!!!!! I'm becoming a violent woman back...... it makes me so sick to see how trapped so many of God's children are........ OBEYING the spirit that's destroying them, trying to snuff out their life! You caught me on the right day girl!! I became passionate for the Lords cause when I was with this young guy about 450??? lbs last night. "Who will stand up for Me, who will plead My cause? The more I plead the

Lord's cause with those who have made their god their belly, the more deliverance I have had myself! This guy is crippled! HE'S BEEN OBEYING THE WRONG VOICE A LONG TIME, and it's like slow motion suicide. He has tried all his life (he might be 22), to have faith without works, only his faith is dead............ I talked to him about Romans 8 too. "Now therefore their is no condemnation to those who walk after the spirit." But their is condemnation when we walk after and yield to the flesh. I have had to be honest and talk to the Lord about what I was allowing that I was condemning myself in, and let Him show me the truth.......... it does make us free. And I understand more clearly all the time what Romans 8 really means. The LAW of the SPIRIT OF LIFE. We have life in us when we yield to the Spirit, we don't have Jesus' life in us when we yield to the flesh. I have had to have REAL FAITH in the invisible hands of Jesus to circumcise my heart, and open my ears to discern between good and evil. Who's voice is talking to me, and who is getting me to eat my way into prison!

I told this kid to REBUKE the devil, just like Jesus did in the desert. To speak to the mountain of gluttony, idolatry with food, and the demon of drunkenness!

In Ecc. 10:17 it says BLESSED...... did you get that......... BLESSED...... is the land when the princes eat for STRENGTH and not drunkenness! Oh God forgive us and help us! That's Satan's plan and map for our life to keep us drunk, sick and asleep! No hope, vision or faith.

When I was a child I thought like a child......... I pigged out on cookies, cake and ice cream, but now it's time to tell that little screaming brat to shut up and sit down. "She who has no rule over her spirit is like a city broken down without walls! And she who rules her spirit is better than she who takes a city! Oh Lord Jesus save us from preaching liberty while we are the slaves of our own flesh. Save us from preaching to others and not winning the race ourselves. "The glutton and drunkard shall be clothed with rags." How many rags have we settled for due to being gluttonous? "He who regards lying vanities forsakes his own mercy." The vanity of thinking food will comfort us and we forsake God's comfort. His life, His blessings, and we really get content living in a degree of "unhappiness"......... not feeling good about who we are and what we are representing about OUR SAVIOR.

There is another scripture that says, "through deceit, they refuse to know me." When we deceive ourselves and turn to food (most always destructive food), HOW MUCH ARE WE REFUSING TO KNOW GOD AND HIS COMFORT?

God's not leading His children to commit suicide with food. And if we eat, drink, whatever we do, we should be doing it TO THE GLORY OF GOD OUR FATHER, not to the glory of the belly god who tries to kill us by yielding to the flesh.............. it's kind of like walking around with a low grade infection. We get familiar with it.

I have really learned something by watching people new to Sunrider. The ones who have the faith to eat a lot of regenerative foods and give up the junk...... HAD NO CLUE HOW GREAT THEY COULD FEEL! They didn't even know the prison they were living in! And people that piddle around and don't make real changes in their lives, and "turn" from their "food crimes"...........(feeding the little rebellious brat..... the flesh that's telling the spirit what to do..........) they never feel much better due to being half hearted. Same holds true for Christians who most of the time are yielding to the flesh rather than the spirit, they are spiritually healthy!

We should be like David who commanded his flesh and told it what to do when he said, "Bless the Lord Oh my soul and let everything in me bless the Lord." Trying to bless ourselves with destructive food, or overeating, always ends up in a curse. If we would only pray when we are lonely, afraid, need vision and faith, or when we have sinned by yielding to the flesh, which is reaping death......... God would help us. Like 1 Cor.13 says....... "to know and be known." Or the proverb....... "give me your heart and let your eyes observe my ways." Maybe all our problems are due to not talking to the Lord, so we yield to the one who comes to kill, steal and destroy our lives. With all of our getting we need to get understanding, for what we do without understanding won't last. God wants to save us from the spirit of destruction so we can cry aloud and spare not, and plea God's cause for those who are being plucked off by the gluttonous Savior who is killing them!

Love, Ceci


Many of us do not desire to retain God in our conscience because it is not convenient to our fleshly desires‏

To Be Without A Conscience

God made everyone with a conscience. Everyone's conscience has God's
standards of what is good and what is bad (Romans 2:14-15, "For when the
Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the
law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which show the
work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing
witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one
another;"). If this is so, how can anyone be without conscience? This can be
answered by Romans 1:28. People without conscience choose not to retain God
in their knowledge. In turn, God turns them over to a reprobate mind. A path
of sin, destruction, and eventually death.
You Can Say You Know God But Be Without Conscience

Many people profess to know God, but they are without conscience. Many
people may really believe they know God, but in their works they deny Him.
Many people may talk about their love of God and profess His word, but their
action show they are without conscience (Titus 1:15-16, "Unto the pure all
things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing
pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. [16] They profess that
they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and
disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.").
Separated From God Is To Be Without Conscience

God does not desire for us to be separated from him. It is our choice to not
be with Him. Many of us do not desire to retain God in our conscience
because it is not convenient to our fleshly desires (Romans 1:28). Rather
than being filled with God's knowledge, we would rather be filled with
unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, envy, deceit, and unmerciful.
Romans 1:29-31 goes on listing all the things we would rather do than retain
God in our conscience. This is being without conscience.
Scriptures Related To Without A Conscience

Romans 1:28-31, "And even as they did not like to retain God in their
knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which
are not convenient; [29] Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication,
wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate,
deceit, malignity; whisperers, [30] Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful,
proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, [31]
Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection,
implacable, unmerciful: [32] Who knowing the judgment of God, that they
which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have
pleasure in them that do them."

Romans 2:14-15, "For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature
the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto
themselves: Which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their
conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing
or else excusing one another;"

Titus 1:15-16, "Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are
defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience
is defiled. [16] They profess that they know God; but in works they deny
him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate."

Many Ways To Define Conscience

A simple definition of conscience is conviction or being conscious of a
custom. From a Christian perspective a conscience is all about having God's
standard in our heart to guide us in how we conduct ourselves. Our
conscience has the highest standard we know. Ideally, this standard aligns
with God's standard. Our conscience is the eye of the soul that continuously
looks to God or what we regard as the highest standard in how we conduct for
our lives.
Does everyone have a conscience?

The short answer is yes, everyone has a conscience. This includes
Christians, Jews, and the unsaved - everyone. The question is what standard
is followed by a person's conscience. For a Christian his or her conscience
should continually to be raised to an higher conscience as he takes more and
more of God's Word into his heart. Jews have conscience has evident with
Jesus confrontation with the Jews and the fate of the woman caught in
adultery. Jesus told them to cast a stone at the woman if they were without
sin. All the Jews left because they were convicted by their conscience (John
8:8-9). Even the unsaved have a conscience to that even includes God's
standards (Romans 2:14). This makes sense in that we are all God's creatures
with a conscience that includes the standards of how God desires for us to
Define Conscience As A Law Written In Your Heart

Conscience is a group of laws in your heart. Mankind has demonstrated that
they know God's principles. No matter if we know the Bible or not, we know
we should not murder, steal, or be jealous of other people. Our conscience
bears witness to the laws that are written in our heart. Our conscience
convicts us when we break these laws that are in our heart (Romans 2:14-15)
Define Conscience As Jesus, A Standard That You Seek

Jesus came on this earth as a standard to follow. He showed us how to love
God and to love our neighbor. He is a standard for everyone. By putting
Jesus' standard in our heart we will sin no more and have peace (Isaiah
Scriptures In Regard To Define Conscience

Isaiah 11:10 says, "And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which
shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and
his rest shall be glorious."

John 8:7-9 says, " So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself,
and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a
stone at her. And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And they
which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by
one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone,
and the woman standing in the midst."

Romans 2:14-15 says, "For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by
nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law
unto themselves: Which show the work of the law written in their hearts,
their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while
accusing or else excusing one another;"

A Good Conscience Is Not An Offense To God.

Nothing is good unless it come from God (Luke 19:18, "And Jesus said unto
him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God."). From
God's perspective a conscience can only be good if it has God's standards.
In order for a conscience to be good it must not be an offence toward God or
toward men (Acts 24:16, "And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a
conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men.").
A Good Conscience Comes From Love and Faith

Ideally, a person's conscience is based on faith and love. If you have faith
in God, then his commandment, the gospel of Jesus Christ, will be written in
your heart (1 Timothy 1:5, "Now the end of the commandment is charity out of
a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:"). The first
and second commandment of Jesus Christ is to love God, and to love your
neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:30-31, "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with
all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like,
namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other
commandment greater than these."). From God's perspective this is the basis
of a good conscience.
A Good Conscience Must Be Lived

You can say someone is in good conscience if they live up to their
conscience's standards (Act 23:1, "And Paul, earnestly beholding the
council, said, Men and brethren, I have lived in all good conscience before
God until this day."). Paul said he was in good conscience even when he
persecuted Christians. He said this because he followed his conscience
diligently. When his conscience was raised up by the revelation of Jesus
Christ, he continued in good conscience by following diligently the
standards of his new conscience. From God's perspective your conscience is
good when your conscience is led by His standard and you diligently live by
His standards.
Scriptures Related to Good Conscience

1 Timothy 1:5, "Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure
heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:"

Mark 12:30-31, "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and
with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is
the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love
thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than

Luke 18:19, "And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is
good, save one, that is, God."

Acts 24:16, "And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience
void of offence toward God, and toward men."
Acts 23:1, "And Paul, earnestly beholding the council, said, Men and
brethren, I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day."

Awakening Conscience Through Christ

One of the many things Jesus Christ did on this Earth was to awaken our
conscience. He showed proof to us by His resurrection that there is a God
and He has victory over death. Jesus demonstrated to us by His life on Earth
how to walk in the light with both love and righteousness. The purpose of
Jesus Christ's ministry is to awaken our conscience, have us rise from the
dead, and walk in the marvelous light (Ephesians 5:14, "Wherefore he saith,
Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give
thee light." ). His desire is for us to completely purge our conscience and
serve the living God (Hebrews 9:14, "How much more shall the blood of
Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God,
purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?").
Conviction Awakens Conscience

For many of us our conscience is asleep. Thank God for Jesus Christ that
His actions help bring conviction and awaken our conscience. An example of
Jesus bringing conviction to our conscience is best demonstrated with the
stoning of the prostitute as told in the gospel of John. He told them to
cast the first stone if their life was without sin. This simple act
convicted the smallest and greatest sinner (John 8:7-9, "So when they
continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is
without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he
stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And they which heard it, being
convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the
eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing
in the midst."). By Jesus speaking the truth, he brought self-conviction on
the hearers of His word, awakening their conscience to God's Truth.
Awakening Conscience By Obeying God

God is a God of righteousness and a God of Truth. His righteousness demands
that we be obedient to Him. His Truth awakens our conscience where we
willingly become obedient to Him (Romans 13:5, "Wherefore ye must needs be
subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake." ). If we
earnestly hear God's Truth, our mind and conscience are renewed continually
awakening conscience for us to walk in what is "...good, and acceptable, and
perfect, will of God" (Romans 12:2)
Scriptures Related To Awakening Conscience

Ephesians 5:14, "Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise
from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light."

Hebrews 9:14, "How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the
eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience
from dead works to serve the living God?"

John 8:7-9, "So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and
said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone
at her. And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And they which
heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one,
beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and
the woman standing in the midst."

Romans 13:5, "Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but
also for conscience sake."

Romans 12:2, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by
the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and
acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Practice makes perfect. Practice having a merry and thankful heart. I have known people who, though they did not have a natural knack for music, started piano lessons and practiced every day. After two or three years, their fingers moved across the keys easily and their music sounded sweeter and more fluid every time I heard them. If you ask them, "How do you know to hit all those notes?" They answer, "Practice, I've practiced so much, I don't think about it. It just happens". Life is like that. Most people have practiced hitting the notes of bitterness, sourness, hurt feelings, and frustration so long that their soul finds the discordant notes easily, almost without thought. But, you don't have to keep on practicing discord: you can practice joy and thanksgiving just as easily, and certainly with more pleasure. Every day, every right response makes the fingers of your soul the notes of joy and thanksgiving easier and easier, until it is so natural that people will say to you, " I am not like you,: I just don't have a bubbly personality. I'm not a happy person. How can I have joy?" And you will be able to tell them, "Practice makes perfect." Learn to enjoy life. BE THANKFUL. SMILE. When you catch yourself becoming irritated or disturbed at circumstances, stop and laugh at the little things the steal your peace. COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS and learn to be appreciative. My daughter once wrote a song around the words, "Thanksgiving is good; thanks-living is better." Colossians 3:15 advises, 'AND LET THE PEACE OF GOD RULE IN YOUR HEARTS,TO THE WHICH ALSO YE ARE CALLED IN ONE BODY;AND BE YE THANKFUL."

PRACTICE MAKES 'AWFUL' PERFECTLY AWFUL By the time many women are in their fortieth year, they are teetering on the edge of mental instability. They have spent several years of their life irritated at their husbands, daily feeling hurt and responding with coldness and bitterness. Instead of practicing being thankful and merry, they are practicing bitterness. As practice enables the pianist to find the right keys without effort or thought, so a woman who practices discontentment will, without thought, hit the notes of bitterness when her chain is pulled. Practicing, always practicing, perfecting her bitterness and discontentment.
She has practiced her bitterness until it comes naturally, and she does not even recognize it. She will usually define herself as one who stands against pride and evil. She will "do what is right, even if no one else will."
In the course of time, as her edginess and moodiness grow, she realizes that she can no longer control her nervousness. One day her "nerves" snap and she loses control, screaming like a crazy woman and calling loved ones terrible names. She will say it was "just a bad hormone day," but the family will wonder. The family learns to tolerate her occasional blow-ups, and she keeps practicing. After a trip to the doctor, she is calmer..."more her old self." The doctor changed the medication.
"Mom sleeps more now."
"Shh! Don't wake Mother; she is having a bad day."
The disturbed woman expects her family to appease her and is offended when they act like life is just fine. God is visiting her soul with a terrible rot called madness. First, she is only mad at her husband. Years pass and she is mad at her family. As time goes on she is mad at the church. Then she is mad at the mailman and mad at the waitress. PRACTICING, ALWAYS PRACTICING, PRACTICING HER MADNESS. MAD, ALL THE TIME MAD. MADNESS.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Wow, we were talking tonight about some of the people who left the ministry...... who were LIGHT, AND TREACHEROUS. There are a lot of women who have done this...... REBELLIOUS, POLLUTED BY LISTENING TO THE WRONG SPIRIT ALL THE TIME, WOULDN'T LISTEN TO GOD OR TURN TO HIM, didn't go after correction and reproof, HAD NO SHAME for letting the devil out of his cage on their family. The devil helped them close their eyes, be checked out then turn and be self righteous and treacherous. WOMEN WHO ARE DEAD WHILE THE LIVE, BECAUSE THEY LIVE FOR THEIR OWN PLEASURE......... thinking THEIR CHILDREN WON'T BE AFFECTED BY WHAT THEY DO........... I wonder how many women don't see the bad example that other women have been to them ENOUGH TO TURN THEMSELVES??????

Wouldn't make judgments that were good (indifferent, and light......... then turned treacherous) on their spouses and children. Women, Men who would not have a relationship with God in their conscience, who would not open up their conscience to God or man, so they could not carve their children's conscience. SEWER CITIES. People who didn't listen to God's voice, let demons talk to them and rule them, who used demonic spirits on their children and spouses. THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE GONE, WHO SOWED TO THE WIND AND INHERITED THE WHIRLWIND...... And there are some among us who haven't even learned too much from those who are gone. Nor have they seen how they ruined their families and are here doing the same thing. You should read this one in the King James.......... for sure, but this version is interesting.
Zephaniah 3 (The Message)

Zephaniah 3

Sewer City

1-5 Doom to the rebellious city, the home of oppressors—Sewer City!
The city that wouldn't take advice,
wouldn't accept correction,
Wouldn't trust God,
wouldn't even get close to her own god!
Her very own leaders
are rapacious lions,
Her judges are rapacious timber wolves
out every morning prowling for a fresh kill.
Her prophets are out for what they can get.
They're opportunists—you can't trust them.
Her priests desecrate the Sanctuary.
They use God's law as a weapon to maim and kill souls.
Yet God remains righteous in her midst,
untouched by the evil.
He stays at it, day after day, meting out justice.
At evening he's still at it, strong as ever.
But evil men and women, without conscience
and without shame, persist in evil.

7"I thought, 'Surely she'll honor me now,
accept my discipline and correction,
Find a way of escape from the trouble she's in,
find relief from the punishment I'm bringing.'
But it didn't faze her. Bright and early
she was up at it again, doing the same old things.

WHY rock and roll is bad THE TRUTH ABOUT ROCK AND ROLL

Interesting facts 2 people die every second, 120 every minute, 7200 every hour, 172,800 EVERY DAY, and one day, our time will come to face the Lord, so make the most of EACH MINUTE......


We have a good dvd of the Revival in Thermopolis for anyone who wants it! Love, Ceci

To do good and communicate forget not, for with such sacrifices God is Well Pleased!!! Hide not thyself from thine own flesh!

Rachel was here 2 days ago reading about the HABITS of anger and bitterness. The chapter PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT, (when we practice bad attitudes which come from Satan, anger, sadness, fainting, unbelief, etc, WE CAN BECOME PERFECTED IN A WRONG SPIRIT! .......... It’s all about the practice, habit...... Of anger and unforgiveness, the PRACTICE, HABIT, of being hard hearted and how Satan drives weak women crazy with their willingness to PRACTICE THEIR BAD HABITS.

We watched a really powerful testimony by a man named Milton Green. He is the one who confronted James Robison about his lust. He had a 9th grade education, but HIS BELLY WAS FILLED WITH GOD’S WORD! HE WAS A LIVING ORACLE OF THE WORKS AND WORDS OF GOD. He made such a clear sound about the works of the devil in his life, he got understanding and God’s word flowed from him, the words God gave him that HEALED HIM And he was an open book, a willing vessel who spared no pride in telling the whole truth about his past and the WONDEROUS THINGS GOD HAD DONE FOR HIM! Made the hairs on all our arms stand up, and some people were crying as the watched him. I called his wife, he’s gone to be with Jesus, and I really understood why I can’t handle people IMAGING EVIL AGAINST THE LORD. I have 0 tolerance for it, it just about killed me and I know it’s deadly for others who don’t take their thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ!

Has your past has always traveled with you due to hardening your heart against the Holy Ghost? Against Him and Him alone have you sinned and done evil in His sight, just by holding the truth in an unrighteous spirit... Always having a “wrong” spirit for the most part but unwilling to cry out to the Lord Ps. 51, that’s how I changed. Have you have been willing to consent with the thief in all the little things you think, do and say, and you have been unwilling to bust him (the liar), but your attempts to cover him with your works is filthy rags. Wow are some of us really seeing a religious strife spirit...... That’s the opposite of hearing God’s voice and obeying. The self righteous always persecute the hearers and doers.....they are 2 opposite kingdoms.

This woman Jerrrie knows, Jackie was telling me about a book called Exquisite Agony......... It’s about how relationships with people either destroy us or build us up, make us holy, get us closer to Jesus or remove us from Him by how we respond. A woman I know recently said “I don't know if I can be redeemed, but I have hope of it every now and again.” IT’S SUCH A STRONG INDITMENT AGAINST THE LORD....... She has been slandering the Jesus you say you believe in for all these years, and taking it very lightly. It’s like weighing 500 lbs. and the only way you will change is to YEILD to the right Spirit, the Holy Spirit, and that’s hard BECAUSE YOU HAVE PRACTICED ignoring His precious Holy Spirit.....grieving, denying and resisting Him. It’s become a habit.... Habits take a strong desire to please God more than ourselves to break, your double minded faith has gotten you no where, and you can’t declare the goodness of God for all the things He has done, you can only glorify Satan. (sad to say I have met Christians all over the country in this shape.) They are trying to purge their conscience through self righteous works, they don’t have the “blood of Jesus” to wash their evil conscience, and they aren’t good at listening to God in their conscience and obeying. All the people in my life over the years have been my portion to set me free, and rejecting them would have meant rejecting God’s operation. We should let God’s word get carved in our heart so we stop sinning against Him and His people. Most of the women can’t make a clear sound about the operation of God or the devil in their past. And they have “confusion” as the portion because of it. They don’t stop carrying their old baggage into each new day.

I was thinking of Matt. 5 last night as I went to sleep.............. Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down his disciples came to him. 2 And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying: 3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (cursed are the haughty, theirs is not the kingdom of heaven) 4 "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. (Cursed are those who don’t mourn over what they have done to God or His people, they are comfortless) 5 "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. (Cursed are the proud, they lose even what they gain) 6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. (cursed are those who don’t hunger and thirst for righteousness, they are never satisfied.) 7 "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. (cursed are the merciless, they don’t experience mercy) 8 "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. (Cursed are those who aren’t pure in heart THEY ARE BLIND TO GOD AND HIS WORKS AND WAYS) 9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. (CURSED are those who don’t live to help others have peace with God, they live like the sons of the father of lies.) 10 "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (cursed are those who make their own happiness their idol, they won’t suffer for anything) but have a life of self induced suffering

I know some women whose hands have been refusing to touch things ever since I have known them and it’s catching up to them and will only get harder to “touch” things the more they avoid it. I was thinking of many things some of them have hardened their heart to over the years..... Regarding lying vanities like (it’s the Lords fault for their sorrows) and they have forsaken your own mercy. Some women are habitually the martyr, they live a life of strife and self will, filled with devilish wisdom, not the wisdom from above, and no one can bail you out, but repenting to God, and believing He can wash your evil conscience. You may be mad that you haven’t gotten what you wanted...... But maybe you have been getting what you have wanted all along....... “your food”, that has not been to do God’s will. And it gets harder to stop eating the food that’s killing you the longer you “eat” it. You are “eating” the fruit of your own ways, and your the only one that can choose to stop slandering God in your thoughts, that’s the motive of whining, complaining, fainting, self pity........ IT’S GIVING ALL HONOR PRAISE AND GLORY TO SATAN, and it’s been worth your while to live that way........ But there is a pay day, we don’t fight against God and win, none of us. It matters not how much I love you but if you glory in rebellion I can’t stop you from rebelling against the HOLY SPIRIT, who has come to comfort, lead, guide, counsel..... Help you walk in the light and truth! , I have never been able to stop anyone, and there comes a time when strife and works don’t cut it anymore, trying to COVER UP your rebellion. I had to get mad at the right guy, (the deceiver and accuser of Jesus) And not be willing to be the devils puppet just through failing to “fight” or show up for the game, the accuser of our brother Jesus wins through our “default”. If you have chosen poorly, your the only one who can choose wisdom, understanding and knowledge. No one can choose it for you. I was just thinking about those who die without instruction or understanding.......... THEY NEVER RECEIVED THE “LOVE” OF THE TRUTH. It’s very costly.......... And any time you decide to believe on the one SENT, the Holy One, and realize as you do it TO THE LEAST, YOU DO IT TO HIM, and stop slandering and being in agreement with the accuser of the brethren, all heaven will rejoice, so will we.

Love, Ceci

Sent by Dan

Sunday, January 24, 2010


God’s voice created the heavens and the earth. Jesus was the Word made flesh that dwelt among us full of grace and truth. Words are life or death. Faith comes through hearing the word. This is why we need to speak to God, The Holy Ghost, not just think to Him. And we need to have faith that we will be deaf unto satan, and alive unto the voice of God. For His Sheep hear His voice and the voice of a stranger they won’t follow. If we are sincere with God He will be sincere with us, but if we are double-minded we will receive nothing from the Lord.

I’ve been thinking about whose voice we hear in our thoughts. The devil is the father of lies, he speaks to his children, he has a voice. That’s why Jesus said, You are OF your father the devil, his works will you do, he was a murderer (lightly esteemer) from the beginning and ABODE NOT IN THE TRUTH BECAUSE THERE IS NO TRUTH IN HIM.

The devil prophesied to Eve, a lie about God and that He didn’t mean what He said. We do “hear” thoughts in our head, God hears them, the devil hears them. There are several scriptures that talk about God knowing the secrets of our heart. He knows our hidden motives and intentions, even when we don’t tell ourselves the truth. And He will reward us all according to not only our works but our motives and intention.

I had a dream a couple of nights ago where I was speaking to a group of women about “the fellowship of Jesus suffering”. It’s the cup most don’t drink. It’s the cup that brings Godly sorrow, for those who take it up. It’s when others sin against us that we can REALLY KNOW how OUR SIN affected Jesus, how He felt about our sin. We don’t get it when we repent, but we can GET IT, when we see our sin through the actions and sins of others against us.

There was a man in our past who after several years of knowing us, came face to face with the enemies of his soul. (That’s where the Angel of the Lord promises to take us. Ex.23) He was faced with his lust, greed and covetousness due to what he had done to some people in several situations. He divorced his wife to marry his lover, he hid the fact that he and his whole family believed his father murdered his mother, but due to his father being wealthy none of the children exposed what they really believed in their hearts. His father was a prominent member in the community Rather than walking in love and faith in all his relationships, and repenting of his sins, he withdrew, and was offended. He lived accusing others and excusing himself, but years later (he had been deceiving himself so long and destroying his soul), he finally acted it out. He shot himself to death with a gun. There comes a time in all of our lives that we must face the sins we committed that nailed Jesus to the cross, if we are ever to know the joy of our salvation. This is a man who would not fall on the Rock and the Rock fell on him. Jesus (THE TRUTH) was a stone of offense. This man shot himself about five years ago.

The story doesn’t end here. We met a young couple a few years later, when this man was alive. He slandered us to these people so they withdrew. They could hear lies about us, they were covering their own sin too, and not prospering.) We heard yesterday this guy drank a bottle of Windex and died two days ago. The curse of the one he received came upon him, sad to say. I thought of the “mystery” of iniquity. The devil tries to speak to us just like He did Jesus. He’s a lying prophet who comes to steal, kill and destroy, and without Jesus, and being able to “hear” God’s voice, we could all let the devil prophecy our doom. Jesus said “if you receive a prophet in the name of a prophet, you will receive his reward.” (You’ll see with new eyes.) This man received a prophet... The one who prophesies lies, the father of all lies, and it killed him too. I’ve been there, it’s the kingdom of deceiving and being deceived. And if we won’t be honest and care about our motive and intentions, we will truly be given over to believe lies, and damned. (2 Thess. 2:10, it’s a promise too.) God will give us over, if we want to lie and believe lies, it will be done unto us according to our faith.

I was suicidal at one point too, and what I had to admit was that I had gotten saved for my own happiness, to please MYSELF. I had to change my focus, lose my life to find it, live to please God instead of myself. I had to stop hiding in the dark. Confess my sins, and pray to be healed.

As A Man Thinketh, So Is He! “On that day when God, by Jesus Christ, will judge men in regard to the things which they conceal (their hidden thoughts).” Romans 2:16 amp. Are you unchaste in your thought? Vs.22 Looking at the word “chaste” ..... am I celibate, clean, immaculate, innocent, proper, pure, unblemished, unsullied, virtuous, virginal, in my thoughts? Am I ordering my thoughts aright? Do we really believe the Lord knows our works and our thoughts?
(Ps.94:11, 139:2, Isa.66:18, I Cor.3:20, Ps.139:3)

“You understand my thought afar off. But Jesus knowing (seeing) their thoughts, said, Why do you think evil and harbor malice in your hearts?" “Curse not the King, not even in your thoughts”. (Ecc.10:20) “For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, (secret thought) whether it be good or evil.” “ Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return to the Lord” . “My thoughts are not your thoughts,” says the Lord. “My thoughts are higher than your thoughts.” (Is.55:7-9) Are we sinning against God, or against our brother in our thoughts? (Most Christians don’t go there, sad to say.)

“0 Jerusalem, wash your heart from wickedness, that you may be saved! How long shall your iniquitous and grossly offensive thoughts lodge within you?” (Jer-4:141) “Deliver those who are led away to death, and spare not to redeem those who are held to be slain. If you say "behold I did not know it, then know it is God who searches the thought of the heart, and He who keeps your soul knows it, and shall render to every man according to his works.” (Ps. 24:11-12 Peshitta) Is it possible that what we do about what we think will be how God is going to reward us one day? Maybe it’s the cause for the curse in our lives when we don’t look at these things.

“For the tree is known and recognized and judged by its fruit ..... For out of the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks.” (Been eating up God’s children as one eats bread and not calling on Him lately?) “The good man from his inner good treasure flings forth good things, and the evil man out of his inner evil storehouse flings forth evil things, but I tell you on the day of judgment, men will have to give account for every idle (inoperative, non-working) word they speak. For by your words you will be justified and acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned and sentenced.” (Matt.12:36).

“What I have come to learn about myself is: whatever thoughts I allow or disallow, go, into the treasure chest of my heart, and it is from this treasure chest that I speak! ....” Ps.7:9 (amp.) “For you, who try the hearts and emotions, and thinking powers, are a righteous God.” Rev.2:23 (amp) “I am He who searches minds, (the thoughts, feelings, and purposes, and the inmost hearts, and I will give to each of you the reward for what you have done, as your work deserves!” Jer-17:9-10 “... the heart is deceitful above all things, and it is exceedingly perverse and corrupt and severely, mortally sick! Who can know it (perceive, understand, be acquainted with his own heart and mind)?? I the Lord search the mind, I try the heart, even to give to every man according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings?” I have to ask myself sincerely, "Am I really living to lay down my life for my brother? Do I guard and protect myself through not Loving my brother with all my heart, all my mind, and, all my strength, because of how it might affect me?? Am I really allowing God to speak to me about my private thoughts towards my brother so that I do what is right on his behalf?

Jesus said, “If we love him, we will keep His commandments, and the new commandment He gave unto us was .... I give you a new commandment that you should love one another! Whoever says he is in the light and yet lightly esteems his brother, is in darkness until now. Whoever loves his brother, abides and lives in the light,
there is no occasion for stumbling or cause for err or sin. We know we have passed from death unto life, because we love our brother!” Philp.2:2-5 “Complete my joy by being in one accord and one love and one soul and one mind. Do nothing through strife or vainglory, but in humility let every one regard his neighbor better than himself! Let no one be mindful only of his own things, but let everyone be mindful of the things of his neighbor also!”

“Let this same attitude and purpose and humble mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: (let him be your example in humility)! For what man knows the mind (thoughts) of man, except the spirit of man which is in him? Even so, no one knows the mind (thoughts) of God, except the spirit of God.” I Cor. 2:11-14 “... but the natural, non-spiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts, teachings and revelations of the spirit of God, for they are meaningless nonsense to him:
he is incapable of knowing them, because they are spiritually discerned and estimated and appreciated! But the spiritual man tries, examines, investigates, inquires into, questions, and discerns all things. For who has known or understood the mind, the counsels and purposes of the Lord, so as to guide and instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ and do hold the thoughts, feelings and purposes of his heart! He lived a life of constantly laying down his life for his brother, the greater purpose, and for the benefit of God and His Kingdom .... as the perfect example ... that we would be in the world as He was in the world!”

“Do not worry over things, but always by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and kinds in Christ Jesus! Whatever is true, whatever is honest, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of the things (fix your minds on them)!” Phil. 4:6-8 (amp)

Heb.5:11-14 “Since you have become dull in your spiritual hearing and sluggish even slothful in achieving spiritual insight! For even though by this time you ought to be teaching others, you actually need someone to teach you over again the very first principles of God's word. You have come to need milk, not solid food. For everyone who continues to feed on milk is obviously inexperienced and un-skilled in the doctrine of righteousness (of conformity to the divine will in purpose, thought, and action). He is a mere infant (not able to talk yet), but solid food is for full grown men, for those whose senses and mental faculties are trained by practice to discriminate and distinguish between good and evil (the law of the Spirit) of God and love ... or the mind of the flesh, which leads to death!” God does not want us to be wimps in the spirit of our minds. We need to exercise our senses, develop our mental faculties, practice and train them to resist the devil. Submit to God .... not the father of lies. We need to be as professionally trained athletes, being renewed in the spirit of our mind!

Eph. .4:23 “Be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind (having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude). Put on the new nature, created in God's image, in true righteousness and holiness. Therefore, rejecting all falsity, let everyone express the truth with his neighbor, for we are all parts of one Body and members one of another!” We are the ones who must choose which cup we will drink from, which table we will partake of! Lies and accusations, or truth and love. Are we in our mind accusing others and excusing ourselves, or do we pray, getting revelation and instruction for how we may love and help one another? Are our thoughts patterned after defending ourselves, or are we allowing the spirit of God (love) to teach us how to wash one another's feet and serve one another? The mind set on the flesh is death ... the mind set on the spirit (of benevolent love and truth) is life and peace!

“Let us be careful not to faint in our minds!” Heb-12-3 “Think of him who endured from sinners such grievous opposition and bitter hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or exhausted, losing heart and relaxing and fainting, in your minds”. “If we suffer with him, so shall we reign with him! For to us it has been granted the privilege, for Christ's sake not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for his sake. You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he commits himself, leans on, and confidently hopes in you!” Is.26-3 “For God did not give us (but the devil would like to give us) a spirit of fear (timidity, cowardice, craven, cringing, panic), but He has given us a spirit of power and of love and of calm and well balanced mind and discipline and self- Control.” 2 Tim-1:...2 Cor.10:5 “For the weapons of our warfare are not physical, but are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds Inasmuch as we refute: contradict, disagree, deny, negate, rebuff, reject, veto, renounce, disagree, object, opposes, protest, refuse, scorn, shunt arguments and theories and reasoning's and every proud and lofty thing, that sets itself up against the true knowledge of God; and we lead every thought captive to the obedience of Christ!”

2 Cor-10:4-5, 11:3 “But now I am fearful, lest that even as the serpent beguiled Eve by his cunning, so your minds may be corrupted and seduced from whole-hearted and sincere and pure devotion to Christ! So brace up your minds: be sober, circumspect, morally alert set your hope wholly and unchangeably on the grace that is coming when Jesus is revealed. Live as children of obedience.” l Pet.1:13 The battlefield is in the mind! You’re called to be a soldier, it's fight or be overcome! (There is no neutral ground)! Allow the Holy Spirit to direct and control you, for the mind of the flesh with its carnal thoughts and purposes is hostile to God. Don't cater to the appetites and impulses of the carnal nature. Live according to the Spirit, controlled by the desires of the Spirit, set your mind and seek those things which gratify ..the Holy Spirit!” Rm-8:5-9 “Forsake all human reasoning and thought. Let God’s thoughts become your thoughts. Hide His word in your heart, that you won't be found sinning against Him!” Is. 58:13 “If you turn away from doing your own pleasure on my holy day ,not going your own way or seeking or finding your own pleasure or speaking your own idle words (which we will if we are thinking our own thoughts)! It is said of the children of Israel, that God was not in all their thoughts! “Not everyone who says to Him Lord ,Lord, will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but those who do the will of God!” We need to know the difference between God’s will and ours and we won’t if we aren’t sincere with God about our motives. It’s a better option than being a wound, refusing to be healed due to our own rebellion.

As we obey in thought, word, and deed, we can lead others in obedience to God in thought, word and deed! May we not give into obeying lies & lying spirits. “Let us become the children of OBEDIENCE, that we may bear fruit after our own kind (Gen. 1:11-12) And thus Glorify Our Father in Heaven!” Live as children of obedience, making God's thoughts our thoughts 2 Cor-10:4-5, 11:3


I was thinking about testimonies in my dreams last night.. I was thinking about walking and praying in graveyards and the voices that speak on the tombstones. I was thinking about life and death. The final message of the dead is written on a tombstone. Some only leave you with curiosity. How did they live? Did they give of themselves in life? Or was life a burdon that they would gladly trade for the other side? Did they speak any message at all? When I was living in Germany,! went to a castle built by a very selfish king named Ludwig. He took whatever he wanted from the people and built several castles in for his own pleasure. He only spent any time with his doctor. He had no children,he never wrote anything or left any archives. He built walls around himself so he would never have to look at people. His food was prepared on the bottom floor of the castle and a huge table was raised through all of the center floors of the castle on cables to the top floor of his private chamber so he wouldn't have to look at anyone. He never finished this castle. He was insane and the people had no more money to give to finish it. He took it all. One castle he built had a grape arbor that was like a tunnel and it went all the way from the castle up a mountain to a private cave where he had a gondolla boat that he mused himself in by rowing around a pond inside the cave. He only went there several times. He went out on a lake in a boat with a doctor and only the doctor came back. That's how he died. This man took and never gave. He is probably in hell today because he was given a great gift and abused people and denied people. We can look at him and say,"he was a very selfish man", but I think we have to look into the mirror of OUR life, and see whether or not WE withhold love. Can it be as simple as demanding our own selfish way and making others pay for it when we don't get that way? Or living in silence and indifference when we see others RUINING THEIR LIVES because they are under the influence of familiar spirits and are headed on a couse of evident destruction somewhere in the future?
Some tombstones speak a very clear awakening message to the living. That's why they write what they write on them. Like Evel Knievel's last words which were and are on his tombstone, "BELIEVE IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST1. In Rodchester.NY, you can see the saints who lived during Charles Finney's revival by what is written on their graves. It is an experience just to go there and read them. But all graves have this in common,and THIS is the point I want to make. ALL OF THESE GRAVES WERE ONCE LIVING PEOPLE AND WHAT THEY SAID AND HOW THEY ACTED AND HOW WELL THEY LIVED.WHETHER THEY LOVED AND GAVE THEMSELF OR THEY WERE SELFISH, is recorded in Heaven.and the book is closed. There is no more remission of sin for them. How they died is the end of the matter. There is no more repentance. There is no more opportunity to say,"lm sorry for how I have been,or what I said.or how I acted;please forgive me" There is no more opportunity to show love,concern, or care. Everything that was done is done. Everything not finished is still left undone. The message of the dead to the living is this,YOU STILL HAVE TIME! We of the living disregard time.we waste time.because time is something we have plenty of and it has little value,unless there's something important we WANT to do.or feel obligated to do,or inspired in our spirit man to do. Our testimony is how well we live, because Jesus has become our life and our reason to live.The scriptures talk about there not being a testimony unless there is a tester which means someone has to die. (.Hebrews 9.17) Being born again means exactly that. So we have to ask ourselves, are we born again? Do we have the power of the Holy Spirit renewing us to a new man energizing us towards being a LIVING testimony? Or are we dead while we live?
Corinthians 15.20-22,42-58
Corinthians 4.13-16
Hebrews 4.15-16

Janel's dream on indifference

I had a dream...I was traveling with my friends on a ministry trip.
We were in a large fifth wheel. Debbie was the driver and she was
attempting to pull out of a very congested culdesac. She was going a
good job of maneuvering past other large vehicles and narrow
passages. As she was turning the last corner, past a concrete wall, I
noticed a small dirt bike leaning up against the wall. She clipped
the dirt bike, totaling it, and dented our fifth wheel. She had not
seen the bike. I had seen it before she hit it. It had not occurred
to me to point it out to her as she was doing such a good job avoiding
the obvious obstacles. I had been indifferent to her situation (that
affected more than just her).

Immediately I started checking my heart...there was a message
here...Pr.24:11-12...I also thought of the twig ministry that we are
all called to walk in after we have removed the log from our own
eyes. Lord, forgive us for our indifference. Help us to be faithful
messengers to one another.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ellie, Jerrie, Debbie 1-23-10

From Ellie, Jerri, Debbie............

Ellie, this is an outstanding letter. I have been thinking about the thing God hates, the one first on the list PRIDE. PRIDE rebels against humility. And we yield to one or the other all the time. You had to humble yourself to write this, so did your Mom and Debbie. Humility is the GLUE THAT GLUES THE BODY OF CHRIST TOGETHER. Pride is the Acetone that destroys, it's the main ingredient to the kingdom that FALLS and does not stand. It's why so many are desperate and on drugs in the church, because there are not enough open, honest, sincere, humble, truthful people THAT CAN GROW TOGETHER because they speak the truth in love.

If we would all PREACH WISDOM, open up our foolishness and the light of the glorious gospel we get about our foolishness UNDERSTANDING WOULD KEEP TALKING TO US.

I know being busy, lack of meetings separate us, but these letters, women being open ARE SO POWERFUL, THEY ARE LIFE, HEALTH, HELP. AND UNDERSTANDING CAN KEEP TALKING TO US WHEN WE AREN'T PRIDEFUL.

I have to say I'M THRILLED THAT YOUR MOM HAS DECIDED TO PUT OFF PRIDE RATHER THAN PUTTING US OFF. She has always lived with the false walls of pride protecting her.... NOT.......... not protecting her. A MIGHTY FORTRESS WAS HER PRIDE.... and I think she is seeing how it's kept her from being who she needs to be TO JESUS AND HIS PEOPLE......GLORY HALLELUJAH!!!!

I'm going to buy that children's book THE EMPEROR WITH NO CLOTHES ON. I think someone had a grip on the religious spirit when they wrote that one!

Hi Ceci,
I just wanted to share somethings that I was talking to one I love about. I was telling her that she needs to start speaking to her farmilar spirit's and start rebuking them and to stop living as the victum and start taking responsibility for what she has sown into her marriage and family. I Got off the phone I started thinking about Linda's advice to me when i see what I have done wrong or the spirit that I allowed to oporate in me, she said repent and ask the Lord to forgive you. I called one I love back and left a message that she should repent and ask for forgiveness when the Lord bring to rememberance that things she has done or the spirit she has allowed to rule in her. After I got off the phone with her I started reading in acts and got a powerful scripture Acts 3:19 Repent ye therfore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.

I was just so thankful that the Lord would bring to rememberance that words Linda willingly to give me and then lead me to this scripture!!

I was just thinking to look up the verse in the aramaic...Repent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out when the times of tranquillity shall come to you from before the presence of the Lord.
I looked up tranquil: free form agitations of mind or spirit, free from disturbance or turmil.

After reading this in the aramaic, does the second part of the scripture mean that the tranquillity and refreshing will happen as soon as we repent or when we stand before the Lord in heaven? BOTH
Thanks Ceci for your time and love!!!! love you Ellie

This is really good. Thank you for forwarding it. My silence has cause people to disappear as well. It's strange that I HAVEN'T see that and have been deceived into thinking that I could be satisfied by doing things my own way, walking in the light of my own sparks. I THINK I KNOW. I have been duped and indifferent to life in general. I am so sorry and ashamed that I've been a death trap to my kids and my family. NO MORE, I want to be right with Jesus and man. Thank GOD for this ministry and the light you have chosen to walk in and thank you too!!:) Please forgive me for putting you through it.
I am REALLY thankful to Pat, Alice and Carmie as well for their faithfulness and long suffering where I am concerned. That they would go there even knowing the wrath they would incur by talking to me. OH I'm sorry. I pray for true repentance and brokenness--not just saying I'm sorry to get away from the pressure. A humble and contrite spirit is what I need. Come Lord Jesus!!!!

Hi Ben
You have probably read what I wrote to Ceci in my e-mail, but I just wanted to write to you personally to let you know that I am sorry to you for what happened in Kona. As I am to all of the boys that were there. I could have played my part in changing things had I gotten people involved. If I had to do it over again, I would certainly do it differently. There were so many things that I passed over because I wanted Mikes' approval.
Kona was a test for all of us adults. We were all looking to meet our own needs our own way, and unfortuntely when adults do that they cause the young people in thier lives to be neglected and have sorrows that they wouldn't have if the adults cared more about pleasing God than themselves.
So, Please do not blame Gene, Ceci or Joe, or anyone else for what happened. They did not turn a blind eye. They just truly did not know what was going on. I wish SO much that I would have told them. But, to tell them would have meant me exposing my lust for Mikes' approval and I didn't want exposed.
In fact, that is the reason that none of us adults talked. We all had a demon that we were protecting. I know that had Gene and Ceci known all of the things that went on they would have been confronted, and things would have been different with everyone.
One comfort that I can give to you is that I know, that I know, that I know, that God will be faithful to those that were hurt....including your mom. Some how He will let them know that He is faithful and that it is man and woman that is unfaithful and limits His ability to expose some and bless others.
In fact, though Kona was hard on you and never should have happened the way it did, it can turn around for good. You now what it is like when adults are into thier own thing now. You can be thankful even, because it will all make you a better parent. Maybe had you not gone through it you would not know what kind of parent NOT to be.
Anyway, Ben, I love you and I just wanted to tell you that I am sincerely sorry for not getting Gene and Ceci involved, and I hope that this little note helps you understand some of the injustice that happened in Kona. I pray Gods' blessing on you and your little family. My love to you, Debbie
Our husbands are worthy of our
love and sowing anything else is tearing down our houses. YES PRVB. 22 TALKS ABOUT THAT WOMAN TOO,SHE'S A PIT A TRAP A SNARE FOR OTHERS TO FALL IN! This is such a revelation--I didn't lead my kids into the ditch--I was the ditch. I am so blessed to be here. To have the light and see the truth. OH GOD--Thank you. THAT IS WHO EVERY WOMAN IS WITHOUT JESUS!!!!

This is all so good. We are so blessed to continually be receiving
instruction on loving our husbands and children. I really was moved by the
Arthur Blessitt movie and realized that I need to live in the here and now
with my children, not waiting for them to grow up and not make so many
messes:), but be thankful today and do my ministry with my whole heart today.
And they are my ministry. Nathan and my girls. They are who are right in
front of me. And I have believed the lie that it is too hard to love and lay
down my life. I don't want my kids to grow up believing that lie. I want
them to see the blessing of loving and serving, so I must die to the selfish, worldly woman. Thank God that His mercies are new every morning and when we lack wisdom, we can ask and He will give it!!!!!If we really want it.
Amen and Amen!!!!
We are AMBASSADORS ALWAYS OF ONE KINGDOM OR THE OTHER, AND THEIR IS NO FENCE to sit on. We are loosing one govt. or the other AT ALL TIMES IN ALL PLACES, and realizing HOW MUCH POWER WE HAVE TO DO GOOD OR EVIL, and THERE IS NOTHING HIDDEN THAT WILL NOT BE REVEALED...... one day it will all clear WHO LOVED JESUS......... and DID HIS WILL, AND AT LEAST TRIED AND WANTED TO, AND CARED........ It's true nothing can be done against love I praise and thank Jesus for the life that is here and the life that is shared in our house. This is a great letter. Thank you :)

mean to your children or Gods?????


So glad you are getting revelation. One thing I wish I would have added was "the law of kindness was IN HER MOUTH."

I think as parents it is so easy to be condemning in our hearts towards our children for what we are guilty of. And we could get so much revelation out of how we are to the Lord, by watching how they are towards us.

I was even talking with your Mom about how there is no Kingdom (Government) without obeyers. And as the Grandparents we should be able to hear and obey.

WOW Ceci this is a great word! Thank you for sharing! I was just thinking the other day about Ayanna and wanting her to be a sister who will want to cover and care for her younger siblings and i was thinking about all the attitudes i have toward tommy, and the LORD starting talking to me about the spirit's that i am passing on to my daughter. I started seeing that if i don't judge how i treat tommy i won't have children that love eachother or care to treat eachother with love. I was really thankful that the LORD would show me this! love ellie

Those little attitudes you cop with your children are coming from thoughts inspired by the master himself, the master of lies...... Satan. He is on a mission to get your children to kill you, each other, or themselves. AND IT HAS WORKED ALL OVER OUR COUNTRY, EVERY DAY, OF EVERY YEAR. Spirits are real and they are on a mission to get you to look down on your children, lightly esteem them, see them as YOUR PROBLEM. They have an expected end for your children.............

Well, the devil is real and despair comes from him, he is the king of it. He's on a mission, and the song of his heart is despair and commit suicide, or despair and commit murder.

One of my friends came over today and I was telling her about a conversation with another friend..... about "the music in our heart." The Lord says, HE PUT A NEW SONG IN MY HEART EVEN PRAISE TO MY GOD. Most people are secretly walking around "singing" the devils song at his will. "It's too hard to love, it's too hard to wash feet, it's to hard to take grave clothes off. It's too hard to lay my life down for my children. My husband is too hard to love."

When my son Dan, and my daughter Rebekah were babies and I was folding a mountain of diapers one night..... singing "it's too hard. life is too hard, the Lord's given me more than I can handle" secretly in my thoughts...... I was right where the devil wanted me. Right where he had carved my conscience through my mother to be. I looked up on the wall and saw a plaque ironically my mother gave to me...... ( I think she was doing what she could to get me to stop singing the devils song the best she knew how, but I got some revelation about that too.) The plaque said THE LORD HAS NOT GIVEN YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN HANDLE. I laughed, mocked, even thought with the help of imps...... that's a joke, that's not true, the LORD DOES GIVE US MORE THAN WE CAN HANDLE. I never even saw at that time, I was right where the imps of hell wanted me, right where I had been ALL MY LIFE.

How does a 10 year old feel like killing herself? How does a 13 Year old run away from home to another state for a MONTH. And how does a young girl of 14 leave home for GOOD?

I was thinking of all the silent and not so silent demonic communication between my mother and I today. Ps. 45 says, "don't make obedience to the spirit of your father's house." "The Kings daughter is all glorious within."


That was the song of my mother's heart towards me. I WAS AN INCONVENIENCE TO HER. I was TOO HARD for her to lay down her life for. NOW THIS WAS UNSPOKEN for the most part, but let loose by ATTITUDES she carried towards me. LIKE BEING MEAN, disrespectful, OFFENDED, curt, she LIGHTLY ESTEEMED ME, I WAS HER PROBLEM THAT WAS TOO HARD FOR EVEN JESUS TO SOLVE........ and she was going to church, SHE JUST WASN'T LOOKING TO JESUS.

OH MY GOSH, how many couples are being duped by imps to think their problems with their spouse is just more than they can handle.............. LOOK FOR THE TRUTH TO SET YOU FREE from singing the wrong song!!!!!! Hunt for it like GOLD!!!!

So I wrote a letter, saying "I AM LEAVING SO YOUR LIFE WILL BE EASIER"........ and went to another house, stayed with strangers, and winged life on my own. So my mother wouldn't have to feel sorry for herself anymore having to deal with my problems!!!! These were demons that had been trying to convince me to kill myself since I was very young. My mother interacted with my like I was her problem too big to handle. AND I BELIEVED IT TOO........ She secretly felt sorry for herself BECAUSE OF ME, SO I DID TOO.......... FELT SORRY FOR HER HAVING THE BURDEN OF ME, the child.

SPIRITS ARE REAL. I have come way beyond this now, it's even hard for me TO REMEMBER. Because I HAVE RECEIVED THE ENGRAFTED WORD THAT HAS SAVED MY SOUL FROM THE DEMONS CARVING MY CONSCIENCE THROUGH THE ADULTS that were just the devils' puppets with no idea what they were doing.

BE CAREFUL HOW YOU TREAT THE LITTLE ONES, their Angel's are looking down from heaving taking notes!!! AS YOU HAVE DONE IT UNTO THE LEAST OF THESE MY SERVANTS, SO HAVE YOU DONE IT UNTO ME.......... THIS IS THE ENGRAFTED WORD THAT KEPT ME FROM BEING A MEAN MOM, SEEING MY CHILDREN AS A BURDEN I COULDN'T BEAR. I wanted to PROVE I LOVED JESUS BY LOVING THEM, they were worthy of my love. It was the least I could do to lay down my life for them seeing how MY SAVIOUR LAID DOWN HIS LIFE FOR ME......... I wanted to get answers for their problems not curse them for their problems because they were inconveniencing me.

Oh change the way you think before it's too late. Receive the engrafted word that can save your soul AND YOUR CHILDREN'S SOUL!!! You only have a few short years to show them HOW PRECIOUS THEY ARE........ TO GOD THE FATHER, and YOU!!!

Don't sing the songs your parents sang.......... don't impart the spirits your parents imparted!!!!! Let God put the right song into your heart for your children........ HOW MANY PARENTS HAVE FOUND THEIR CHILDREN DEAD DUE TO SUICIDE WITH NO CLUE HOW THE DEVIL DUPED THEM INTO PLAYING RIGHT INTO HIS HANDS...........


proverbs 22

17Listen (consent and submit) to the words of the wise, and apply your mind to my knowledge;
18For it will be pleasant if you keep them in your mind [believing them]; your lips will be accustomed to [confessing] them.
19So that your trust (belief, reliance, support, and confidence) may be in the Lord, I have made known these things to you today, even to you.
20Have I not written to you [long ago] excellent things in counsels and knowledge,
21To make you know the certainty of the words of truth, that you may give a true answer to those who sent you?(D)

It's really amazing to me how the word of God all fits together............. In God's Divine wisdom he even mapped out how it's all put together!

12The eyes of the Lord keep guard over knowledge and him who has it, but He overthrows the words of the treacherous. (not only do people who love the Lord not fall into the ditch of the deep pit of sluggardly fearful women, women of God overthrow the deep ditch of the loose woman)
13The sluggard says, There is a lion outside! I shall be slain in the streets! (when we say we are fearful we might as well admit we are slothful, they are one in the same. Because if we took the time to hear the words of the one who loves us we would not be afraid) Perfect love casts out fear, and when we abide in the vine of God it puts to flight fear.
14The mouth of a loose woman is a deep pit [for ensnaring wild animals]; he with whom the Lord is indignant and who is abhorrent to Him will fall into it. (that's who controlling Jezebel is, that's the spirit of fear........ to control others to save us because we don't want salvation that comes from the Lord)
15Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him. (So correction and reproof are a way of life and we need to look to God all the time so we stay on the right path)


Lynette, we have all been liars, man pleaser's (which is really self pleasure). Then we go gang-ho to tell the truth, but it's not because we love, it's not because we are humble, loving, kind, tenderhearted.) It is like being coached in a sport. At first we don't want to play, we aren't good we try and make a bunch of mistakes. But when we learn the sport, get free, have faith, and confidence in the coach, we can play the sport.....

It is like boxers, we can beat the air and get no where, or we can have a relationship with the coach and get the PUNCH that deals the BLOW from God. HOW SINCERE is our love when we tell others the truth?????? THAT'S VERY IMPORTANT to be honest with ourselves about. That was the thing that stuck out to me about Gene's stories. In all of them he prays, hears from God, then delivers the blow that breaks the yoke!!!! THAT'S WHEN LIFE IS AWESOME, AND GOD IS POWERFUL, and we have to abide in the right vine for the truth to do it's REAL WORK!!!!

realize for myself and with Kolbe that we really do what we want, and if we
want to see we will and if we want to know the truth we will search it out.
"everyone who is of the truth will hear my voice," Jesus said. So when we
aren't hearing from Him, who are we of? I was thinking about Prov 19:11 The
discretion of a man deferreth his anger and it is his glory to pass over a
transgression. God gets the glory when we are willing to pass over being
offended by our husbands transgressions and choose to sacrifice our emotions and feelings and look to love him. He that covereth a transgression seeketh love but he that repeateth a matter seperates very friends. I am convicted myself at the times I have uncovered Nathan's weaknesses and not looked to cover and love. We really are destroying our own flesh and tearing down our house.
Jerrie sent over a note about loving the praise of men more than God, it's a great revelation. Then as we mature, WE NEED TO MAKE SURE WE HAVE THE RIGHT SCENT.... Love, Faith, hope....... I know sometimes some of the women get offended with my openness. BUT WE ARE IN THE BATTLE TOGETHER, WE ARE HELPING EACH OTHER INTO HEAVEN with DROPPING OUR PRIDE AND BEING OPEN WITH OUR REVELATIONS. We need each other so much more than we realize. We need each others dung to learn from..... THAT'S WHAT DOES NOT GO ON IN MOST CHURCHES. PEOPLE HIDING THEMSELVES FROM THEIR OWN FLESH. I LOVE YOU ALL, I WANT YOU ALL TO GO TO HEAVEN, TO BE WISE WOMEN, AND THE MORE OPEN WE ARE, THE MORE WE CAN ALL LEARN AND BE WISE!!!!! Who of us have not been the foolish woman, who's heart is a band, snare and trap!!!! We have nothing to loose but pride AND EVERYTHING TO GAIN. To conquer the whiles of the devil against our soul TOGETHER!!!!

I was reading the proverbs yesterday and remembered when the Lord gave me
Prov. 21;9 and 10 about being the brawling woman, (faultfinding and
contentious) that seeketh only evil and can find no good in my husband. That
in itself is so destructive to our marriages. Our husbands are worthy of our

This is all so good. We are so blessed to continually be receiving
instruction on loving our husbands and children. I really was moved by the
Arthur Blessitt movie and realized that I need to live in the here and now
with my children, not waiting for them to grow up and not make so many
messes:), but be thankful today and do my ministry with my whole heart today.
And they are my ministry. Nathan and my girls. They are who are right in
front of me. And I have believed the lie that it is too hard to love and lay
down my life. I don't want my kids to grow up believing that lie. I want
them to see the blessing of loving and serving, so I must die to the selfish, worldly woman. Thank God that His mercies are new every morning and when we lack wisdom, we can ask and He will give it!!!!!If we really want it.


From Ellie, Jerri, Debbie............

Ellie, this is an outstanding letter. I have been thinking about the thing God hates, the one first on the list PRIDE. PRIDE rebels against humility. And we yield to one or the other all the time. You had to humble yourself to write this, so did your Mom and Debbie. Humility is the GLUE THAT GLUES THE BODY OF CHRIST TOGETHER. Pride is the Acetone that destroys, it's the main ingredient to the kingdom that FALLS and does not stand. It's why so many are desperate and on drugs in the church, because there are not enough open, honest, sincere, humble, truthful people THAT CAN GROW TOGETHER because they speak the truth in love.

If we would all PREACH WISDOM, open up our foolishness and the light of the glorious gospel we get about our foolishness UNDERSTANDING WOULD KEEP TALKING TO US.

I know being busy, lack of meetings separate us, but these letters, women being open ARE SO POWERFUL, THEY ARE LIFE, HEALTH, HELP. AND UNDERSTANDING CAN KEEP TALKING TO US WHEN WE AREN'T PRIDEFUL.

I have to say I'M THRILLED THAT YOUR MOM HAS DECIDED TO PUT OFF PRIDE RATHER THAN PUTTING US OFF. She has always lived with the false walls of pride protecting her.... NOT.......... not protecting her. A MIGHTY FORTRESS WAS HER PRIDE.... and I think she is seeing how it's kept her from being who she needs to be TO JESUS AND HIS PEOPLE......GLORY HALLELUJAH!!!!

I'm going to buy that children's book THE EMPEROR WITH NO CLOTHES ON. I think someone had a grip on the religious spirit when they wrote that one!

Hi Ceci,
I just wanted to share somethings that I was talking to one I love about. I was telling her that she needs to start speaking to her farmilar spirit's and start rebuking them and to stop living as the victum and start taking responsibility for what she has sown into her marriage and family. I Got off the phone I started thinking about Linda's advice to me when i see what I have done wrong or the spirit that I allowed to oporate in me, she said repent and ask the Lord to forgive you. I called one I love back and left a message that she should repent and ask for forgiveness when the Lord bring to rememberance that things she has done or the spirit she has allowed to rule in her. After I got off the phone with her I started reading in acts and got a powerful scripture Acts 3:19 Repent ye therfore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.

I was just so thankful that the Lord would bring to rememberance that words Linda willingly to give me and then lead me to this scripture!!

I was just thinking to look up the verse in the aramaic...Repent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out when the times of tranquillity shall come to you from before the presence of the Lord.
I looked up tranquil: free form agitations of mind or spirit, free from disturbance or turmil.

After reading this in the aramaic, does the second part of the scripture mean that the tranquillity and refreshing will happen as soon as we repent or when we stand before the Lord in heaven? BOTH
Thanks Ceci for your time and love!!!! love you Ellie

This is really good. Thank you for forwarding it. My silence has cause people to disappear as well. It's strange that I HAVEN'T see that and have been deceived into thinking that I could be satisfied by doing things my own way, walking in the light of my own sparks. I THINK I KNOW. I have been duped and indifferent to life in general. I am so sorry and ashamed that I've been a death trap to my kids and my family. NO MORE, I want to be right with Jesus and man. Thank GOD for this ministry and the light you have chosen to walk in and thank you too!!:) Please forgive me for putting you through it.
I am REALLY thankful to Pat, Alice and Carmie as well for their faithfulness and long suffering where I am concerned. That they would go there even knowing the wrath they would incur by talking to me. OH I'm sorry. I pray for true repentance and brokenness--not just saying I'm sorry to get away from the pressure. A humble and contrite spirit is what I need. Come Lord Jesus!!!!


To hate someone is to look down on them, and we shouldn't just decide for someone that they will respond carnally to what we say. Even if they always have in the past, why not go into the battle with "Love Hopes All Things" and have an anointing of love and faith on us rather than fear and unbelief that we won't be heard?

It's the spirit, the anointing that is on us when we go to others that determines how the battle will go.........

This is an addition......... The top of the letter..........

I was thinking about the time I felt the spirit was opening my eyes to "God is not mocked, what a man sows this shall he also reap." It was like I could see for the first time that Michael did not believe that and I should talk to him about it. Well I had to face the truth that, ME, MYSELF, I, did not believe that either, I had never really taken that truth to heart. So when I went to Michael, because I had face the truth ABOUT ME, and had some humility AND FEAR OF THE LORD myself, I could SUBMIT TO HIM IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD when I talked to Him. Looking back on that now I AM SURE THAT IS WHY GOD WENT TO BATTLE FOR ME, because I JUDGED MYSELF first before I went to him, OUT OF LOVE FOR HIS SOUL.

It's easy to play the part of the self-righteous victim, most people do it. Have you seen the movie "Defending Your Life"?

Gene and I were telling some people a varitey of stories the other day where A WRONG WAS STOPPED BY DOING WHAT WAS RIGHT. What a GLORY, WHAT AN HONOR, that we could let some one wrong us. It's the least we can do. WE PUT JESUS ON THE CROSS, and we can barely suffer a wrong, much less LOOK TO HELP COVER a sinner. And by that I mean exactly what I did with Michael, what Gene did with Vicky, we did not look to condemn them BUT HELP THEM GET COVERED BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS THROUGH REPENTANCE, so THEY WOULD NOT DIE IN THEIR SIN. It's unconfessed sin we will get judged for. AND IF WE HAVE CONFESSED AND REPENTED, why the heck wouldn't we help someone else???????? IT'S OUR HONOR, IF THEY REJECT AND REFUSE US. At least Michael and Vicky both know SOMEONE LOVED THEIR SOUL ENOUGH TO TRY AND HELP THEM BE CLEAN IN THEIR CONSCIENCE BEFORE GOD. And the filthy of conscience, CANNOT, WILL NOT HELP THEIR HUSBANDS AND CHILDREN HAVE CLEAN CONSCIENCE OR FEAR THE LORD, BECAUSE THAT IS NOT WHERE THY ARE AT. AND THEY SEE NO HONOR OR GLORY IN LAYING DOWN THEIR LIFE TO HELP SOMEONE ELSE.




Subject: women who use a vagabond spirit to get their needs met

I went to this African Christian's web page. They sell a bunch of articles there. "the bones in your grandfathers cupboards", why Christians don't get delivered, SPIRITUAL VAGABONDS. What came to me is people are spiritual vagabonds for a reason. There is a payoff. They have counted the cost, and the price they pay to be a vagabond IS WORTH THE REWARD they think they will get.
Kind of like Beach Bum. (as one woman put it) Or a humping dog as another woman put it, or a suckey flattering taker. Hell and destruction are never full, so a vagabond never has enough. I saw a true story movie of a woman (got a paycheck of $16,000 a month, and it still wasn't enough for her.) Control, vengeance, self pity, made her totally unable to be THANKFUL FOR ALL SHE HAD, so she killed her x huband and new wife. And felt good about it and justified. She was a true spiritual vagabond.

I can relate to the vagabond, stealing, taking, no integrity, curse of waiting for some man to come save me. It was a suckey life and I had to COUNT THE COST, consider my ways, and realize I didn't want the wages that belong to vagabonds. God opened my eyes to see the cost was too high for me to live like that and put that spirit on my children.

Vagabonds are cannibals, they only take life, they don't give it. And they consider not what they do to others.
I was talking to my husband about a woman who's child died, and I told him, if I was her, I would tell the Lord this. Lord, I was a selfish, dead in my conscience woman, a taker, user, who let demons rule me. IT'S MY FAULT MY CHILD DIED, I don't deserve any of my children.
I had to be washed from my sin, by Jesus..... I faced my sin, didn't offer my blood to cover it. Told the Lord me and my children deserved whatever evil befell us. AND HE SAVED ME AND MY CHILDREN, washed me, cleaned my evil conscience.
She who covers her sin, will not prosper. She who says SHE HAS NO SIN, HER SIN WILL ALWAYS REMAIN WITH HER. She will live and die unwashed. Or try and sacrifice her blood........ self righteousness is truly wicked. It keeps us from God and man.

It's sad to see women use a vagabond spirit to get their needs met, they live a life of shame and sorrow, just as the devil intended for them. But the cost of fighting the good fight of faith, taking hold of eternal life, casting down principalities and powers, EXERCISING THEIR SENSES IS TOO HIGH. And until the cost is too high NOT TO, THEY WON'T TURN AROUND, CHANGE, REPENT!

Women who have more faith to be A BAD SEED, faith in the devil, they will get life according to their faith!

Subject: : needy, idoalatrous men and women who are life takers............ I'm going to work on this some more

When I met Gene, I had been married to a murderer and rapist who loved to be ministered to by WOMEN in the church.....and they likewise loved to MINISTER to men. I had become familiar, and my own father Ministered to women ALONE, apart from the husband, or anyone else. I never even considered what Jesus said......(they went out 2 by 2).
I have learned much through my own sufferings. I was a "spiritual" fornicator with men in the church myself. I drew comfort from them, they drew comfort from their "list" of women.
I think it goes on all the time, and I have had people say the church has become a better pick up joint than a bar.
I had 3 men in my life when I met Gene......... all Christians, that had little to no relationships in honesty, sincerity, and truth with MEN, but drew comfort from ministering to women. It was nothing less than spiritual fornication. I realized that the "walls" of truth around me had fallen down. I had no RIGHT STANDARD of healthy relationships or how they looked with men or women. But when I saw "living" epistles, men who talked about pride, lying, lust, covetousness, who had open honest sincere relationships with each other, I realized how "off" I was. I had only seen men "taking" from women, (in the light of ministering to them), and women really in the same boat. It looked good on the outside, but few of these people had ordered relationships in the body of Christ. Seems like there are tons of these kind of men around, the sad part is most of them are content to be like they are and don't even have a clue how sick in their soul they are!

Gene never met with women alone. He didn't have a women's ministry, and he only ministered to women WITH their husbands or WITH other people. He had a right spirit with the Lord and he didn't NEED women and their acceptance for his own pride or ego or spiritual comfort. I had been around so many men with vexed consciences who went to church, but weren't led by the Spirit, and deep down were insecure, so they "took" comfort from women and children, in the guise of being a spiritual "giver". I approached the men in my life, told them the truth about what God was opening my eyes to, but none of them wanted to give up their list of women they ministered to. I only was able to see what was really "sick" by viewing what was healthy. I realized the man I was with HAD NO, NOR HAD HE EVER HAD, honest, open, sincere relationships with men. His brother was even in the business of treating sexual offenders and he never talked to him. This helped him be open prey to the devil.......... HE NEEDED WOMEN to comfort him, USED them, and HATED (lightly esteemed them) due to his sick need, and unclean conscience towards God.
So the story goes............ I have seen it now for years, even in Pastor's all over the country, who deep down inside are insecure, don't have men they speak the truth in love to believing they are members of each other, AND TAKE COMFORT FROM WOMEN AND CHILDREN, to meet their need, due to their vexed or empty souls regarding God and other men. Some of these men I have seen get married, but lay a burden on their wives to COMFORT their vexed soul. And they have a "list" of other women, or children in some cases they minister to OUT OF THEIR NEED, DECEIVING THEMSELVES. They are really TAKING under the delusion of GIVING! And when their wives are either spiritual whores, or physical whores they don't have a clue how it happened to them???????? They end up with conscience vexing, spirit grieving, Holy Ghost denying women, but don't even understand how they have reaped what they have sown. They don't even look at their UNNATURAL submission to women, they seem caring, kind on the outside, but when women don't give them what they want the ravenous wolf appears.

The only way out of this trap for men, IS TO HAVE HEALTHY HONEST, OPEN SINCERE RELATIONSHIPS WITH MEN OF GOD! And women are in the same boat. To be a GIVER in a marriage you can't just look to your spouse, we are supposed to be INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS OF A BODY!!!!! Is. says NOT TO HIDE OURSELVES FROM OUR OWN FLESH! BUT INDIVIDUAL'S DO AND COUPLES DO TOO, AND THEY NEVER FULFILL GOD'S WILL IN EACH OTHER'S LIFE OR THE BODY OF CHRIST'S life!!!! They don't see themselves as a vital organ in a GREATER WHOLE body!

What I've told my own daughter's is to be very discerning towards how a man REALLY RELATES to the men in his life. Does he have men that give him wisdom, understanding and knowledge to the sins that so easily beset him? If they don't have healthy relationships with other men, stay away from them, they won't have a healthy relationship with you either. If they can't have a clean conscience with God and other men, they won't have a clean conscience with you either!!! Also, if you learn to have a clean conscience with women, and God................ you'll do much better with having a clean conscience with a man! I have known so many "married" women that have vexed consciences with God and other women, who live in lust and fantasy, and every chance they get they "TAKE COMFORT" from any man they can emotionally, spiritually, or in their vain imaginations. These people live "captive by the cords of their own sin", and wonder why the end up with someone with a big log in their eye, who is always using the opposite sex TO TAKE COMFORT FROM! It's all life in the land of taking, stealing, not in God's Kingdom!
This is all I have time to write about right now............ talk to you soon, Ceci

I think your letter is just great ........ and there are some
among us who have never seen the lives they have shipwrecked. I think that's
why God has brought this man around, so these women can take a look at what they
have failed to all these years and give a clear sound.

One of the things I talked to my kids about all along was my hypocrisy
men just like me, who really live to PLEASE THEMSELVES. I cried aloud and
spared not, and some of my kids, heard the Lords voice.
Our suffering with the opposite sex has profited us nothing if we
didn't see the operation of God, in tearing us down for seeking our own will not

I talked to that lady again about being self serving throughout
the relationship. I must say that she sheds tears over the thought of
shipwrecking your faith, and I think has deep regret over being a
carnal woman to you....... she has been really broken, and was again today.
I'm not sure I have seen much godly sorrow in the other women and maybe
that's why the blood doesn't cleanse their conscience, due to the fact that
their repentance is self seeking, rather than how they have affected God and
His people first and foremost besides sowing to their own destruction.

Here's another letter to the lady in Id. that met J in a Christian
chat room, and has come to see him 2 times in the name of "checking out

Hey S,

The first time we met I knew, (others did too) that you were here to
check out J. The reasoning of your mind sounded good........ but IN YOUR
HEART, you were here because of J, not Billings. I think that was true the
2nd time around too!

Our heart doesn't match our head......... we tell Jesus what sounds
good too, we don't tell him the truth........... that's why so many women
can be deceived by men. They have already deceived themselves. I did the
same thing with a man many years ago. I knew who he really was on the
inside too........ (committed to no one really but himself), but I was looking
at him to as means to an end, (committed really only to myself too. What was really crazy is I knew 2 of his
last 6 wives.......... wow.......... I cried out to God to save me from
myself. To help me deal with the inside of me so I would no longer just be judging
men by the seeing of the eye and the hearing of the ear........ but I
wanted Him to open my eyes so I could see the ingredients on the inside of the
package. I couldn't see, because I wouldn't deal with what was going on in the
inside of me. Until I was willing to go there.......... I was lost and
blind....... I was in idolatry with "Christian" men, who were in
"idolatry" with Christian women......

I don't even know if this makes sense to you, but until I faced the
fact that I didn't LIVE AND BREATH TO PLEASE GOD.......... I only knew men
who were willing to please themselves. Christian men who were as
unconverted as I was. Men who weren't led by the spirit and I didn't realize that I
wasn't led by the spirit either. If I couldn't have a man that lived to
please God above himself I didn't want one. Most men are flesh gratifiers over
obeying Jesus!

I'm talking right now with a woman who dated J....... she's telling
me how needy he was, due to his lack of Jesus....... They argued all the
time, their EMPTINESS caused a constant clash. He lived in fear financially
AT TOO........ really. That's what was on the inside of the cup.........
under all the Christian polish. She soon realized it was a mistake
and bailed out. She knew life with him would be a life of contention and strife.

Funny how he can see the sin of the females in all his past relationships
but he has no clue as to why he was so blinded by the women that came
his way. His own self deception will be his continual sorrows with the
women in his future too. "The things my soul refused touch have become my
sorrowful meat."

You can write her if you want, her name is Alice. She's been tempted
with a few men like Jim, but hasn't gone the distance. She knows to much what
the end of the road looks like!
Talk to you soon.

Hi Sheryl, We were having a women's mtg just this am. One of the women here got
a scripture due to her always looking to men really for her help and
she's lived life under a curse. "to deliver you from the strange women who
flatters with her mouth". She has been one of those women men need to
be delivered from. She flatters men, and it's always brought her
destruction. And she "receives" men who are only flattering her. life
suckers, life takers. It's so easy for women to close their eyes, deceive
themselves BECAUSE THEY ARE HUNGRY. They consume men upon their
appetites, and find men who do the same.......... ALL IN THE NAME OF JESUS. No

She has never really looked to do GOD'S WILL in men's lives, and she
gets men who talk Jesus but IT'S NOT REALLY THEIR FOOD TO DO GOD'S WILL.

It was great because a man came in the room and talked about the
scripture "to the hungry soul, every bitter thing is sweet." He talked about
how he engaged women, flattery, taking emotional, spiritual comfort from
them....... looking to be emotionally, intimate, WITHOUT COMMITMENT.
He had NO intention of being committed, and he was a SPIRITUAL
FORNICATOR. (intimacy without COMMITMENT). That's what that means.

This is where many men have bailed out of our ministry. They don't
want to look at how they really engage women or WHY. They really have vexed
consciences, because they aren't led by God's spirit BUT BY THEIR NEED.
They lead women astray....... (making them think one thing, but using them
for another.) Even if it's just for an emotional fix. Then they give
them gifts to pay them off for using them........... even if the usury has
just been emotional not physical. Or to be "spiritually intimate". We
have seen dozens of men use JESUS AND MINISTRY to TAKE COMFORT FROM WOMEN.
Even thou there is no sex....... it's a wrong spirit and always leads to destruction.

Married men do it too............. I just hope you learn from your
sorrows with J, because I don't think he is really looking at why and how
he engages women, nor does he really care what it's doing to them. I think
the Lord will have a big issue with him one day about it too, because
he sent messengers to Jim, and he refused them.

Oh well........... enough said. Some people will never look at what
they sow, what they reap or why they have reaped it.

Christians are going around this mountain over and over again.......
they live like victims, not knowing why they keep reaping UNFAITHFUL men...
men of no commitment, because they are really on the hunt for food, they
don't have faith God will really feed them. They stay in miserable wrong
spirited relationships too, never getting understanding, living like a
victim, full of self pity.

She's been trying to cook, clean, and offer her flesh, but she hasn't
cared about being a woman of God, getting her food from afar. She lives to
get and protect herself, not TO DO GOD'S WILL. Do all the works, live to
get your needs met with men, all in the name of Jesus she did it.......
her and hundreds of others I have met over the years. They are spiritual
fornicators.......... and get spiritual fornicators, men full of fear,
pity, covetousness, et. Love, Ceci