So they don't hear from God for their spouse or children... "they get no bread to fee the sheep in their lives." And they can't fulfill their calling, to give themselves away, their marriage away, their family away, in HOW the Lord is helping them overcome the whiles of the devil. Even in a war that's one, men write stories, they talk, they make movies. If families, mothers, fathers, were in a right spirit, engaging in the war of souls saved and kept in their families.... they would be so excited about the eploits of the Lord, they would talk. (They might even make a movie)
That they would not hide from their own flesh!!!
I was just thinking of all the people that don't open up, they raise their children not to be open and wonder why their children struggle so much. The sad part about not being open
is you think you have it all in control and that your children will do something you don't do, (be open with you). Many parents we have known who live in the dark, walk in the dark, won't bring their deeds with their husbands and children into the light, THINK THEIR CHILDREN ARE GOING TO BE OPEN.
Their pride deceives them. They live in the spirit of being wise in their own conceit. They don't build a wall against the enemies of their soul by being open and neither do their children.
If one can grab onto this concept she will live in the light, and their children will have hope
for being in the light and not being overcome by the darkness. The proverb says, "the fool won't open his mouth in the gate." The gate is in the hearts of God's children......
We really don't get it that IT'S OUT OF THE MOUTH OF 2-3 WITNESSES GOD'S WORD IS ESTABLISHED. I let people into "my" witness with my husband and children, but sadly most people haven't gotten that message. They live unto themselves and die. They are blind to "giving away their struggles, their lives and the testimony of Jesus in their families". And live in the emptiness, vainity, of not fulfilling their God given calling in the lives of others!
1 comment:
Subject: Junk food thoughts, junk food words....... All from the evil Shepherd, THE father of all lies
Oh.......... The fire....... The testings........... None of us can escape them, and your not the only one in the trial of your faith in the relationship closest to you. I really heard a “message” from the spirit everywhere I turned today..... God said about Jesus when he was baptized......”this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased, HEAR YE HIM.” Who do we hear all the day long??? There are so many voices that try to “shepherd” us each day, and the key to life is being HIS SHEEP, THAT HEARS HIS VOICE. In Is.10, It talks about when Jesus comes, he won’t judge by the hearing of the ear and the seeing of the eye, but He will judge spiritual judgment. His word is our necessary food, and so many people FEED US THE FOOD THAT’S COMING FROM THE WRONG SHEPHERD. I even had a friend tell me today how hard it is for her to be spiritual if she doesn’t get up first thing in the morning and do her devotional. She admitted after a few minutes that, her faith will be in HER DEVOTIONAL TIME, (and her excuse for being carnal will be in her lack of it.) She has gone down the “foolish Galatian” road before, where she is bewitched by her works, rather than walking in faith and love and yielding to the spirit. (It’s easy for women to start doing tricks for God and man). I’m not saying that we shouldn’t read the bible or pray in the morning either, but we can be deceived by our works if the motive is “we can only be spiritual and yield to the Holy Spirit if we get our devotional done in the morning. The truth is we should be able to commune with God and be spiritual all the time...... So if she can’t get her devotional time SHE HAS AN EXCUSE FOR BEING CARNAL, and not dividing good from evil ALL DAY LONG. What do people do in perilous times....... When they can’t get their devotional in???? I told her for her it’s a crutch, and excuse for her carnality, and she saw the “spirit” of her words weren’t right, and her motive was to be justified by her works. The bible says we should pray always!!!!
Jesus is coming back to judge the earth with THE SPIRIT OF HIS MOUTH. And there is something that goes on in all of us when the SPIRIT of someone’s mouth IS JUNK FOOD. And the test for us is, WILL WE OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD? WILL WE GIVE JUNK FOOD BACK TO PEOPLE WHO SERVE US JUNK FOOD....... “spiritually speaking”. Can we tell when we feed people junk food with the spirit of our mouth? The key to life is HEARING AND OBEYING THE VOICE of OUR GOOD SHEPHERD, and not listening to THE FATHER OF LIES, WHO ONLY FEEDS US JUNK FOOD TO KILL, STEAL AND DESTORY OUR LIFE, and the lives of those around us! AND TO DUPE US INTO FEEDING OTHERS JUNK FOOD WITH THE SPIRIT OF OUR MOUTH. Our words should be spirit and life, not spirit and death! So many people don’t care carnally if the eat food that tears down their health, and they don’t judge the natural or the spiritual realm. When I’m eating JUNK THOUGHTS, it leads to eating food that’s degenerative, not life giving! I act out what’s going on in my head that I’m not praying about. Thoughts, words are like food............ And the word of God, cuts, divides the flesh from the spirit, that’s why IT NEEDS TO BE OUR FOOD TO DO GOD’S WILL. I also read today about how Abraham HEARD AND OBEYED GOD’S VOICE, and what God thought and did for him because of it. It’s awesome!
I have met so many women who want their husband to rule his flesh and eat right BEFORE THEY ARE WILLING. (I’m talking about the flesh, but it’s true spiritually too!) WE NEED TO CARE ABOUT ORDERING OUR CONVERSATION RIGHTLY AND SEEING THE SALVATION OF GOD BECAUSE OF IT! We should be willing to overcome evil with good, (because most women have husbands with some sort of problem due to junk food)....... But the test from God is to teach us more closely HOW TO HEAR, WE MUST BE CAREFUL HOW WE HEAR........ And then we must be careful how we respond....... And BE WILLING TO FEED GOD’S SHEEP THE FOOD HE WANTS US TO FEED others! It was never preached by Jesus that we got saved for our prosperity, our happiness, to gain our life, but “lo it is written in Thy Book, I come to do THY WILL Oh God.” It’s not our thoughts, our opinions, our words THAT WILL ENDURE FOREVER. But it’s HIS THOUGHTS, HIS WORDS, that we in obedience spoke THAT WILL JUSTIFY US ONE DAY. And the words that operated on people around us THAT WERE A WRONG SPIRIT........ The junk food words that we didn’t care if we FED PEOPLE, that will CONDEMN US. Jesus said it not me. I just happen to believe what Jesus said is true. I don’t want to think JUNK FOOD THOUGHTS AND BE SHEPHEREDed by THE FATHER OF LIES, and I don’t want to EAT THE FRUIT OF LIES, from people that are undiscerning to what they are feeding me. I don’t want to SPEAK JUNK FOOD WORDS, I want to delight to do His will......... Lose my life, my thoughts, my opinions that won’t endure forever. I want to know that my thoughts are coming from THE GOOD SHEPHERD, that gives me thoughts to reconcile His children unto the Good Father, when they don’t even know (as the prophet Isaiah said, “that they have a lie in their right hand.” Some people like to make LIES THEIR REFUGE, sadly to say. They are afraid to do God’s will, afraid that faith and love and dying to their own will, might kill them, so they spend their lives eating (thinking) their junk thoughts, inspired by the wrong shepherd. The promises in Is. 58 to those willing to stop THINKING THEIR OWN THOUGHTS AND SPEAKING THEIR OWN WORDS, should be enough to make anyone WANT TO HEAR GOD’S VOICE AND OBEY IT all the day long, and to be RENEWED IN THE SPIRIT..... NOTICE IS SAYS SPIRIT, OF THEIR MIND. Abiding in the right vine is the only way we can bear GOOD FRUIT! We will be repairers of the breeches, restorers of the right path. We can’t reconcile people unto God when we are being shepherded by the devil....the liar. We can’t reconcile people unto a diet that regenerates when we live on junk food. The fire in our lives, (which much of the time has to do with the junk food others feed us) to purify OUR LIPS, to speak right things back, to overcome evil with good! We must LOVE FEEDING GOD’S CHILDREN WHAT’S GOOD......... JUST LIKE HE LOVES US AND FEEDS US THE GOOD FOOD OF HIS WORD! People are sick because they eat junk food in their thoughts, and many of them do eat junk food in reality too...... They don’t see the road junk food is taking them down! They don’t look at “the end” of the matter. Just like they don’t see the road lying spirits are taking them down! We have to stop living like victims and live to wash feet, and take grave clothes off! If we speak HIS WORDS, they have the power to heal others, to get them to REPENT, CHANGE THEIR MIND!
We need to go on God’s fast..... EAT HIS WORDS...... And if you want a gourmet meal, you should EAT....TAKE IT INTO YOUR BEING, IS. 58 For everyone of us will stand before the Lord, and be judged according to what we have done, good or evil and their is no respect of persons with God. THOSE WHO LOVED HIM WILL BE SEEN BY WHAT THEY FED HIS SHEEP!!!! Love, Ceci
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