Subject: women who use a vagabond spirit to get their needs met
I went to this African Christian's web page. They sell a bunch of articles there. "the bones in your grandfathers cupboards", why Christians don't get delivered, SPIRITUAL VAGABONDS. What came to me is people are spiritual vagabonds for a reason. There is a payoff. They have counted the cost, and the price they pay to be a vagabond IS WORTH THE REWARD they think they will get.
Kind of like Beach Bum. (as one woman put it) Or a humping dog as another woman put it, or a suckey flattering taker. Hell and destruction are never full, so a vagabond never has enough. I saw a true story movie of a woman (got a paycheck of $16,000 a month, and it still wasn't enough for her.) Control, vengeance, self pity, made her totally unable to be THANKFUL FOR ALL SHE HAD, so she killed her x huband and new wife. And felt good about it and justified. She was a true spiritual vagabond.
I can relate to the vagabond, stealing, taking, no integrity, curse of waiting for some man to come save me. It was a suckey life and I had to COUNT THE COST, consider my ways, and realize I didn't want the wages that belong to vagabonds. God opened my eyes to see the cost was too high for me to live like that and put that spirit on my children.
Vagabonds are cannibals, they only take life, they don't give it. And they consider not what they do to others.
I was talking to my husband about a woman who's child died, and I told him, if I was her, I would tell the Lord this. Lord, I was a selfish, dead in my conscience woman, a taker, user, who let demons rule me. IT'S MY FAULT MY CHILD DIED, I don't deserve any of my children.
I had to be washed from my sin, by Jesus..... I faced my sin, didn't offer my blood to cover it. Told the Lord me and my children deserved whatever evil befell us. AND HE SAVED ME AND MY CHILDREN, washed me, cleaned my evil conscience.
She who covers her sin, will not prosper. She who says SHE HAS NO SIN, HER SIN WILL ALWAYS REMAIN WITH HER. She will live and die unwashed. Or try and sacrifice her blood........ self righteousness is truly wicked. It keeps us from God and man.
It's sad to see women use a vagabond spirit to get their needs met, they live a life of shame and sorrow, just as the devil intended for them. But the cost of fighting the good fight of faith, taking hold of eternal life, casting down principalities and powers, EXERCISING THEIR SENSES IS TOO HIGH. And until the cost is too high NOT TO, THEY WON'T TURN AROUND, CHANGE, REPENT!
Women who have more faith to be A BAD SEED, faith in the devil, they will get life according to their faith!
Subject: : needy, idoalatrous men and women who are life takers............ I'm going to work on this some more
When I met Gene, I had been married to a murderer and rapist who loved to be ministered to by WOMEN in the church.....and they likewise loved to MINISTER to men. I had become familiar, and my own father Ministered to women ALONE, apart from the husband, or anyone else. I never even considered what Jesus said......(they went out 2 by 2).
I have learned much through my own sufferings. I was a "spiritual" fornicator with men in the church myself. I drew comfort from them, they drew comfort from their "list" of women.
I think it goes on all the time, and I have had people say the church has become a better pick up joint than a bar.
I had 3 men in my life when I met Gene......... all Christians, that had little to no relationships in honesty, sincerity, and truth with MEN, but drew comfort from ministering to women. It was nothing less than spiritual fornication. I realized that the "walls" of truth around me had fallen down. I had no RIGHT STANDARD of healthy relationships or how they looked with men or women. But when I saw "living" epistles, men who talked about pride, lying, lust, covetousness, who had open honest sincere relationships with each other, I realized how "off" I was. I had only seen men "taking" from women, (in the light of ministering to them), and women really in the same boat. It looked good on the outside, but few of these people had ordered relationships in the body of Christ. Seems like there are tons of these kind of men around, the sad part is most of them are content to be like they are and don't even have a clue how sick in their soul they are!
Gene never met with women alone. He didn't have a women's ministry, and he only ministered to women WITH their husbands or WITH other people. He had a right spirit with the Lord and he didn't NEED women and their acceptance for his own pride or ego or spiritual comfort. I had been around so many men with vexed consciences who went to church, but weren't led by the Spirit, and deep down were insecure, so they "took" comfort from women and children, in the guise of being a spiritual "giver". I approached the men in my life, told them the truth about what God was opening my eyes to, but none of them wanted to give up their list of women they ministered to. I only was able to see what was really "sick" by viewing what was healthy. I realized the man I was with HAD NO, NOR HAD HE EVER HAD, honest, open, sincere relationships with men. His brother was even in the business of treating sexual offenders and he never talked to him. This helped him be open prey to the devil.......... HE NEEDED WOMEN to comfort him, USED them, and HATED (lightly esteemed them) due to his sick need, and unclean conscience towards God.
So the story goes............ I have seen it now for years, even in Pastor's all over the country, who deep down inside are insecure, don't have men they speak the truth in love to believing they are members of each other, AND TAKE COMFORT FROM WOMEN AND CHILDREN, to meet their need, due to their vexed or empty souls regarding God and other men. Some of these men I have seen get married, but lay a burden on their wives to COMFORT their vexed soul. And they have a "list" of other women, or children in some cases they minister to OUT OF THEIR NEED, DECEIVING THEMSELVES. They are really TAKING under the delusion of GIVING! And when their wives are either spiritual whores, or physical whores they don't have a clue how it happened to them???????? They end up with conscience vexing, spirit grieving, Holy Ghost denying women, but don't even understand how they have reaped what they have sown. They don't even look at their UNNATURAL submission to women, they seem caring, kind on the outside, but when women don't give them what they want the ravenous wolf appears.
The only way out of this trap for men, IS TO HAVE HEALTHY HONEST, OPEN SINCERE RELATIONSHIPS WITH MEN OF GOD! And women are in the same boat. To be a GIVER in a marriage you can't just look to your spouse, we are supposed to be INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS OF A BODY!!!!! Is. says NOT TO HIDE OURSELVES FROM OUR OWN FLESH! BUT INDIVIDUAL'S DO AND COUPLES DO TOO, AND THEY NEVER FULFILL GOD'S WILL IN EACH OTHER'S LIFE OR THE BODY OF CHRIST'S life!!!! They don't see themselves as a vital organ in a GREATER WHOLE body!
What I've told my own daughter's is to be very discerning towards how a man REALLY RELATES to the men in his life. Does he have men that give him wisdom, understanding and knowledge to the sins that so easily beset him? If they don't have healthy relationships with other men, stay away from them, they won't have a healthy relationship with you either. If they can't have a clean conscience with God and other men, they won't have a clean conscience with you either!!! Also, if you learn to have a clean conscience with women, and God................ you'll do much better with having a clean conscience with a man! I have known so many "married" women that have vexed consciences with God and other women, who live in lust and fantasy, and every chance they get they "TAKE COMFORT" from any man they can emotionally, spiritually, or in their vain imaginations. These people live "captive by the cords of their own sin", and wonder why the end up with someone with a big log in their eye, who is always using the opposite sex TO TAKE COMFORT FROM! It's all life in the land of taking, stealing, not in God's Kingdom!
This is all I have time to write about right now............ talk to you soon, Ceci
I think your letter is just great ........ and there are some
among us who have never seen the lives they have shipwrecked. I think that's
why God has brought this man around, so these women can take a look at what they
have failed to all these years and give a clear sound.
One of the things I talked to my kids about all along was my hypocrisy
men just like me, who really live to PLEASE THEMSELVES. I cried aloud and
spared not, and some of my kids, heard the Lords voice.
Our suffering with the opposite sex has profited us nothing if we
didn't see the operation of God, in tearing us down for seeking our own will not
I talked to that lady again about being self serving throughout
the relationship. I must say that she sheds tears over the thought of
shipwrecking your faith, and I think has deep regret over being a
carnal woman to you....... she has been really broken, and was again today.
I'm not sure I have seen much godly sorrow in the other women and maybe
that's why the blood doesn't cleanse their conscience, due to the fact that
their repentance is self seeking, rather than how they have affected God and
His people first and foremost besides sowing to their own destruction.
Here's another letter to the lady in Id. that met J in a Christian
chat room, and has come to see him 2 times in the name of "checking out
Hey S,
The first time we met I knew, (others did too) that you were here to
check out J. The reasoning of your mind sounded good........ but IN YOUR
HEART, you were here because of J, not Billings. I think that was true the
2nd time around too!
Our heart doesn't match our head......... we tell Jesus what sounds
good too, we don't tell him the truth........... that's why so many women
can be deceived by men. They have already deceived themselves. I did the
same thing with a man many years ago. I knew who he really was on the
inside too........ (committed to no one really but himself), but I was looking
at him to as means to an end, (committed really only to myself too. What was really crazy is I knew 2 of his
last 6 wives.......... wow.......... I cried out to God to save me from
myself. To help me deal with the inside of me so I would no longer just be judging
men by the seeing of the eye and the hearing of the ear........ but I
wanted Him to open my eyes so I could see the ingredients on the inside of the
package. I couldn't see, because I wouldn't deal with what was going on in the
inside of me. Until I was willing to go there.......... I was lost and
blind....... I was in idolatry with "Christian" men, who were in
"idolatry" with Christian women......
I don't even know if this makes sense to you, but until I faced the
fact that I didn't LIVE AND BREATH TO PLEASE GOD.......... I only knew men
who were willing to please themselves. Christian men who were as
unconverted as I was. Men who weren't led by the spirit and I didn't realize that I
wasn't led by the spirit either. If I couldn't have a man that lived to
please God above himself I didn't want one. Most men are flesh gratifiers over
obeying Jesus!
I'm talking right now with a woman who dated J....... she's telling
me how needy he was, due to his lack of Jesus....... They argued all the
time, their EMPTINESS caused a constant clash. He lived in fear financially
AT TOO........ really. That's what was on the inside of the cup.........
under all the Christian polish. She soon realized it was a mistake
and bailed out. She knew life with him would be a life of contention and strife.
Funny how he can see the sin of the females in all his past relationships
but he has no clue as to why he was so blinded by the women that came
his way. His own self deception will be his continual sorrows with the
women in his future too. "The things my soul refused touch have become my
sorrowful meat."
You can write her if you want, her name is Alice. She's been tempted
with a few men like Jim, but hasn't gone the distance. She knows to much what
the end of the road looks like!
Talk to you soon.
Hi Sheryl, We were having a women's mtg just this am. One of the women here got
a scripture due to her always looking to men really for her help and
she's lived life under a curse. "to deliver you from the strange women who
flatters with her mouth". She has been one of those women men need to
be delivered from. She flatters men, and it's always brought her
destruction. And she "receives" men who are only flattering her. life
suckers, life takers. It's so easy for women to close their eyes, deceive
themselves BECAUSE THEY ARE HUNGRY. They consume men upon their
appetites, and find men who do the same.......... ALL IN THE NAME OF JESUS. No
She has never really looked to do GOD'S WILL in men's lives, and she
gets men who talk Jesus but IT'S NOT REALLY THEIR FOOD TO DO GOD'S WILL.
It was great because a man came in the room and talked about the
scripture "to the hungry soul, every bitter thing is sweet." He talked about
how he engaged women, flattery, taking emotional, spiritual comfort from
them....... looking to be emotionally, intimate, WITHOUT COMMITMENT.
He had NO intention of being committed, and he was a SPIRITUAL
FORNICATOR. (intimacy without COMMITMENT). That's what that means.
This is where many men have bailed out of our ministry. They don't
want to look at how they really engage women or WHY. They really have vexed
consciences, because they aren't led by God's spirit BUT BY THEIR NEED.
They lead women astray....... (making them think one thing, but using them
for another.) Even if it's just for an emotional fix. Then they give
them gifts to pay them off for using them........... even if the usury has
just been emotional not physical. Or to be "spiritually intimate". We
have seen dozens of men use JESUS AND MINISTRY to TAKE COMFORT FROM WOMEN.
Even thou there is no sex....... it's a wrong spirit and always leads to destruction.
Married men do it too............. I just hope you learn from your
sorrows with J, because I don't think he is really looking at why and how
he engages women, nor does he really care what it's doing to them. I think
the Lord will have a big issue with him one day about it too, because
he sent messengers to Jim, and he refused them.
Oh well........... enough said. Some people will never look at what
they sow, what they reap or why they have reaped it.
Christians are going around this mountain over and over again.......
they live like victims, not knowing why they keep reaping UNFAITHFUL men...
men of no commitment, because they are really on the hunt for food, they
don't have faith God will really feed them. They stay in miserable wrong
spirited relationships too, never getting understanding, living like a
victim, full of self pity.
She's been trying to cook, clean, and offer her flesh, but she hasn't
cared about being a woman of God, getting her food from afar. She lives to
get and protect herself, not TO DO GOD'S WILL. Do all the works, live to
get your needs met with men, all in the name of Jesus she did it.......
her and hundreds of others I have met over the years. They are spiritual
fornicators.......... and get spiritual fornicators, men full of fear,
pity, covetousness, et. Love, Ceci
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