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Thursday, June 24, 2010


I think this is one of the most important letters I have ever written....... and I hope you keep it on file......‏
Sent: Thu 6/24/10 10:50 PM
Read Ps. 15 and 25, Who will abide with God, those who have CLEAN HANDS and A PURE HEART!!!!!!!

God gives us a The Spirit OF self control. But when we are SPIRITUALLY inactive, we will be overcome with LUST!!!! And cause others to pass through the fire!

SUCKING, TAKING LIFE FROM MEN, CHILDREN, WOMEN, living in Idolatry and LUST!! Being INACTIVE towards taking the log from our own eye....... we are given over to lust. We can not escape "the spirit of lust in the world" if we fail to keep our hands and heart clean towards others.

THE MORE we lay down our life for our brother, sister, the brighter and brighter the light gets The clearer and clearer our sin is. Our sin becomes more exceedingly sinful, and the light of the gospel shines brighter and brighter.

I just love walking with the girls.......... MY SIN FROM THE PAST BECOMES CLEARER ALL THE TIME, MY TESTIMONY BECOMES STRONGER, and I become a little WISER to the whiles of the devil Every TIME, I give myself to His children.

I was talking to Lynette about USING CHILDREN to COMFORT OUR VEXED SOUL. You know how my soul was vexed? Michael's soul was vexed? We were not taking the log from our own eye, and overcoming Satan in each other BY OUR TESTIMONY. OUR HANDS WERE FULL OF BLOOD, we were NOT CLEAN FROM THE BLOOD OF ALL MEN, from the blood of each other. UNTIL WE GIVE PEOPLE THE FULL COUNSEL OF GOD, and OUR TESTIMONY to help them overcome Satan, OUR HANDS HAVE BLOOD ON THEM. And we are PRIDEFUL LIARS THAT SAY IN OUR HEARTS, "I'm glad I am not like him, her." What sin has someone committed that WE CAN'T RELATE TO?

SO WHEN I WAS AT ODDS with Michael, (because we lived in idolatry and used each other to comfort our vexed souls)..... Yes most marriages are IDOLATROUS, not Godly where each couple has the TESTIMONY of JESUS for their sin, AND has Gods words fitted in their lips ABOUT the sins others commit..... they DO NOT LOVE FREELY WITH THE LOVE OF GOD, THE WAY GOD LOVES THEM. They don't give each other THE WORD of their testimony, they give each other THE LAW about what not to do, or what to do. BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO FELLOWSHIP WITH JESUS about HOW HE FEELS about their sin, due to seeing it in someone else.

SO MICHAEL and I USED our children to comfort our conscience, BUT WE WERE NOT FULFILLING GOD'S ROLE in each others lives, SO USURY, PITY, ANGER was the zit that always popped up. We used each other, and our children to comfort US, when we weren't angry with our idols for not giving us what we wanted. When you do not walk in the light, and you are not taking the log out of your eye, and you are not giving others you are offended with YOUR TESTIMONY, you will use children, the opposite sex, movies, shopping, food, booze........ WHATEVER TO AVOID THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE NOT LOOKED AT YOUR OWN SIN. You DO NOT HAVE THE WORD OF THE LORD FOR OTHERS, you are a prideful liar, that has no ministry towards taking the log from your own eye. LUST IS THE LOT OF EVERYONE WHO DOES NOT KEEP HIS HEART AND HANDS CLEAN OF OFFENSE TOWARDS GOD AND MAN.

I would get angry with my kids when I was FEARFUL he was not meeting my needs. And it wasn't until I told the Lord the truth about my fears and my unbelief that HE COULD START DELIVERING ME FROM THEM. And put HIS TRUTH in my HEART and LIPS. SINCERITY AND HONESTY AND HUMILITY ARE CRUCIAL for EVER doing what's right with others.

WHEN WE UNCOVER OUR SIN WE PROSPER, because others NEED TO HEAR WHAT GOD HAS TOLD others who have the testimony of Christ about their sin. Prideful liars can not help others, they just get mad and see everyone else with LOGS IN THEIR EYES. They dish out THE LAW that kills because they are too prideful to get understanding to their past sin.

2 Peter 2:10 This is especially true of those who follow the ...

... and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise
authority. Bold and willful, they do not tremble as ...
// - 18k
James 4:2 You want something but don't get it. You kill and covet ...

... You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. ...
// - 17k
2 Peter 1:4 Through these he has given us his very great and ...

... His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers
of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust ...
// - 18k

Words of the Wise
17 Incline your ear, and hear the words of the wise,
and apply your heart to my knowledge,
18 for it will be pleasant if you keep them within you,
if all of them are ready on your lips.
19 That your trust may be in the LORD,
I have made them known to you today, even to you.
20 Have I not written for you thirty sayings
of counsel and knowledge,
21 to make you know what is right and true,
that you may give a true answer to those who sent you?

I was just going to write about ANGER, and how the root of anger is fear and unbelief, but when we won't look at the stone, (the fear or unbelief) WE NEVER GET A HEART OF FLESH for our anger stones. And we don't get delivered. "Those who deny things falsely (fear, unbelief) and don't go to God SINCERELY and camp out on HIS TRUTH about their problem, FEED ON THE WINDS..... they have communion (a common union) with DARK spirits, THEY TRAVEL THIRSTY AND GAIN NOTHING. People have lived this way for years, PART OF OVERCOMING SATAN, is by GETTING A TESTIMONY from others WHO HAVE UNDERSTANDING to the sin that has so easily beset them. (That's why you can't overcome Satan in others, NO TESTIMONY).
That's how the Pastor's and wives of the day are, they won't be REAL about their sins in the past, so they don't help others......... They just get angry and offended when life doesn't happen their way...

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