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Saturday, September 27, 2008

good letter from Carmie

Ceci forwarded the email she sent you and after I read it, the strangest thing happened.....through my thoughts ran a nursery rhyme!!! It was this.....MARY, MARY QUITE CONTRARY, HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW? Obviously I was pretty shocked!! and the first thing that struck me was CONTRARY!!! Eph 5:17...For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are CONTRARY the one to the other: so that you cannot do the things that you would. What comes to me is when we are carnal yet "think" ourselves spiritual, we are automatically CONTRARY to LOVE, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to love rightly. I got a great revelation being married to Mike that I really didn't have the "goods" in the love department. I was deceived that I loved him by God's defenition. The only breaking light I had was admitting that I sincerely wanted to love him with all my heart unconditionally. I agree with Ceci totally that God is shaking YOU by what you see in your husband and you are falling short of "real love" in how you reprove your "prince". I read Prov 25 the other day and thought about you also....vs 15: By long forbearing is a prince persuaded, and a soft tongue breaketh the bone. What a mystery that you are sowing seed into your husbands IS YOUR GARDEN GOING TO GROW? God gives seed to the sower and tares are seed too, you get to choose. We went to that movie Fireproof tonight...pretty shallow but overall it had some good things to say. The one that stood out most to me was, we are incapable of giving someone something that WE don't have what WE haven't yet received from Jesus. My prayer is that you will look deep into your own heart and honestly evaluate your own love defecit and ask the Lord to give you real love for your husband. He will honor THAT prayer and you can have a spirit that will love him freely. Given all that, I see that God is trying to make you into a fruitful field and is giving you some lessons in gardening. You will reap a good harvest in you marriage IF you faint not.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Take your rags off.........

I was thinking of this thing I wrote for you years ago............ after talking with you.
You make people talk to you with your rags on. There is a principal with Queen Ester in the bible.
The King raised his sepulture because she took great care to make sure she was adorned properly.
Gene doesn't raise his sepulture (matter of speaking) when I go to him in a bad spirit. And
this is why people reject you, and don't want to (commune with your filthy soul). And it's as simple
as "putting off, your vagabond spirit, and putting on a spirit of integrity." What still gets me is
you really must not care how you affect other people with the song of your heart. I pray one day you will care.

Subject: take your rags off

Yes, we are not saved by works, but our obedience to the Holy Spirit
exposes much about our love and thankfulness to God and His Son Jesus Christ. If we are
thankful for God the Father and God the Son, we will obey the voice of the Holy
Ghost. Love is seen in obedience. Would we think our child loved us if
they always disobeyed and rebelled against our will? How much time do we
have TO CHANGE OUR CLOTHES, and to get our grave clothes off? I've been
thinking a lot about what I'll be wearing AT THE MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB. I
wonder if I'll have on the appropriate clothes for the wedding feast?

I've also been thinking a lot about THE SEDUCTION OF WOMEN. (Not to say that
men aren't seductive too!) There are so many spiritual "clothes" we can
wear TO MEET OUR OWN NEEDS OUR OWN WAY! Did you ever wonder if your having
fellowship with unholy spirits? Do you know the difference between
fellowshipping the THE HOLY SPIRIT, vs. having communion with devils?

The whore in Proverbs dressed a certain way to get what she wanted from
men, but I think there are many ways, many spirits, many "clothes" we can wear to get
our needs met. Like whining and complaining, or self-pity clothes or
misery clothes! Frankly many women need to go through their closets and BURN
their clothes. Those fear and unbelief grave clothes. When we don't take our
thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ and don't dig for truth to
overcome the voice of the liar, we end up pointing our finger at God in
accusation. The devil wants to use us to indict God by failing to
believed in His Goodness. He always accuse God of being a liar That's why we need
God¹s word and must live by it, or we abdicate though listening to the
father of lies, and believing him.

Isaiah put it this way...You cover yourself with a covering....but not
of MY SPIRIT! Even in the new testament when it talks about the weapons of our
warfare, it speaks of outer adornment. The helmet, the breast plate,
the shoes. 1 Peter 5:5 says to be "clothed" with humility. 2 Chron.6 says
to be clothed with salvation. Job 29:14 "I put on righteousness, and it
clothed me." In the Thompson Chain reference, there is actually a reference to
"the clothing of sin." In Zec.3:3 it says "he stood before the Angle of the
Lord in filthy garments...Take away the filthy garments from him, And to him
he said, Behold, I have caused your iniquity to pass form you, and I will
clothe you with good raiment...clothes."

So, are you honest with yourself, do you know what your spiritual
clothes look like? Why do wear them? Some women I know like those rags, because
it gets them attention (or whatever they think they can get on their own
that God will deprive them of), and they don't want to have to look to
Jesus, and they don't obey the voice of God, and have the fulfillment of
righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. They ignore the Holy Ghost,
they don't obey His voice often enough to experience the fruit of peace. When we lean on our own understanding
and fail to trust in The Lord with all our hearts.....THE RAGS WE WEAR SHOW

When we trust in OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, WE PUT ON FILTHY RAGS! When we have
VOICE AND OBEY IT, not to establish our own righteousness, but because Jesus
is worthy of our praise, thanksgiving, obedience, and adoration.

If we are communing with devils...... (having a common union with them
accusing God) you can be sure your sin will find you out if you refuse
to look at it. Then we need to decide if we will be thankful we got
³busted² submitting to the power of the lie and the father of all lies, or we
will defend the devils cause, if someone approaches us with God¹s cause!
God loves us and he may use someone under the influence of the Holy Spirit
to get our attention when we are under the influence of an "unholy"
spirit! If we get offended it's to our shame, and our failure to see Gods love to
help us become holy!

So do your spiritual clothes look like filthy rags? Jesus told the
people to take Lazurus' grave clothes off. Our problem is we get comfortable
wearing them, and get offended when Jesus sends people to tug on our nasty
grave clothes. If we are humble God will clothe us..... Jesus died to give
us a new wardrobe!!!!

Proverbs 23:21 "For the glutton and the drunkard [those that drink the
cup of devils) shall come to poverty, AND SLEEP, DROWSINESS, SHALL CLOTHE A
MAN, WOMAN, WITH RAGS. Drinking from the cup of devils will put us in a
spiritual STUPOR. A state of sleep, where we are adorned with
spiritual glutton rags. People who are comfortable in their smelly grave clothes
will get offended when Jesus speaks to someone to help them off with their
grave clothes. They snap at you in their "mean" rags..... to keep you at a
distance, and DEFEND WHAT THEY DON'T WANT TO LOOK AT. The whiner's and
complainers, with no faith, wear their "whiny" rags........SO PEOPLE
WILL MEET THEIR NEEDS. They are already under the Jer.17 curse...."cursed is
the man who trust in man, they can't see when good comes." They don't look
to Jesus to be adorned in faith and love clothes, their filthy rags
protect them they think, THE GRAVE CLOTHES OF DEFENDING their LIFE. We have
to be willing to loose our life, what are we lying to ourselves about that
causing us to be defensive.... Our clothes, to find new ones! Humble people
who acknowledge they have rags on will be lifted up by God to get new
clothes and will rejoice in the truth!

When we are hearkening to God's voice, and obeying it, because we love
Him and have faith in Him, we have works that will not burn. The works of
faith and love, in Revelations, It says that "these works" will clothe us! So obeying God's voice, can be likened
unto being a seamstress, a weaver. Our acts of faith and love, and
hearkening to God's voice, can be seen as WEAVING CLOTHES. Maybe this has something
to do with us not appearing naked and ashamed, when we stand before Jesus.

The saints that overcome are talked about as being dressed in fine linen,
clean and white, which is the righteousness, acts of faith and love and
obedience much of a garment will you have on? How much weaving have
you been doing? Will you be naked and ashamed before Jesus? Will you be
asked to leave the wedding ceremony because you don't have the right clothes on?

What do you think the benefits are to hanging onto your RAGS TO MEET
YOUR NEEDS? I know some women who put on "witch clothes," mean, haughty,
brutish, scorning clothes, because they like what they get from doing it. They
think by wearing some of the spirits, they put on........they'll get what
they need, but they never really do.

PUT ON LOVE!!!! What if love was like a dress that you could go put on?
What if faith was like a dress that you could go put on? What if it really
is that simple? What if we really get to CHOOSE WHAT WE WEAR.....God is
not mocked, if we put on spirits BECAUSE WE ARE AFRAID WE WON'T GET OUR
gain through insincerity and deceit, will make itself wings and fly away.

WHATEVER THE LORD DOES.....because we have chosen to put on faith and

Take off your rags! Stop trying to meet your needs through WEARING THE
WRONG "CLOTHES," SPIRITS! It's not really doing anything for you but bringing
you dishonor and disrespect, and who wants to live their lives, with
everyone around you trying to strip off the grave clothes your clinging onto
with all your might? It's a total waste of your calling, and you don't want to
can buy gold tried in the fire of relationships, with God's people, overcoming
our trials and tribulations!

"And the bride has made, ready HERSELF, with fine linen, clean and

Saturday, September 20, 2008



I read Pvb. 1: 29 this am. and did some word study on "Choices", good ones
and bad ones. It says, "Because they HATED KNOWLEDGE, and did not CHOOSE the
fear (WORSHIP) of The Lord .... they were not pleased with my counsels, they
rejected all of my reproof, Therefore they shall EAT OF THE FRUIT of their
own ways and be filled with their own devices."

Is.65:12 These are people who chose to be rebellious and exalt THEIR OWN
LISTEN, and you did evil in my presence, and DID CHOOSE THE THING wherein I
do not delight." Is.66:3 "Yes, they have CHOSEN their OWN WAYS, and they
delighted in their idols.

We have to choose, this day, and every minute of every day, WHO WE WILL
SERVE! (OURSELVES or The Lord)! And who knows, who can tell, how long any of
us can get away with grieving, denying and resisting The Holy Ghost. Ruth
made a CHOICE to follow Naomi, and not go back and serve the gods and idols
of her fathers. I have met many Christians who still make choices to serve
the gods of their fathers and their idols, more than they follow the leading
of God's Holy Spirit. The majority of the time, they follow the dictates of
the flesh, choose rebellion, and are blind to causing their children to pass
through the fire of their disobedience.

Ps. 119:30 1 have CHOSEN the way of truth, thy judgments have I laid before
me." No matter how much we try, we can't skate out of responsibility, and
continue doing the least we can, to maintain our salvation. The hard reality
is, this is where many Christians; are dwelling at today. "How much is the
LEAST I can obey, and still squeak into God’s Kingdom." I didn’t want to
think this way. I used to. You bear bad fruit, and your children suffer. Mary
CHOSE the good part, and it says THAT WONT BE TAKEN FROM HER. (Lk. 10:42)

Moses CHOSE to suffer affliction with the people of God, rather than enjoying
the pleasures of sin for a season. I hate to say it, but I have met many who
are still ENJOYING THE PLEASURES OF SIN, and the hold the LOVE OF SIN IN
THEIR HEARTS, AND LIE TO THEMSELVES ABOUT IT! If you don't know when you sin
..... you are the most brutish of beasts. If we have The Holy Spirit, we will
know when we are grieving, denying and resisting Him. We serve an ordered God
and He will be justified that He was faithful to expose our sin. We have to
not love sin, and be willing to bring it into the light to see it for what it

Is-64:8 "Surely they are my people, children THAT WILL NOT LIE, SO HE BECAME
THEIR SAVIOR. In all their troubles He did not afflict them, and the angel of
His Presence saved them, in His love and in His pity He saved them and He
lifted them up and carried them all the days of old. BUT THEY REBELLED, and
grieved His Holy Spirit, therefore HE TURNED TO BE THEIR ENEMY AND He fought
against them. (Have you ever been rebellious and been able to tell when HE is
fighting against you?)

We are responsible for our choices, and when we make the right ones, The Holy
Spirit gives us power to overcome. When we choose the wrong thing, He is very
faithful to "spank" us, He chastens those He loves. The problem is, if we are
set in rebellion and don't turn even when He chastens us, because we are
hard-hearted and not rightly motivated, WE BECOME BLIND TO HIS CHASTENING.
That's one of my fears, that I personally think is a good one. I want to SEE
His chastening in my life. The psalmist said to have Faith in "the operation
of God" and the work of His hands, or you'll be destroyed and not built up. "
I know God will send strong delusions, and we will be given over to lies, IF

If we can't tell when we grieve, deny, and resist The Holy Ghost, the word
says we are reprobate. The Holy Spirit was given to us to CONVICT US OF OUR
SINS. The only time I don't know when I am grieving, denying and resisting
The Holy Ghost is when I'm lying to myself, and I'm not loving the truth. God
says if we don't receive the LOVE OF THE TRUTH, He'll send us a strong
delusion that we will believe lies, and if we CHOOSE not to turn, we will
eventually be damned because we prove we take pleasure in unrighteousness.

-GOD IS A REWARDER of those who do good and diligently seek Him. It says all
who come to Him, must believe this. We get to choose if we will bear good
fruit or thorns and biers. And some are so dull, they can't even tell when
they are being poked, and they blame others instead of realizing God is in
the Holiness, and Godliness business, and their path is full of stickers,
because He is trying to get them to turn. THEY JUST POINT THE FINGER AT
OTHERS, because they are being poked, and never realize God has anything to
do with it, because they are LOVING the wrong thing, and He in His goodness,
is trying to help them change their mind. We always have the choice to REBEL
WHAT WE HAVE CHOSEN! We do get rewarded as we go to! The bible says your
children will be blessed if you are obedient, and they will pass through the
fire if you are rebellious and serve the gods your fathers served. A lot of
Christians I've know never even wake up to their rebellion, until they see
their children going through the fire. And those who don't really LOVE JESUS,
blame their children, and don't even see that because of their worldly
whoredoms, their children have gone a whoring after the world too!

EVERYTHING is going to be made OPEN AND PLAIN for all to see, when Jesus
starts handing out rewards. We will all be openly rewarded and see others
openly shamed. I'm not saying I have arrived either. When I see I have snared
myself with my words or actions though, NOW I RUN to get it right. I don't
lie to myself, when my words and actions grieve The Holy Spirit in me, and I
know several Christians who still battle with LYING TO THEMSELVES when they
grieve, deny, and resist THE HOLY GHOST. They don't meditate

on the fact that ONE DAY JESUS WILL APPEAR, and those who have HOPE W SEEING
HIM, AND NOT BEING ASHAMED, WILL try and purify themselves, EVEN AS, HE IS
PURE. They keep it in their conscience thoughts, THAT THEY WILL SEE THE FACE
we bought gold tried in the fire, if we were zealous to repent, if we opened
the door to Him, and let HIM GIVE US THE POWER TO OVERCOME!

He’ll I come as a thief (Rev. 16:15), and he'll judge if we watched and kept
our garments, and He'll know if we didn't want to be naked and ashamed enough
to seek Him. He knows who really has an appetite for Holiness, and Godliness.
He will bless those who have kept the sayings of His book, and liars will be
very surprised, who have been content to deceive and be deceived. Rev.
22:12-15 ..... He's coming soon and His reward is with Him, to give unto
every man according to his work. Blessed will they be who keep His
commandments. They Will. have the right to the tree of life, and will enter
in through the gates into the City. Without, are the vicious, rebellious,
immoral, AND WHOEVER LOVES TO TELL LIES. I want to go into The City and not
be one stuck on the outside looking in! I know He has given me His Spirit,
and If I move with His Spirit I will be an OVER-COMER. I also know I will

"Self-Image" Or Created Identity in Christ

"Self-Image" Or Created Identity in Christ
Ellen Myers

Dear Renee,

l am happy to hear about your successful diet! How good our Lord has been to give you the power at last to become His child also in your battle with overeating (John 1:12), and to establish you in a pattern of nutrition which should maintain this victory and benefit your health as long as you live on earth.

It was interesting to hear about the "behavior training" which was part of your weight loss program. It seems to center the dieter's attention totally upon her or his own self and "will power," seeking to motivate by holding out success in reaching worldly goals (success, money, career advancement, becoming more attractive socially and sexually). Your own motivation, thank God, was different simply to be enabled to eat no more and no less than "your daily bread" for which Christ taught us to pray, from now on day by day and to shame Him no more when calling yourself a Christian before the world. For this He gave you daily strength and blessing, rewarding your faith, as He had not with your dieting attempts in the past. "If we ask anything according to His wilt He hears us."

How right you are about the fundamentally anti-biblical thrust of the training manual's recommendations to become more "assertive," to practice relaxation techniques and generally to use "self-help" or self fulfillment" devices straight from the mouths of various pop psychologists! Yes indeed, this kind of flashy. superficial "instruction" complete with the buzz-words of the season is found everywhere today. As you put it so well, it is the "fallout" from earlier trends in academic psychology.

The part of your diet manual you seem to accept is its emphasis upon the client's "self-image." The manual states, "You are what you think you are, and "a healthy self-image comes from practicing positive self-image techniques."1 So far, so what this manual is not written by Christians for Christians. But the little article you enclosed is, and it made you lean towards acceptance of this concept of "self-image" as valid and important. Let me just quote from this article:

Certainly a positive self-image is important to our mental and emotional health.

How do we develop a proper self-image? Do we do it by "looking out for No.1?" Does it come by overcoming our "erroneous zones?" Do we develop a positive self-image by instilling within ourselves the idea that we are "born to win?" Or is it by convincing ourselves that "I'm OK -you're OK?" Some of these ideas have merit; others preach a "gospel" of self-salvation.2

The author then states that "a proper self-image comes as a result of loving and being loved" which we learn best from the Bible telling us of God's love for us and of our need to love Him and others.

This article, you write, merely sums up the message of another book, also written by a Christian for Christians and specifically Christian counselors, which you had recently read and agreed with. "It brought home to me," you say, "how insecure I have always felt because I did not have a good image of myself. I always felt people did not accept me or would not accept me as I was.

Even after I became a believer, this did not change. What I do not see is how my self-image can improve even though repeating to myself that God loves me. I feel I must be realistic I am still a sinner, I am still shy and slow to make friends, I still have no great talents. Being thinner makes me just average looking. I don't like to think about myself, but I do think about myself a lot I've always been introspective, trying to assess myself correctly. I think it's true that I overate partly because my self-image was poor. I am afraid this may yet cause me to overeat again in a vicious circle. Pray for me.

Oh Renee, of course I will pray for you and am praying for you. But I believe and know that there is an answer to your "self-image" problem which can put and keep you on the right path.

You see, no one in this world can have a true "self-image." We read in Proverbs 20:24: "Man's goings are of the Lord: how can a man then understand his own way?" Only God Himself, our Creator and Sustainer, knows all about us His creatures. We our "selves" -are even now in the making; only the Maker knows what He wants to make us into and how far along He is. St. Paul tells us in II Corinthians 3:5: "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God." In I Corinthians 4:3-5 he writes: "But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, Judge not mine own self. For/know nothing by myself yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord Therefore, judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God."

Look at Psalm 139, beginning with the beautiful exclamation, "Oh Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me" and ending with the prayer: "Search me, 0 God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" We ourselves are incapable of searching and knowing ourselves Socrates was wrong his command "know thyself" is impossible to obey. We cannot have a proper "self-image" of ourselves. "A proper self-image" may be the subtlest idol of all, for the effort to build it supplants God Himself in our hearts. Truly "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings," as the prophet Jeremiah (Jer. 17:5-6; said hundreds of years before our Lord walked the earth " We are not to look at ourselves (introspection) but at Him the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 1 2:2a). Oh Renee, to look at yourself to try to build up your own "self-image" is to take your eyes off Him, and so to stumble and fall!

This is what Satan made our first parents do when he caused them to look upon the forbidden tree and fruit, and to think, not of God their Creator Who loved them and had provided all things for their good, but of themselves. "And you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." They knew all they needed to know by God's revealed word and will, that is, by Him. Even sowe know all we need to know about ourselves, moment by moment as we walk with our heavenly Father as His good, child-like, Christ-like children. We do not need any "self-image" at all. That is the answer to the worldly counselors and to the misled Christian counselors infected with pop-psychology.

Oh the relief when you realize that you need not torture yourself with efforts at self-judgment, self-introspection, "positive self-image techniques" (that is, lies by definition it Jeremiah is correct about the desperate wickedness of our hearts)! Just put yourself into His faithful, loving, skilled hands and let Him fashion you into the created identity in Christ He had in mind before He created the world. That created identity, once fully fashioned when "He shall appear and we shall be like Him" (I John 3:3) and "know as we are known" (I Corinthians 13:12), and will be ours eternally, our new name written upon the white stone of Revelation 2:17 and 3:12. Until then it cannot be revealed. It is even as with our Lord Himself Who never cared to have a "self-image," but rather "being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore, God also has highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name" (Philippians 2:6-9).

Beloved Christian teachers a generation or two ago knew of the vanity of building a "self-image." They were taught of God that the "self" underlying such a "self-image" is a fraud and a mirage invented by the adversary to keep us from looking unto Jesus in order to prevent the making of our true selves -our created identities in Christ. Listen to George MacDonald (1821-1905), the teacher and master of C.S. Lewis He writes:

We are and remain such creeping Christians, because we look at ourselves and not at Christ; because we gaze at the marks of our own soiled feet, and the trail of our own defiled garments… Or, having committed a petty fault… we mourn over the defilement to ourselves, and the shame of it before our friends, children, or servants, instead of hastening to make the due confession and amends to our fellow, and then, forgetting our own paltry self with its well-earned disgrace, lift up our eyes to the glory which alone will quicken the true man in us, and kill the peddling creature we so wrongly call our self.3

He writes:

Do you ask, "What is faith in Him" I answer, "The leaving of your way, your objects, your self, and the taking of His and Him… Instead of so knowing Christ that they have Him in them saving them, they lie wasting themselves in soul-sickening self-examination…4

You hit upon a deep truth about the trouble with building up a "self-image" when you said you always felt people did not accept you or would not accept you as you are. We seek honor from our fellow men and women and not the honor which comes which can only come from God only, God the only One Who truly knows us. This is exactly what Christ the supreme master of true psychology, says of Christ-denying men (John 5:44). He should not have to say it of us who claim to be Christian believers! Again, think of the relief of not having to pose before other people as other than we are, of not having to measure our worth by their appraisal of the simulated "self" we parade before them.

We have such wonderful freedom in our Lord How liberating, how altogether joyful it is not burdened any more with the anxiety, the insecurity, the weariness of introspection, prestige, care for our "self" C.S. Lewis, echoing Mac Donald his master, writes of "the relief, the comfort, of taking the fancydress off getting rid of the false self, with all its 'Look at me' and 'Aren't I a good boy?' and all its posing and posturing. To get even near it, even for a moment, is like a drink of cold water to a man in a desert."5 "It is only in Him that the soul has room. In knowing Him is life and its gladness. The secret of your own heart you can never know; but you can know Him who knows its secret,"6 says MacDonald. Our salvation is in offering ourselves back to our Creator, moment by moment, "dying daily" to our old, dead, false, surrogate "selves," and "finding of our deeper, our true self God's idea of us when He devised us the Christ in us."7

This, you know, is the goal of all creation. It is "the manifestation of the sons of God" by which creation itself, now groaning and travailing in pain, shall at last be "delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God" (Romans a:19-22r If it is our destiny as believers to be "conformed to the image of God's Son" (Romans 8:29) then what goal, what need, in a "self-image" before our Lord has brought about our destiny? On the contrary, any effort to conceptualize such a "self-image" is not of faith faith would wait upon the Lord to complete His work, His created identity in us and "whatsoever is not of faith is sin" (Romans 14:23b). Giving up our "selves" our own lives to Him is the touchstone of our faith, as He Himself told us (Luke 14:33).

Some may murmur, "Do we then become mere shells with no 'selves' at all when we accept Christ?" Again a "self-image" ("shells"), and again a fraud and mirage Let me answer in C.S. Lewis's words from the conclusion of his Mere Christianity:

I said there were Personalities in God. I will go further now. There are no real personalities anywhere else. Until you have given your self to Him you will not have a real self. Sameness is to be found most among the most "natural" men, not among those who surrender to Christ. How monotonously alike all the great tyrants and conquerors have been: how gloriously different are the saints.

But there must be a real giving up of the self. You must throw it away "blindly" so to speak... As long as your own personality is what you are bothering about, you are not going to Him at all. The very first step is to try to forget about the self altogether.

The principle runs through all life from top to bottom. Give up yourself, and you will find your real self . . . Submit to death, death of your ambitions and favorite wishes everyday. . Keep back nothing. . Look for yourself, and you will find in the long run only hatred, loneliness, despair, rage, ruin and decay. But look for Christ and you will find Him, and with Him everything else thrown in.8

Let us both have grace to do this, Renee!

Yours lovingly in Him,


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

thought from Dan

1 John 3:3- “And every man that hath this hope (the hope of being like Him when He returns) in him purifieth himself, even as He is pure.”

If you knew John Elway was coming over, you wouldn’t wear your Packers jersey (or anything else but a Broncos jersey). Do you want to be identified and ‘dressed’ like Jesus when he returns?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Good one on DEPRESSION

And worship and obedience.............. WE ARE ALL GREAT OBEYERS........ ALL THE TIME IN ALL PLACES!!!!

The big question we must ask ourselves is WHO ARE WE OBEYING??????


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

we are what we eat


Why are so many Christians today, sick, weak and asleep? These scriptures have the answer, I Cor 10:21 "You cannot drink the Lord’s cup and the devil’s cup. You cannot partake of the Lord’s table and the devil’s table" ….. 11:30, "for this reason many are sick, weak and asleep."

Do we as Christians need to be perpetually cleansed? Our physical bodies are in a perpetual state of being cleansed, as the body of Christ on the earth should be also. God has given us His body here on the earth to keep us from growing sick, weak, and living in a big sleep. The Lord Jesus Christ should be found in His people on the earth. We are His eyes, hands, mouth, and feet. We can’t afford to think life in Christ merely has to do with "me and Jesus" ….. we are obligated to receive His people on the earth. It’s finding those who worship Him in Spirit and truth. And if that’s what you really want …to worship Him in Spirit and truth – He will lead you to those who are being sanctified by the truth also. He’s faithful! Therefore beware brethren, take care, lest there be in any one of you a wicked, unbelieving heart, which refuses to cleave to, trust in and rely on Him --- leading you to turn away and desert the living God and His people. But instead, warn, admonish, urge, and encourage one another every day, (commune and open your hearts to each other), as long as it is called TODAY; that none of you be hardened (into settled rebellion) by the deceitfulness of sin. Is. 58:6-7 "Is this not the fast that I have chosen, to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke? Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless into your house, when you see the naked, that you cover him, and that you HIDE NOT YOURSELF FROM YOUR OWN FLESH?" What would happen if the parts of our body hid themselves from one another, failing to communicate, or communicating poorly? Sickness and disease sets in. How it goes in the natural can be a great example of how things are in the spiritual realm. And what we loose in the heavenlies around us, can be manifested in being sick, weak, and tired.

We are called to be a drink offering to one another, and not to poison each other with the cup of our soul being unclean. If we drink wine from heaven, we will be a drink from God to those around us. If we eat the devil’s dainties, we will poison others with the spirit of our words. Jesus said, "If they receive the spirit of Christ in one another, and we need to discern when someone is feeding us a strange spirit. When we are listening to the devil ….. eating his dainties, it will poison our soul and we will feed each other the wrong soul food. Jesus’ FOOD WAS TO DO GOD’S WILL. "All Christ is, He is within us, hope of Glory, living word." We should be the living word to one another, and if the words of the father of lies dwell in us, we will be ambassadors representing the wrong kingdom, feeding others the ashes we feed on. (That’s what the Old Testament calls it….."feeding on ashes." And when we speak words of death to others….."as we have done it unto the least of these, so we do it unto Him." If we are grieving, denying and resisting the Holy Ghost, we will be defiling not only ourselves, but all those who hear us.

Partaking and receiving are related to each other. When we partake of food, we receive it into our goodies. If the food is good and natural, without chemicals, and artificial toxins, it builds up and regenerates our body to health. If the food is artificial, deliling, impure, it degenerates and breaks down our health. Regenerate means to REFRESH, REJUVENATE, RENEW, RESTORE, RESURRECT, REVIVE, RECREATE! To degenerate means to cause decay, disintegrate mildew, or mold, rot, rust, spoil, corrode, crumble, and to breakdown. To me, this is the difference of relating to God and others out of our head rather than our heart. When we are honest and sincere, and have no pretense, there is powerful REGENERATION, PURE FELLOWSHIP, UNFEIGNED LOVE, and the life and Spirit of God are free to move. (The bible calls this "being without guile." Like blood in a body, there is good flow and movement when we partake of good food. When we are pretending with God and not giving Him our heart, and failing to examine ourselves, to see if we are in the faith, we are in a state of spiritual decay. If the flow and movement of our communing with the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth, has ceased, we are in a state of deception. I heard a good one the other day….."thoughts of pity are like logs in the fire of deceit." Add those thoughts of fear and unbelief, and the fire of deceit becomes a forest fire." We have to know we are abiding in the right vine, listening to the right voice. If we are familiar with the voice of the liar, we won’t stop the mouth of the liar when he uses others to speak. Drinking from the cup of fear and unbelief is drinking from the cup of devils. We are spiritually degenerating and decaying, and become the source of leaven to others. Being built up in our most Holy faith has everything to do with listening to the voice of God, The Holy Spirit’s voice of love, faith and truth. If we are grieving, denying and resisting the Holy Ghost in our life, those listening to God’s voice will be sad. It’s like one who once had cancer and was dying, who totally changed their diet. They meet someone who has cancer but only wants to complain, they refuse to change their diet. When you get used to good food, rancid food becomes obvious and detestable. The obedient will always have a response to the disobedient. They will detect the spirit at work in the sons and daughters of disobedience. To return to a state of true communion, true repentance – changing your mind and your deeds – must take place.

Confession and repentance is the road to mercy and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, and true communion with the believers. Rev. 3:19 "As many as I love, I chasten, reprove, and tell them their faults." Do we even see His chastening? Shouldn’t we have a powerful time sharing how we are being ZEALOUS and repenting and how we are changing our minds, and being renewed in the spirit of our mind? Great fellowship comes with the ones God loves, because they are open and honest about the chastening they experience from the one who knows the secrets of their hearts! Openness begets openness. Pvb 6:23 "Reproof and correction are the way of life." Pvb 1:23 "When we turn at His reproof, He pours out His Spirit on us. When we refuse His reproof, we error. When we are foolish (unwilling to judge right activity from wrong activity), we despise reproof. "Take heed to yourselves, if thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him, and if he repent, forgive him." (Luke 17:3) Eph 5:11 "… and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them" I Tim 5:20 "Them that sin, rebuke before all, that others also might fear." 2 Tim 4:2 "Preach the word, be instant in season, and out of season. Reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine." Tit 1:13 "This witness is true, wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith." Throughout the ages, men have loved darkness rather than light, and would not come into the light, lest their deeds be reproved! We should desire to bring our deeds into the light of His body on the earth, to see if they need to be reproved. If we trust in our heart…..truly we are fools.

We are always partaking of some spirit in "the spirit of our mind." When we are "being renewed in the spirit of our mind"…..others will be eating the "health food" in our soul! Those who are eating death thoughts in the spirit of their minds, we have an obligation to help our brother go on a good diet and stop corrupting himself and everyone around him. This is why it is so crucial for us to TAKE OUR THOUGHTS CAPTIVE TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST. We must be able to distinguish between the flesh and the spirit in our own lives and the lives of others. Love demands us not poisoning each other. And love demands us being able to help others that are poisoning themselves. Jesus said to Peter, "Get thee behind me Satan, you are an offense and a hindrance to me. For you savor not the things of God, but the things of man." So, can we tall when we, ourselves, or those close to us are minding the things of the flesh and offending the Spirit of Christ? Pvb 24:11 "Deliver those who are drawn away to death (lies), and those who totter to the slaughter. Hold them back from their doom. If you profess ignorance and say, behold, we did not know life, does not He know it? And shall not he render to you and every man…ACCORDING TO HIS WORKS? So ask yourself… you seek to deliver those drawn away to death? Are you willing to help those on a bad diet, go on a good diet?

Again, we can’t drink from the devil’s cup and God’s cup. We can’t eat at the devil’s table and God’s table. Paul stated he did not want us to fellowship and be partners with devilish spirits, by eating at their feasts. Can we tell when others or we, ourselves, are eating at the wrong table, or if they are wearing the wrong clothes? Words come from spirits, so we can’t sloth out and put down our spiritual sword that discerns the spirit of words…..WE MUST BE CAREFUL HOW WE HEAR. We must be careful what we eat, we must be careful what we drink. We have a responsibility to love and help one another when we find our brother in a fault. Jesus was our example when he said to Peter, "Get thee behind me Satan."

Let us "taste" and see that the Lord is good! Unless we eat of flesh of the Son of Man, and drink of His Blood, we will have no life in us! We cannot live by bread alone, but we can LIVE BY THE WORD'S OF GOD!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

wise women build their house, foolish women pluck them down!

The lips of the righteous feed many, and so does she who gets her bread from afar!


Her heart is filled with thorns and snares........and though she may look
good on the outside......her heart is an open grave on the inside!

If the Lord isn't helping a woman, because she is a scorner, rejects God's seed and accepts the devils seed, with no fight to deal with the "lie lodged within her", WE CAN'T HELP HER EITHER. Read what the bible says about scorners..... they are tea bags with holes, they can't contain any truth because they don't go after their evil imaginations against The Lord. Nothing you say to a scorner matters, they can't hold on to it. Until a woman sincerely desires to care about The Lord, to care about not being a reproach, and being saved from how she has shamed Him, you can't even reach her. Until she seeks Him with all her heart, she won't be found by Him. And she will unknowingly or maybe knowingly waste the lives away of everyone around her trying to get everyone to fix her EXCEPT THE GREAT PHYSICIAN, THE ONLY TRUE HEALER!

She puts a bit of arsenic and poison in all her food! She knows her soul food
is from hell,....but she won't stop herself from speaking words she knows she
shouldn't to others. Her words tear, they don't build up, and she doesn't
even really care! And how can she help but condemn herself when she knows her
bitter heart, her fearful, unbelieving soul, IS defiling THE SHEEP AROUND HER.

I guess that's why Proverbs 31:10 says........WHO CAN FIND A DILIGENT WOMAN?
And truly her price is FAR ABOVE RUBIES! She takes the time to remove her
spiritual rags of poverty and seduction! She sees the children of God as the
children of the most High.....A Royal Priesthood. This woman is like Ester
presenting herself before the King. She didn't come whining and complaining,
but in a spirit of love and faith before the King, for the cause of the
Kingdom. She examined herself before she went before her husband.

Goes back to "a man (woman) shall be satisfied by the fruit of her own mouth.
We lie to ourselves when our own words grieve us.....and we feed other's the
junk food of our soul. The abundance of our heart that is ungodly,

The truth is "God gives seed to the sower", and so does the devil. Our husbands hearts are like our field and we get to decide every day, whose seeds we will plant
in the hearts of our husband!

Pvbs.31:11 "The heart of her husband does safely trust in her...........and
her food supplies....from the Throne of God.....never run out! She doesn't
poison him and the children with "deceitful dainties," from listening to the
EVILS. (Prv.1:33) This concludes that hopelessness IS THE BY PRODUCT OF
those who submit to the liar and resist God!

If we will receive His words, and hide His commandments in our heart, and
incline our ear to wisdom, and APPLY OUR HEART TO UNDERSTANDING; if we will
AS SILVER, SEARCH FOR IT AS HIDDEN TREASURE.........Then we will understand
how to worship the Lord and find the knowledge of God. It is the Lord who
gives wisdom, out of his mouth comes understanding...for He stores up hope
for the upright, and those who walk without blemish.

So can Jesus safely trust in your heart? Do you get food supplies from God
or the father of lies? Do you look to cover the naked? Do you take
advantage of those willing to see that your covered by being spiritually
slothful? Are you getting the merchandise of Heaven from afar........or do
you just always expect others to get it for you?


The beggarly women of the world....who can never get enough....USE spirits to
do their bidding for them to get their needs met. They whine, and complain
to each other, to build up the spirit of pity in each other. They don't mind
handing out this dish of's a ploy they use to make others think
they are important. It's a ploy to elevate man, and to elevate self. It's
all giving glory to the false King.

The wise woman considers what seeds she sows. She considers where she gets
her seeds and where she plants them. She exercises her body, mind, spirit,
and soul........and doesn't use circumstances and situations to "check
out"......her lamp......her spiritual discernment never goes out!

She lives to sew.....cover others......SHE'S NOT ALWAYS demanding others to
cover her. She knows her works of obedience, faith, and love will be the
clothes that dress her so she won't stand naked and ashamed before her
heavenly groom. She hands out the clothes of faith to her family, and they
are not afraid. She gets spiritual wealth from God, and dispenses it wisely!

STRENGTH AND HONOR ARE HER CLOTHES!!!! She has thrown away the rags of fear,

SHE OPENS HER MOUTH WITH WISDOM....not whining, fretting and unbelief! And
upon her tongue is the law of kindness.......not hopelessness, that declares
their is no God!

She deals with the things in her integrity, that shame her God and King,
because she really wants nothing she thinks, says or does, TO BRING REPROACH

Friday, September 5, 2008



I was thinking today about why the scriptures say that. IT'S TRUE. Most men give themselves to their appetites, passions, emotions and

desires, and are overcome by them. A man full of faith, and self sacrifice who can find, they are rare. Most men WILL NOT DENY THEMSELVES, and pick up their cross and follow Jesus, so they live lives of self indulgence.

Most men are not faithful in relationships, not full of faith, not willing to do God's will in people's lives, so they are overcome by lust and worldliness by DEFAULT. They can't control their lusts and appetites for worldliness, because God gives His Spirit of self control TO THOSE WHO LOVE AND OBEY HIM, those who REALLY CARE for each other with more than lip service.

Many of the men I have known sacrifice relationships with wives, children, friends, and are overcome by their lusts or worldliness,

due to selfishness. Look what the bible says about JOB. "I was eyes to the blind, feet to the lame, THE CAUSE I KNEW NOT I SEARCHED OUT"

Many men live slothful lives, void of understanding. They are the greater cause in their lives, not the Lord, God's family, or even their own family.

They live life according to their selfish desires and self gratifications, without a whole lot of contemplation on what they are sowing on the earth!

"When you seek Me with ALL your heart, YOU WILL BE FOUND BY ME." So the problem is a seeking problem. Too much self seeking, and not enough

God seeking. Men who are void of understanding can only be oppressors, they can't be reconcilers!

Usually when I get tempted to fret or worry and I start praying, the scripture comes to me....."let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. If you believe in God,

believe in my also. In my Father's house are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you."

The desire of a mans heart is his kindness." It came to me that when our desire is selfish and ungodly, we will eventually be showing it by being mean. People get mean

when their selfish desires and interfered with. The fires of life take us either to destruction or to a place where IT'S OUR FOOD TO DO GOD'S WILL. We fall on the stone, or the stone falls on us.

There is another scripture in Pvb.24, 1 and 2 says, "Be not envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them. For their heart studieth destruction and their lips talk of mischief." I began thinking of the STUDY OF DESTRUCTION. Our hearts are always MEDITATING. Most people meditate on what they think is good for them, not

what IS THE GREATER CAUSE. The Psalmist prayed, "let the words of my mouth and the MEDITATION OF MY HEART, be acceptable in YOUR SIGHT." Our hearts are always studying, mediating. I began remembering back to how depressed I was when I lived with people who were overcome by their lusts, because their hearts studied....longed for worldliness, carnal comforts, etc. Most men are overcome by their lusts.....and the destructive forces in their lives.....because they spend
their lives studying the wrong thing. Loosing the bands of wickedness, undoing heavy burdens, freeing the opressed, giving food to the hungry, is not the sport they

want to play. Pleasing God is not their study.

My youngest daughter put it this way after she read Dante's version of Hell. You basically have the CONSUMERS and the PRODUCERS. Consumers are busy consuming and producers and busy producing. It made me think of a revelation I got yesterday reading Heb.5. I realized the first half of the chapter talks about those who God has raised up, who will care for the weak, poor, afflicted and those bound in chains. They pray for others and they get food from God to feed the hungry. They care about others, and they pray for others. They the last half is about those who scream for milk. They spend their lives looking for others to feed them, they only want to be given care,

they don't become care givers. Have you ever noticed in a room when there is one screaming baby, the baby screaming is OK? You put
another screaming baby in the same room, and the two babies can't handle it. I have come to see some of my friends like this. When they are being
babies, screaming for milk they can't stand being around other demanding babies. It's OK as long as they are the only one screaming, but when another one
comes in who is screaming for milk too.....they get totally offended. It's only OK if they are the ONLY screaming baby, and they hate it when they
have to deal with other screaming babies. Some of my friends have a hard time loving and forgiving one another, when they are living in the CONSUMING
self seeking mode.

I guess Is. 58 sums it all up in talking about the fast God has chosen. To lose the bands of wickedness, undo the heavy burden, set the oppressed
free, break the yoke. Those willing to intercede by speaking the truth in love to their brother inherit the blessings of God. Those who are self seeking,
and care about blessing their own life above all things never ride on the high places it talks about in Is.58.

If dying and going to heaven were like a big family would you fare? In this big family reunion.....there will be nothing hidden,
everything will be revealed with every secret thought. What we have hid in the dark will be shouted from the house tops.....and will the world have
seen Jesus really lives, BY THE WAY WE HAVE LOVED EACH OTHER.

At this family reunion we won't be able to have a hidden world of thoughts we didn't let Jesus into. It will be plain for all to see if we really
prayed TO BE REPAIRERS of the breeches, restorer's of paths to walk in. Were we like Job, "eyes to the blind, feet to the lame, and did we search out the
cause of things we know not? Did we really look to loose the bands of wickedness, and undo the heavy burdens, and to set each other free of
oppression, and to break the yoke of bondage we see one another bound by? It would be great if we all opened up our hidden little worlds of thoughts we have with each other, now before the big family we won't be ashamed. I'm not talking about dumping on each other things the devil whispers in our ears either. I'm talking about giving our talent. Not burying our gift. When we see things in each other we need to know if it's the accuser of the brethren talking to us, or if God wants to use us to
keep our brother or sister from falling into a ditch. When we don't let Jesus in to our secret world of thoughts and deeds, he will shout from the housetops
(the evil we have hid in our hearts), and reveal what we refused to deal with in life, at our death!

We don't need to be among those who work hard at making the outside of the cup clean.....but the inside is filled with accusations, imaginations, EVEN
TRUTH.....BUT that we were too slothful to divide the flesh from the spirit....for ourselves and one another. WHY DO WE SLEEP............and
grieve the Spirit of Christ in our soul? We know when others dirty their feet.........but we refuse to be foot washers. We know when others are
wearing grave clothes.......but we reject the fact that Jesus has called us to peel off each others rags. One day men, women, will be rewarded for what they have done, and REWARDED FOR WHAT THEY FAILED TO DO, OR WERE TOO SLOTHFUL TO DO.

It reminds me of something God had Gene bring up. It was in 1 John 5 that said something like, "If your brother sins and it's not a sin unto
death...and you have light to his sin, YOU CAN IMPART LIFE TO HIM WHERE HE IS DEAD IN HIS SIN! Jesus has given us such great power, but we don't tap into
it. That's what I got out of John 1 and 17. We should have a word anointing in our lives. We should HAVE THE WORDS OF JESUS for our problems, and we
can give one another the words that Jesus has given us. That's what Jesus did. He gave us the words of the Father....He gave us THE SPIRIT OF GLORY...LIGHT
AND LIFE....that comes through the spoken word. He sanctified himself unto the truth out of his great love for us, and gave us an example to follow.
Some of us are still ROCK COLLECTOR'S! We don't ask God for bread for one another, and the devil is right there to help us be stone collector's. When
it comes down to can tell who loves the Father, by watching their fruit. Selfish people are mean, and they don't deal God's bread to the
hungry. And they raise selfish children who won't love and deal bread to the hungry either.

If we abide in His Spirit...we will get His words for one another. We won't let the little foxes live...we won't feed them until they are too fat to
deal with, we won't ignore them and pretend like they aren't there and that they won't do any damage. People who love Jesus, don't let the little foxes
live. They Judge them, and the things that divide, because THEY ARE WILLING TO FIGHT FOR THE UNITY OF FAITH....THE BOND OF PEACE. We need to be willing

One day..........WHEN WE ARE AT THE BIG FAMILY REUNION, AFTER THIS LIFE.....we will see the great manifestation of Jesus'



When I was a lost, needy puppy, about 14, I was starring out the window of a car, I felt no connection to anyone, never really had, not even my own mother. I was in a car with my sister traveling through the most beautiful mountaintops. I distinctly remember God talking to me inside, that deep inner voice, saying..... THERE IS SOMETHING I WANT YOU TO DO.

I had no clue what that meant and totally forgot about it. Sometimes a spirit would come on me when I watched THE SOUND OF MUSIC, and I would remember that sentence, THERE IS SOMETHING I WANT YOU TO DO. Well you know the tragedy's of my life, but when I met Gene I lived in this spirit before we got married.... THERE IS SOMETHING I'M SUPPOSED TO DO. It was a glorious time, but with familiarity that voice gets drown, and living in that spirit diminished. Gene spoke to me one night when we were getting serious, I don't remember much of what he said, but I remember one thing, He said THERE IS SOMETHING I'M SUPPOSED TO DO. Well, I was praying the other night and the Holy Spirit spoke to me, THERE IS SOMETHING I WANT YOU TO DO.

Believe it or not, I can think, even married to Gene, that my life is very purposeless, meaningless, and insignificant. I realize most people might not see that in me, but it's true. At times I feel useless, like I'm not doing anything of significance that really means anything in the realm of eternity. I can really get depressed, and when we suffer persecution and rejection that voice tries to speak to me. But I have really been energized and felt much power and victory, and overcoming sense, since I heard that voice again a couple of weeks............ I WANT YOU TO LIVE LIKE THERE IS SOMETHING IMPORTANT I WANT YOU TO DO. Now if I ever do anything or not that God deems important isn't really the issue, maybe He's imparting power, His spirit of self control to me. After I married Gene, I heard God's voice tell me, "you got ready for one wedding, now I want you to get ready for another." Maybe that's the thing that's important that He wants me to do. Get ready for His appearing, living in a spirit of hope and expectation. Children get all excited when they have an event to live for. I remember how exciting it was getting ready for summer camp, then school again. That hope and expectation of getting to do something, to go somewhere. I remember even after marrying Gene I would get excited when we were going to go somewhere, do something........ ministry..... WE TOOK ON A SPIRIT OF HOPE AND EXPECTATION AND HAD THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT REALLY BLOOM IN OUR LIVES. But you know we should live in THAT SPIRIT ALL THE TIME. Not living for an event, but never knowing when God wants us available BECAUSE HE HAS SOMETHING FOR US TO DO. When we are drunk on the cares of this life... Luke 21 the DAY comes upon us unaware. SO WE CAN, AND SHOULD TAKE ON A SPIRIT OF WATCHING, WAITING, HOPE, EXPECTATION.......... THAT LEADS US TO SANCTIFY OURSELVES LIKE THERE IS AN IMPORTANT EVENT ABOUT TO HAPPEN IN OUR LIVES. THERE REALLY IS YOU KNOW. The devil wants us without vision and rotting in hopelessness, despair, and feeling like our lives are totally insignificant. And how many women cover that up with pride rather than having faith God can BE THE SPARK UNTO THEIR SOUL AND THE VISION FOR THEIR LIFE! LIVE LIKE "THERE IS SOMETHING I WANT YOU TO DO" Eat for strength not drunkenness so you will be ready!

being saved from the congregation of the dead

Just like Jesus was called to the lost sheep in Israel, and Paul was called to the dead religion Pharisee's, I think Gene was called to the congregation of the dead where I once belonged myself. I had wandered from the path of understanding and remained in the congregation of the dead. And when we don't do what's right with people it brings a whole new light to what Jesus said about the hypocrites, "Their mouth is full of dead men's bones." And "they eat up my people as one eats bread and call not upon the Lord" as the Psalm says.

Gene was called to make DEFECTOR'S OF DEAD RELIGION. To help others come into their gifts and callings, but how do we do that when we are relational delinquents?

The prophet is like the refiner's fire and the fullers soap. And we get clean by repenting and having faith in the mystery of Jesus Christ changing our heart. Hypocrites don't need to be saved. They don't have any sin, they don't have THE TESTIMOY OF JESUS, and can't define the wretched, naked, blind, poor condition they were saved from to anyone!

The word simple in the Proverbs actually means seducible.

In the days of JESUS, THERE WERE 2 TEAMS ON THE FIELD. The true Christians who knew HIM and the Pharisee's and Hypocrites that PRETENDED to know Him. Those who pretend like they have clean hands and a pure heart but don't. They don't consider that God knows the thoughts of their hearts towards others, and He will reward them according to what they do about what they think about HIS PEOPLE.

When it comes down to it, there are those who are speaking the truth in love and becoming members of one another and those who lie, pretend, are flatters, refuse to be honest with God about what they think of the people in their life, nor do they consult Him about what to do. THEY AVOID ALL THIS BY KEEPING THEIR EYES "OUT THERE TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH." Wandering stars.....They refuse to fellowship God, in their relationship to people, they have a strange spirit. THEIR EYES ARE TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH and they don't see wisdom right in front of them nor are they faithful to the people right in front of their face. They live in a religious fantasy, not the reality of how to feed those around them, how to wash their feet, and how to take off their grave clothes. They will have none of it. But some of them love to have their ears tickled by others opening up their personal relationship to Jesus. Spiritual fornicators, loving for everyone to be intimate, but they are controlling liars.

True intercessors feed God's sheep with understanding, truth, testimony, they have a twig ministry. Pretenders secretly damn others for the log in their eye, but they live indifferent to what they are doing. They are shallow, seducible. These people are prideful liars, their hands are full of the blood of others and they live totally indifferent to that fact. They don't care about having clean hands and a pure heart. AND THROUGH THE SELF DECEPTION OF THEIR OWN HEART, THEY REFUSE TO KNOW HIM! Just like the scriptures say! They look at others through the glasses of "I'M GLAD I'M NOT LIKE HIM." They wouldn't consider cleaning someone's feet; they despise anyone with dirty feet!

They don't fellowship God, they fellowship dark spirits, they live in the dark, they walk in the dark, their thoughts are in the dark, and they don't come into the light to see things the way they really are. They live in the fantasy of their minds, like the world and don't have a relationship with Jesus so they can fulfill God's will in the lives of His children. They are discontented souls, always looking for greener grass, some "tomorrow" that will make THEM HAPPY. They are happiness idolaters, and their food is not to do God's will but to BE HAPPY!

They don't even consider that one day He might say to them "depart from Me, I never knew you." (You didn't let me into your thoughts about others, nor did you seek Me about what to do). They don't do anything when they are offended. The stuff it, lie to themselves. They are too slothful to "go to their brother with food Jesus gives them to win their brother." And they are also too slothful to get anyone else involved. They don't regard what Jesus said, "out of the mouth of 2-3 witnesses the word of God is established." They have no passion for living by the word themselves or winning souls with the word. They aren't deep, so they can't cry unto the deep things in others.

These are the days of love waxed cold, like Jesus talked about. The Pharisee's and Hypocrites are waging war against those who walk in the light, live in the light, and speak the truth in love for they believe they are members one of another.

GOD SAYS.... "Who shall abide in My temple, who shall dwell in His Holy Hill", those who have clean hands and a pure heart, who don't backbite, who don't slander their brother secretly inside. Those who tell the truth." THE PURE IN HEART SHALL SEE GOD!~ Those who look to reconcile their brother, rather than looking to the ends of the earth for happiness!~~

Subject: being doesr's of the word

Subject: being doesr's of the word

The operation of the Holy Spirit in our lives is our necessary food. It's
our wisdom and our understanding to all life's blessings and eternity's
existance. It's the key's to the Kingdom in Christ Jesus. It's our Heavenly
Father's daily word to us. His love to us and His power for us.

Those who recieve and walk in the Spirit's Operation with an understanding
will be continually built up and strong in the Lord and in the power of His
might....and those who lightly regard His instruction will be torn down and
overcome by the "darkness" and destructions of life.

The Word of His "Operation" today is:

"Being "DOERS" of the word to us and not just hearers." Setting your will
and your heart to obey and walk in the word which you hear.
deals with "speak not evil one of another". (Ja. 4:11)

In this ministry we are taught to "Judge Righteous Judgement" and that we
are to be our brothers keeper's. That we are to love one another and to
speak the truth one to another, because we are all memebers one of
another. (Eph. 4;25) and that in context to this, the scripture goes on to
admonish angry,but sin not...don't give place to the
devil(meaning..don't become an accuser of the brethern) but have an attitude
of love and service toward them to recover them. Let no corrupt
communication proceed from you (meaning..keep it between you and them, not
involving others to fortify you and your problem with them.)
Grieve not the Holy Spirit,whereby you are sealed, by being bitter, vengeful,
angry, slanderous, unkind, or unforgiving toward them. But walk in
Love considering yourself as well as them and their well being. (vs's26-32)
For we know that God's Word will Judge us impartially, His judgement is
according to "TRUTH" not according to what we feel or think.
Our judgement of and concerning others must be an "ASSESSMENT" of things and
not to "CONCLUDE or to CONDEMN" them. We must always consider ourselves
within all judgements to know and to understand our own need and "the
Spirit's Operation" in ourself so that we will have a right spirit toward
them in "speaking truth".

The primary place of our own conflict is "within our initial thoughts and
corresponding feelings of heart" at the point of disagreement. Most of us
miss it right "off-the-bat". And...know it or not..."WE come under judgement
before the Holy Spirit"...because our attitude is "condemning"...not
"assessing" for the sake of Love. (Rms. 1:32--2:1-11)

Kow this also...whoever you talk to, other than the one involved, you add
them to your sin. (Mt.18:15) In are offering them your "apple of
offense". If they agree with you, they also come under your dealing and
sinful opperation. As many as you talk to fall under the "curse of the

In many cases for the married, it's loosed in your whole house and unto your
children because of "speaking evil" among husband and wife. The man who
brings his wife into his offenses and who shares his problems at home is a
fool. Sowing to the wind, he will inherit the whirlwind. He is a scriptural fool.
And the "Operation of the Spirit" will begin
tearing down his house and family rather than building it up.
So...we must heed this word to us today...while it's today...and repent. We
should sow and loose love, that our children would see the value in reconciling
others to Jesus, and the joy of that. If we are offended by loves obligation in
reconciliation, our children will despise loves obligations rather than rejoice in them!
Remove the curse and recieve the "blessing of the Father" by doing righteous
judgement and loving one another in Spirit and Truth. He who has clean hands
and a pure heart will abide with The Father, The Son and His Spirit forever!

what is love

What is Love?

By Dr. Ken Matto

(1 Cor 13:1 KJV) Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

This verse starts off the so-called "love chapter." When we speak of love, what type of love comes to mind? Is it the Hollywood type love? Is it the type of love that tolerates everything and stands for nothing? What type of love does the Bible have in view when it speaks of the Christian having love? This article is borne out of several e-mails that I have received which have accused me of being full of hate. When someone comes to my site and reads the articles which decry the false movements of today and if they are a spiritual vacuum, then of course, it seems like I am full of hate. Is God glorified in the fact that many of His children have taken the wide road of accepting false gospels for the sake of some type of love? The answer is no! Someone even e-mailed me and told me that they respect those in false religions and they have chosen to love them.

What this biblically is saying about this individual is that it is more important that they see these people go to hell than to show them the true way of salvation. (John 14:6 KJV) Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. When people tell me that they choose to love them instead of trying to correct them, it tells me they may be ashamed of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Rom 1:16 KJV) For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. The reality is that if a Christian decides to accept the fact that others are going to hell, and they endorse it, then they are guilty of the blood of these people who are being led astray. They are not loving these people, they are hating them. I am not saying that we are to throw rocks at every unbeliever, I am saying plainly that Christians must stop tolerating false religions and holding hands with Satan. This idyllic attitude that many Christians hold is right from the pit of hell. God tells us to warn the unbeliever but Satan tells us to accept the unbeliever and their false religions.

I want to look at some consequences that are attached to holding the phony love doctrine. The Apostle Paul was very evangelistic and had a heart for bringing the true Gospel. To detach Paul's other attributes from 1 Corinthians 13 is to completely deny and isolate biblical truth. If we take 1 Corinthians 13 and isolate it, we can make it say anything we want about any type of love and this includes phony love that leaves people in false gospels and the bondage that comes with them. To accuse Christians who bring the truth as being full of hate is the height of ignorance. Let us look at some dangers of holding to phony love.


Relieves me of witnessing
One of the hardest things in the world for the Christian is to be a true witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who adopt phony love actually think they are being a witness to others when in fact all they are doing is bringing relief to the unbeliever, knowing they will never hear the truth from their Christian friend. This is quite a contrast from the following verse:
(Acts 17:6 KJV) And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;

Christian tolerance couldn't turn a glass upside down. God speaks of the body of believers as an army and what is the primary function of the army? It is designed to defend and to conquer in battle. (2 Tim 2:3 KJV) Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Many Christians kowtow to every false gospel thinking they are showing love, but all they are showing is cowardice in the face of the enemy. They may think their phony love is a witness but it is only aiding and abetting the enemy. God gave us a command to go into the whole world and be a witness, those who don't are just lazy cowards leaving it to everybody else. (Mark 16:15 KJV) And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. They may come to church and act like they are a great witness but they cannot fool God with their façade.

Denies the Cross of Christ
The phony love and tolerance testimony of many is a blatant denial of the cross of Christ. When any Christian accepts or respects a false religion which is hostile to the Lord Jesus or rejects Him as the only Savior, then they have become an enemy of Christ. The majority of religions in the world have their own salvation program which is far from the Lord Jesus Christ being the only way. (Mat 7:14 KJV) Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Whenever a Christian sinks into the mire of tolerance at any cost, they have become absolutely useless for the Kingdom of God. (Phil 3:18 KJV) (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Tolerance is the enemy of the cross of Christ. Tolerance raises up an army of traitors to the cause of Christ.

Causes me to Partner with Sin
Whenever we accept or even respect any system that will cause people to go to hell, it means we have partnered with sin by the acceptance of it. All religious systems are sins against the Cross of Christ because they all seek to circumvent the cross for salvation. To tolerate a false gospel is to accept the many sinful aspects that are associated with it. Many will say that the Mormons are wonderful people but how many tolerance based Christians know that their system has equated Satan with Christ? Many say that they respect or tolerate Islam but how many know that the red Fez they wear commemorates the 50,000 Christians that were slain in Fez, Morocco in the 7th century by the armies of Islam. To hold hands with false systems is to say that the murder of Christians is okay in your book, after all, you are showing love. On Judgment day, will these same people whom you tolerated look to you and say that you showed them love? They will look at you and ask, "why you didn't tell us the truth?"

Neutralizes the Christian
By holding on to phony love and tolerating everything, Satan has neutralized you and you no longer are a witness for the Kingdom of God. By the way, saving whales or feeding the poor is not evidence of being a true witness for Christ. Unbelievers do the same thing every day. The only thing unbelievers do not do is bring the true Gospel to a dying world. Since you have been neutralized, you will not bring the true Gospel either. Instead, you try to replace being a witness for Christ by being a luminary in front of the unbelievers. A neutralized Christian is as about as effective as filling your gas tank with water and planning a trip the next day. Becoming neutralized makes you feel guilty for witnessing as if you are the one bringing the false gospel.

Makes You Innocuous
The unbelievers in this world will be able to count on you as one who will never witness to them, which would interfere with their life or make them angry. There is nothing so invisible as an innocuous Christian. Without being a witness to this world, what is the reason of the existence of the Christian? Innocuous Christians will have many worldly friends who will respect their religion because it is kept in the proper place, hidden and out of sight. I remember some years ago I was warned by a boss of mine that I should not talk about the Bible in the work place, while his personal harem was always speaking about saving the whales or the worship of their dogs. He told me that "religion is a personal and private thing." If it is so private, then why did his church murder millions of true Christians in the crusades and Inquisition?

Deceives You
One of the major problems with holding on to phony love is that it deceives you into thinking that you are acting in accord with the Scriptures. Phony love can trigger a life time of good works which amount to nothing. (Rev 14:13 KJV) And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. What works are going to follow you? Is it going to be a clean playground? Is it going to be a protest at a political rally? Worldly works when brought into judgment will yield only the fire of judgment. (1 Cor 3:13 KJV) Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. Works that brought no one into the kingdom of Christ, are works that are of no value and will be burned up. (1 Cor 3:15 KJV) If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

We looked at six present dangers which await any Christian who chooses tolerance over truth. Phony love is the destruction of anyone it comes in contact with. A person who is steeped in phony love will send out false signals. Those signals may be interpreted by the one receiving the phony love that maybe God is accepting them since God's child, the Christian, is accepting them, and Christians are supposed to know the Bible. We are going to come into contact with unbelievers every day and we cannot win every one to Christ since God knows who He has elected. The essence of this article is to help Christians distinguish between the true and phony love. Christians may come in contact with all kinds of belief systems, but that does not mean we accept them or even respect them. As Christians, it is our responsibility to speak with those in false gospels whom the Lord may send across our path. With the massive amount of witnessing materials available today, there is no reason why any Christian should not be able to witness. Even the most shy Christian can carry an arsenal of truth. If the unbeliever rejects it, then you are free and that is a far cry from respecting them right into hell.
All religions are intolerant of Christianity, we must be the same way concerning false religions. Keep in mind that it was a false religion that crucified Christ! It was a false religion that killed the 50,000 Christians at Fez, Morocco! It was a false religion that murdered millions of Christians during the Inquisition! How dare any Christian take a stand with any false religion and cry tolerance or love in defense of these satanic systems. Any Christian who does, needs to really examine themselves to see if they are truly saved. No true child of God will ever make a stand for a false religion! Herein lies the great deception of Phony Love!



Ceci wrote this for Dawn years ago. She rejoiced in it at times, but she fainted in her fighting against this enemy of her soul too. Again, like Betty says, being brutish gives her a false sense of power and control. She knew and admitted she trusted more in being brutish than Jesus, but she stuck her head in the sand. She fears all her fears more than fearing The Lord. He wants to free us from all our fears too, but until she works with the Lord rather than against him, she will continue to fear her fears.


The definition of brutishness is: brutal, qualities of an animal

(without the reasoning of love). If you have never "put away lying" you are brutish! Have you let your love wax cold? If you are dominated or controlled by appetite or desire, gross, sensual, cruel, violent, unable to control sexual passions, your brutish to God's Spirit. If you are without natural affection, one who is rude without compassion on how you affect others, your brutish! If you are.Resisting being loved and giving love and you are Harsh, pitiless, indifferent, stingy, stubborn and Damning others for what your guilty of, your brutish. It's an unwillingness to be merciful. Inflicting sorrow, pain, discomfort, and poverty on others. Given to shrewdness, crookedness. No heart to BUILD OTHER'S UP or wash their feet!

Jesus defined the end times as the days when people will be very cold

in their love. Not only will they not love the truth and each other, but they will be very hard hearted, brutish. We become brutish by yielding our will to that which we know is wrong. It's the PRACTICE of denying THE LAW OF GOD, LOVE, IN OUR CONSCIENCE. When we deny the voice, the governing force of love, and God in our hearts, we become evil and one who is waxing worse and worse. We get worse every time we REFUSE TO RETAIN THE KNOWLEDGE AND LOVE OF GOD IN OUR HEARTS. We lie to ourselves about what comes out of our mouths and we lie to others about how we feel about WHAT IS coming out of their mouth. When we are out of touch with what is going on inside us, our thoughts are accusing others and excusing ourselves, our love will grow colder, and colder. It's one thing to HEAR the words of love and truth, it's a whole different thing to be a DOER OF LOVE AND TRUTH. That's why people accuse and excuse, because they are not hearing and obeying.

Civil law is needed for those who refuse to obey the law of love and

the law of the spirit of life in Jesus. When we refuse to be honest with ourselves, God and others, and deny THE GOD OF ALL TRUTH, we are given over to another kingdom, the kingdom of the world and physical law. Our failure to respond and agree with God, and yield to His chastening turns us over to the chastening of the worlds system. It even affects our physical health.

One of the biggest things I've seen recently is those who lie about how

they feel about what they say, or what someone else says tend towards being hard hearted, brutish. If our words are SPIRIT AND LIFE, then if something is wrong with the spirit of our words or someone else's words, and we ignore it, brutishness is the reason. If we are indifferent, and eat the defiling words of others or our own, and lie to ourselves about how they really tasted, we are still affected! We may be feeding on ashes so much of the time we can't tell that other's are dishing out ashes to us. When we hear words of corruption from those close to us, the ones we relate to, and we fail to "feed Gods sheep," we partake of their corruption. Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where no vision is the people parish, rot from the inside out. And they feed rottenness to those around them. Some people hear rotten words and speak rotten words, with little thought. If we have pride and lying in our heart, it will come out of our mouth. Jesus said "out of the heart proceeds evil......and it comes out by the food people serve in THE SPIRIT OF THEIR WORDS.

The bible says we are to let our conversation be without covetousness.

Is yours? How about those around you? If we are renewed in THE SPIRIT OF OUR

MIND, we'll be renewed in THE SPIRIT OF OUR MOUTH. If we love Jesus, the food....words that come out of our mouth will be Spirit and Life, not death. Jesus went to great lengths to help John see, if he really loved HIM, He would care about what he said, and "fed" to others. Three times Jesus asked him if he loved him and Jesus said 3 times, I'm sure each time with much more emotion...If you do, YOU WILL FEED MY SHEEP! Love should constrain us to care enough to speak words of life, not death to those you love. When we were born again, we tapped into God, we had the ability to connect to Him. But it is up to us to be renewed in THE SPIRIT OF OUR MIND!! WE HAVE TO CHOOSE TO SEEK FIRST HIS KINGDOM AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. We have to respond rightly to the GOVERNING POWER OF HIS HOLY SPIRIT. It is always our choice to grieve, deny, or resist God, the spirit of Truth, or to YIELD TO THE TRUTH. We are always proving if our interests are SELF SERVING, if we seek only our own good and gain, OR if we are BENEVOLENT towards God and others. You can tell if it's people's FOOD to do God's will by the FOOD that comes out of their mouth. It either makes you healthy or sick.


DOESN'T MEAN WERE NOT BEING POISONED BY IT! Without Jesus, and the Spirit of truth we will not be able to tell we are being defiled. OUT OF THE MOUTH COMES LIFE AND DEATH.........SO WE HAVE TO BE IN JUDGMENT OF WHAT WE ARE PARTAKING OF (when people speak) It is, LIFE OR DEATH and if it's death, and we say nothing, we end up "consenting with the theif." We know some demonic spirit that comes to steal is present but we say nothing! HARD HEARTEDNESS is apparent in those who will not tell the truth to themselves or others or God when they loose their peace. These people will eventually be the brute beasts the bible speaks of that are made to be destroyed......because of their utter failure to care about the death coming out of their own mouth and the death coming out of the mouths of others. If we love Him who begets we will love His children, and wash them with the water of right words. WHEN WE ARE PRIDEFUL LIARS, AND WE DON'T WANT OUR BOAT SHAKEN, OR TO SHAKE ANYONE else's, we really have no value, and won't fulfill our purpose in the KINGDOM. We will be guilty of being LIARS WHICH WON'T ENTER THE KINGDOM, because we weren't honest with ourselves about the life and death that came out of our mouth, and we closed our eyes and ears to the life and death that came out of the mouths of others! The end of Is.58 makes GREAT promises to those who PUT AWAY their own thoughts and their own words! Jesus said about the hypocrites. "THEIR MOUTH WAS AN OPEN GRAVE"!!

Jesus said, out of a mans mouth he'll be justified or condemned! So,

are we careful how we hear? What if we fail to even pray and be honest with the fact about the words coming out of the mouths of others are not going down like tasty morsels, but sickening mold? Do you lie to yourself when you eat something that tastes bad, but keep on eating it anyway? What if we are justified by Jesus or condemned by how we responded to those closest to us, to help them not pollute and corrupt other's with words of death? If we are satisfied by the words of our mouth......where is our satisfaction level REALLY AT??? Do we roll over, shut our eyes and close our ears when corruption comes from the mouths of those we listen to? Do we quietly sit by and listen to others poison themselves, with no heart to help them get the toxins out of their words? I have heard so many women slander God, by being willfully ignorant to the spirit of their words. Through fearful, unbelieving, self-pity words. I knew the Lord wanted me to rebuke them so they would be SOUND IN THEIR FAITH! I didn't want to face Jesus one day being sad with me due to not having enough faith to REALLY LOVE HIS CHILDREN!

So in many ways, I would define brutish people as PRIDEFUL LIARS. Or prideful strivers. Strife can be an ugly mask for slothfulness, and that's a whole other matter in itself. BRUTES only condemn, accuse, and stone other's, they have no answers to help!

Don't lie to yourself if your words grieve you. This is the biggest

ERROR of the brutish! They speak words of death with NO THOUGHT OF CONSEQUENCE. The seeds, Weeds, that pour out of their mouth are tares that will one day be dealt with, but they don't believe that. Don't lie to yourself if someone else's words grieve you. If words are spirit and life, pray and ask Jesus to help you see the truth about the spirit of words so you can repent and fulfill your calling in the lives of those around you! YOU won't be JESUS HELPER, if you consent with the know something's wrong but you wont say anything Pvb.29. Psalm 95 tells us not to harden our hearts, as the children of Israel did. They could not discern Gods voice or the devils voice. They had hard hearts and did not know Gods ways. They erred in their hearts. They lied and listen to the father of lies that accused God and man by their fearful, unbelieving words. They were deaf to lies in each other. The Lord is coming to Judge the earth with righteousness and HIS TRUTH! David said he would come before the Lord with a perfect heart. He wouldn't listen to those who practice evil, speak evil. He said he wouldn't even eat with those who had a proud heart and a high look. He said those who work deceit shall not dwell in his house, those who speak lies wouldn't tarry in his sight. Psalm 101

We can have years of theological training but if we fail to hear and obey the VOICE OF GOD, what have we gained? Faith comes through hearing and hearing through the word. That is what the bible IS....GOD SPEAKING THROUGH MEN. So can WE HEAR GOD SPEAKING THROUGH MEN AND WOMEN TODAY? If we don't have His words in us, we won't hear His words when other's speak them. Can we tell when the devil is speaking through someone, or when the wrong spirit is coming out of someone's mouth? And how much are we willing to GET INVOLVED, MAKE DISCIPLES, DISCIPLINED ONES THAT CAN HEAR THE RIGHT VOICE AND RESPOND ACCORDINGLY? How much do YOU REALLY LOVE???? How much will you really get involved in making sure THE WORDS THAT COME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH ARE SPIRIT AND LIFE, NOT DEATH? HOW MUCH DO YOU CARE TO FEED GODS SHEEP THE RIGHT SPIRIT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH THAT CAN SAVE AND KEEP SOULS. I TRULY BELIEVE THIS IS THE PROOF OF ALL THOSE WHO REALLY LOVE JESUS! THEY CARE ABOUT WHAT COMES OUT OF THEIR MOUTH AND THEY HELP THOSE AROUND not speak words that will condemn them one day!

The controller, who practiced witchcraft in Acts 13, the one who interfered with the work of God, perverted the right ways of the Lord. He was full of subtlety and evil, Paul called him the son of the devil. He lied to himself and to others. (Had a hard heart) He went blind. How many blind Christians do you know, who lie to themselves, and lie to others. They control their lives by their failure to be honest about the spirit of their words and the spirit in the words of others, for all kinds of reasons, but nevertheless, they don't tell themselves the truth or others, they use deceit as a weapon of CONTROL, the bible calls this witchcraft and rebellion. Jesus has called us to be a light to the gentiles, that we should be for salvation to the ends of the earth. We can't be that if we Lie, we must put away lying. We must wake up and be honest about OUR WORDS GRIEVING US, AND OTHER PEOPLES WORDS GRIEVING US! That's why Paul could deal with the controller who practiced witchcraft, rebellion! God used Him everywhere he turned because He walked in the light, he didn't lie to himself or others. He put away

lying. He could judge between life and death that came out of the

mouth! Can you? If you can't, why not?

To hold the truth in unrighteousness, is to deep down know the truth,

but not be willing to confirm it. Every time we speak dead words we

CALLOUS OUR HEARTS, we become BRUTISH. When we speak RIGHT WORDS, and we don't listen to the wrong words of others, we become more and more sensitive. God has visited people throughout history.........because of their words. I'm sure the devil visits people because of their words too. We never invite demons in, but they always have to be kicked out. And we have to deal with them when our friends are entertaining them unaware, beckoning them by what we say. You know how some have entertained angels UNAWARE? Well, at times people entertain demons unaware, and they might need a little help dealing with the enemy of their soul. If they love Jesus, they'll be thankful we got involved. If they love their friends (that are really their enemies) they will hate us for our help, but we have our integrity, and the light of the upright, Jesus... that guides us. What can be done against love? The psalmist said "when I kept silent my bones WAXED OLD, COLD! If you want to die spiritually SHUT UP! It proves you void of love and faith, and shows how IN CONTROL of your own life you are, and how unable God is to use you as a vessel to speak words of life! That's why JESUS defined the fearful as wicked! It's wicked to starve Gods sheep!

Jesus did know what was in the hearts of men and the bible says He didn't give himself to them. I'm not talking about rebuking fools, or giving pearls to swine who will only hate you for your love. I'm talking about those you hope to go to heaven with. We all need to know if fear or love is leading us.

Jesus also prayed to the Father, that we would be one as He and the Father are one. If you can't love and forgive sinner's and teach them in the way they should go, your brutish. IF WE SPEAK the truth IN LOVE, and we see we are REALLY MEMBER'S OF EACH OTHER, we will be among those who are GROWING UP, THE ONES BEING PREPARED FOR THE MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB! If your looking to Jesus, and have faith to wash the feet of others, remove their grave clothes, give them a drink from heaven, you will be rewarded according to what you have done. If you really have served Him, and His children, all will see you one day as He serves you at His table! Want be there???????? Choose this day who you will serve, and you choose who will one day serve you at the marriage supper of the Lamb!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Hey if you came here to read my testimony, it's one link down from this one!!!

Had a dream last night about a woman I know and her daughter. I was crying out loud for the sake of the daughter's soul not to repeat history in being a slothful woman and passing on the curse to her children like
her mother had to her..............
Subject: The Tale-tell woes of the slothful woman! vs. the woman who is diligent.....and faithful.....full of faith....the daughter of Sarah

Her heart is filled with thorns and snares........and though she may look
good on the outside......her heart is an open grave on the inside!

She puts a bit of arsenic and poison in all her food! She knows her soul food
is from hell,....but she won't stop herself from speaking these she knows she
shouldn't to others. Her words tear, they don't build up, and she doesn't
even really care! And how can she help but condemn herself when she knows her
bitter heart, her fearful, unbelieving soul, IS defiling THE SHEEP AROUND HER.

I guess that's why Proverbs 31:10 says........WHO CAN FIND A DILIGENT WOMAN?
And truly her price is FAR ABOVE RUBIES! She takes the time to remove her
spiritual rags of poverty and seduction! She sees the children of God as the
children of the most High.....A Royal Priesthood. This woman is like Ester
presenting herself before the King. She didn't come whining and complaining,
but in a spirit of love and faith before the King, for the cause of the

Goes back to "a man (woman) shall be satisfied by the fruit of her own mouth.
We lie to ourselves when our own words grieve us.....and we feed other's the
junk food of our soul. The abundance of our heart that is ungodly,

Pvbs.31:11 "The heart of her husband does safely trust in her...........and
her food supplies....from the Throne of God.....never run out! She doesn't
poison him and the children with "deceitful dainties," from listening to the
EVILS. (Prv.1:33) This concludes that hopelessness IS THE BY PRODUCT OF
those who submit to the liar and resist God!

If we will receive His words, and hide His commandments in our heart, and
incline our ear to wisdom, and APPLY OUR HEART TO UNDERSTANDING; if we will
AS SILVER, SEARCH FOR IT AS HIDDEN TREASURE.........Then we will understand
how to worship the Lord and find the knowledge of God. It is the Lord who
gives wisdom, out of his mouth comes understanding...for He stores up hope
for the upright, and those who walk without blemish.

So can Jesus safely trust in your heart? Do you get food supplies from God
or the father of lies? Do you look to cover the naked? Do you take
advantage of those willing to see that your covered by being spiritually
slothful? Are you getting the merchandise of Heaven from afar........or do
you just always expect others to get it for you?


The beggarly women of the world....who can never get enough....USE spirits to
do their bidding for them to get their needs met. They whine, and complain
to each other, to build up the spirit of pity in each other. They don't mind
handing out this dish of's a ploy they use to make others think
they are important. It's a ploy to elevate man, and to elevate self. It's
all giving glory to the false King.

The wise woman considers what seeds she sows. She considers where she gets
her seeds and where she plants them. She exercises her body, mind, spirit,
and soul........and doesn't use circumstances and situations to "check
out"......her lamp......her spiritual discernment never goes out!

She lives to sew.....cover others......SHE'S NOT ALWAYS demanding others to
cover her. She knows her works of obedience, faith, and love will be the
clothes that dress her so she won't stand naked and ashamed before her
heavenly groom. She hands out the clothes of faith to her family, and they
are not afraid. She gets spiritual wealth from God, and dispenses it wisely!

STRENGTH AND HONOR ARE HER CLOTHES!!!! She has thrown away the rags of fear,

SHE OPENS HER MOUTH WITH WISDOM....not whining, fretting and unbelief! And
upon her tongue is the law of kindness.......not hopelessness, that declares
their is no God!

She deals with the things in her integrity, that shame her God and King,
because she really wants nothing she thinks, says or does, TO BRING REPROACH


haven't got a chance to read these yet, but it is funny that you would use
the word slothful. I was reading the proverb of the day, and that is what
really stood out to me. The slothful man says, there's a lion in the street.
(Oh, no, there's a demon affecting my child), but wont' do anything about it.

The slothful man won't raise his hand to his mouth, won't get answers, won't
eat the right food to feed it to others. The slothful man is wiser in his own
conceit than seven men that can render a reason. I would rather be wise
in my own conceit, believing the devil's words of despair and unbelief, than
listen and obey sound reasoning.

I have been hearkening to lies that say that it is too hard, it is too
late. It's too difficult and I have let spirits torment my children. I have
been recognizing and cursing that spirit today, and choosing to take on faith
and love to deliver my children, and recover them from the snares that I have
laid for them, by my slothfulness and indifference. I realize how easy it is
for me to hear the voice of the devil, the voice of despair and giving up, but
I realize that it is not love. I know that I need Jesus to help me to have
a right spirit and to love my children. I know that they are worth me laying
down my life for. I was thinking last night about the grief, sorrow and
guilt that mother's must live in who live selfish and see their children grow up
and depart from the Lord and the truth. I felt a slight tinge of that and
couldn't imagine how mother's could live with themselves. I don't want to
be the cause of my children departing from the Lord. I imagine that it is
almost more than one can bear, and I don't want to experience that sorrow. And i
do realize that I have the power each day to sow good into their lives if I
choose. I am choosing today, and am thankful for you and the other women
who are willing to provoke me to love and faith.
Love ,

she who is slothful in disciplining her children hates them....... (lightly esteems them)

this is a very good start. Your children are reeking of your
selfishness, vengeance, and already showing how you have been sowing to the
wind. What I see in Sara is a little girl who already delights to do evil.
Her food (soul food) is always to have the upper hand, control and
pre-eminence. You can see her cunning crafty spirit looking to have the
edge on every situation she enters. Jezebels nature is FEAR, and if you
don't get a grip and let your hands touch, motive and intention you won't
read her mail because you don't read your own. The fear and unbelief is
"regarding lying vanities, you forsake mercy when you do it."

In the book on anger, the description said, "if you deal with your children
THEM.) I wonder how much you and Nathan are like that, always looking down
on each other. I think that's the only way Dawn could live with herself,
and her children followed after her. You open the door to pride, lying,
vengeance, pity, truly you have opened the door for Satan himself.
Having eyes to see they see not, having ears to hear they hear not lest the
glorious light of the gospel should come and heal them.

Your life will play out ONE OF TWO WAYS. You will get sincere in your love
towards Nathan, God, your children, or you will be insincere, blind, and
One thing Lori did recently that she should have done long ago, was
repented of her treachery as a sister, who she really was to her brother.
She couldn't do anything different with Mike........ she never looked back
and repented with her brother. LIFE AND DEATH ARE IN THE POWER OF THE
TONGUE. And the death in your tongue is reeking out in your children. What
you are doing in secret they are shouting from the housetops.
JESUS CAN SAVE, "if my people who are called by my name shall HUMBLE
THEMSELVES, repent, turn from their wicked ways, I WILL HEAL THEIR LAND.
That's what it will take. Just like WISDOM IS SEEN IN HER CHILDREN,
We love you Lynette and your children, and I pray to God things don't have
to get really bad for you to repent and turn from your wicked ways. Sara
needs some serious help turning from DELIGHTING TO DO EVIL.
Love, Ceci

WOW! How do we speak to their consciences, in stead of just giving them the
law? Lord help us, lead us, direct us and change us into the mothers you
always wanted us to be. Give us words and actions that go straight to the
heart of our children and us. Lord Jesus--nothing is too hard for you. We
can do nothing apart from you.
I want to be the mom not the one who is having to be mothered. To save and
keep the souls not to sacrifice our children in the fire. NO MORE--I'm sorry
This is so true--How do we live and walk in Godly love?
Love, J