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Thursday, June 5, 2008

But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it


I was talking to my granddaughter Maryn tonight. She told me about the 1st man
to climb Mt. Everest. Then his son did, and that really hit me. The father was a road
map of wisdom on how to get to the top, so he wouldn't die trying to climb the mountain.
If we have a relationship with Our Heavenly Father He will take us to the top safely. He
is a map, a highway. And we should never be offended or bitter towards each other, we
should be helping each other up. We should be a map to others, of overcoming by
the blood of the Lamb, (telling others how we were forgiven for what they are doing.)
That's the word of our testimony, and if we aren't prideful, Loving our life, we will remember
the pit we were dug from and help others out of the pit.

I read in the Thompson Chain Ref. on EXCUSES..... wow, all the reasons people gave themselves
for not being responsible to be a path, a voice, an example for others to follow. If we make
excuses, so will our children.

Ps 94:15But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it.We really should love the spirit of conviction. How do we divide the flesh from the Spirit
without it? Lack of good judgment is what causes our problems.

"It is a joy to the just to do judgment." They divide good from evil,so they aren't overcome by evil. Pvb.21:3 "To do justice and judgment ismore acceptable to The Lord than sacrifice." vs.7 "the robbery of the wickedshall slay them (those who continually are ripped off by the devil, and giveinto the 1/3 of the angels who have fallen) BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO DOJUDGMENT!" PVBS.28:5 "EVIL MEN UNDERSTAND NOT JUDGMENT, BUT THEY THATSEEK THE LORD UNDERSTAND ALL THINGS."~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If someone is being held captive by the devil at his will, are we ableto let Jesus use us, to loose the bands of wickedness, and help them out ofthe devil's captivity? Ps.24 says,"Who shall ascend into the hill of theLord? or who shall stand in His holy place? He that has clean hands and apure heart (towards God and man), that isn't vain, and doesn't lie. He shallreceive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of hissalvation." We have to look and be honest and ask the Lord to give us a right
spirit to keep our heart pure towards God and man, at any given time. Dowe know what God is requiring of us? Can we tell if we are edifying othersby what we say and think about them, or are we tearing them down, even byour silence and indifference, and the "unholy" thoughts we allow to go on in ourhead and heart.

Don't be a rebel against loves obligations. If you hear from the devil towards others
and mock authority, your children will too. Search us O Lord and see if their be any unclean thing inus, and lead us in the way everlasting. Help us to see the value of what Jesus did when He
washed the disciples feet. We have a God who continually wantsto cleanse us, and use us to cleanse each other. We don'thave to be dirty!1Jn.1 "if we confess our sin, he is faithful and just to cleanse our sin.We should confess our sin to oneanother that we might be healed. We arealways in a position of EDIFYING either the carnal man in those around us, or thespiritual man. What are we building up in the least of His people? WE AREALWAYS IN A STATE OF CHANGE....JUST LIKE OUR FLESH. It's never staying thesame. We are changing for the better or worse depending on what spirit weare having fellowship with.....God or demons. Who are we letting speak tous, and what is it building in us. Mal.2:16 says "take heed to your spirit,that you deal not treacherously". "You have wearied the Lord with yourwords, you say everyone that does evil is good in the sight of the Lord, andHe delights in them, or you say "Where is the God of Judgment?" If God is arewarder....and we'll be rewarded according to what we havedone.....according to our works, don't you think we should examine our worksnow, and JUDGE if they will be pleasing to God? Pvb.24:11-12 "If you seeyour brother ready to fall, ready to be slain, and you ignore it and areindifferent to it, don't you know that God knows what's going on in yourheart and your mind towards others. He sees and searches you heart and Hewill reward you according to what you have done about what you think aboutothers? Do you care?Ps.62:12 For thou renderest to every man according to his work. Jer.17:10 Isearch the heart, I try the reigns (what's really motivating us), even togive to every man according to his ways, and the fruit of his doings.Jer.32:19, Ez.18:30,

Mtt.16:27 For the Son of man shall come, in the glory ofHis Father with His angels, and then he shall reward every man according tohis works. Rm.2:6, 2Cor.5:10 For we must all appear before th judgmentseat of Christ, that evey one may receive the things done in his body,according to that he has, done whether it be good or bad! 1Pet.1:17 And ifyou call on the Father, who without respect of persons, judges according toevery man's work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear. Rev.2:23
Rev.20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God, and thebooks were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life,and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in thebooks, according to their works! DO YOU THINK SOMEONE IS TAKING NOTES. THEIRMIGHT BE A FEW ANGELS WATCHING? DO YOU CARE? Rev.22:12 And , behold, I comequickly and my reward is with me, to give to every man according to hisworks. OUR WORKS ARE GOING TO BE JUDGED, SO WE NEED THE SPIRIT OF JUDGMENTNOW SO WE CAN TELL IF OUR WORKS ARE GOOD. WHY WAIT UNTIL LATER TO FINDOUT!!The body of Christ on the earth is like an orchestra. Everyone has a gift,an instrument. We are called to be an instrument in His hand, to play and doour part, for the greater cause....the greater sound...all of us playing ourlittle part, to be one big glorious sound. When Jesus comes, He'll partakeof the fruit of our labors unto God. We should strive to have harmony witheach other, to labor faithfully in each others lives. So he won't find usbiting, devouring and consuming each other. If we look to the God Of AllComfort, we will be able to comfort one another. If we are habitually offended,
and don't live to serve, feed, wash, be eyes to the blind feet to the lame, we
will raise offended children that don't value laying down their lives and loving either.

Instead of getting involved in each others faults, because of how we are being affected selfishly, Weshould get involved because we love each other. He will judge our motives.We should consider that all of heaven and all of His angels arewatching.....That's why the angels in heaven rejoice when one sinnerrepents.....because they are all watching to see who is scoring points inthe lives of the children of men...God or the devil. The whole Host ofwitnesses looks down, along with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 1Jn.1:5 All ofheaven watches to see what we'll do when we see our brother overtaken in afault. If we pray, and get involved, and help by the ministry ofreconciliation He gives freely to those who ask, WE SCORE POINTS FOR GODSSIDE! THIS IS THE MEAT OF THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD! Who's team arewe on? Who are we scoring points for? Are we playing our part, so theother players will win? If we have faith, walk and obey His Lordship in ourlives, then we'll get involved with each other. We didn't get saved to sit backand sigh a relief and quote, we'll I've been saved now 50 years!! What are wedoing with our salvation? Where is the fruit of how we loved and served Hisbody??Are we working together for the common good? A football team works togetherfor the touchdowns.....this shows a spiritual truth. It shows a little bitof the glory of God. Are you part of a body that is fit together, each oneplaying their part? Do you live for the bigger picture, the greater cause,to fulfill the purpose of God in Christ? Jesus was God's gift to us, and weshould be God's gift to each other. Are you God's gift to those you know ordoes the 1/3 of fallen angels move you to fulfill their will in the livesaround you? Can you judge this yourself? Does the world see Jesus live andshine through you by the way you love others? Does the world see a group ofpeople living for the greater purpose who aren't giving up and who won'twithdraw? Selfishness and compromise blinds us to the greater picture.There is a war going on in the heavenly, and God has given us the power tochoose who's side of the war we are on, everyday, every minute. Whenever wechoose what's right, all of heaven comes to our aid. If God is for us, whocan be against us? Do we suffer sin upon our brother and forget all ofheaven is watching us do it? What do our actions and deeds WITNESS toothers about who we serve? We have to choose who we are being a witness for, Godor the devil. We will die how we live. If we live without passion for Jesus,we will die without passion for Jesus! If we live indifferent to His Bodyon the earth, that will be our witness when we die! It's our call!Forgive us Lord for our indifference, silence, selfishness, and lack ofpassion for you and your body. Give us passion that we can be a servant anda witness for the right Spirit! Ez.22....."I sought for a man among them,that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land,that I should not destroy it, but I found none.".....I say.....HERE I AMLORD, SEND ME!

1 comment:


But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it. This verse is in Psalm 94