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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

we are what we eat


Why are so many Christians today, sick, weak and asleep? These scriptures have the answer, I Cor 10:21 "You cannot drink the Lord’s cup and the devil’s cup. You cannot partake of the Lord’s table and the devil’s table" ….. 11:30, "for this reason many are sick, weak and asleep."

Do we as Christians need to be perpetually cleansed? Our physical bodies are in a perpetual state of being cleansed, as the body of Christ on the earth should be also. God has given us His body here on the earth to keep us from growing sick, weak, and living in a big sleep. The Lord Jesus Christ should be found in His people on the earth. We are His eyes, hands, mouth, and feet. We can’t afford to think life in Christ merely has to do with "me and Jesus" ….. we are obligated to receive His people on the earth. It’s finding those who worship Him in Spirit and truth. And if that’s what you really want …to worship Him in Spirit and truth – He will lead you to those who are being sanctified by the truth also. He’s faithful! Therefore beware brethren, take care, lest there be in any one of you a wicked, unbelieving heart, which refuses to cleave to, trust in and rely on Him --- leading you to turn away and desert the living God and His people. But instead, warn, admonish, urge, and encourage one another every day, (commune and open your hearts to each other), as long as it is called TODAY; that none of you be hardened (into settled rebellion) by the deceitfulness of sin. Is. 58:6-7 "Is this not the fast that I have chosen, to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke? Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless into your house, when you see the naked, that you cover him, and that you HIDE NOT YOURSELF FROM YOUR OWN FLESH?" What would happen if the parts of our body hid themselves from one another, failing to communicate, or communicating poorly? Sickness and disease sets in. How it goes in the natural can be a great example of how things are in the spiritual realm. And what we loose in the heavenlies around us, can be manifested in being sick, weak, and tired.

We are called to be a drink offering to one another, and not to poison each other with the cup of our soul being unclean. If we drink wine from heaven, we will be a drink from God to those around us. If we eat the devil’s dainties, we will poison others with the spirit of our words. Jesus said, "If they receive the spirit of Christ in one another, and we need to discern when someone is feeding us a strange spirit. When we are listening to the devil ….. eating his dainties, it will poison our soul and we will feed each other the wrong soul food. Jesus’ FOOD WAS TO DO GOD’S WILL. "All Christ is, He is within us, hope of Glory, living word." We should be the living word to one another, and if the words of the father of lies dwell in us, we will be ambassadors representing the wrong kingdom, feeding others the ashes we feed on. (That’s what the Old Testament calls it….."feeding on ashes." And when we speak words of death to others….."as we have done it unto the least of these, so we do it unto Him." If we are grieving, denying and resisting the Holy Ghost, we will be defiling not only ourselves, but all those who hear us.

Partaking and receiving are related to each other. When we partake of food, we receive it into our goodies. If the food is good and natural, without chemicals, and artificial toxins, it builds up and regenerates our body to health. If the food is artificial, deliling, impure, it degenerates and breaks down our health. Regenerate means to REFRESH, REJUVENATE, RENEW, RESTORE, RESURRECT, REVIVE, RECREATE! To degenerate means to cause decay, disintegrate mildew, or mold, rot, rust, spoil, corrode, crumble, and to breakdown. To me, this is the difference of relating to God and others out of our head rather than our heart. When we are honest and sincere, and have no pretense, there is powerful REGENERATION, PURE FELLOWSHIP, UNFEIGNED LOVE, and the life and Spirit of God are free to move. (The bible calls this "being without guile." Like blood in a body, there is good flow and movement when we partake of good food. When we are pretending with God and not giving Him our heart, and failing to examine ourselves, to see if we are in the faith, we are in a state of spiritual decay. If the flow and movement of our communing with the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth, has ceased, we are in a state of deception. I heard a good one the other day….."thoughts of pity are like logs in the fire of deceit." Add those thoughts of fear and unbelief, and the fire of deceit becomes a forest fire." We have to know we are abiding in the right vine, listening to the right voice. If we are familiar with the voice of the liar, we won’t stop the mouth of the liar when he uses others to speak. Drinking from the cup of fear and unbelief is drinking from the cup of devils. We are spiritually degenerating and decaying, and become the source of leaven to others. Being built up in our most Holy faith has everything to do with listening to the voice of God, The Holy Spirit’s voice of love, faith and truth. If we are grieving, denying and resisting the Holy Ghost in our life, those listening to God’s voice will be sad. It’s like one who once had cancer and was dying, who totally changed their diet. They meet someone who has cancer but only wants to complain, they refuse to change their diet. When you get used to good food, rancid food becomes obvious and detestable. The obedient will always have a response to the disobedient. They will detect the spirit at work in the sons and daughters of disobedience. To return to a state of true communion, true repentance – changing your mind and your deeds – must take place.

Confession and repentance is the road to mercy and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, and true communion with the believers. Rev. 3:19 "As many as I love, I chasten, reprove, and tell them their faults." Do we even see His chastening? Shouldn’t we have a powerful time sharing how we are being ZEALOUS and repenting and how we are changing our minds, and being renewed in the spirit of our mind? Great fellowship comes with the ones God loves, because they are open and honest about the chastening they experience from the one who knows the secrets of their hearts! Openness begets openness. Pvb 6:23 "Reproof and correction are the way of life." Pvb 1:23 "When we turn at His reproof, He pours out His Spirit on us. When we refuse His reproof, we error. When we are foolish (unwilling to judge right activity from wrong activity), we despise reproof. "Take heed to yourselves, if thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him, and if he repent, forgive him." (Luke 17:3) Eph 5:11 "… and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them" I Tim 5:20 "Them that sin, rebuke before all, that others also might fear." 2 Tim 4:2 "Preach the word, be instant in season, and out of season. Reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine." Tit 1:13 "This witness is true, wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith." Throughout the ages, men have loved darkness rather than light, and would not come into the light, lest their deeds be reproved! We should desire to bring our deeds into the light of His body on the earth, to see if they need to be reproved. If we trust in our heart…..truly we are fools.

We are always partaking of some spirit in "the spirit of our mind." When we are "being renewed in the spirit of our mind"…..others will be eating the "health food" in our soul! Those who are eating death thoughts in the spirit of their minds, we have an obligation to help our brother go on a good diet and stop corrupting himself and everyone around him. This is why it is so crucial for us to TAKE OUR THOUGHTS CAPTIVE TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST. We must be able to distinguish between the flesh and the spirit in our own lives and the lives of others. Love demands us not poisoning each other. And love demands us being able to help others that are poisoning themselves. Jesus said to Peter, "Get thee behind me Satan, you are an offense and a hindrance to me. For you savor not the things of God, but the things of man." So, can we tall when we, ourselves, or those close to us are minding the things of the flesh and offending the Spirit of Christ? Pvb 24:11 "Deliver those who are drawn away to death (lies), and those who totter to the slaughter. Hold them back from their doom. If you profess ignorance and say, behold, we did not know life, does not He know it? And shall not he render to you and every man…ACCORDING TO HIS WORKS? So ask yourself… you seek to deliver those drawn away to death? Are you willing to help those on a bad diet, go on a good diet?

Again, we can’t drink from the devil’s cup and God’s cup. We can’t eat at the devil’s table and God’s table. Paul stated he did not want us to fellowship and be partners with devilish spirits, by eating at their feasts. Can we tell when others or we, ourselves, are eating at the wrong table, or if they are wearing the wrong clothes? Words come from spirits, so we can’t sloth out and put down our spiritual sword that discerns the spirit of words…..WE MUST BE CAREFUL HOW WE HEAR. We must be careful what we eat, we must be careful what we drink. We have a responsibility to love and help one another when we find our brother in a fault. Jesus was our example when he said to Peter, "Get thee behind me Satan."

Let us "taste" and see that the Lord is good! Unless we eat of flesh of the Son of Man, and drink of His Blood, we will have no life in us! We cannot live by bread alone, but we can LIVE BY THE WORD'S OF GOD!!!

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