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Friday, October 3, 2008

Is.58 the fast that God has chosen


I have been thinking about the sin of indifferenceand the FAST God has called us all to choose, in Is.58. Failing to "stir ourselves up" to seek God in our Covenant of Conscience with Him, results in not grabbing what we were "grabbed" by God to do. Being indifferent to how we are "really loving Jesus, and judging the barometer of our "brotherly" love results in a world never seeing Jesus lives by the way WE LOVE! We should be involved in the "washing" of feet, the removing of grave clothes because the way of the slothful IS HARD, it isn't "'EASY." When we know someone's words are the words of death, but we fail to say anything, We fail to pray, we fail to be honest, we fail to be sincere, we are failing in our function as a smaller member of a greater whole. Do you even consider submitting yourselves to God, so you can resist the devil? If we won't admit we are blind, we won't have our eyes open to understand spiritual "demonic" motivation. By our indifference.....we end up consenting with the thief. We let people's dead lifeless words, steal from us and others, because we close our eyes to the dead, lifeless words we speak to others. The devil has to use the lips of "PEOPLE" to accuse God , and he's very sneaky in his presentation. If we listen to fearful, unbelieving words.......the words of those who are influenced by Satan, the words some imp spoke to them to control them, so their words can control us, we will end up in some ditch. Ezekiel says if we fail to show someone in the family of God, who we are in relationship with, their sins, we will experience the same judgment they will for their sin. So if FEAR AND UNBELIEF or strife, is a sin, which it is, it's an indictment against God, it's pointing the finger at Him. Many people are being held captive by the devil at his will. They are "hell" evangelists. And we have to care about what kind of Epistle we are for other's to read, and if we are leading others into a ditch. People who always speak their own thoughts, their own words, end up exalting the wrong spirit. They create breeches instead of restoring them. Fretting, whining, complaining words are on a mission to mouth accusations against God (and most people do it willfully, ignorantly), because they lie about their own words grieving them. God wants us to love someone enough to speak the truth to them, so they will grow up........and quit being used by the accuser of the brethren to point the finger at Jesus, and we are all being led and leading others even if we don't want to believe it.........IT'S STILL THE TRUTH.

I had a dream about one of my sisters the other night. I was talking to her about how she presents herself. I was telling her what the scripture means......."present yourself a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God which is our reasonable service." Rm.12:1 I was telling her to be holy means to be separated, and she always separates herself unto that whiny, unbelieving, fearful, despairing devil, that accuses God. So even when she talks about Jesus, her words have the anointing of death on them. Our words light fires, and "loose" the devils spirit on the earth in those who don't care what they are "feeding the sheep" out of the words of their mouth. Some people have a lot of faith to light forest fires, it's what they prefer to "feed the sheep." "Mischief is conceived in our hearts, by listening to the devil's voice instead of God's, so our mouth ends up being used to give birth to the devil's lies in the hearts of others." Jesus words, God's words are referred to AS FOOD. So our words are like food. Some people are CONTENT AND FEEL JUSTIFIED in poisoning others with words most

Oh how many people are willing to scrub, scrub, scrub the outside of the cup with strife and religious works, but deep in their soul, they are filled with dead men's bones. And their empty chatter is just a reflection of their empty heart. If you talk to them long enough, you can hear the dead bones, those thoughts lodged in their heart that aren't right towards the Lord. And Idolaters (looking to man to deal with their dead bones, instead of looking to Jesus) will always turn to man to heal their wound. (Even though Jesus uses men or women to heal us, when we look to them first, we are out of order, and we come under a curse, and can't even see or receive the ones we put the burden on to save us.) Life and death is in the power of our tongue. Jesus said, "Every idle word a man speaks will be held against him in the day of judgment." What He means is that our words operate, they are either the source of life or death, and it all depends on the motives of the heart of the one speaking the words. He told the wicked and slothful servant......"out of your mouth, you have condemned yourself." The proverbs say that the words of a man's heart are "deep" waters. And some people have a cesspool of demonic thoughts that reside deep in their soul that they don't talk to the Lord about. When the enemy comes in like a flood, THE LORD LIFTS UP A STANDARD. When the devil is speaking to us through someone's mouth we think we love, we shouldn't be indifferent, but look to pray to hear the right voice! And give them "good food," for the bad food they gave us. There have been times I didn't even realize I had "miry places" or cesspools of evil thoughts towards the Lord in my heart, but through fellowship with other saints, the impurities in my own soul jumped out of my mouth. That's the time to JUMP, HUMBLE OURSELVES...... KILL the frog that just leaped out of our mouth!

Some people say spiritual things, even quote scriptures and talk about the things of God, but THE MOTIVE OF their HEART IS SELF SERVING. They speak because they love the praise of men . This is a heart filled with SELF INTEREST! These words are not motivated by any BENEVOLENT LOVE. These are people so selfish, they care little about the arsenic, boric acid, self serving, self seeking words that come out of their mouths because they have no peace with God. Some love the praise of men, they seek the approval of men, they fear man much more than God, and they really couldn't care less about the death they let float out of their mouths regularly and how it's affecting others. They speak spiritual things to gain the praise of men. They don't even judge most of the time if the words they speak are really for the benefit, the well being, the edifying, the building up of others . They speak to build themselves up! They only care about getting their needs met. They care about getting the approval they need from others, they only look for acceptance from man, they don't care if THE WORDS OF THEIR MOUTH AND THE MEDITATION OF THEIR HEARTS ARE ACCEPTABLE IN GOD'S SIGHT. They wouldn't consider being honest, sincere, and helping others judge the spirit of their words, BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT ANYONE TO JUDGE THEIR SELF SEEKING WORDS.

I was also thinking about "suffering that woman Jezebel." Suffering meaning.......being indifferent to someone who is controlled by Satan in their thoughts. Controlled because they love their life and they won't loose it for the greater cause. Controlled because of being weak minded because they love their life and their thoughts and don't, Won't take the time to make Gods thoughts their thoughts. They don't really care if their thoughts are coming from hell, their words are coming from hell, because they love themselves and only care about getting what they need from others, not in what they serve to others. Being a servant isn't part of their thoughts most of the time. Laboring in God's Kingdom, and loving the saving and keeping of souls, is not what makes these people tic. They serve God for their own pleasure and happiness. They haven't taken on Jesus' burden, which is easy and light......the loving and keeping of souls. They live under the lie THAT IT IS TOO BIG OF A BURDEN, AND GOD WOULDN'T HELP THEM ANYWAY. So they toss their talent. Getting their own needs met is the meditation of their heart. They don't have the love, to speak the truth in love for we are members of one another. They don't care about really helping others grow up........only in getting their own needs met. They don't even consider that one day it will all be exposed and they will be REWARDED for how they have really been involved in the saving and keeping of souls. (You know the souls they think they will live with through eternity?)


The end of self indulgence, and sin IS DEATH. Self serving people filled with lust and addiction don't care about how they affect others, or loving others. This is why they have no victory over their lusts and addictions. One thing I have observed about many women is how they love their husbands gifts. They love the pleasures of the relationship, and what their husbands can give to them and provide for them, but they don't love their husbands souls. They don't think about being honest, sincere, praying, spending time in the word. They are content to have accusations, divisions, evil imaginations, and little foxes live in their relationships with their husbands. They don't even see how their failure to judge how they really love the men in their lives, is how they love Jesus, God, too! OH THEY LOVE THE GIFTS.......just not the Giver. If they loved the giver, they would love the givers children. But they don't, they lie, and are insincere, and insecure with the Givers children. They are too wrapped up in getting what they need from the givers children to love them. Honesty and sincerity are a threat to them, because then they would really have to examine their faith and acknowledge if they really believe they can trust in God. They would rather be controlling, because that's what they really have "faith" in. They suffer the spirit of control in themselves, so they suffer it in others too! They are blind to the fact that they have blood on their hands. They don't care if someone around them is starting a Forrest fire with their mouth, because they are too busy getting their own needs met. They wouldn't think too long about putting the Forrest fires around them out, and they don't consider the fact that God will judge them as much as the one who is using their mouth to start the fire!

IF WE FAIL TO SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE, WE DEPRIVE THOSE AROUND US FROM BEING ABLE TO GROW UP! How will we become the bride of Christ, perfect, complete, without division, if we love our precious life so much? We "default" on our calling through our own indifference, WE CONSENT WITH THE THIEF! Having eyes to see, they see not, having ears to hear, they hear not, lest the glorious light of the gospel should come and heal them. Some people just don't want the glorious light of the gospel to heal them, they want to be sick and TAKEN CARE OF. HOW CAN THEY BELIEVE WHO SEEK THE PRAISE OF MEN, MORE THAN GOD. THEY WILL HAVE NO EXCUSE FOR THE GLORIOUS LIGHT OF THE GOSPEL NOT COMING AND HEALING THEM. The only reason for their lack of healing is because deep in their hearts THEY LOVE THE PRAISE OF MEN, MORE THAN GOD. Are your words self seeking? Do you listen to the self seeking words of others who love the praise of men? How much do you suffer the spirit of Jezebel, control, in your life. Some men's sins go before them, others follow after them. You'll never have peace if you lie to yourself about the content of your own words, and the content of the words of those around you. WAKE UP FROM YOUR SLEEP, ARISE FROM YOUR DEATH, AND God will give you light!

When we love the praise of men, we already have consented with the thief........we are guilty of being a robber. Our spirit becomes like a leech that sucks the life from others. When we don't have our own integrity before God, we will be jealous of those who do. We will have a desperate, taking, greedy, gluttonous, hellish spirit, that's never full, content, or satisfied. We will be like a molester, who is stealing life from others because we are lying to ourselves and we are not SEEKING THE PRAISE THAT COMES FROM GOD ALONE! Our lives will one day show if we have been busy seeking gifts..........OR LOVING AND SEEKING THE GIVER OF LIFE! Jesus came for the sick......if this describes you, repent, and cry out to God, so you won't be ashamed for the bank account you have accumulated of dead words ! We are creators....and we create life and death with our mouth, and one day it will all be tallied up! We will be known by our fruit. Our fruit will "tell" who's voice we have really followed.

We watched a movie about the devil. A man had been seduced by him, and his pitiful, whiny words. The devil was locked up in prison, and he couldn't get out by himself. HE NEEDED SOMEONE TO LET HIM OUT. He had to have a body, and ambassador, to represent his cause. The man in the movie was so sorry when he realized what he had done. AND HE PROVED HOW SORRY HE WAS, by spending his life CAPTURING the devil he loosed. That's how you can tell someone is truly sorry they have been the devil's ambassador. They are God's ambassador's now......speaking His oracles instead of the devils , and they live to TAKE THEIR THOUGHTS CAPTIVE to the obedience of Christ. And they have the wisdom, to CAPTURE the thoughts of those who they love who are being held captive by the devils lying whispers! Like Job "they are eyes to the blind, feet to the lame, and the cause they know not, they search out. They have gone on GODS FAST, to loose bands of wickedness, undo heavy burdens, set the oppressed free, and they are breaking yokes! And the promises of Isaiah 58 are being lived out in their lives, to the glory of God the Father!

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