the road less traveled.....
These are certainly the days of "love waxed cold"............ You know the only gift we really have to give God and others is OURSELVES, the "real" us! And when we give Him our hearts we can observe His ways. And when we open ourselves up to people who carry His Holy Spirit, we have the honor of being able to hear His voice from His people. But................... so many have been hurt, they think by God or others so the "hide themselves from their own flesh" to their doom and destruction. God never intended for us to hide from our own flesh, that's why He told us not to. Maybe that's why Hebrews 13 talks about; "to do good and communicate forget not, FOR WITH SUCH SACRIFICES GOD IS WELL PLEASED"! Maybe it pleases Him so much when we do it because He knows it takes faith, AND FAITH ONLY WORKS BY LOVE!
I got a revelation one time that CHANGED MY LIFE FOREVER. It was this..... I will NEVER BE THE LOSER for giving myself with all my heart, mind and strength to God or others............ I WILL BE THE LOSER IF I DON'T. And I had many reasons and excuses in my mind WHY I SHOULDN'T. But I crossed over a line when I walked in that revelation, I FOUND NEW FREEDOM! I passed out of a death in my soul to having life in my soul I never had, WHEN I CHOSE TO LOVE MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS FREELY. Unconditionally, without thought of how they were loving my back!
Guarding, protecting myself, pretending I was someone who I really wasn't, kept me from doing and being who God wanted me to be, it was self induced bondage. And people get addicted to pretending, and comfortable in the prison of pretending they are someone they aren't . I have met people and have found it to be their "gas", the food of their soul, the driving power and motivation of their lives. I lived in the horrors of control one time too. I wasn't willing to put all my "eggs", trust... in God's basket. I wasn't passing from death into life, I wasn't a corn of wheat falling into the ground and dying, so I abided alone. Not knowing I may be headed for eternity alone one day. I have to wonder if people don't repent of loving the power of defending their lives, and never give themselves to God or His people, really...... how will they be fit for heaven one day? People that love that waxed cold feeling? Without being proactive in our faith and love, we will be on the road MOST TRAVELED! THE LOVE WAXED COLD ROAD! The road of deception, where WE are the ones building our house, and WE are the one keeping our gates, and oh the pain of having to face our vanity when we stand before the King of Kings with our wasted life! May you cry out to God and have faith to walk in the ROYAL LAW, loving your brother's and sisters as yourself. But then again, those who don't even tell themselves the truth about hiding and pretending might be so deceived and deluded, they will be in for a surprise when they think they have loved and given themselves to people, when pride and lying was really their defense and present help in times of trouble! That's why we must "choose" wisely who we really want to defend us. And pray for those who think they are trusting in Jesus, when really they are their own "defenders" and they don't even know they give out "crumbs" of who they really are because their strength and power is in "hiding" from their own flesh! May you pick "the road less traveled", and care about being one of the overcomers who don't hide from Jesus or His people!
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