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Saturday, March 21, 2009


I was thinking today about why the scriptures say that. IT'S TRUE. Most men give themselves to their appetites, passions, emotions and

desires, and are overcome by them. A man full of faith, and self sacrifice who can find, they are rare. Most men WILL NOT DENY THEMSELVES, and pick up their cross and follow Jesus, so they live lives of self indulgence.

Most men are not faithful in relationships, not full of faith, not willing to do God's will in people's lives, so they are overcome by lust and worldliness by DEFAULT. They can't control their lusts and appetites for worldliness, because God gives His Spirit of self control TO THOSE WHO LOVE AND OBEY HIM, those who REALLY CARE for each other with more than lip service.

Many of the men I have known sacrifice relationships with wives, children, friends, and are overcome by their lusts or worldliness,

due to selfishness. Look what the bible says about JOB. "I was eyes to the blind, feet to the lame, THE CAUSE I KNEW NOT I SEARCHED OUT"

Many men live slothful lives, void of understanding. They are the greater cause in their lives, not the Lord, God's family, or even their own family.

They live life according to their selfish desires and self gratifications, without a whole lot of contemplation on what they are sowing on the earth!

"When you seek Me with ALL your heart, YOU WILL BE FOUND BY ME." So the problem is a seeking problem. Too much self seeking, and not enough

God seeking. Men who are void of understanding can only be oppressors, they can't be reconcilers!

Usually when I get tempted to fret or worry and I start praying, the scripture comes to me....."let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. If you believe in God,

believe in my also. In my Father's house are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you."

The desire of a mans heart is his kindness." It came to me that when our desire is selfish and ungodly, we will eventually be showing it by being mean. People get mean

when their selfish desires and interfered with. The fires of life take us either to destruction or to a place where IT'S OUR FOOD TO DO GOD'S WILL. We fall on the stone, or the stone falls on us.

There is another scripture in Pvb.24, 1 and 2 says, "Be not envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them. For their heart studieth destruction and their lips talk of mischief." I began thinking of the STUDY OF DESTRUCTION. Our hearts are always MEDITATING. Most people meditate on what they think is good for them, not

what IS THE GREATER CAUSE. The Psalmist prayed, "let the words of my mouth and the MEDITATION OF MY HEART, be acceptable in YOUR SIGHT." Our hearts are always studying, mediating. I began remembering back to how depressed I was when I lived with people who were overcome by their lusts, because their hearts studied....longed for worldliness, carnal comforts, etc. Most men are overcome by their lusts.....and the destructive forces in their lives.....because they spend
their lives studying the wrong thing. Loosing the bands of wickedness, undoing heavy burdens, freeing the opressed, giving food to the hungry, is not the sport they

want to play. Pleasing God is not their study.

My youngest daughter put it this way after she read Dante's version of Hell. You basically have the CONSUMERS and the PRODUCERS. Consumers are busy consuming and producers and busy producing. It made me think of a revelation I got yesterday reading Heb.5. I realized the first half of the chapter talks about those who God has raised up, who will care for the weak, poor, afflicted and those bound in chains. They pray for others and they get food from God to feed the hungry. They care about others, and they pray for others. They the last half is about those who scream for milk. They spend their lives looking for others to feed them, they only want to be given care,

they don't become care givers. Have you ever noticed in a room when there is one screaming baby, the baby screaming is OK? You put
another screaming baby in the same room, and the two babies can't handle it. I have come to see some of my friends like this. When they are being
babies, screaming for milk they can't stand being around other demanding babies. It's OK as long as they are the only one screaming, but when another one
comes in who is screaming for milk too.....they get totally offended. It's only OK if they are the ONLY screaming baby, and they hate it when they
have to deal with other screaming babies. Some of my friends have a hard time loving and forgiving one another, when they are living in the CONSUMING
self seeking mode.

I guess Is. 58 sums it all up in talking about the fast God has chosen. To lose the bands of wickedness, undo the heavy burden, set the oppressed
free, break the yoke. Those willing to intercede by speaking the truth in love to their brother inherit the blessings of God. Those who are self seeking,
and care about blessing their own life above all things never ride on the high places it talks about in Is.58.

If dying and going to heaven were like a big family would you fare? In this big family reunion.....there will be nothing hidden,
everything will be revealed with every secret thought. What we have hid in the dark will be shouted from the house tops.....and will the world have
seen Jesus really lives, BY THE WAY WE HAVE LOVED EACH OTHER.

At this family reunion we won't be able to have a hidden world of thoughts we didn't let Jesus into. It will be plain for all to see if we really
prayed TO BE REPAIRERS of the breeches, restorer's of paths to walk in. Were we like Job, "eyes to the blind, feet to the lame, and did we search out the
cause of things we know not? Did we really look to loose the bands of wickedness, and undo the heavy burdens, and to set each other free of
oppression, and to break the yoke of bondage we see one another bound by? It would be great if we all opened up our hidden little worlds of thoughts we have with each other, now before the big family we won't be ashamed. I'm not talking about dumping on each other things the devil whispers in our ears either. I'm talking about giving our talent. Not burying our gift. When we see things in each other we need to know if it's the accuser of the brethren talking to us, or if God wants to use us to
keep our brother or sister from falling into a ditch. When we don't let Jesus in to our secret world of thoughts and deeds, he will shout from the housetops
(the evil we have hid in our hearts), and reveal what we refused to deal with in life, at our death!

We don't need to be among those who work hard at making the outside of the cup clean.....but the inside is filled with accusations, imaginations, EVEN
TRUTH.....BUT that we were too slothful to divide the flesh from the spirit....for ourselves and one another. WHY DO WE SLEEP............and
grieve the Spirit of Christ in our soul? We know when others dirty their feet.........but we refuse to be foot washers. We know when others are
wearing grave clothes.......but we reject the fact that Jesus has called us to peel off each others rags. One day men, women, will be rewarded for what they have done, and REWARDED FOR WHAT THEY FAILED TO DO, OR WERE TOO SLOTHFUL TO DO.

It reminds me of something God had Gene bring up. It was in 1 John 5 that said something like, "If your brother sins and it's not a sin unto
death...and you have light to his sin, YOU CAN IMPART LIFE TO HIM WHERE HE IS DEAD IN HIS SIN! Jesus has given us such great power, but we don't tap into
it. That's what I got out of John 1 and 17. We should have a word anointing in our lives. We should HAVE THE WORDS OF JESUS for our problems, and we
can give one another the words that Jesus has given us. That's what Jesus did. He gave us the words of the Father....He gave us THE SPIRIT OF GLORY...LIGHT
AND LIFE....that comes through the spoken word. He sanctified himself unto the truth out of his great love for us, and gave us an example to follow.
Some of us are still ROCK COLLECTOR'S! We don't ask God for bread for one another, and the devil is right there to help us be stone collector's. When
it comes down to can tell who loves the Father, by watching their fruit. Selfish people are mean, and they don't deal God's bread to the
hungry. And they raise selfish children who won't love and deal bread to the hungry either.

If we abide in His Spirit...we will get His words for one another. We won't let the little foxes live...we won't feed them until they are too fat to
deal with, we won't ignore them and pretend like they aren't there and that they won't do any damage. People who love Jesus, don't let the little foxes
live. They Judge them, and the things that divide, because THEY ARE WILLING TO FIGHT FOR THE UNITY OF FAITH....THE BOND OF PEACE. We need to be willing

One day..........WHEN WE ARE AT THE BIG FAMILY REUNION, AFTER THIS LIFE.....we will see the great manifestation of Jesus'

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