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Thursday, June 24, 2010


I think this is one of the most important letters I have ever written....... and I hope you keep it on file......‏
Sent: Thu 6/24/10 10:50 PM
Read Ps. 15 and 25, Who will abide with God, those who have CLEAN HANDS and A PURE HEART!!!!!!!

God gives us a The Spirit OF self control. But when we are SPIRITUALLY inactive, we will be overcome with LUST!!!! And cause others to pass through the fire!

SUCKING, TAKING LIFE FROM MEN, CHILDREN, WOMEN, living in Idolatry and LUST!! Being INACTIVE towards taking the log from our own eye....... we are given over to lust. We can not escape "the spirit of lust in the world" if we fail to keep our hands and heart clean towards others.

THE MORE we lay down our life for our brother, sister, the brighter and brighter the light gets The clearer and clearer our sin is. Our sin becomes more exceedingly sinful, and the light of the gospel shines brighter and brighter.

I just love walking with the girls.......... MY SIN FROM THE PAST BECOMES CLEARER ALL THE TIME, MY TESTIMONY BECOMES STRONGER, and I become a little WISER to the whiles of the devil Every TIME, I give myself to His children.

I was talking to Lynette about USING CHILDREN to COMFORT OUR VEXED SOUL. You know how my soul was vexed? Michael's soul was vexed? We were not taking the log from our own eye, and overcoming Satan in each other BY OUR TESTIMONY. OUR HANDS WERE FULL OF BLOOD, we were NOT CLEAN FROM THE BLOOD OF ALL MEN, from the blood of each other. UNTIL WE GIVE PEOPLE THE FULL COUNSEL OF GOD, and OUR TESTIMONY to help them overcome Satan, OUR HANDS HAVE BLOOD ON THEM. And we are PRIDEFUL LIARS THAT SAY IN OUR HEARTS, "I'm glad I am not like him, her." What sin has someone committed that WE CAN'T RELATE TO?

SO WHEN I WAS AT ODDS with Michael, (because we lived in idolatry and used each other to comfort our vexed souls)..... Yes most marriages are IDOLATROUS, not Godly where each couple has the TESTIMONY of JESUS for their sin, AND has Gods words fitted in their lips ABOUT the sins others commit..... they DO NOT LOVE FREELY WITH THE LOVE OF GOD, THE WAY GOD LOVES THEM. They don't give each other THE WORD of their testimony, they give each other THE LAW about what not to do, or what to do. BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO FELLOWSHIP WITH JESUS about HOW HE FEELS about their sin, due to seeing it in someone else.

SO MICHAEL and I USED our children to comfort our conscience, BUT WE WERE NOT FULFILLING GOD'S ROLE in each others lives, SO USURY, PITY, ANGER was the zit that always popped up. We used each other, and our children to comfort US, when we weren't angry with our idols for not giving us what we wanted. When you do not walk in the light, and you are not taking the log out of your eye, and you are not giving others you are offended with YOUR TESTIMONY, you will use children, the opposite sex, movies, shopping, food, booze........ WHATEVER TO AVOID THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE NOT LOOKED AT YOUR OWN SIN. You DO NOT HAVE THE WORD OF THE LORD FOR OTHERS, you are a prideful liar, that has no ministry towards taking the log from your own eye. LUST IS THE LOT OF EVERYONE WHO DOES NOT KEEP HIS HEART AND HANDS CLEAN OF OFFENSE TOWARDS GOD AND MAN.

I would get angry with my kids when I was FEARFUL he was not meeting my needs. And it wasn't until I told the Lord the truth about my fears and my unbelief that HE COULD START DELIVERING ME FROM THEM. And put HIS TRUTH in my HEART and LIPS. SINCERITY AND HONESTY AND HUMILITY ARE CRUCIAL for EVER doing what's right with others.

WHEN WE UNCOVER OUR SIN WE PROSPER, because others NEED TO HEAR WHAT GOD HAS TOLD others who have the testimony of Christ about their sin. Prideful liars can not help others, they just get mad and see everyone else with LOGS IN THEIR EYES. They dish out THE LAW that kills because they are too prideful to get understanding to their past sin.

2 Peter 2:10 This is especially true of those who follow the ...

... and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise
authority. Bold and willful, they do not tremble as ...
// - 18k
James 4:2 You want something but don't get it. You kill and covet ...

... You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. ...
// - 17k
2 Peter 1:4 Through these he has given us his very great and ...

... His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers
of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust ...
// - 18k

Words of the Wise
17 Incline your ear, and hear the words of the wise,
and apply your heart to my knowledge,
18 for it will be pleasant if you keep them within you,
if all of them are ready on your lips.
19 That your trust may be in the LORD,
I have made them known to you today, even to you.
20 Have I not written for you thirty sayings
of counsel and knowledge,
21 to make you know what is right and true,
that you may give a true answer to those who sent you?

I was just going to write about ANGER, and how the root of anger is fear and unbelief, but when we won't look at the stone, (the fear or unbelief) WE NEVER GET A HEART OF FLESH for our anger stones. And we don't get delivered. "Those who deny things falsely (fear, unbelief) and don't go to God SINCERELY and camp out on HIS TRUTH about their problem, FEED ON THE WINDS..... they have communion (a common union) with DARK spirits, THEY TRAVEL THIRSTY AND GAIN NOTHING. People have lived this way for years, PART OF OVERCOMING SATAN, is by GETTING A TESTIMONY from others WHO HAVE UNDERSTANDING to the sin that has so easily beset them. (That's why you can't overcome Satan in others, NO TESTIMONY).
That's how the Pastor's and wives of the day are, they won't be REAL about their sins in the past, so they don't help others......... They just get angry and offended when life doesn't happen their way...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I was writing my testimony and wanted to send you a copy. I have been an extremely selfish friend and I don't want to be that way to you. I really do love you but I haven't been the best friend. I have lived my life caring about me and getting my needs met. I have treated people poorly when my need's where threatened. I just want to tell you I am sorry for hurting you and I would like to talk to you on the phone. I know you think that Tommy and I are in some kind of cult because we are not the same as we use to be, but thank God we are not. Jesus has really been doing a good work in my life to show me how mean, selfish, controlling, fearful...the list goes on. He is changing me to be a kind of woman who can love! The reason I am changing is because I want to live a life for Jesus and not myself! I pray that you will forgive me for hurting you and being a bad friend. I love you

Galatians 5:16-21 "I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God."

I thought I could do it all by myself. I did not understand the body principle. I always thought that being a Christian was so hard, too many rules to follow and obey. It never occurred to me that I NEED the Holy Spirit to fill me daily so that I can be pleasing in the sight of the Lord. I NEED the body to help me be the woman Christ has called me to be. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 "Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor; For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow; but woe to him who is alone when he falls; for there is none to lift him up." I walked far too long alone and with out the help of family who really cared to lift me up and count the cost.

Hello my name is Ellie Thorn. I am the youngest of three girls. Brought up believing that you could just got to church and be saved and not have to walk it out (once saved always saved). My mom was never able to help me live a life pleasing to the Lord because she couldn't help me get in touch with my God conscience, because she wasn't in touch with her own conscience. She told us not to drink, smoke, fornicate but all along she was doing it. I was very confused growing up I was saying with my mouth I am a good little Christian girl, but all along smoking, drinking and fornicating. My identity was always in my flesh with what I could do best. I was sent to a private school in junior high because I was already smoking and drinking at the age of 12. She sent me to this private school in the hope that they could help me. I stopped smoking and drinking, but by the beginning of my sophomore year I was sleeping with my boyfriend. I felt bad in the beginning but after a while I hardened my heart and didn't care about listing to my conscience.

When I went to college I was ready to get away from everything around me, start a new life where no one knew who I was. I wanted to be able to do what I wanted with out anyone confronting me. Wanting to believe God didn't see me either. I could live in my own little secret world, excusing myself that God did not know what I was thinking nor care about what I was doing. So at college I partied hard and became more and deader to God. One night I had a dream that I was taken up into heaven and I was immediately kicked out. When I awoke from my dream I realized that if I died today I would not be going to heaven. That scared me for a couple of days but then I just hardened my heart again and went back to fornicating and going to church on Sundays. The Lord was trying to help me to wake up and not put any more men through the fire. There is a scripture that says "through the fear of the Lord, men depart from evil." Being afraid for living after the flesh, walking after the flesh, was God trying to wake up my conscience. It's a necessary fear to have. Little children do what they do when they are very small, because they are afraid, and that is the beginning of wisdom for them. They will not love us enough to not go out into the street and get hit by a car when they are two. But they will avoid the street if they are afraid of their mother’s displeasure, and in the beginning of their life that is how it all starts. I needed to be afraid deep inside that God's wrath would be stored up for me If I always denied His still small voice. I had no care or love for the men that I slept with, all I cared about was my needs. I had no care for their soul or that I was participating in the destruction of their soul. And I didn't fear God's displeasure for rebelling against His still small voice. Proverbs 30:20 "Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eats, and wipes her mouth, and says, I have done no evil".

When I met my husband we were both in the party scene. When we started dating I was always so fearful that Tommy would leave me I was tormented by fear and control and always jealous of everyone who wanted to spend time with him. Poor guy it was nothing short of the Lord that he stayed with me. I viewed him out of the glasses of selfishness, what I could get from him. I was a take mate, not a help mate. I remember talking to one of my friends about not moving in with her boyfriend, I was so insane I remember thinking that everything will be just fine as long as I don't move in with him, it's ok to sleep together just don't live together. She called me out on that and asked what the difference of living with your boyfriend all the time and just living with mine on the weekends? I was putting her under the law, but not even going into the law of God in my own conscience. I shut up fast; I realized that my testimony was bad. Putting a burden on her I was unwilling to fulfill myself. A true Pharisee. Not having any understanding to the Kingdom of God that is in each one of us. I didn't go into that Kingdom and I could not take anyone else there. Tommy and I kept sleeping with each other until we both moved to Montana. We always said that we wanted to stay pure til we got married but our lust always won because we found our hope and faith in each other not in the Lord and His will for us. We needed our flesh comforted because we were dead to God's voice in our conscience. Me moving in with my mom and him with my sister and brother-in-law we could have help with staying pure. Six months before we were married we came to a couples meeting Gene was having. We had attended other couples meetings but this one was so much different, it was real. We began learning about God's Kingdom which is invisible that lives on the inside of us, not an outside building with walls and rules. We talked about Jesus but it wasn't just a preach and then leave, everyone was involved in waking up to God's still small voice in their conscience. We were learning about God's Government, that the Jesus said should be preached, the one that wakes you up on the inside that makes you feel bad when you "walk after the flesh". People were talking about their marriages and the real things that were helping them or hindering them from having a good marriage. I was realizing for the first time that how I treated Tommy was how I was treating Jesus. Tommy and I were so excited that we found a body that was willing to be real and open about their personal struggles and where willing to get involved with us and help us with our mess! I was learning how to stop accusing him and excusing myself and turn to God for answers, rather than avoiding the problems or not understanding them. We felt the Lord's call to Jump for Jesus and decided from now on we would be open and honest with everyone around us. They helped us stay pure for our wedding day! What a great feeling after living a life of fornication that the Lord would honor us with our choice to stay pure for the last six months!

After we were married God REALLY began bringing me face to face with the enemies of my soul. My fear and control only got worse and God was exposing my unbelief and fears so He could deliver me as he promises to do in His word when we will face our fears and unbelief. My problem was I wanted everything my way and had no care how it affected him or the Lord. I was so fearful that I wouldn't get my needs met and I was having to face so many ways my trust was not in the Lord, but in ME, and playing God and being in control, (or thinking your are) is very scary. I would always try and control Tommy by letting him know that he needed to obey me and that if he didn't there would be hell to pay. I did not love him freely; I oppressed him into obedience through anger. I remember always thinking that when he didn't do what I wanted him to do or he wronged me in some way that I would make him pay so that he would NEVER do that again. My husband was going through hell and I was the Queen on my high horse beating him with my words. Vexing my God conscience, and not really caring. I had no bridal on my mouth, I took no thought captive it was all about me and if he rubbed me wrong out came the cursing and the bad attitudes with no thought of what spirit's I was loosing in our house. I was living without understanding to the whiles against me and my marriage and husband. In my thoughts I accused Tommy and excused myself, and didn't even realized that God cared if my motive was to help Tommy or just live feeling sorry for myself because I didn't even care about doing HIS WILL. I had a real problem with anger, and pity. Which is everyone’s lot in life who doesn’t really have passion to please God inwardly. So I tried outwardly to make everything look good, but I started realizing what God wanted me to do was care about who I was inwardly in my secret thoughts. About six months after we were married I became pregnant with our daughter! Because of my control and fear I cursed her life, Tommy would make me upset or mad I would say I don't want this baby. I got so grieved listening to the words that were coming out of my mouth I rebuked it and told the Lord I was sorry and told Him I DID want this child and prayed that my words would be forgiven and she would live and be healthy. Thank the Lord for His mercy and grace; I delivered a healthy baby girl! The proverbs say, "A man shall be satisfied by the words of his own mouth." I was realizing the death of my words, and the cause of my dissatisfaction had a lot to do with my thoughts, and what came out of my mouth. I needed to be renewed in the spirit of my mind.

After I had our daughter I found out that a girlfriend of mine was having a boy I was upset and I asked the Lord why I didn’t get a boy. The answer I soon found out was in my precious daughter. The Lord started talking to me about how I was raised. I needed a daughter to show me, me. She was sent by the Lord to help me see my anger and control. The lord knew that I needed her to be able to remove the log from my eye. I needed to see that I have a choice I can raise her the way I was raised (which I rebelled against) or I could raise her the Lords way, not just talking but walking in it. I knew that if I choose the Lord that I would have to start taking a look at my motives and intentions of why I do the things I do. I had a desire to wake up to God's voice in my conscience so I could see my daughter have a blessed life because she could respond to God's voice in her conscience. I could talk to her about a kingdom and a government that I was ignorant of, that was destroying me, and she didn't have to go down that road. I started realizing that the way I treat my husband is the way she will treat men, and God. If I wanted her to be respectful of God's authority, I could show her by example how she should be towards the Lord by how she watched me treat her father. If I expected her to honor us then I would have to be the example and honor Tommy. When she was a couple months old Tommy and I got into some conflict, I was really upset with him and wanted nothing to do with him and Ayanna wanted nothing to do with him either. I realized right then that my spirit affects her. It was an eye opener. I had control over her choice to receive or not receive her father, her earthly father and more importantly her heavenly father. I did not want to be a preach Jesus and the law mom, but be dead in my conscience towards God and man. I wanted to show her JESUS LIVES by how I loved her father. I needed to stop letting bad attitudes towards Tommy pass with me, or else I was going be creating one BIG attitude in my daughter. Proverbs 31 says, "The LAW of kindness was in her mouth." I realized even when I have problems I can be kind, and want the best for Tommy as I talk to him. And fight for God's cause in a good spirit and watch the Lord come through for us and help us with our battles. I did not have to use carnal weapons, I could use love and faith and kindness on my husband, and those weapons make a man, PRAISE HIS WIFE. A woman who fears the Lord, who is awake in her consistence towards God and man, shall be praised. Those are the WORKS that God will reward us for.

A little while ago I watched a documentary on Oral Roberts and he was saying that he believed in Jesus as a child because of his mother’s faith. Mother Theresa's mother used to have beggars come to the door for food. Her mother would say, here honey, go give Jesus a sandwich. I want Ayanna to be able to know with out a doubt in her mind that Jesus lives because of the way I love my husband and Gods children. When we love people who we do see, we ARE LOVING GOD who we don't see. My number one goal in life is to please Jesus above all else. The Lord's will for my life is to be a Godly wife, mother, sister and friend Eph.2:10 "For we are his creation, created through Jesus Christ ultimately for good works, and God has before ordained that we should live in them". God sent me my ordained work, a husband, daughter, family, friends and Jump for Jesus! I know that I need to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit each and every day to be able to be the right mother and wife my family deserves. I chose to take off the wrong spirit of control and fear and put on the right spirit, the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control."

I can believe that I can be set free from pretentious, flattery and false unity, and God has been helping me fight for TRUE UNITY, not the fake unity I had lived in most of my life, but unity where you can get understanding to all the things that divide you from God and man. And that my daughter won't have to live in lies and pretense and divisions! But she can learn to love in Spirit and Truth like we are!

Psalm 133 (Contemporary English Version)
Living Together in Peace
1It is truly wonderful when relatives live together
in peace.
2It is as beautiful as olive oil
poured on Aaron's head [a] and running down his beard
and the collar of his robe.
3It is like the dew
from Mount Hermon,
falling on Zion's mountains,
where the LORD has promised
to bless his people
with life everlasting forevermore.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Hi Ceci! I went into the downward spiral again and this time the Lord gave
me some understanding about the wiles of the enemy. Jeanie and I
fellowshipped some and together got some good revelation. I'd like to get
some advice so I can make War! It is difficult for me to concentrate and
write because of the busy mommy, wife ,and home keeping things but I wanted
to write what I've gotten so far. I want to root of bitterness out! Never to
be planted again! I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you! Love,



Departing from the way of Bitterness which leads to destruction and misery.
Jesus came to redeem our lives from destruction, and He wants us to walk in
and to know His ways. Bitterness is a spirit that bears bad fruit and defiles
others. Hebrews 12:25 says: Looking diligently lest any man (or woman!) fail
the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and
thereby many be defiled......

Bitterness is "grievous sorrow of heart". It is grievous because this sorrow
bears only malice, self pity and hatred. It is not based on truth or fact,
and it refuses to be open to change. Godly sorrow brings repentance and true
change. Bitterness is sorrow due to self-love, godly sorrow is due to love
for God. Bitterness blames, accuses, seeks vengeance and justifies it's own
wickedness. Godly sorrow that comes through conviction takes responsibility
for it's own position and repents; changes it's ways to walk in God's ways!
This grievous sorrow of heart is fed by dissatisfaction and unthankfulness.
We think of ourselves more highly than we ought, then nothing is good enough
for us...we feel we deserve much more. What triggers this in me is looking at
how others are (not) loving me and comparing myself, my lot in life, my
possesions, with those around me. These are all lies. The word gall is used
with bitterness and I saw something interesting. Although gall means a
liquid, a bitter liquid secreted from the liver another definition means:
irritation, vexation, a spot worn bare, a weak spot.

In Romans 3:11 it says: There is none that understandeth, there is none that
seeketh after God. I realized that if we continue to pass over the little
things and don't get understanding , it will wear a sore spot where the seeds
for the root of bitterness can be planted in our heart. "Whose mouth is full
of cursing and bitterness: their feet are swift to shed blood (accusing,
being angry without cause), destruction and misery are in their
ways:"..........and "There is no fear of God before their eyes"! When I start
focusing on how my husband is not loving me the way I think I need to be
loved, I become angry (hatred, malice and accusation!) with him, without
cause! Matthew 5:22 says"... whosoever is angry with his brother without a
cause shall be in danger of the judgment...." Jer.4"18 "Thy way and thy
doings have procured these things unto thee; this is thy wickedness, because
it is bitter. Because it reacheth unto thine heart." When we are rebellious
and go our own way, we do become bitter. We open the door to bitterness,
destruction, and misery. Proverbs 23:27-29 says: For a whore {the enemy of
our soul} is a deep ditch; and a strange woman is a narrow pit. She also
lieth in wait, as for a prey {us!} and increaseth the transgressors among
men.{Heb.12:25 defiling others!} "who hath woe? {grievous sorrow of heart,
sorrow over self} Who hath sorrow? Who hath babbling? {How many times have I
babbled on to my husband my wounds and my sorrow...} Who hath wounds without
cause? { So much of what this bitterness feeds on offenses that never get
dealt with or I have never changed my mind about when the truth was reflected
to me.} Who hath redness of eyes? Prv. 23:31 "Look not thou upon the wine
when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself
aright.."{this is describing a seduction.. The seduction is "any thought of
self other than denying myself for love's sake."} Guard your heart with all
diligence for out of it flow the issues of life!

Dear ....., 9-15-00
Ceci forwarded your letter on bitterness. At least I'm assuming it is yours.
At first
I thought is was Ceci's writing. It was an encouragement to me, to see the
you are getting and also to help me keep judging my heart and not to faint.
The part
about comparing myself with others really hit me. I had been praying about
very thing the morning I received the letter. The comparing comes from the
newgarment I'm taking on to love and take on responsibility for souls. I feel
inadequate and get tempted to faint and then get tempted to take on self
and say "I can do it'.

I start comparing myself to you all in Hawaii and thinking what would Ceci do
whoever. Relying on past experiences with those with more confidence in the
Lord than
I have had and trying to relive their wisdom and not trusting in the VOICE.
Then I
come to my senses and realize Jesus has what I need. Sometimes I jump to the
side of the fence and say OK I can handle this. It's finding the balance
between my
genuine need and my tendency to abdicate and faint in the face of the
to love in the all the new relationships. This is truly a walk of faith I
had not
expected but it is definitely bringing me closer to Jesus because I NEED HIM.
I just reread your letter again and it helped me to judge some of my
could easily become bitterness if I don't judge them in the battle to help
the enemy of her soul and my soul too. The spirit of Raca is a prevalent
spirit of my
fathers house. I too have gotten angry because I'm not being loved the way I
want to
be. I don't know if you read my letter concerning my position of anger
toward J.......
It scared me and helped me to see the lack of fear of the Lord I have. The
root of
bitterness that J..... refuses to judge is looking to defile me and others and
I am
seeing how easily I faint. I looked up faint and it uses the word coward. I
considered fainting to be the result of cowardice, (fear). There are times I
see the
enemy and pass out. Your letter is helping me not to faint,( be seduced by
thewhore). Thank you so much. I really need you all and your input. It
caused me to
think about Jesus's words that how we treat the least is how we really are in
hearts. To me the least is the one that I resist the most because of the
they bring to my soul. I am thankful for the kick in the pants to judge my
love and
see how much Jesus has done for me. Jesus has never fainted toward my life
and will
not give me more than I can handle but will always make a way for me to love.
letter has also given me some wisdom to help give some help to a bitter woman
feels rejected by her kids and can only see how it affects her selfishly. It
helps me
get into perspective and ask the Lord how to help be a minster of
Thanks again. Please pray for me and I will pray for you as we have the same
I love you ....... Your sister ....


Holy Spirit we ask that you, as the revealer of Gods intentions in Jesus
Christ, to grant us your wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and that your
discretion would be manifest today, that we might understand the height,
depth, length and width, to see the integrity of your character and to know
Gods intentions towards us. That you would bring light to our confusion,
faith to our doubts, and bring strength to our weakness. We ask for this in
Jesus name and for the sake of His Kingdom, and that His Glory would be
revealed and seen by the way we love one another.

God has had an ultimate intention from the begging of time for man on the
earth. What prevents us from overcoming individual, sins, doubts,
temptations, and from fulfilling Gods will for us as a body on the earth? Why
do we live in hopelessness, despair, depression, WHAT'S OUR PROBLEM? How are
we investing the gift of salvation God has given us?

What prevents us from walking free from the things of the flesh, and
co-operately keeps us from glorifying God on the earth as a body of
believers? Is there an inner position we have yet to arrive to? Why are we
missing, peace, confidence, and faith? What causes us to fall, doubt, to
faint and fail, and be discouraged and depressed? It would be nice to know
wouldn't it? There is basically one answer to this question. It fits a
little differently into each of our lives, however. If I don't know what
Gods intentions are towards me individually are and if I fail to understand
my part in His Body on the earth co-operately, I won't have the faith to
believe it's going to happen. (That I will fulfill the calling on my life
personally and co-operately as an individual member of a greater body. I
won't even have active faith and be in agreement with Gods intentions.

John 17:21-23 Jesus says "Father, I'm not just praying for these alone, but I
pray for all those who would believe on me through their words. THAT (for
this cause) THEY MAY ALL BE ONE. That as I am in you and you are in me, THAT
THAT YOU HAVE SENT ME! And the glory that you have given me, I have given to
them. That, (for this purpose) THEY MAY BE ONE, EVEN AS WE ARE ONE." So why
is the revelation, reflection and power of Jesus given to each individual
IN EACH OTHER. Jesus gives us power to fulfill His commandment, LOVE THE
Him. Jesus went on to pray, "That I would be in them, and you in me, that
SENT ME, and have loved them, even as you have loved me."

So we see that Jesus wants the end of the matter to be Cooperate Unity. That
we learn to love each other
instead of fighting for our own cause, and position with each other. That we
would cease from our envy, fear, unbelief. That we would take on faith to
become one. It's important to understand what the vision of God is for us
individually and as a body of believers. This was the present truth of God
back in Jesus' day to his disciples, but His words still speak His will to us
today. We once were children of the world, but now we are the children of
God, and Gods will is for us to be a reflection to the children of the world
by the way we love each other. Our being a son or daughter of God is seen in
our love, commitment, and obedience to the words of Jesus. In Is. 61 and 62
we see a good cross section of Gods intentions in Jesus are for us. It
exposes and reflects Gods intentions and purposes for our lives. What He
wants to happen in us and how He wants to use us in the lives of others.
Jesus came speaking Is. 61:1 when he started His ministry. He said "The
Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good
tidings to the meek, to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to
the captives, to open the prison doors to those who are bound, to proclaim
the acceptable day of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God, and to
comfort those who mourn. To appoint to those who mourn in Zion, and give
unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, to give them the
garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness. That, (for this cause) they
might be called, the trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that
GOD MIGHT BE GLORIFIED." Now a transition is taking place here. Every
anointed man of God, apostle of God that is sent by God to develop a work on
the earth and establish outposts and give birth to a body of believers in any
location on the earth, will have this anointing Isaiah speaks of here.
Within the 5 fold ministry of Jesus Christ in the men of God on the earth,
all these signs will be seen in the ministry that is birthed by the Spirit of
God. This is the fruit it will produce on the earth. If I'm a God called
apostle sent to build a work by Jesus, if I'm the undershepard, He, Jesus
being the Chief Shepherd of our souls....but he gives a measure of authority
on the earth to men, so children will be birthed into the kingdom. When true
men of God come into our lives, what is talks about in this passage of
scripture will be seen in our lives, and we will begin producing the same
kind of fruit Is 61 and 62 speaks of. If the body of Christians we are joined
to is right with The Lord, the fruit of Isaiah 58 will also be seen. I won't
take the time to quote it here, but if you are in a healthy body it will be
on Gods fast, that Is. 58 refers to. We have to ask ourselves if we are
sitting under this kind of anointing. The one that will build up the old
waste places, because our old waste places were built up. So that we can
raise up the former desolation's, and be repairers of the breaches, strangers
will be called the priests of the Lord. The ministers of our God.......for
our shame we will have the double. Everlasting Joy will be unto us, for I
THE LORD LOVE JUDGMENT, I hate robbery for burnt offerings. I hate people
sacrificing things to me that they have gotten deceitfully. I will direct
their work in truth.

Jesus said, "You will be hated by all men for my names sake." Why, because
you come speaking truth and lifting the standard of judgment, Gods truth, the
world will hate you for it, but some will get saved because of it. "I will
direct their work in truth, I will make an everlasting covenant with them.
Their children will be known among the gentiles. Their offspring among the
gentiles." So are you, we, our children, known among the gentiles? Indeed
we should be! "All that see them shall acknowledge them and say, they are
the seed which the Lord has blessed." Now it goes on "for as the earth
brings forth her bud, as the garden causes the things which are sown to
FORTH BEFORE ALL THE NATIONS." This is Gods intention, and what we should
have faith for. This will happen before the Jesus returns. We will not rule
and reign over the nations before Christ comes. But the Praise of God will
be seen on the earth before Jesus comes. Do we believe it? He goes on to
say, "The gentiles shall see your righteousness, and all kings your glory,
and you shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall
name, and you shall be a crown of glory in the hand of The Lord. You shall
no more be termed forsaken, nor your land be called desolate. As for your
young men, as a young man marries a virgin so shall your sons marry thee. As
a bride groom rejoices over the bride, so shall Thy God rejoice over you."
"I have set watchmen over Thy walls, O Jerusalem." Where it says Jerusalem
you can replace with the church. "He has set watchmen over the chichi, which
shall never hold their peace day or night. You that make mention of The
Lord, keep not silent, give Him no rest UNTIL HE ESTABLISHES, AND MAKES THE
CHURCH A PRAISE AMONG ALL THE EARTH! Now that's what goes on in my soul
(Gene speaking). I cannot keep silent, I cannot hold my peace. I can't
forbear, I continually rage of the compromise and the false ways in the
church. It is something the Spirit of The Lord has put in me, it has nothing
to do with me. Jesus, and many men in the bible were anointed above their
brother's because they HATED EVIL AND LOVED GOOD. If you receive of the
anointing which God has put on me, you too will be watchmen, who cannot keep
from speaking against the compromise you see going on. You will hate what
you should hate and love what you should love more and more. That's why you
need to look at the one God has put in your life, or pray and ask Him to give
you someone with an anointing, that has some serious victory over the things
of the flesh! Jesus imparted His spirit to twelve men and told them to go
out and impart that spirit to other men. So do we clearly see what spirit
God is imparting to us, by those we are submitted to?

"The Lord has sworn by His right hand and by the arm of His strength, verily
I will no more give your corn to be meat for your enemies. And the sons of
the strangers will not drink your wine. But they that have gathered it shall
eat it, and they who have brought it shall drink it in the courts of my
Holiness." Now he's talking about the redeemed community here. There is
going to come a time before Christ's return, and this has always been true in
the church, that those who walk in peace with God and holiness, will always
eat their bread in the courts of God. They always have. "Go through, go
through the gates, prepare the way of the people. Cast up, cast up the
highway, gather out the stones. Lift up a standard for the people to see.
Behold your salvation is coming, His reward is with Him, His work is before
Him, and they shall call them the holy people. The redeemed of The Lord, and
you shall be called, SOUGHT OUT, A CITY NOT FORSAKEN." Why do you suppose
this is? Because we will be sought out, Because of the Glory of Jesus that
is upon us, and because of John 17:21-23. Jesus is talking about a
community, and people of God. There is an anointing on them, And what is
that anointing for? It says in Is. 61:1-3 this is the answer. It's to
extract those in the world, those who want to be free from a world of
bondage, prison, mourning, and who are brokenhearted. It's for them to be
born into the family of God, that's why Jesus anoints men and women. He has
a mission for us as individuals and as a body.

Jesus said, "As I was sent into the world so I send you. With the anointing
I was sent into the world with, so send I you, so you can set free the
captives, deliver the bound, heal the sick and lame, deliver the oppressed,
open the eyes of the blind, the ears of the deaf, and give understanding to
the dull of heart. That's what Jesus anoints us for. When this happens, it
happens for a greater purpose, than just for us to be happy..

Back to our question, what is our problem? Were not saved so we can be saved
unto ourselves. We are anointed to birth others into the kingdom. We are
called to make babies, to birth others into the kingdom, and for what
purpose? What for? So they can live in the world and have their two cars
and two chickens and 2 houses and the great American dream? To what end are
we birthed into the kingdom, and why do we birth others into the kingdom?
THIS IS WHERE WE MISS IT. In Luke 19:12 Jesus is speaking "a certain
nobleman went into a country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return.
He called his ten servants and delivered unto them 10 pounds and he said unto
them, "Occupy until I come." So what's he saying to them? Take care,
oversee, and cause it to grow. "But his citizens hated him and said unto


Usually when my feelings get hurt, I ask myself 3 questions. One....have I
ever done anything to you Jesus, like has just been done to me? Has the
wrong spirit that was inflicted on me a spirit I ever had towards you Jesus?

Two....I remind myself that I have entered into Jesus' sufferings. "If you
suffer with me so will you reign with me." We are called to fellowship His don't hear a lot of sermons on that one. Also Jesus made
some big promises to those who gave up many things to follow him. One of
those promises was "persecution." (We also tend to forget that.) can you get the glory in this situation Father? I pray and am
willing to let the Lord use me to reconcile others unto Him. Sometimes
people are blind to how offensive their behavior is to God, and they need
someone who is willing to speak the truth in love, so we can all grow up and
be the bride who has made herself ready for her groom!

Also in the beatitudes in Matt. Jesus said to "REJOICE AND BE EXCEEDINGLY
GLAD" when we are persecuted for righteousness sake. Now that was something
I had to admit to The Lord....was not in me to do.....the rejoicing
part....and I asked Him for a heart transplant in that area of my soul. We
can get to the place where we don't take things personally and we can be
ministers of reconciliation when someone is in a wrong spirit! If someone can
hurt us soooo deeply, just think how it must hurt the heart of our Savior? I
have 6 children and I'm filled with grief when they aren't "loosing" a spirit
of love to one another. They know loving one another is big on the list of
having Mom and dad's approval.\

I pray you get a heavenly view of your hurt feelings....It might change your
whole perspective in the situation so you can OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD! When
we can really get to the place where we can bless those who curse us, pray
for those who use us....bless and curse not, we have confidence that we are
the children of the most High. Maybe this thing that has been done to you,
is something the Lord wants to be glorified in. Maybe if you pray, and we
can agree with you.....The Lord will use you to help this person not be
offensive to the one who has the power to cast our soul into hell. I have
come to see that when my friends are "grieving" me with a wrong spirit they
have, that the Lord usually wants to use me to help them look at something
they have hardened their hearts to. Jesus isn't the flesh, we are.
When people are insensitive to The Holy will show itself in
how they are treating flesh and blood...people. Sometimes the only way
people can see their carnality is if they have someone who is willing to
"show the house to the house" as Jer. puts it.

If our brother offends us, we should go to them. (So they can make it right
before they see the Lord and He has to confront them with unrepented sin. I
don't want to be judged later, if I offended someone. I want someone to love
me enough to point it out to me if I'm "loosing" a wrong spirit, so I can
repent now....not later. I don't mind at all being judged now by God's
people. I don't want to be deceived in thinking I'm fine when I'm not. I
care about being holy, and if I'm really walking in God's spirit. It doesn't
offend me for people to come to me when they think I'm being carnal....why
would I want to continue in my foolish path. People that really love
Jesus.....learn to love correction and see it AS A WAY OF LIFE....(prvbs.6)
I don't get offended when I'm corrected....I rejoice in the fact that The
Lord loves me enough to send correction into my life!

love, Ceci

sin that remains

Are you still carrying the sins, baggage of the past? Do the sins of the past remain stuck to you like glue?

When I met my husband Gene, I did not see my sin clearly. I did not understand the familiar spirits of my family that I too was guilty of. I DID NOT HAVE A TESTIMONY, and the JOY OF MY SALVATION was shaky, because I was not even SURE what I was guilty OF, but then I began going to his meetings. I fell in love with him, I married him. And the operation of God, began building me up, because I TOOK TO HEART GETTING UNDERSTANDING TO MY SIN, and the Familiar Spirits of my family........


So much so.......... I EVENTUALLY about 7 years into our marriage COULD WRITE MY TESTIMONY. WHY, BECAUSE I LET MY SIN BECOME EXCEEDINGLY SINFUL. As my sin came up with him, others, I SAW WHAT I WAS GUILTY OF VERY CLEARLY IN THE PAST. RATHER THAN BEING PRIDEFUL and unwilling TO ADMIT that the woman I was to him and others is the woman I was in my past to my children, people in my life etc. I saw more clearly how I DID NOT FEAR THE LORD, I did not live to please God, I was an oppressor WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING. Oppressing and being oppressed. I WAS A LIAR and God is THE GOD OF TRUTH, He only CAN HELP THOSE WHO BEAR TRUE WITNESS.

Now I have been with him 24 years, and all through the years MY SIN HAS BECOME EXCEEDINGLY more sinful, the CLOSER I GET TO GOD AND HIS PEOPLE.

But this operation has not happened in the lives of many I have watched. Actually people come to this ministry OF THE OPERATION of God, AND THEY GET WORSE. They LIE about who they were in the past RATHER THAN LETTING GOD MAKE THEM INNOCENT. They ARE TOO PRIDEFUL to admit WHO THEY ARE TODAY TO GOD'S PEOPLE, and WHAT THEY DO TODAY to God's people....... IS GOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT TRYING TO CONVICT THEM OF THEIR SIN, THEIR BLOOD TRAIL as Joe puts it SO THEY CAN BECOME INNOCENT. But THEY REFUSE to take the operation of God to heart so THEY TRAVEL AROUND THE MOUNTAIN of the sins they committed in the past, live in the desert and their baggage gets heavier and heavier, and some of them have been swallowed up by the ground in the desert. FAILING TO TELL THEMSELVES THE TRUTH, TO THE GOD OF ALL TRUTH about HOW THEY AFFECTED PEOPLES LIVES before THEY MET UP WITH "the operation of God" in their lives. SO THEIR SIN REMAINS.

They DO NOT have a testimony, (that's a clear sound that feeds others with understanding). THEY CAN NOT give a clear sound about their past, THEY DO NOT fulfill their CALLING, because they never tell themselves the truth about their sin of the past and how they affected the lives of others negatively by lightly esteeming their sin, and people. WE ALL LIVED IN FEAR, CONTROL, WERE LIARS, OPPRESSORS, CONSCIENCE VEXERS, HOLY GHOST GRIEVERS, DENIERS and resisters, PUTTING PEOPLE THROUGH THE HELL OF OUR VEXED SOUL, dead in our conscience, ACCUSING AND EXCUSING.

We lightly esteemed GOD and PEOPLE..... (murder) is what the bible calls it, and we all have the blood of others on our conscience. And most of us TOOK LIFE, COMFORT FROM CHILDREN OR THE OPPOSITE SEX, to COMFORT our vexed soul.


Still "feeding on the winds" of the familiars of their past, TRAVELING THIRSTY AND GAINING NOTHING, like the proverb says. AND THE SINS THEY COMMIT TODAY never bring them to TELLING THEMSELVES THE TRUTH about what THEY DID TO PEOPLE YESTERDAY................. SO THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE WHILES OF THE DEVIL........ and the devil has them JUST WHERE HE WANTS THEM, BLIND AND DUMB. With NO REAL PASSION for God or others, getting worse everyday, BECAUSE THEY FAIL TO DISCERN THE LORDS BODY......... and they keep lying to THE HOLY SPIRIT in His people. And it makes them sicker and sicker...... and we know what eventually happens when people reject the operation of God.

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, the God of all truth, WHO KNOWS who we REALLY were in the past......... (how sad it is to watch others live in guilt, condemnation, pretending they are fine)......... when all they had to do was REPENT and God would have poured out His Spirit on them IF THEY EVER DARED TO TAKE A REAL STOCK of who they were BEFORE Gene Sullivan. Looking in the mirror was my GREATEST NIGHTMARE, but also burst me into THE JOY OF MY SALVATION. AND I COULD MAKE A CLEAR SOUND ABOUT MY SALVATION, and OVERCOME SATAN, by REALLY RECEIVING THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB BECAUSE I BORE TRUE WITNESS TO MY SINS, and could OVERCOME SATAN, in my life and the lives of others BY THE WORD OF MY TESTIMONY........ (not loving my pride and lying, and putting the liar and pretender to death), that was dying anyway trying to be self righteous.)

Oh I pray to God I don't have to watch more PRIDEFUL LIARS be swallowed up by the earth, WHO WILL NOT tell themselves the truth about their sin, SO THEY KEEP committing the SAME SINS........ and shipwrecking lives around them, rather than saving lives around them.