Hello everyone,
I got your email addresses from Ceci...FYI...I have a new
address, it's cross7@bresnan.net
I'm getting more vision for keeping in communication (so that we can
have communion) with one another more often than we do.
I realize that I have alot more going on with me throughout the week
than I can even remember to share when we meet on Wed. nights.
Little things, scriptures, prayers answered, thankfulness, etc. I
thought if we all took a few minutes to write these things down, not
only could it be a personal journal and testimony for ourselves, but
for others to glean from as well.
Yesterday I felt life in going over to Lynette's to visit her
(this is something the Spirit has been speaking to me about in
itself...moving when I get inspired, being a doer, not a hearer only)
I prayed before I went over, asked the Lord to give me something to
give...I found "home" in the thompson chain 1626 is where I started
and saw that the chain goes on...as deep as we dare to go.
Although I started reading "duty of husbands" then "duty of
wives" I was examining my love in regards to "making up the
difference" vs. living in a spirit of selfishness that demands. I
used to think Rick owed me...I would perform my "duty" and EXPECTED
him to perform his. I grew up watching marriages operate with selfish
expectations, and all of them failed because of a lack of true love. I
was self-righteous and prideful...treated him like a "bad boy" when he
didn't do what I expected him to do.
As our children grew, I started to dwell with my husband
according to knowledge and understanding. When he came through the
door after a long day of work, or even after dealing with a situation,
it wasn't wise for me to dump all my cares upon him...I started to
pray, be sensitive to his needs (as our husbands have needs, too) and
let him know that I wanted to talk. If he was too tired to look after
the children, I changed my plans, made new ones, asked for help from
others. I needed to be moveable, flexible, (those who are born of the
Spirit are like the wind - John 3:8) It became my joy, and an
exciting time to see "what God had in store for me that day" that
wasn't in MY calendar. Surely, if it came down to it, I didn't
absolutely need to make a trip to the grocery store...yes, we were low
on TP, but I still had 3 boxes of Kleenex laying around the house till
I could go shopping the next day! Things like this...I still judge.
Loving my husband, loving my children, preferring others above
myself....I really have found the Joy of the Lord in serving, and it
has become my salvation! I was rotting in my selfishness...lifeless
and hopeless...just an empty.
Well, I've been interupted a few times while writing this, I
think I'll end here and leave with the scripture I read this am in
Psalm 107
"O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth
forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed
from the hand of the enemy: and gathered them out of the lands...from
east, west, north, south. We wandered in the wilderness in a solitary
way.....then we cried unto the Lord in our trouble, and he delivered
us out of our distresses."
That just makes me thankful! May we all be filled with His Holy
Spirit today! Love you all, Janel
1 comment:
I broke down crying when I heard this song I felt the Lord said I came for you . I haven't seen myself as needing Jesus and what he did on the cross, it has been for sinners but not me, because of the self righteousness. I have been wretched naked blind poor and miserable and have pretended like I am not. I have been living as though Jesus never came. Jesus came for me and what he did is enough. Thank You for sending this it is exactly what I needed.I think for the first time I am seeing what a sinner I am because of not loving those Jesus has put in my life. I have been an clean up the outside of the cup kind of girl. And haven't cared about the wickedness in my heart. And the Lord is bringing me face to face with my enemies. I would like a copy of the cd also . Thanks Kay
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