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Friday, September 5, 2008

Subject: being doesr's of the word

Subject: being doesr's of the word

The operation of the Holy Spirit in our lives is our necessary food. It's
our wisdom and our understanding to all life's blessings and eternity's
existance. It's the key's to the Kingdom in Christ Jesus. It's our Heavenly
Father's daily word to us. His love to us and His power for us.

Those who recieve and walk in the Spirit's Operation with an understanding
will be continually built up and strong in the Lord and in the power of His
might....and those who lightly regard His instruction will be torn down and
overcome by the "darkness" and destructions of life.

The Word of His "Operation" today is:

"Being "DOERS" of the word to us and not just hearers." Setting your will
and your heart to obey and walk in the word which you hear.
deals with "speak not evil one of another". (Ja. 4:11)

In this ministry we are taught to "Judge Righteous Judgement" and that we
are to be our brothers keeper's. That we are to love one another and to
speak the truth one to another, because we are all memebers one of
another. (Eph. 4;25) and that in context to this, the scripture goes on to
admonish angry,but sin not...don't give place to the
devil(meaning..don't become an accuser of the brethern) but have an attitude
of love and service toward them to recover them. Let no corrupt
communication proceed from you (meaning..keep it between you and them, not
involving others to fortify you and your problem with them.)
Grieve not the Holy Spirit,whereby you are sealed, by being bitter, vengeful,
angry, slanderous, unkind, or unforgiving toward them. But walk in
Love considering yourself as well as them and their well being. (vs's26-32)
For we know that God's Word will Judge us impartially, His judgement is
according to "TRUTH" not according to what we feel or think.
Our judgement of and concerning others must be an "ASSESSMENT" of things and
not to "CONCLUDE or to CONDEMN" them. We must always consider ourselves
within all judgements to know and to understand our own need and "the
Spirit's Operation" in ourself so that we will have a right spirit toward
them in "speaking truth".

The primary place of our own conflict is "within our initial thoughts and
corresponding feelings of heart" at the point of disagreement. Most of us
miss it right "off-the-bat". And...know it or not..."WE come under judgement
before the Holy Spirit"...because our attitude is "condemning"...not
"assessing" for the sake of Love. (Rms. 1:32--2:1-11)

Kow this also...whoever you talk to, other than the one involved, you add
them to your sin. (Mt.18:15) In are offering them your "apple of
offense". If they agree with you, they also come under your dealing and
sinful opperation. As many as you talk to fall under the "curse of the

In many cases for the married, it's loosed in your whole house and unto your
children because of "speaking evil" among husband and wife. The man who
brings his wife into his offenses and who shares his problems at home is a
fool. Sowing to the wind, he will inherit the whirlwind. He is a scriptural fool.
And the "Operation of the Spirit" will begin
tearing down his house and family rather than building it up.
So...we must heed this word to us today...while it's today...and repent. We
should sow and loose love, that our children would see the value in reconciling
others to Jesus, and the joy of that. If we are offended by loves obligation in
reconciliation, our children will despise loves obligations rather than rejoice in them!
Remove the curse and recieve the "blessing of the Father" by doing righteous
judgement and loving one another in Spirit and Truth. He who has clean hands
and a pure heart will abide with The Father, The Son and His Spirit forever!

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