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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

choose wisely the cup you drink from, the table you eat from


We as Christians need to have our spirits perpetually cleansed, just like our flesh. Our bodies are in a state of constant internal cleaning. Maybe this is a disclosure to how the Spiritual body of Christ should be, seeing we are members one of another. When we are having fellowship with the Father, seeing, handling, tasting the word of life, we have regenerated spirits, that work life in each other. This spirit of communion is very holy, that's why when we "don't discern the Lords body".... who He is in our brother or sister, and we fail to examine ourselves, we get sick, weak and go to sleep. The Lord is found today IN HIS PEOPLE. We are His eyes, hands and feet. We are His ambassadors of an invisible Kingdom, this kingdom that should be alive and well in us.

We are in danger when we have the "me and Jesus" mentality. We are obligated to "do it unto the least of these my brethren, that's what we are doing to Jesus." His angels encamp around his people and the bible says they "take notes" on how we are treating each other. Therefore, beware brethren, take care, lest there be in any one of you a wicked, unbelieving heart, which refuses to cleave to, trust in and rely on Him. Leading you to turn away and desert of stand aloof from the LIVING GOD. But instead, warn, admonish, urge, and encourage one another every day. (consume and open your hearts to each other, as long as it is called TODAY, that none of you be hardened into settled rebellion, by the deceitfulness of sin.)

Is this not the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every enslaving yoke? Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry, and that you cover him, and HIDE NOT YOURSELF FROM YOUR OWN FLESH? What happens to your health when you body parts stop communicating with each other? We are heading down a road of sorrows, creating breeches rather than repairing them. Is 58:6-7

How important is it that we partake of THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST IN ONE ANOTHER? And to feed each other from God's table, from His cup? It is a matter of life and death. That's why it's so important to make sure our mouth is not an open grave, and dead bones are shooting out of our lips. "All Christ is HE IS WITHIN US, hope of Glory, Living Word. Oh what joy He makes us His dwelling." Jesus said, "if they receive you they will receive me and receive Him who sent me." We are obligated to receive each other. We are also obligated to say, "get behind me Satan" to those who are valuing the things of man above the things of God. As Jesus was in the world, SO ARE WE.

If we are grieving, denying and resisting THE HOLY GHOST, condemning ourselves in what we are allowing, we don't just defile ourselves. There is a spiritual mystery, we do "feed the sheep" from the table of our heart, and if we are living on the devils food, his thoughts, his words, his cup, we will defile those around us. Jesus sanctified Himself for the sake of others. He ate at Gods table, He drank from His cup, He separated Himself unto God's will, because He knew if He didn't it would affect us. This is what we are so blind to. We are always partaking of the life
or death that is in our mouth, and others are partaking too.

Partaking is related to receiving. When we partake of food, we receive it into our bodies. It becomes our flesh. If this food is natural, without chemicals, additives, preservatives, it will build up our bodies. If the food is toxic, unclean, impure, it has a breaking down effect. It degenerates us rather than regenerating us. Regenerate means to refresh, rejuvenate, renew,
restore, resurrect, revive, RECREATE! To degenerate means to: cause decay, disintegrate, mildew or mold, rot, rust, spoil, corrode, crumble and to Breakdown!

The Spirit gives life, when we walk after the flesh it leads to death! If the "lips of the righteous feed many", WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT THE LIPS OF THE UNRIGHTEOUS? How about
they poison many! When we are sincere, honest, and pure in motive, without pretense in our thought and words, we are used by the Lord to REGENERATE OTHERS. When we sincerely care about keeping our hearts free of offense towards God and man, and that the words of our mouth, the meditation of our hearts are acceptable in Gods sight, THIS IS PURE FELLOWSHIP.
This is the bread of sincerity and truth that builds up the body. We are always feeding others the BREAD OF HYPOCRISY, or the bread of sincerity and truth........ this is our choice, it'a an act of our will. When we live with an awareness and thankfulness of what the blood of Christ has done for us, it creates a spiritual blood
that runs through the body of Christ on the earth, in the THANKFUL and Holy people of God. It's like the blood in the body that cleanses, creates flow and movement!

When we walk in pretense, if we are among the "unthankful and the unholy"; when we fail to examine ourselves to see if we are in THE FAITH, we live and have our being in the dark. We
become procreators of darkness rather than the light. "Mischief is conceived and it gives birth" as the Psalm says. We are always having fellowship in the meditation of our hearts, with A FATHER. Either the father of darkness, or THE FATHER OF LIGHT. We are "in common- union", communion. Drinking from the cup of devils or the cup of God, eating at the table of devils or the table of God. This is why eating at the table of fear and unbelief is so dangerous.......... we become what we eat, and we feed others who we are. WE ARE DEGENERATES RATHER THAN REGENERATORS. We should be building each other up in our most Holy Faith, not tearing each other down with a most unholy unbelief.

The words of the wise are like nails and building supplies that fit a house together. The words of fools tear down. That's why it is crucial for us to count the cost of who we are serving.
IF WE LOVE JESUS WE WILL FEED THE SHEEP, HIS CHILDREN, WHAT IS GOOD! People will "TASTE, and see that the Lord is good."

If we are grieving, denying, resisting the Holy Ghost in our lives, those who DON'T HAVE A BAD DIET, will know something is wrong with what we are eating, (spiritually speaking).
People who aren't eating at the devils table or drinking his cup, will have a problem with you. THEY SHOULD. They will resist the food they are being fed because they don't eat at the
death table. THE OBEDIENT towards God will always resist the disobedient. The people who are happy because they don't condemn themselves in what they allow, will have problems with the unhappy who are condemning themselves in what they allow. Those justifying eating at the devils table will be offended with and make excuses for not cleaning up their own diet, and look down on those who care about their diet. (Again, I'm speaking spiritually, meaning, spiritual diet.) The one grieving, denying and resisting the Holy Ghost in their lives must come to a
true repentance for REAL FELLOWSHIP to be restored. My sheep, hear my voice (it's their food), the voice of a stranger they will not follow, (they won't eat the devils dainties.)

Rev. 3:19 says, "as many as I love, I chasten, reprove and show them their faults." The problem is so many Christians don't understand chastening, the purpose of affliction, and turn to God to be RENEWED in the spirit of their minds. We must be willing to TELL OURSELVES THE TRUTH. That WE don't have a right spirit, a free spirit, AND BE WILING TO TURN TO THE ONLY
ONE WHO CAN HELP US HAVE A RIGHT SPIRIT, a free spirit. REPROOF AND INSTRUCTION IS A WAY OF LIFE. The Lord will continually be helping us keep our spirit clean, just like our liver
helps keep our blood clean. If we walk in the light with The Lord, we have FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM AND HIS PEOPLE, and His blood PERPETUALLY KEEPS CLEANING US. This is the way
the body of Christ is meant to work. Just like our physical bodies. Being open with the one who KNOWS THE SECRETS OF OUR HEART, and His people is how we are KEPT from a life of deceiving and being deceived.

We are being TRESPASSED AGAINST, when someone is feeding us dainties from the devils table or seducing us to drink from his cup. Luke 17:3 Take heed to yourselves, If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him, and IF he repents, forgive him! Have no FELLOWSHIP WITH THE UNFRUITFUL WORKS OF DARKNESS, but RATHER, reprove them. Them that sin, rebuke before all, that others might also fear. 1 Tit. 5:20

2 Tim. 4:2 Preach the word, be instant in season and out of season, REPROVE, REBUKE, EXHORT, with all longsuffering and doctrine. Tit. 1:13 This witness is true. Wherefore, rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith.

Through the ages however, men have loved darkness more than the light and would not bring their darkness into the light to see it for what it is. THEY DON'T HAVE PASSION FOR BEING
REPROVED..... LOVING THE LIGHT, the table of God, the drink from His cup. When we trust in our own hearts we are fools. Fools despise instruction. (THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT
THEY EAT, how they affect others, what they feed others, nor do they want to help others clean up their toxic diet.)

If we love Jesus, we will change our mind, our diet. OUR FOOD, will be to do the will of Him who raised us from the dead. We will have zeal to eat at Gods table! We will want to be among those who overcome, and sit and wine and dine with the KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS. We will see out of the self gratification of today, and deny ourselves looking forward to eating from the tree of life one day and never hungering again. We will be unable, unwilling to poison His sheep. Jesus is the bread of life!!!! We will want our common union, communion to be with THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, and we will reject the spirit, bread, of error. We will have PASSION to "get our bread from afar". (Prbs.31)

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