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Friday, September 5, 2008



Ceci wrote this for Dawn years ago. She rejoiced in it at times, but she fainted in her fighting against this enemy of her soul too. Again, like Betty says, being brutish gives her a false sense of power and control. She knew and admitted she trusted more in being brutish than Jesus, but she stuck her head in the sand. She fears all her fears more than fearing The Lord. He wants to free us from all our fears too, but until she works with the Lord rather than against him, she will continue to fear her fears.


The definition of brutishness is: brutal, qualities of an animal

(without the reasoning of love). If you have never "put away lying" you are brutish! Have you let your love wax cold? If you are dominated or controlled by appetite or desire, gross, sensual, cruel, violent, unable to control sexual passions, your brutish to God's Spirit. If you are without natural affection, one who is rude without compassion on how you affect others, your brutish! If you are.Resisting being loved and giving love and you are Harsh, pitiless, indifferent, stingy, stubborn and Damning others for what your guilty of, your brutish. It's an unwillingness to be merciful. Inflicting sorrow, pain, discomfort, and poverty on others. Given to shrewdness, crookedness. No heart to BUILD OTHER'S UP or wash their feet!

Jesus defined the end times as the days when people will be very cold

in their love. Not only will they not love the truth and each other, but they will be very hard hearted, brutish. We become brutish by yielding our will to that which we know is wrong. It's the PRACTICE of denying THE LAW OF GOD, LOVE, IN OUR CONSCIENCE. When we deny the voice, the governing force of love, and God in our hearts, we become evil and one who is waxing worse and worse. We get worse every time we REFUSE TO RETAIN THE KNOWLEDGE AND LOVE OF GOD IN OUR HEARTS. We lie to ourselves about what comes out of our mouths and we lie to others about how we feel about WHAT IS coming out of their mouth. When we are out of touch with what is going on inside us, our thoughts are accusing others and excusing ourselves, our love will grow colder, and colder. It's one thing to HEAR the words of love and truth, it's a whole different thing to be a DOER OF LOVE AND TRUTH. That's why people accuse and excuse, because they are not hearing and obeying.

Civil law is needed for those who refuse to obey the law of love and

the law of the spirit of life in Jesus. When we refuse to be honest with ourselves, God and others, and deny THE GOD OF ALL TRUTH, we are given over to another kingdom, the kingdom of the world and physical law. Our failure to respond and agree with God, and yield to His chastening turns us over to the chastening of the worlds system. It even affects our physical health.

One of the biggest things I've seen recently is those who lie about how

they feel about what they say, or what someone else says tend towards being hard hearted, brutish. If our words are SPIRIT AND LIFE, then if something is wrong with the spirit of our words or someone else's words, and we ignore it, brutishness is the reason. If we are indifferent, and eat the defiling words of others or our own, and lie to ourselves about how they really tasted, we are still affected! We may be feeding on ashes so much of the time we can't tell that other's are dishing out ashes to us. When we hear words of corruption from those close to us, the ones we relate to, and we fail to "feed Gods sheep," we partake of their corruption. Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where no vision is the people parish, rot from the inside out. And they feed rottenness to those around them. Some people hear rotten words and speak rotten words, with little thought. If we have pride and lying in our heart, it will come out of our mouth. Jesus said "out of the heart proceeds evil......and it comes out by the food people serve in THE SPIRIT OF THEIR WORDS.

The bible says we are to let our conversation be without covetousness.

Is yours? How about those around you? If we are renewed in THE SPIRIT OF OUR

MIND, we'll be renewed in THE SPIRIT OF OUR MOUTH. If we love Jesus, the food....words that come out of our mouth will be Spirit and Life, not death. Jesus went to great lengths to help John see, if he really loved HIM, He would care about what he said, and "fed" to others. Three times Jesus asked him if he loved him and Jesus said 3 times, I'm sure each time with much more emotion...If you do, YOU WILL FEED MY SHEEP! Love should constrain us to care enough to speak words of life, not death to those you love. When we were born again, we tapped into God, we had the ability to connect to Him. But it is up to us to be renewed in THE SPIRIT OF OUR MIND!! WE HAVE TO CHOOSE TO SEEK FIRST HIS KINGDOM AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. We have to respond rightly to the GOVERNING POWER OF HIS HOLY SPIRIT. It is always our choice to grieve, deny, or resist God, the spirit of Truth, or to YIELD TO THE TRUTH. We are always proving if our interests are SELF SERVING, if we seek only our own good and gain, OR if we are BENEVOLENT towards God and others. You can tell if it's people's FOOD to do God's will by the FOOD that comes out of their mouth. It either makes you healthy or sick.


DOESN'T MEAN WERE NOT BEING POISONED BY IT! Without Jesus, and the Spirit of truth we will not be able to tell we are being defiled. OUT OF THE MOUTH COMES LIFE AND DEATH.........SO WE HAVE TO BE IN JUDGMENT OF WHAT WE ARE PARTAKING OF (when people speak) It is, LIFE OR DEATH and if it's death, and we say nothing, we end up "consenting with the theif." We know some demonic spirit that comes to steal is present but we say nothing! HARD HEARTEDNESS is apparent in those who will not tell the truth to themselves or others or God when they loose their peace. These people will eventually be the brute beasts the bible speaks of that are made to be destroyed......because of their utter failure to care about the death coming out of their own mouth and the death coming out of the mouths of others. If we love Him who begets we will love His children, and wash them with the water of right words. WHEN WE ARE PRIDEFUL LIARS, AND WE DON'T WANT OUR BOAT SHAKEN, OR TO SHAKE ANYONE else's, we really have no value, and won't fulfill our purpose in the KINGDOM. We will be guilty of being LIARS WHICH WON'T ENTER THE KINGDOM, because we weren't honest with ourselves about the life and death that came out of our mouth, and we closed our eyes and ears to the life and death that came out of the mouths of others! The end of Is.58 makes GREAT promises to those who PUT AWAY their own thoughts and their own words! Jesus said about the hypocrites. "THEIR MOUTH WAS AN OPEN GRAVE"!!

Jesus said, out of a mans mouth he'll be justified or condemned! So,

are we careful how we hear? What if we fail to even pray and be honest with the fact about the words coming out of the mouths of others are not going down like tasty morsels, but sickening mold? Do you lie to yourself when you eat something that tastes bad, but keep on eating it anyway? What if we are justified by Jesus or condemned by how we responded to those closest to us, to help them not pollute and corrupt other's with words of death? If we are satisfied by the words of our mouth......where is our satisfaction level REALLY AT??? Do we roll over, shut our eyes and close our ears when corruption comes from the mouths of those we listen to? Do we quietly sit by and listen to others poison themselves, with no heart to help them get the toxins out of their words? I have heard so many women slander God, by being willfully ignorant to the spirit of their words. Through fearful, unbelieving, self-pity words. I knew the Lord wanted me to rebuke them so they would be SOUND IN THEIR FAITH! I didn't want to face Jesus one day being sad with me due to not having enough faith to REALLY LOVE HIS CHILDREN!

So in many ways, I would define brutish people as PRIDEFUL LIARS. Or prideful strivers. Strife can be an ugly mask for slothfulness, and that's a whole other matter in itself. BRUTES only condemn, accuse, and stone other's, they have no answers to help!

Don't lie to yourself if your words grieve you. This is the biggest

ERROR of the brutish! They speak words of death with NO THOUGHT OF CONSEQUENCE. The seeds, Weeds, that pour out of their mouth are tares that will one day be dealt with, but they don't believe that. Don't lie to yourself if someone else's words grieve you. If words are spirit and life, pray and ask Jesus to help you see the truth about the spirit of words so you can repent and fulfill your calling in the lives of those around you! YOU won't be JESUS HELPER, if you consent with the know something's wrong but you wont say anything Pvb.29. Psalm 95 tells us not to harden our hearts, as the children of Israel did. They could not discern Gods voice or the devils voice. They had hard hearts and did not know Gods ways. They erred in their hearts. They lied and listen to the father of lies that accused God and man by their fearful, unbelieving words. They were deaf to lies in each other. The Lord is coming to Judge the earth with righteousness and HIS TRUTH! David said he would come before the Lord with a perfect heart. He wouldn't listen to those who practice evil, speak evil. He said he wouldn't even eat with those who had a proud heart and a high look. He said those who work deceit shall not dwell in his house, those who speak lies wouldn't tarry in his sight. Psalm 101

We can have years of theological training but if we fail to hear and obey the VOICE OF GOD, what have we gained? Faith comes through hearing and hearing through the word. That is what the bible IS....GOD SPEAKING THROUGH MEN. So can WE HEAR GOD SPEAKING THROUGH MEN AND WOMEN TODAY? If we don't have His words in us, we won't hear His words when other's speak them. Can we tell when the devil is speaking through someone, or when the wrong spirit is coming out of someone's mouth? And how much are we willing to GET INVOLVED, MAKE DISCIPLES, DISCIPLINED ONES THAT CAN HEAR THE RIGHT VOICE AND RESPOND ACCORDINGLY? How much do YOU REALLY LOVE???? How much will you really get involved in making sure THE WORDS THAT COME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH ARE SPIRIT AND LIFE, NOT DEATH? HOW MUCH DO YOU CARE TO FEED GODS SHEEP THE RIGHT SPIRIT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH THAT CAN SAVE AND KEEP SOULS. I TRULY BELIEVE THIS IS THE PROOF OF ALL THOSE WHO REALLY LOVE JESUS! THEY CARE ABOUT WHAT COMES OUT OF THEIR MOUTH AND THEY HELP THOSE AROUND not speak words that will condemn them one day!

The controller, who practiced witchcraft in Acts 13, the one who interfered with the work of God, perverted the right ways of the Lord. He was full of subtlety and evil, Paul called him the son of the devil. He lied to himself and to others. (Had a hard heart) He went blind. How many blind Christians do you know, who lie to themselves, and lie to others. They control their lives by their failure to be honest about the spirit of their words and the spirit in the words of others, for all kinds of reasons, but nevertheless, they don't tell themselves the truth or others, they use deceit as a weapon of CONTROL, the bible calls this witchcraft and rebellion. Jesus has called us to be a light to the gentiles, that we should be for salvation to the ends of the earth. We can't be that if we Lie, we must put away lying. We must wake up and be honest about OUR WORDS GRIEVING US, AND OTHER PEOPLES WORDS GRIEVING US! That's why Paul could deal with the controller who practiced witchcraft, rebellion! God used Him everywhere he turned because He walked in the light, he didn't lie to himself or others. He put away

lying. He could judge between life and death that came out of the

mouth! Can you? If you can't, why not?

To hold the truth in unrighteousness, is to deep down know the truth,

but not be willing to confirm it. Every time we speak dead words we

CALLOUS OUR HEARTS, we become BRUTISH. When we speak RIGHT WORDS, and we don't listen to the wrong words of others, we become more and more sensitive. God has visited people throughout history.........because of their words. I'm sure the devil visits people because of their words too. We never invite demons in, but they always have to be kicked out. And we have to deal with them when our friends are entertaining them unaware, beckoning them by what we say. You know how some have entertained angels UNAWARE? Well, at times people entertain demons unaware, and they might need a little help dealing with the enemy of their soul. If they love Jesus, they'll be thankful we got involved. If they love their friends (that are really their enemies) they will hate us for our help, but we have our integrity, and the light of the upright, Jesus... that guides us. What can be done against love? The psalmist said "when I kept silent my bones WAXED OLD, COLD! If you want to die spiritually SHUT UP! It proves you void of love and faith, and shows how IN CONTROL of your own life you are, and how unable God is to use you as a vessel to speak words of life! That's why JESUS defined the fearful as wicked! It's wicked to starve Gods sheep!

Jesus did know what was in the hearts of men and the bible says He didn't give himself to them. I'm not talking about rebuking fools, or giving pearls to swine who will only hate you for your love. I'm talking about those you hope to go to heaven with. We all need to know if fear or love is leading us.

Jesus also prayed to the Father, that we would be one as He and the Father are one. If you can't love and forgive sinner's and teach them in the way they should go, your brutish. IF WE SPEAK the truth IN LOVE, and we see we are REALLY MEMBER'S OF EACH OTHER, we will be among those who are GROWING UP, THE ONES BEING PREPARED FOR THE MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB! If your looking to Jesus, and have faith to wash the feet of others, remove their grave clothes, give them a drink from heaven, you will be rewarded according to what you have done. If you really have served Him, and His children, all will see you one day as He serves you at His table! Want be there???????? Choose this day who you will serve, and you choose who will one day serve you at the marriage supper of the Lamb!

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