There is a great song called THE PRAYER OF ST. FRANCIS. It's really powerful. It exposes two kingdoms; the kingdom of lust, and need, and greed, verses the kingdom of love and giving.
I know this may be a little deep but I hope you try and digest it. Please feel free to talk to me about anything that you may not understand.
I have suffered so much and caused others to suffer by living in the wrong kingdom myself. There is no life when we don’t have faith in God to meet our needs. Hell and destruction (getting our needs met our own way).... is never full. One of my friends, Carmie, you may remember her, wrote out her story. It's very enlightening. I'll send it along, too.
We wish everyone would have walked on water, lived after the Spirit and had always done what was in your best interest. That however, is no one's world. The real world is in being sinned against and having people be carnal, greedy, lie, etc. That fact has helped me turn from my own sin. I guess God designed it that way, that in others not doing right by us we wouldn't use it as an excuse but use it to change. Unfortunately, most people don't take the road to change. I had to go through much suffering to get on that path myself and stop blaming others and take a good look at who I was and who I really wanted to be.
Gene and I always loved you, and have never been offended. We know others may have caused you to stumble, but that is the fire we all get tested in Asha. Will we look to God to help us do what is right in the midst of others not doing that?
I wish I could have jumped in the skin of others and been spiritual and spoken words of life to you. We all get tested to see what was in his heart to do, and people have a really hard time not blaming other people for their own choices, and excusing their carnality.
I wrote this to some of my friends and thought you might like to read it.
Love, Ceci
The promises of God in Isaiah.58 are tremendous to those who stop living for their own pleasure. It's like.. Who wouldn't want to do that!!!! But we do live for our own pleasure, and we get offended with others who are living for their own pleasure. That should turn us, like the song says, "you can't stop a wrong without doing what's right."
The devil has a plan for us living in usury, lust, greed, emptiness. And when we follow his plan for us, others die around us. Oh, how sweet life is when it becomes YOUR FOOD, to do God's will. It's the world where the loneliness, emptiness, need, greed, living for pleasure but being dead while you live...stops!
I was listening to a priest talk last night on being deep. Giving the depths of who we are away and how most people are shallow, looking to get their own needs met and never moving into the kingdom of giving. Never giving who they really are in their depths of their being to God, and never really being able to graft into each other.
Jesus put it this way. "Many shall say to me Lord, Lord, I did this, I did that, all in Your name, and He will say, depart from me, you who practice lawlessness, I never knew you." Lawlessness in the conscience... is what comes to me. The proverb says, "give Me your heart and let your eyes observe My ways. How many people never give the Lord their heart in the things they are thinking, saying, doing in their relationships with people?
We were all once in this category.... "You are of your father the devil, his works will you do, he was a lightly esteemed and abode NOT IN THE TRUTH, for there is no truth in him. He is the father of lies.”
Have you ever considered that you might need to get saved from being a liar? You know what we lie to ourselves about is the fact that we are not living in God's Kingdom of being GIVERS. We are living in satan's kingdom, the one where people are takers, users.. "eating one another up as one eats bread".. devouring, consuming each other to get our own needs met.
People that justify their carnality, their carnal responses....... who lie to themselves and seek to justify themselves CAN'T BE SAVED. When I spoke right things to Gene in a wrong spirit the Lord required me to be humble and not GRIEVE, DENY AND RESIST HIM. Women trash marriages due to justifying their carnal responses. So you make remarks, ask questions, the motive behind it is control, (the sin of witchcraft and rebellion). Your trust is in you and your ability to control and find out everything you can about every situation because you have no trust in the Lord.
Your relationships are about getting your own needs met, not giving YOURSELF, or JESUS to others. This is a terrible habit for you at this point and you have just about bruited yourself out of being convicted, or convictable. You think you are justified, so you remain stained, spotted, and blemished.
You are OF the spirit that is in the World......... lust...... lust has removed many people who did not turn to the Lord. The works of the flesh always lead to death.
American Standard Version
“but chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of defilement, and despise dominion. daring, self-willed, they tremble not to rail at dignities: But specially those who go after the unclean desires of the flesh, and make sport of authority. Ready to take chances, uncontrolled, they have no fear of saying evil of those in high places: You lust after YOUR OWN WAY, YOUR OWN POWER, YOUR OWN NEED....... "He who trusts in the Lord....... there are tons of great promises to those, and they will be saved."
“You trust in your ability to perform, do works.... dead ones.... you trust in your power to hide, lie, pretend, lying to yourself the most. You ask questions for all the wrong motivation. I was thinking of all the lust in your past and where it has taken you...... and you still have no understanding about your lack of integrity and using people, rather than loving, serving, giving who you are to others.”
New American Standard Bible
“and they, having become callous, have given themselves over to sensuality for the practice of every kind of impurity with greediness. Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness? "
The only way out for me was HAVING A TRUE CARE OF WHEN I WAS GRIEVING, DENYING AND RESISTING THE HOLY GHOST. The problem LIARS, FORNICATORS, ADULTERERS HAVE, is they have energized their spirits with THE POWER OF DARKNESS, MANIPULATION, DECEIT, CONTROL.... and IT BECOMES A SPORT TO THEM..... They are always trusting in their own power to get their needs met. YOUR ABSENCE OF HUMILITY AND NOT CARING ABOUT GRIEVING THE SPIRIT AND NO CARE TO GET UNDERSTANDING HAVE GOTTEN YOU WHERE YOU ARE TODAY. (No integrity as a woman of God, or confidence in God to meet your needs, so you live in lust.) The way out is doing the opposite......... BUT IT IS LIKE CHANGING YOUR DIET. YOU HAVE BEEN FEEDING ON ASHES.... LIVING IN LUST AND YOU HAVE A DUMB SPIRIT ON YOU, LUST, LYING.......... stupidity.
You have no freedom to be honest, sincere, open, humble, because that is like giving up your power. You are energized, demonized by a wrong spirit and you won't humble yourself when you are in the strength of that spirit SO YOU CAN'T CHANGE.
You haven't been serious enough about changing either. You have been dancing the dance of pretense and performances for many years. It's the spirit you took on with men in the past to get your needs met and have never let go. Do you have FAITH IN THE OPERATION OF GOD? Your future lies in HAVING FAITH IN GOD’S OPERATION.
You can keep being destroyed or turn and be built up. When I lived in lust, trying to get my needs met, being a liar, controller, a freak, a brute beast deserving to be destroyed.... I talked to the Lord........ I DIDN'T LOVE DARKNESS MORE THAN THE LIGHT SO I CAME INTO THE LIGHT AND GOD OPENED MY EYES TO THE DEMON OF LUST, CONTROL, WITCHCRAFT AND REBELLION. Living in that takey, sucky, needy, give me, pitiful spirit is hell on earth and will be eternal hell for those who never get saved from it.
Life with Jesus is about pouring ourselves out, being vulnerable, about taking the log out of our eye to see clearly. It's all about Isaiah 58 "put away the pointing of the finger and stop speaking our own words and thinking our own thoughts.
I felt so sad for you that you have bruited your soul to the point you can't say "you have a lie in your right hand". You say so much, ask questions to have power and control and you won't even tell yourself the truth. Your own words and questions poison you, but you blame others, and never see. The light affliction you have suffered at the hands of anyone has all gone against you instead of being stored up as rewards in heaven...... so sad.... you have caused so much suffering, and are so unwilling to suffer anyone else. Your life will either end up a tragedy or a triumph, based on YOUR FEAR OF THE LORD, AND YOUR SINCERE DESIRE to stop grieving, denying and resisting the Holy Ghost. IF YOU ARE HONEST AND SINCERE WITH GOD, YOU WILL SEE, UNDERSTAND, AND PERCEIVE THAT HE IS HONEST AND SINCERE WITH HIS CHILDREN. If you live in lies and pretense God will always be a liar and a pretender to you.
If you order your conversation aright, YOU WILL SEE THE SALVATION OF GOD. You will see how much better He is at meeting all your needs than you are! And you will find fulfillment...... being a giver, a lover, a feeder. You will pass from the DEATH OF THE EMPTINESS AND LUST OF THIS WORLD, into the LIFE of God, because you live to love and care for the needs of others. Here's a link to St Francis's prayer..........
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