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Saturday, June 28, 2008

stop being "given over to your destructions"

After Pat's kids came to the ministry, Pat freaked out. She freaked out on us a few times. She struggled for over 5 years. She was having causal sex with her physiologist, and Linda had a cleaning business called Handmaiden's. It was a great cleaning business for helping all the girls learn to be responsible, have good attitudes and pray for other's. Some of the old people cried when we left. Pat's lover took her to a porn shop pulled out a video called Handmaidens and said "this is what your kids got into." Well she freaked out. But she bought a bible.......... and now she is no longer tormented by fear, she found peace with God......... all the evil she thought had befallen her, turned for good.

Amy's mom came and interrogated Gene and I for hours one day she was so paranoid. She had to seek the Lord, believe that God is talking to mankind through His word, and begin doing what she read in the bible too.......... but it has saved her and her family from many of their destructions. The evil she thought came her way, only made her a better woman all around too. Give your mom some time, you change and walk in love and faith, she might see it's a great way to live, having love and faith towards God, and love and faith towards people. Most people are not free from the fear of man, and they don't have a grip on life to be able to walk in love and faith with other people, they are too lost in their own destructions to help others. But God wants her to be free to love people, and fulfill the purpose for her life. We are made to give and receive love, and when we live in our own hell we can't do that. You might like this little letter I wrote to another woman today! Love, Ceci

I was given over to my destructions in times past. Killing myself with smoking, poor eating habits, poor relational habits........... but there is a way out.
There are a few people in my family that have died of obesity and it's complications. I knew I would be one of them. One time years ago I had a day of reckoning with the Lord. There I sat in my living room held captive by the cords of my own sin. I was chain smoking, trying to preach liberty in the Lord while I myself lived in my own prison under THE SPIRIT OF DESTRUCTION.

A woman across the street had just moved in. She was about 450 lbs. and it took her several minutes to walk to the door from her car. I said in my heart, "Lord that's me a few years from now, and If you help me, I'll live to help other women overcome the Spirit of Destruction, Gluttony, in their life. That was over 20 years ago and the Lord took me up on it. I even did some TBN Shows in Hawaii where several women who had come into my life and I shared our stories together. We were all "Christian hypocrites" living in our own worlds of destruction, putting on our "Christian Faces" for Sunday and Wednesday, but we were all Independent women, not "living member's" of His Body on the earth. And none of us had inherited God's promise "to free us from all our fears and all our destructions." We were prideful, lying, hiders, who didn't speak the truth in love, believing we are members one of another." We were all spiritual criminals who grieved, denied and resisted the HOLY GHOST in our lives each day. We were fearful and insecure but too pretentious to get real with God.

Anyway, 20 years later, after getting honest, and real with God and each other, and holding each other accountable to what God's still small voice was telling us individually to overcome our destructions, I would say we have lost about 600 lbs between us all.

One of the biggest blessings has been "with all our getting we got understanding" to how the devil was plucking us off, via dead, lifeless food. We had many diseases between us all too. Not only has God opened our eyes to the truth about food, (which there is a lot known out there that you have to dig for", but we have overcome many diseases too! Food kills us and food can heal us. And one reason we couldn't stop eating is we were eating food with no nutrition in it, and our bodies were always screaming for more until we started putting high concentrated nutrition into them. If you want some links to some good health info. please let me know. (I don't think I can put info. here) and there is a powerful video I got recently used at that tells it like it is. It's called Diet for A New America. If you want more info or web links, let me know, Jesus wants to set us free from our delusions and destructions. And with all our getting, we must get understanding to the whiles of the devil against our health, Physically and Spiritually. He has set us free from our webs of destruction and we thought about making a video and sending it out for free. (I'll come back here if we do and let you know, it might be a great way to encourage others THAT JESUS IS THE OVERCOMER and those who look to Him can do no less than OVERCOME TOO! And sit down with Him at his table.......... there are great promises to overcomers in Rev.

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