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Saturday, September 20, 2008



I read Pvb. 1: 29 this am. and did some word study on "Choices", good ones
and bad ones. It says, "Because they HATED KNOWLEDGE, and did not CHOOSE the
fear (WORSHIP) of The Lord .... they were not pleased with my counsels, they
rejected all of my reproof, Therefore they shall EAT OF THE FRUIT of their
own ways and be filled with their own devices."

Is.65:12 These are people who chose to be rebellious and exalt THEIR OWN
LISTEN, and you did evil in my presence, and DID CHOOSE THE THING wherein I
do not delight." Is.66:3 "Yes, they have CHOSEN their OWN WAYS, and they
delighted in their idols.

We have to choose, this day, and every minute of every day, WHO WE WILL
SERVE! (OURSELVES or The Lord)! And who knows, who can tell, how long any of
us can get away with grieving, denying and resisting The Holy Ghost. Ruth
made a CHOICE to follow Naomi, and not go back and serve the gods and idols
of her fathers. I have met many Christians who still make choices to serve
the gods of their fathers and their idols, more than they follow the leading
of God's Holy Spirit. The majority of the time, they follow the dictates of
the flesh, choose rebellion, and are blind to causing their children to pass
through the fire of their disobedience.

Ps. 119:30 1 have CHOSEN the way of truth, thy judgments have I laid before
me." No matter how much we try, we can't skate out of responsibility, and
continue doing the least we can, to maintain our salvation. The hard reality
is, this is where many Christians; are dwelling at today. "How much is the
LEAST I can obey, and still squeak into God’s Kingdom." I didn’t want to
think this way. I used to. You bear bad fruit, and your children suffer. Mary
CHOSE the good part, and it says THAT WONT BE TAKEN FROM HER. (Lk. 10:42)

Moses CHOSE to suffer affliction with the people of God, rather than enjoying
the pleasures of sin for a season. I hate to say it, but I have met many who
are still ENJOYING THE PLEASURES OF SIN, and the hold the LOVE OF SIN IN
THEIR HEARTS, AND LIE TO THEMSELVES ABOUT IT! If you don't know when you sin
..... you are the most brutish of beasts. If we have The Holy Spirit, we will
know when we are grieving, denying and resisting Him. We serve an ordered God
and He will be justified that He was faithful to expose our sin. We have to
not love sin, and be willing to bring it into the light to see it for what it

Is-64:8 "Surely they are my people, children THAT WILL NOT LIE, SO HE BECAME
THEIR SAVIOR. In all their troubles He did not afflict them, and the angel of
His Presence saved them, in His love and in His pity He saved them and He
lifted them up and carried them all the days of old. BUT THEY REBELLED, and
grieved His Holy Spirit, therefore HE TURNED TO BE THEIR ENEMY AND He fought
against them. (Have you ever been rebellious and been able to tell when HE is
fighting against you?)

We are responsible for our choices, and when we make the right ones, The Holy
Spirit gives us power to overcome. When we choose the wrong thing, He is very
faithful to "spank" us, He chastens those He loves. The problem is, if we are
set in rebellion and don't turn even when He chastens us, because we are
hard-hearted and not rightly motivated, WE BECOME BLIND TO HIS CHASTENING.
That's one of my fears, that I personally think is a good one. I want to SEE
His chastening in my life. The psalmist said to have Faith in "the operation
of God" and the work of His hands, or you'll be destroyed and not built up. "
I know God will send strong delusions, and we will be given over to lies, IF

If we can't tell when we grieve, deny, and resist The Holy Ghost, the word
says we are reprobate. The Holy Spirit was given to us to CONVICT US OF OUR
SINS. The only time I don't know when I am grieving, denying and resisting
The Holy Ghost is when I'm lying to myself, and I'm not loving the truth. God
says if we don't receive the LOVE OF THE TRUTH, He'll send us a strong
delusion that we will believe lies, and if we CHOOSE not to turn, we will
eventually be damned because we prove we take pleasure in unrighteousness.

-GOD IS A REWARDER of those who do good and diligently seek Him. It says all
who come to Him, must believe this. We get to choose if we will bear good
fruit or thorns and biers. And some are so dull, they can't even tell when
they are being poked, and they blame others instead of realizing God is in
the Holiness, and Godliness business, and their path is full of stickers,
because He is trying to get them to turn. THEY JUST POINT THE FINGER AT
OTHERS, because they are being poked, and never realize God has anything to
do with it, because they are LOVING the wrong thing, and He in His goodness,
is trying to help them change their mind. We always have the choice to REBEL
WHAT WE HAVE CHOSEN! We do get rewarded as we go to! The bible says your
children will be blessed if you are obedient, and they will pass through the
fire if you are rebellious and serve the gods your fathers served. A lot of
Christians I've know never even wake up to their rebellion, until they see
their children going through the fire. And those who don't really LOVE JESUS,
blame their children, and don't even see that because of their worldly
whoredoms, their children have gone a whoring after the world too!

EVERYTHING is going to be made OPEN AND PLAIN for all to see, when Jesus
starts handing out rewards. We will all be openly rewarded and see others
openly shamed. I'm not saying I have arrived either. When I see I have snared
myself with my words or actions though, NOW I RUN to get it right. I don't
lie to myself, when my words and actions grieve The Holy Spirit in me, and I
know several Christians who still battle with LYING TO THEMSELVES when they
grieve, deny, and resist THE HOLY GHOST. They don't meditate

on the fact that ONE DAY JESUS WILL APPEAR, and those who have HOPE W SEEING
HIM, AND NOT BEING ASHAMED, WILL try and purify themselves, EVEN AS, HE IS
PURE. They keep it in their conscience thoughts, THAT THEY WILL SEE THE FACE
we bought gold tried in the fire, if we were zealous to repent, if we opened
the door to Him, and let HIM GIVE US THE POWER TO OVERCOME!

He’ll I come as a thief (Rev. 16:15), and he'll judge if we watched and kept
our garments, and He'll know if we didn't want to be naked and ashamed enough
to seek Him. He knows who really has an appetite for Holiness, and Godliness.
He will bless those who have kept the sayings of His book, and liars will be
very surprised, who have been content to deceive and be deceived. Rev.
22:12-15 ..... He's coming soon and His reward is with Him, to give unto
every man according to his work. Blessed will they be who keep His
commandments. They Will. have the right to the tree of life, and will enter
in through the gates into the City. Without, are the vicious, rebellious,
immoral, AND WHOEVER LOVES TO TELL LIES. I want to go into The City and not
be one stuck on the outside looking in! I know He has given me His Spirit,
and If I move with His Spirit I will be an OVER-COMER. I also know I will

1 comment:


The Control Factor


It's easily understood that once you know your enemy you are in a better position to defeat him. If you were to go to the doctor and give him only a vague description of what was bothering you, your doctor would have a hard time diagnosing your illness. It is, however, possible to trace a vauge symptom to it's most likely cause. Finding your enemy and changing your life.
There is no blaming someone else for your feelings of insecurity or low self-esteem, or having no control. There is no :

"It's how I was raised." "It's because such and such happened to me as a child."
Those are only excuses for not looking at the problem, putting the blame on something outside of your control so you don't have to face it. It isn't a solution, or a delay, blaming others is part of the problem.

With insecurity and low self-esteem, the root cause can only be found within yourself. When you face the cause, it takes courage on your part to bring about the change, or, in cases where changes aren't possible, accepting what you find. Sometimes just facing the cause and accepting your responsibility is enough to relieve the feeling of no-control.

When you have learned the simple method of tracing the root cause, you will be able to use the method over and over, in any aspect of your life.

The simple concept is insecurity is a 'Control Factor'. Lately there has been a great deal of talk about 'control'. Many books have dealt with the subject of 'control' and 'control freaks'. If you are familiar with those theories, know now those theories are not related to this concept except in their choice of the term 'control'. The theories which are now being over-used about control are titles placed on people and their actions. They do not solve any problems; they merely make accusations and relieve people of any responsibility to make changes to improve their lives.

"He is a control freak."
"She is a control freak."

"My boss is a control freak."
Rather than being a solution, this method of labeling is a method of blame. It implies there is nothing the person can do themselves, it's out of their hands and the fault of the person who attempts to control them. Nothing could be further from the truth.
There is no solution in pointing the finger at anyone else as a cause for insecurity. The only answers to be found are to be found within yourself.

The Control Factor theory, basically, is all insecurity can be traced to a root cause.
If, in tracing back you are at loss to the root cause, try another route, or, as in many times happens, you may start in your area of insecurity and, after tracing, find you have reached a category of root cause you never would have expected. Now don't be confused by the 'tracing' 'root cause' and 'categories' talk. As you read through it will all become clear.

The below are examples of the method of tracing your root cause of insecurity. Perhaps you may see yourself in one of the example, or someone you know. It's recommended you read all the examples to understand the concept in full.

Does it seem strange to have overweightness and anorexia in the same example? Once you've read through this, you'll see the relationship between the root cause in both cases, each being the flipside of the same coin.

Weight is a major source of insecurity in women and men. In tracing the root cause we must ignore the excuses for insecurity in this area - "Other people look at me in distast.", "My family is embarrassed by me." - If you notice, those phrases deal with other peoples opinions.
From the start you must realize the one thing you cannot change or control is other people. People will think what they think. I know it's hard to ignore other's opinions, but when you fully understand the concept of this process, you will be less concerned with what others think, and more aware of what you think.
Though at this point it isn't easy, set thoughts such as those aside.

Now, the one thing the you can control. The way YOU think.
In the example of an overweight individual, many times the root cause can be traced back to the category "What I eat." One of the most basic beliefs we have, is that we are in control of ourselves. Insecurities arise from a loss of self-control. The overweight individual feels a lack of self-control in the area of their diet and/or exercise. They can't control what they eat because 'when they are sad they eat', 'when they are nervous they eat' ....what makes them sad or nervous, or whatever feeling they have that triggers their eating? Some other person or situation they feel is controlling them. To let anyone else decide how you feel is to give away your control of your emotions to that person or situation. It is far easier in life to relinquish control than to keep or re-take control. Many overweight individuals have given-up control of what they eat, whether they exercise, and are afraid to accept themselves as they are because of what others may think of them.
Once they set aside the thoughts of others (which I remind you, must be done, you can not change them) they then must decide to take back their control. That control may be in the form of diet, exercise, or the acceptance of themselves as they are.
Though not simple tasks, they are the items within their control. The responsibility is theirs alone. Once they accept that responsibility and take control, any of their options will be easier.
Many a diet has been abandoned because the dieter 'lost control' and felt so badly about it they simply surrendered. Control can always be reclaimed.

On the flip side of that coin is the anorexic. Many anorexics admit to starting on their course toward anorexia as an attempt to have an area of control. One of the most personal areas of control we have is in what we eat. Many anorexics have outside influences controlling most aspects of their lives and choose to take their stand in the area of what they eat. Anorexics are using the one area of control they believe is left to them to compensate for the areas they believe others control. An anorexic would need to decide to reclaim control of other aspects of their life. This, in turn, would help loosen their need for diet control.
Anorexia afflicts mostly teenagers and who as a teenagers didn't feel they had no control in their lives? Perhaps with the help of parents, counselors, or a church group, an anorexic can realize the areas in which they do have control. Once they are in control, many insecuities will dispel. Parents can be especially helpful in allowing their children to have areas of control, within reason, to help their child grow into a secure confident adult.

Bad Relationships
How often has it been said :

"You can't decide who you'll fall in love with." ?
Doesn't that just scream - "You have no control!" ?
Well, though it may be true we can't pick who we fall in love with, there is still an amount of control we maintain. Many people are currently involved in bad relationships. They may be physically, psychologically, or emotionally abused. By believing they have no control, they have excused themselves from any responsibility.
They have a choice, and by not leaving the situation they have made the choice to stay, but the options of working out the problems or leaving the relationship still remains.
They may be in love with this person, but by staying in the abusive relationship they are denying their basic instinct of survival and have relinquished their control to what they mistakenly believe is the overpowering whims of love.
In may cases of widespread insecurity the underlying cause is a bad relationship. If they can not trust their own judgement of people, of who they choose as a partner, then something must be wrong with them, right?


Everyone makes mistakes, but the biggest mistake is continuing on a course which is harming them, denying their survival instinct, relinquishing control of themself to another.
In most bad relationships, the abused partner gives over control to the abusive partner. This is an ideal situation for the abusive spouse. You know why many abusive people want control? Insecurity.
What most people with excessive controlling temperments are looking for is an area of control outside of themselves. Much like the anoriexic goes overboard with control of themselves and what they eat, those who are abusive go overboard in controlling someone else to compensate for their own feelings of insecurity and lack of personal control. By having control over someone else they feel a hint of control they don't believe they have over themselves.

Simple insecurities in any relationship can also be traced back to control. If someone does not really know how the other person feels, they feel insecure. That insecurity can spread through many aspects of the individuals life and be as easily solved as deciding they will take control of the situation. They will ask their partner how they feel, and will accept the answer. If it is good news - problem solved, if it is bad - move on, if it is indecisive - then they must make a decision on whether they can live with uncertainty on the others part. They must stick by their decision, make plans for whichever way the situation goes. Realize their control. Consciously say to themselves "My partner is unsure of their feeling, but I have decided I will stick with this relationship and accept the outcome." That is a real and valid control option.

It is harder to accept the responsibility of self-control than it is to relinquish control to whoever may be willing to accept it from you, or to simply throw over control to the winds of so-called 'fate'. Believing 'fate' controls you is in fact allowing whatever person or influence is present at any given time, control you. Rather than turning over control to one person, you have given your control to anyone or anything. With pieces of yourself scattered about, bringing them together again is a hefty task.

Once one area of control has been lost, it is very easy to release control in other areas as self-esteem lowers. Someone who feels they have no control in their work may give up control in others areas. They may drink, overeat, attempt to control others (usually those closest to them), they may forget about personal upkeep. The insecurity they feel is then justified when they lose their job, gain weight, lose their family, lose their friends. They will continue to spiral into their insecurities until the conscious decision is made to take back control of their lives.
If the root cause is lack of control at work - how can the situation be changed? Is it possible to have more control within the work enviroment? Should employment elsewhere be sought? Or, is it simply a matter of accepting the situation?

What areas of your life do you feel you have no control over?
Who has the control in those areas? Why do they have it when it is, in fact, yours?

Self-esteem is like a clear, glass, globe.
One small crack can easily fan out to shatter the whole globe.
The cockiness many insecure people believe disguises their insecurity is like a piece of tape put over the crack. It doesn't stop the crack from spreading and only draws more attention to it. When others try to help someone with their self-esteem, it only serves as glue. It may cover the crack, but the globe remains very fragile.
Since our self-esteem is our own responsibility, it is up to us to rework the cracked area of our globe until it is repaired properly, or perhaps remold the globe entirely.

In everyone's life they are faced with times and areas of their life in which it seems as though they have no control. There is always a measure of control. Once the conscious decision is made to either accept things as they are, or to change them in some way, you have taken control.
You have put the choice back into your own hands - where it belongs.