Gene and I were listening to a D. Prince dvd on TRUE AND FALSE RELIGION. Derek goes off on the fact that there are only 2 religions. The "Cain" religion, and the "Able" religion.
Able, gave a blood sacrifice, it required the death of an animal laying down his life for sin. Cain gave his "own" sacrifice..........
God gave us Jesus, who laid down his life for our sin! God provided the Lamb. People under the spirit of Cain, give their own sacrifice and are MAD at God and the world (they live downcast) because their sacrifice is not acceptable. And they hate their brother.
Able (those following the leading of the Spirit, who are THANKFUL to God for HIS sacrifice, and are not looking to enter in through their own works, care about rebelling against the VOICE OF THE LORD in their own conscience. That's why God in His faithfulness has brought Gene into our lives to WAKE UP to God's voice IN OUR CONSCIENCE, and SAVE US, from being mad frauds, pushing away the knowledge of Jesus in our conscience, and furious that our own works are not saving us!!!!!! Pvb. 1-2 Aramaic.... "Those who listen to Him live in hope", "He stores up hope for the righteous" (those who care about knowing His voice in their conscience.)
God Help us to stop pushing away the knowledge of God in our conscience......... and being content to grieve, deny and resist the Holy Ghost........... that is how the devil is stealing our life and calling.
Frauds! Luke 11 THE MESSAGE
37-41When he finished that talk, a Pharisee asked him to dinner. He entered his house and sat right down at the table. The Pharisee was shocked and somewhat offended when he saw that Jesus didn't wash up before the meal. But the Master said to him, "I know you Pharisees burnish the surface of your cups and plates so they sparkle in the sun, but I also know your insides are maggoty with greed and secret evil. Stupid Pharisees! Didn't the One who made the outside also make the inside? Turn both your pockets and your hearts inside out and give generously to the poor; then your lives will be clean, not just your dishes and your hands.
42"I've had it with you! You're hopeless, you Pharisees! Frauds! You keep meticulous account books, tithing on every nickel and dime you get, but manage to find loopholes for getting around basic matters of justice and God's love. Careful bookkeeping is commendable, but the basics are required.
43-44"You're hopeless, you Pharisees! Frauds! You love sitting at the head table at church dinners, love preening yourselves in the radiance of public flattery. Frauds! You're just like unmarked graves: People walk over that nice, grassy surface, never suspecting the rot and corruption that is six feet under."
45One of the religion scholars spoke up: "Teacher, do you realize that in saying these things you're insulting us?"
46He said, "Yes, and I can be even more explicit. You're hopeless, you religion scholars! You load people down with rules and regulations, nearly breaking their backs, but never lift even a finger to help.
47-51"You're hopeless! You build tombs for the prophets your ancestors killed. The tombs you build are monuments to your murdering ancestors more than to the murdered prophets. That accounts for God's Wisdom saying, 'I will send them prophets and apostles, but they'll kill them and run them off.' What it means is that every drop of righteous blood ever spilled from the time earth began until now, from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was struck down between altar and sanctuary, is on your heads. Yes, it's on the bill of this generation and this generation will pay.
52"You're hopeless, you religion scholars! You took the key of knowledge, but instead of unlocking doors, you locked them. You won't go in yourself, and won't let anyone else in either." (into having a relationship with HIM that revolves around our conscience, where we REALLY CARE ABOUT KEEPING OUR CONSCIENCE FREE OF OFFENSE TOWARDS GOD AND MAN) Everything else is the religion of FRAUDS.........
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