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Saturday, March 21, 2009

A TWIG MINISTRY................

A TWIG MINISTRY................

Jesus said..... "first take the log out of your eye so you can see clearly
to remove the speck out of your brother's eye." We should all have a
"twig" ministry. And if we get offended with our brother or sister,
bitter, critical, unforgiving, it's a symptom of never removing the log out
of our own eye. I think that's why Jesus also said, if you don't
forgive, Your Father in heaven won't forgive you.

We bind our sins to us when we refuse to forgive others. In Ez. 3 it talks
about showing others the twig in their eye. Those who want to be Holy before a
Holy God, will thank God for eternity for someone who came into their lives who
reflected anything they might be doing that would be an offense to the God they
say they love and serve. They love reproof and correction and see it as a
blessing not a curse! If we are "self-righteous" we will hate anyone
who dare reprove us.

I got a revelation the other night while praying..... Heaven will be full
women (in my case I'm a woman), who NEEDED A SAVIOUR, and turned to JESUS
CHRIST to wash away their sin. In turn they became SO THANKFUL, they became
righteous, BECAUSE THEY LOVED JESUS SO MUCH FOR freeing them from their
wretched, naked, poor, miserable selves! Change is easy for those who love.
And women who have been forgiven much, LOVE MUCH.

Then you have the women who accuse others and excuse themselves. They
don't go to their brother when they are offended with a loving, forgiving,
understanding spirit. They can't feed others what God has shown them about
their own sin, for they haven't looked at their sin. And those who HATE to
look at their sin, will Hate anyone who comes to them even about their
"twig", and who is willing to talk to them about the log they once had
in their eye. They don't care if someone comes to them humble, and
forgiving with understanding because they don't care if they have offended
God. They don't want to look at their sin, their log.

In Lev. 19:17 it actually says if you don't go to others when they have

In Jer. 3 it says if you don't reflect to others their sin, YOU WILL BE
HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR SIN TOO. It also says in Jer.23 that TRUE shepherds
will turn God's people from their sin. False Shepherd tell the sheep they
are ok in their sin. And Rev.3 talks about who Jesus really is...... HE SHOWS
US OUR FAULTS, our sins. The Holy Ghost job is "the spirit of
judgment", to comfort, heal, direct, He's the SPIRIT OF TRUTH, not the
spirit of flattery, pretense and deceit.

People who are serving themselves and not the Lord, don't want to get
involved with the "washing of the feet of others." They also
don't have a care for removing any grave clothes. They don't pray, they
don't look for Jesus to help them with others to feed them the word of
God....... "He sent His word and healed them and delivered them from all
their destructions." They don't really believe in God or His word, so
they can't give it freely knowing God will do the rest.

Proverbs 31 talks about wise women who get their bread from afar. These are
the women who love God, who pray for others out of sincere love for God and
others, who get "food" for their children and God's children.
These are the ones with "oil" in their lamp.

Their is a principal that Gene gave Michael Davis one time. Jesus said,
"agree with your adversary quickly while you are in the way with him, lest
you be cast into prison, and pay to the last penny." He already was in
prison, but he was a man who always had to get "caught" in sin. He
wouldn't judge himself, so he was always judged. And fighting against the
truth put him in spiritual prison too.

That's why Jesus told us to judge ourselves. Gene calls this "damage
control" Christianity. Wait until your caught then deal with things. But
you live to clean up your mess, rather than take on true change. I can have
confidence that when I speak God's word in love and faith to someone and
they choose to reject it, they are headed for spiritual prison. It has nothing
to do with me and everything to do with God. What I have seen sadly to say is,
some women love to live in prison. They are like real prisoners. They are
prisoners of their sin. They are told what to do, where to go, they get their 3
square meals and they are as addicted to their prison as someone who keeps
getting locked up due to being familiar with it. A life of taking and usury,
all in the name of Christianity. A wasted life, fruitless, only seeking their
own comfort and gain, hoping their "salvation" ticket will get them in
those pearly gates! Many people in prison are sorry for how they have messed up
their lives, but they have never been sorry for how they affected God and His
Kingdom, or His Children. It's a selfish sorrow they have, not a godly

I wonder if it's "hell insurance" Christianity. All about what
Jesus can do for me, nothing to do with DOING HIS WILL. So many Christians
think they can escape, looking to get, take, have, and be benefactors in
God's kingdom, all the while caring very little if they are living to please
Him or do His will. That should be what "feeds" us, to do His will,
just like it fed Jesus!

Just like I said when I spoke in a church yesterday, " I know the Lord
knows what I think about others and He will reward me according to what I did
about what I thought about others." Many people never even get to that
place. They have hope and faith that the Lord doesn't know what they are
thinking about others, and He won't care about what they did about what they
thought. I was revealing what I thought about a Pastor's wife I had just
met. I said, "I believe Jesus' words, what we do in the dark will be
shouted from the housetops. What we hide will be revealed one day. So many
people don't even believe that." I didn't either until Gene came
into my life.

I realized we (some of the women I have known for years) have a strength. We
go after the little foxes, divisions, schisms, evil imaginations, and there is a
unity we have that most Christian groups don't really have. Ps.133 says,
"Oh how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity, that's
where the anointing is, that's where the Lord commands the blessing.

That's the kind of marriage I have, an anointed, blessed marriage because
Gene and I know who the "accuser of the brethren is". The one who
divides us, so we go after the little foxes, divisions, schisms, evil
imaginations that come our way. We pray for and hear from God for our problems
with each other, and "wisdom is seen in her children." Our blood
children and spiritual children are catching on, and having more and more
anointed and blessed lives due to that! They are getting to the place they care
more about doing God's will than pleasing themselves. They are turning from
pleasing themselves by not shutting their eyes and hearts to each other.......
being indifferent. If you want what I wrote about indifference and what a sin
it is, please let me know. Most of us came from indifferent families...........
and their was a "famine in the land for the word of the Lord."

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