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Saturday, July 5, 2008

the voice a stranger they do not follow


When the meditation of our hearts are not right towards God and man, the fruit of that
is FEAR. Fear is the fruit of grieving, denying and resisting the Holy Ghost. It's the lot
in life for those who sow to the flesh, and don't confess to God and change. There is
an abundance of God's people who have not been delivered from the kingdom of accusing
and excusing themselves, to live in the kingdom of love and faith. "My sheep hear my voice
and they follow it, the VOICE OF A STRANGER they do not follow. But how many people
do follow the VOICE of fear, rather than the voice of faith and love? Not even being honest
with themselves that they are OBEYING THE VOICE OF THE WRONG FATHER, and wonder
why they are tormented. That's what obeying the devil's, (the liars) voice does, it gives
you over to the tormentor's. And they only way out of it, is to listen to the right voice!

There should be no fear that would separate us from showing and extending
the love of God to anyone, saved or unsaved. The voice of,
"I'm glad I'm not like him." We can't be used by God to give anyone understanding to the error
of their way. If we have no understanding to the operation of God in our lives or the works
of His hands, the accuser of the brethren will come in like a flood, and keep us from laboring in the field
(lives and hearts) of those He has sent to us.

How can we give an account of the hope that is in us, if we become fearful
and unbelieving, and have no faith and confidence in God and His ability to
use us in the lives of the ones He brings our way? Do we even understand the operation of
God in our lives everyday? In those lives with whom we have to do this day? Have
we really put away the pointing of the finger when we get shaken and lose
our confidence in God, and fail to believe that our times are really in His
hands as far as the people He has put in our lives?

Ez. 16:45You are your [spiritual] mother's daughter who loathed her husband and her children,
and you are the sister of your sisters who loathed their husbands and their children.
I have seen women who never did what was right in their own little church (with their children)
and when they get older, they don't do what's right with God's children.
If we can't relate to our children's sin and feed them with understanding, will we do it
with God's children? No, we end up "loathing" God's children too, rather than leading
them in the path of righteousness for His names sake.

Many Christians today fail to see that the Lord of their lives is the author
of all the shakings that go on in their hearts and lives. He is the one who
shakes all things that can be shaken! If we point our finger and blame
people for shaking us, we enter into a blindness of heart that keeps us from
learning from the testings God has brought our way! He uses people to expose
our spiritual weakness and to expose our perfect fear that is keeping us
from extending the love of God to those He has brought before us. If we point our
finger at our brother (in body, mind or spirit), how can the Lord use us to
"loose the bands of wickedness, undo the heavy burdens set free from
oppression and break the yoke", in the lives of others?

When we have taken the log out of our eye, we should be able to remove the twig
from our brother or sisters eye. If we have sound reasoning in how we turned from
our sin, we can overcome Satan in the lives of others by THE WORD OF OUR OWN

Fear, that creates division in our hearts towards others, will always keep
us from dealing His bread to the hungry, healing the poor, covering the naked,
and we will always hide ourselves from our own flesh. Isaiah 58:5-14 Can we
honestly tell if light has risen in our obscurity, and our
darkness is as the noonday? Are we truly being satisfied in the drought? Do
we seem like a watered garden, whose waters are not failing? Can we truly
say we are building up the waste places in the lives of others?? Raising up the
foundations of many generations? Is anyone calling us the repairer of the
breach, the restorer of paths to dwell? Are we honoring God by not doing our
own way, thinking our own thoughts towards Him and His people?? (or are our
thoughts accusing others and excusing ourselves!!) Are we hearing from His voice, or
the Accuser of the Brethren? Do we love His sheep enough to feed them God's
truth, or do we feed others with the silent spirit of accusation, and evil
imaginations we refuse to do anything about? Do we live in a state of
spiritual death that is familiar to us, because we fail to really love our
brother in spirit and truth? Is the meditation of our heart towards God and
our brother acceptable In the sight of Jesus? Do we even care about the
uncaptivated thoughts we allow to go on in our mind ... sowing evil in the
spirit of our mind towards others, hoping they are not doing to us as we do
unto others!

We need to be shaken ... we need to wake up, and judge our fears, unbelief,
Insecurities, lest we be like Cain who slew righteous Able that God sent to
help him! Everything happens by faith, and if we will be honest with the
Lord when our brother shakes us, we can be God-made people rather than self-made
people. Cain would not receive Able, because he was a self-made man. Why
does our countenance fall? it is directly related to what we think and do towards
our brothers Have you examined yourself lately to see if you have faith that
is working by love, or fear working by unbelief towards others??

Jesus wants us to receive His kingdom in our lives that no man has the power
to shake. He has to shake everything in us that can be shaken, so what
remains is Him (and our confidence is in him not us!) ... He does that by sending
people into our lives! There are several scriptures in the Word about the shakings of God.
Do you blame others when your little kingdom gets shaken, blaming them for having power over you
while you fail to see the work of the one who shakes all things? How easily
can others offend you? ... Maybe it's in direct relationship to how deep your
love isl Do evil imaginations towards others keep you from being an
ambassador of God's kingdom to those you're critical in your heart towards?
Do you even miss the absence of God's presence due to your carelessness in
rebuking, reproving, and exhorting those with whom you have to do? God will
always Rend people into our lives, to reveal the hidden things we need to
face -- the thing we put our trust in that we shouldn't We think we are so
wise until someone comes and searches us out! All the loge in our eyes we
have failed to judge ... will seem so large in our brother's eye! The pride
and control we have refused to see, will overwhelm us and make us afraid
when we observe it in others. We would never be afraid of someone else¹s sin if
we ever truly estimated our own. We would have the ministry of helps rather
than the ministry of "accusing our brother!!

The angel of the Lord will bring us face to face with the enemies of our
soul, but most think their brother is the enemy! Ex. 23 Our lack of godly
character in revealed by our weak love towards our brother. Fear abounds
rather than love, because we refuse to ask Jesus to change our heart of
stone (fear and unbelief), to a heart of faith that works by love! God gives men
the power to shake the hell out of us, so He can insert Heaven into us with
His invisible hands,-as we apply our active faith! When we blame man for
shaking us we are already in spiritual blindness!

Will you even admit when your confidence in God is failing because of how
fail to love others (flattering and lying to your brother because you're too
afraid to tell the truth)? You cannot stand with clean hands and a pure
heart, and look your brother in the eye, when you speak evil of him behind
his back -- When you have a problem with him and you do not fulfill God's
order by going to him first, rather than others. When you listen to the
voices of suspicion out of the mouths of others, you fail to qualify if they
are out of order, you partake of the frog that has come out of their mouth
and have defiled yourself. If you are used to living in a toxic state, you
barely notice a little more poison to your soul!

Isaiah 58:7 says, "hide not yourself from your own flesh! " Mal. 3 says,
"Those who spoke the truth to one another caused the Lord to hearken to them,
and in the day He makes up His jewels ... they would be among His jewels!"
When we hide and lie, we should be insecure, because we fail to have the
ministry of reconciliation for our brother! Unjudged suspicions, evil
imaginations ... keep us from loosing the bands of wickedness we think we
see our brother held by. This will we be recompensed by the lord for; don't be
deceived -- God sees us talking behind our brothers back to defend our
measly lives, and our compromising Christianity that won't get involved in the
lives of others.

If you have the faith to slander others behind their back, you have wicked
faith! Chaos runs rampant in the church today, unclean spirits have their
way, because God's people fail to come into the order of His kingdom in how
they are truly relating to one another! Talebearers go up and down bearing a
grudge against the children of His people. (Lev. 19:15-17) Do you want to be
bitten, devoured , and consumed in the end?? If you don't REPENT! (change
your mind about what you do and allow others to do in your presence). May
God help us stop biting, devouring and consuming one another. We fail to see
that God will not be mocked -- what we sow, this will we reap!! Ask yourself one
question, Are you part of a body of Christians that go to one another when
offences occur? And if one does not receive another, is the Word of God
being established OUT OF THE MOUTH OF 2 OR 3 WITNESSES? Those who fail to do
what's right with their brother....namely going to them, in love, honesty,
sincerity, to establish God's word in their life; and those who don't get
other's involved, should be afraid, because God gave us an order to fulfill
in relationships..........His government and Kingdom we pray to come on it coming through you? If you FEAR.........REVERENCE THE
LORD, nothing will make you afraid, you'll lie down in peace!

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