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Saturday, September 27, 2008

good letter from Carmie

Ceci forwarded the email she sent you and after I read it, the strangest thing happened.....through my thoughts ran a nursery rhyme!!! It was this.....MARY, MARY QUITE CONTRARY, HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW? Obviously I was pretty shocked!! and the first thing that struck me was CONTRARY!!! Eph 5:17...For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are CONTRARY the one to the other: so that you cannot do the things that you would. What comes to me is when we are carnal yet "think" ourselves spiritual, we are automatically CONTRARY to LOVE, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to love rightly. I got a great revelation being married to Mike that I really didn't have the "goods" in the love department. I was deceived that I loved him by God's defenition. The only breaking light I had was admitting that I sincerely wanted to love him with all my heart unconditionally. I agree with Ceci totally that God is shaking YOU by what you see in your husband and you are falling short of "real love" in how you reprove your "prince". I read Prov 25 the other day and thought about you also....vs 15: By long forbearing is a prince persuaded, and a soft tongue breaketh the bone. What a mystery that you are sowing seed into your husbands IS YOUR GARDEN GOING TO GROW? God gives seed to the sower and tares are seed too, you get to choose. We went to that movie Fireproof tonight...pretty shallow but overall it had some good things to say. The one that stood out most to me was, we are incapable of giving someone something that WE don't have what WE haven't yet received from Jesus. My prayer is that you will look deep into your own heart and honestly evaluate your own love defecit and ask the Lord to give you real love for your husband. He will honor THAT prayer and you can have a spirit that will love him freely. Given all that, I see that God is trying to make you into a fruitful field and is giving you some lessons in gardening. You will reap a good harvest in you marriage IF you faint not.

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